FROM PASTOR'S DESK 2023 Pastor's Desk

No short-cut to growth |By: J.O. Lawal | Date: October 01, 2023 | Series: From Pastor’s Desk| Number: Vol. 12, No. 22

Beloved: grace, mercy and peace be yours without measure from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. I am delighted to welcome you to the month of October 2023, the month of independence celebration for Nigeria. And I pray that God will fill your life and home with sweetness and rest every day of the month, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Now, even though today marks the 63rd year that this country has gained independence, many do not see anything to celebrate in the fact that we are independent. Why? It is because our independence has not resulted in significant growth and development for us as a nation. And why has it not resulted in these things for us? It is largely because, as leaders and as those being led, we are not devoted to doing things that will result in growth and development.

See, growth and development don’t happen by chance or accident. There are things that make them happen. Yes, ultimately, it is God makes all things grow (1Cor 3:6-7). However, even though God is the one that makes all things grow, there are still things that He expects us to do in order for His life to work in us or whatever we are doing and make it grow.

For example, even though it is God that will make our babies grow in stature, wisdom and knowledge, we must give them adequate food, expose them to all kinds of education and also encourage them to exercise their bodies. Otherwise, the potential for growth in them will not manifest. And that will not be God’s fault.

So, if we want our country to grow and become great among other nations of the world, we all must identify those things that will promote her growth and devote ourselves to doing them. And this must reflect in the choice of leaders that we make during our elections. We cannot continue to choose self-centred, greedy and incompetent people as leaders and still expect them to do things that will result in the greatness of our country. It may take a thousand miracles for that to happen.

Similarly, if we want to grow spiritually, as God’s children, we must give ourselves to doing those things that will result in our growth. Truly, God wants us to grow up in our walk with Him. He does not want us to remain babies, having been born again. Otherwise, we will not be able to live up to His expectations in this world. And that is why He commands us in His word to grow in the grace and knowledge of His Son Jesus Christ (2Pet 3:18).

But God will not force spiritual growth on us. There are things we must do for it to happen. And we are told what these things are in the bible. We are told to give ourselves to the word of God, to prayer and to the fellowship of God’s people. And unless we give ourselves to these things, even God Himself will not be able to make us grow in our faith and in our usefulness to Him.

At any rate, the point I am making is simply that if we want any form of growth to happen in our lives, we must identify what we need to begin to do in order for it to happen. Now, of course, it may take a while for some kinds of growth happening in our lives to be obvious, even if we are doing what will make them happen. But as long as growth is happening in our lives, it will surely become obvious at some point that we are truly growing.

So, even if it is not clear to you or anyone around you that you are growing spiritual and in other areas of your life, don’t give up on doing those things that will make you grow. Instead, continue to do them. And at the right time, your growth and progress will become evident to all. My prayer is that God will open our eyes to see everything we need to in order to experience true growth and development in our lives, homes and country and also strengthen us to devote ourselves to doing it. Amen.

Happy independence.

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