FROM PASTOR'S DESK 2021 Pastor's Desk

Tell them of His goodness 07/03/2021

Beloved: grace, mercy and peace be yours forevermore from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord. I am delighted to welcome you into the second week of the month of March 2021 and pray that nothing will hinder your life from fully expressing the goodness and power of God wherever you find yourself in the week, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

One of the things we learn from the bible story of the mad man of Gerasene is that everyone who has experienced the goodness of God has a duty to spread the news to others, so that they in turn may come to Him. Then He will change their experience of sorrow, shame and pains to that of joy, glory and comfort (Mark 5:1-20).

Now, as the account shows, this man had been possessed by some Legion of demons. And these demons made his life so miserable that he ran mad. But his madness was not a kind that just made him walk around naked or that made him smile at everybody in awkward ways. Rather, it was a kind that made him extremely violent and dangerous to everyone around him and even himself. It was so bad that people stopped bothering themselves about tying him with chains, for he was just too strong to be bound with anything. So, everybody abandoned him. And he started living in the tombs, crying day and night and cutting himself with stones. Just think about how miserable those demons that were living in this man made his life.

In like manner, there are people today whose lives have been made horrible by demons. They may not be running around naked like a mad person. But their lives are not any much different from the life of a mad person. That is because everything they are doing is something that will further hurt or destroy them and also make their lives stink. And isn’t that how it is with mad people too? It is. The things they eat and drink, the place they live and sleep, the way they move around and the things they wear, if they wear anything at all, can only further hurt their lives and make them more irritating and unpleasant to do anything with.

At any rate, a day came when this mad man of Gerasene met the Lord Jesus Christ. That was the day he experienced God’s mercy and was delivered from the hands of those wicked unclean spirits that were bent on totally destroying his life. And his deliverance was so amazing that those who saw him could not believe their eyes, for he sat down well dressed and in his right mind. Then because this man was so grateful to God and excited about his deliverance, he begged Jesus to allow him to follow Him wherever He went. But the Lord told him, “Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” (Mark 5:19NIV)

Look at that. The Lord plainly told that man that he did not have to move around with Him in order to serve God. All he needed to do was to go his people, all of whom had abandoned him, and tell them how much the Lord has done for him. And did he go or not? Oh, he did go to his family to share news of the goodness of God with them. But he did more than that. He also went all about a place called ‘the Ten Cities’ and told everyone he could find there how much Jesus had done for him. (Cf. Mark 5:20)

Now has the Lord truly done you too any good? If He has, then, who have you told about it? Is the Lord blessing you today through the ministry of His word or that of some of His saints? If He is, who are you telling about it? The Lord may not require you to be a preacher for you to serve Him. But He requires you to always seek opportunities to daily tell men of His goodness to you or others around you. This is so that they too may be inspired to come to Him for their salvation or deliverance. And remember that there are many around us whose lives are no better than those of mad people and who need urgent deliverance, if they must not perish. Such people need us to tell them something of the goodness and faithfulness of God, so that they may come to taste it. And my prayer is that we will be rid of every form of selfishness in this matter and made bold to do what is right.

Do have a week full of testimonies.

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