Beloved: grace, mercy and peace be yours from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord. I welcome you to the last week of the year 2023. And I pray that God will perfect all that concerns you and fill your heart and home with all joy and peace in the week, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
As we come to the last days of this year, it is important that you genuinely show appreciation to God and to those He has used for your elevation, comfort or safety in the year. Why is this important? First, it is because it is the will of God for us to always appreciate Him for what He is doing for us and to also learn to appreciate those that He is using for us in one way or the other.
For instance, Paul says this to us about appreciating God: “Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1Thess 5:18NIV) Did you see that? It is the will of God for us to give thanks to Him in all circumstances. And how do we do that? We do so by offering sacrifices of praise to Him (Heb 13:15). Then we do so by giving to Him from our substance (Prov 3:9).
Furthermore, Paul says this to us about appreciating those who lead us in our churches: “The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching.” (1Tim 5:17NIV) Did you see that? Those feeding us with God’s word deserve to be doubly appreciated. That means they deserve for us to appreciate them with our words and also with our resources. And that is because what they are doing is moving our lives forward and keeping our souls safe.
But then, it is not only those feeding us with the word of God that are worthy of double honour. Others also that God has used in very special ways to move our lives forward or make us safe this year also deserve it. They also deserve more than our words of appreciation but also some gifts from us. This, of course, is not about getting expensive gifts for them, though nothing is wrong with that if we have the means. Rather, it is about relating to them with a true sense of appreciation.
Now if we will not show God and others that He has used to bless us in very obvious and special ways this year genuine and heartfelt appreciation, first, we will be shutting the door against receiving more from them. Not only that, we may just be exposing ourselves to God’s judgment. For example, when Nabal refused to appreciate David and his men for all that God had used them to do for his men, God stepped in to judge him. And that resulted in his untimely death. (Cf. 1Sam 25)
Also, Jesus told a parable of a rich man whose ground produced a good crop and of how the man did not think at all about thanking God or honouring him with anything from his profit. All he did was talk about how he was going to enjoy life more and enlarge his barns. So, God judged him as stingy and took his life in the midst of his prosperity. And our Lord ends the parable by saying that is how it will be for everyone who stores us riches for himself but is not rich towards God. (Cf. Luke 12:16-21)
My prayer is that God’s judgment will not come on you because of your failure to appreciate Him and others that deserve your appreciation adequately. But you too should think deeply about all He has done for you this year and how to appreciate Him for it. Also, think deeply about all the people He has used for your prosperity and peace of mind this year and how you are going to appreciate them, especially this festive season. I pray that your heart will be led to do the right thing about these things and your purse loaded with everything you need to do so. Amen.
Merry Christmas in advance!
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