Fire in my Bones Youth for Jesus

Good looks aren’t enough|By: J.O. Lawal| fire in my bones

Date: December 07, 2022|Series: Youth for Jesus|Number: Vol. 5, No. 30

“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.” (Prov 31:30-31NIV)

Those are the words of King Lemuel to us. Unfortunately, because they are essentially directed to women, we often assume that it is only women that should pay attention to them. But we are wrong.

See, one of the ways to greatly benefit from Scriptures is to always look beyond who they are addressed to and also consider the points they are communicating. That is because the points they are communicating may as well be beneficial to our lives and affairs, even if their words are not directly addressed to us. For example, though the words of our opening bible text are directed to women, they are not useful to women alone but also to men, to every one of us. And we will do well to pay attention to them in our daily walk.

Now what main point are these words communicating to us? It is that there are things that are more important that being charming, beautiful or good looking. And we should know these things and prioritise them. Otherwise, it will not be long before we realise that our charm or good looks are not at all enough to take us ahead in life.

As Lemuel tells us in that text, people can easily be fooled by charm. Not only that, good looks and beauty will surely disappear at some point. So, while it is important that we do not sacrifice beauty, charm or good looks because we think something is wrong with them (and nothing is wrong with them, for they are God’s gifts), it is also important that we do not let everything about our lives be all about looking beautiful, handsome or charming.

Yes, people get easily endeared to those who are beautiful, handsome, good looking or charming. So, they give them attention and want to help or support them in whatever way they can. But if they lack godly character or are lazy or empty-headed, it won’t be long before whatever form of affection or privileges they have been enjoying as a result of their good looks are suspended or totally withdrawn.

You can now see why Lemuel, in our opening bible text, tells us that it is those women with character and who are diligent workers that will always be praised and honoured by those in their lives. And the same thing is applicable to men as well. It is those men that are of great character and integrity and who are not eating bread of idleness that will always earn the respect and honour of those in their lives and around them.

But those men and women who think all they need to excel in life is to appear good looking and charming and are not building character and giving themselves to diligent labour will soon enough discover that life has nothing to offer them but disgrace and poverty. So, my friend, build character through a sound relationship with God. Be someone people can rely on and will love to have around any time and any day.

Then don’t be empty-headed or slothful. Instead, build your mental capacity through concentrated learning and hard work. Yes, give yourself to learning and acquiring the right form of education and skills that will make you ever relevant in your world. And people will be willing to pay and honour you for what you can deliver, even if you are not one of the pretty ones.

Remember this: people don’t look for pretty women or handsome men when they need something; instead, they look for those who can deliver what they need. And if what they need is not a pretty face, then, they won’t look your way or waste time with you, even if you are a beauty pageant, as long as you don’t have what they need.

So, be good looking all the time and to the best of your ability, for it will attract people to you in most situations. But be also sure that you are not empty of character and usefulness. Otherwise, it won’t be long before you irritate and drive away those coming for you because of your good looks.


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