FROM PASTOR'S DESK 2022 Pastor's Desk

Not your spiritual gifts alone | Pst. J.O. Lawal

Date: January 30, 2022 | Series: From Pastor’s Desk | Number: Vol. 10, No. 39

Beloved: grace, mercy and peace to you from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord. Welcome to another week of year 2022. My prayer is that, as you go through the week, your eyes will be opened to see what things you need to give yourself to this year in order to increase in usefulness in God’s hand, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Now one main way to increase in usefulness in God’s hand, apart from offering prayers to Him, is to recognize His gifts in our lives and make the most of them. As the bible shows us, it is only those who are putting to meaningful usage what God has given to them, whether spiritual things or natural things, that He gives more things to, so that they may increase in usefulness with them. Those who are not doing much or anything with what He has given to them will not receive additional revelations, abilities, resources or opportunities from Him. In fact, if they are not careful, He may end up taking away from them what He has given them. (Cf. Mark 4:24-25; Luke 19:11-26)

So, if we want to increase in usefulness in God’s kingdom this year, we must carefully look into our lives to see what things He has given to us that we can use to serve Him or do His work. And this is not just about using our spiritual gifts to serve Him. It is also about using our natural or acquired abilities, education, resources and position to serve Him.

For example, Luke, who wrote one of gospel books and also ‘The Acts of the Apostles’, was not known as an apostle, prophet, evangelist or pastor. Rather, he was known as a trained physician or doctor. But he made use of his education and his love for history in serving the Lord by writing an orderly account of the life and ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. He also put these things to work in giving us a brief history of the church and of the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world. So, though he was not a preacher, he made himself useful to God in preserving for us the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. (Cf. Luke 1:1-4; Acts 1:1-2; Col 4:14)

Also, Dorcas was not a preacher or church leader. But she was always using her resources to help the poor, especially in the church. And that made her popular among the brethren. Therefore, when she died, they could not accept her death. They had to immediately send for Peter, who came to them and prayed for her to be brought back to life. And God answered him. Why? It was because He knew that if He gave that woman more years to live, she would not waste them in unproductive living. Instead, she would increase in usefulness and fruitfulness with them. (Cf. Acts 9:36-42)

So, you do not have to have preaching or healing gifts to be useful in God’s kingdom or to increase in usefulness in it. You just need to adequately and continually put to use whatever your spiritual gift is. And you will be amazed at what things God will accomplish through you. Then, even if you don’t seem to know what your spiritual gift is at the moment, consider how you can use your education, skills or resources to move forward the work of God.

For example, if you are a furniture maker, see what you can make for the use of the church of God or how you can use your abilities to save the church some unnecessary spending. Or maybe you are good with writing or artwork. Think of how you can regularly use your skills in these things to support the church and promote the gospel, instead of making excuses for not being responsible to God in any way. It is unfortunate, however, that many in our churches today don’t want to use their abilities to serve God, if it will not result in much material profit for them. In fact, some don’t mind cheating the church in matters like this. That is because their god is their stomach. (Cf. Ex 35:4-36:3; Philippians 3:18-19)

Now I know that it is wrong for any church too to underpay or cheat anyone who does any work for her simply because the person is a church member or believer. If a believer wants to give his church some discounts on goods or services supplied by him, it is fine. But it has to be as he purposes in his heart and not something he is manipulated, threatened or forced to do (2Cor 9:7). Yet we all must learn to make available everything we have that is of use in doing the Lord’s work and in increasing in usefulness in His kingdom. Otherwise, we may end up being regarded by Him someday as lazy and unprofitable servants. And may things not end like that for you and me, in Jesus’ name.

Have a lovely week.

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