Fire in my Bones Youth for Jesus

Rule over us | Pst. J.O. Lawal

“The Israelites said to Gideon, “Rule over us — you, your son and your grandson — because you have saved us out of the hand of Midian.” But Gideon told them, “I will not rule over you, nor will my son rule over you. The LORD will rule over you.” And he said, “I do have one request, that each of you give me an earring from your share of the plunder.” (It was the custom of the Ishmaelites to wear gold earrings.)” (Judge 8:22-24NIV)

Date: March 02, 2022 | Series: Youth for Jesus | Number: Vol. 4, No. 42

“The Israelites said to Gideon, “Rule over us — you, your son and your grandson — because you have saved us out of the hand of Midian.” But Gideon told them, “I will not rule over you, nor will my son rule over you. The LORD will rule over you.” And he said, “I do have one request, that each of you give me an earring from your share of the plunder.” (It was the custom of the Ishmaelites to wear gold earrings.)” (Judge 8:22-24NIV)

Why did the Israelites come together as one man to ask Gideon to become their king? Why did they want him to establish a dynasty with his family line among them? It was because he delivered them from the cruel rule of the Midianites.

As the account goes in the bible, the Midianites had oppressed these people for seven years before they were delivered by Gideon. And their rule oppressive rule was so severe that the Israelites had to hide in caves and mountain cliffs in order to survive. They simply made it a business to impoverish these Israelites and keep them in misery and shame.

But at some point, the Israelites remembered the God of their forefathers who brought them into the land they were occupying and cried out to Him for help. And it was in response to their cry that He raised Gideon for them and used him to deliver them from the cruel rule of the Midianites.

Now, having being delivered from the Midianites, who should these Israelites naturally praise and yield to His absolute dominion over their lives and nation? God! Was He not the one that raised Gideon for them? Was He not the one that built courage and faith into him, so that he was able to confront their enemies with only 300 men? And was He not the one that caused all their enemies to turn against one another and slaughter themselves? He was the one who did all these things.

Yet, after the people had gotten their liberty and comfort, they immediately turned away from the one that delivered them unto the instrument that He used in delivering them and asked him to rule over them. And if Gideon had been a foolish man, if he had quickly forgotten that it was not by His power that he delivered these people from their enemies, he would have listened to them. That, then, would have been the beginning of his ruin.

But Gideon was not foolish or thoughtless. He knew how God brought him up and empowered him to rescue his people. He knew that everything came from Him and so all the glory and honour of their victory should go to Him. So, very politely, he refused the offer made to him by his people to rule over them. And not only did he tell them that he and his family would not rule over them, he also told them the one that would over them. He said, “It is the Lord that will rule over you.” In other words, he was saying that it was the Lord who saved them that would continue to be their king. Therefore, He was the one they should submit to.

What, then, is the point of all this? It is that regardless of what great things God has used or is using anybody to do for us, we should not give them the place of God in our lives. Otherwise, apart from the fact that we will be guilty of idolatry, we may also end up becoming slaves again, slaves of those that God has used in saving us helping us at one time or the other.

And how many today have become slaves of certain family members, neighbours, colleagues at work, men of God or women of God in this manner? They were helped by these people at some point in their lives, and they were truly grateful for the help. But they also went too far by trying to replace them with God, the God who made everything possible in the first place, in their lives. Therefore, before they knew it, they had put themselves under another form of slavery. And if they do not repent of their sin of idolatry and allow God to take His rightful position in their lives, it may take forever before they and their generations after them become free.

But then, I do not want you to miss my point here. I am not saying that you should not be grateful to those God is using to bless, lift or save you. Be grateful to them, for the word of God teaches this. However, the word of God also tells us not to become slaves of human beings. Why? It is because we are God’s properties and not men’s properties. (Cf. 1Cor 6:19-20; 1Cor 7:23)

In like manner, don’t make yourself anybody’s God and begin to rule over them because you have helped them in certain ways. Remember that you can only help or save those that God has already saved. And you can only do good to anyone because God has enabled you to do it. So, even if some people that you have helped are, in their ignorance, pushing you to take the place of God in their lives, be wise enough to quickly reject the offer. Otherwise, you may end up receiving glory, honour, responsibilities and even wars that are never yours to take and bring yourself to ruin. So, be smart and learn from Gideon or be foolish and end up like King Nebuchadnezzar or King Herod of Peter’s day. (Cf. Dan 4; Acts 12:19-22)

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