wisdom for living

You can be kept from destructive decisions

“Lot looked up and saw that the whole plain of the Jordan was well watered, like the garden of the LORD, like the land of Egypt, toward Zoar. (This was before the LORD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.) So Lot chose for himself the whole plain of the Jordan and set out toward the east. The two men parted company: Abram lived in the land of Canaan, while Lot lived among the cities of the plain and pitched his tents near Sodom. Now the men of Sodom were wicked and were sinning greatly against the LORD.” (Gen 13:10-13NIV)
One of the prayers we must learn to offer in life is that God will keep us from making any decision or taking any step that will ruin our future or make a waste of our lives. It is true that we are always making decisions and choices. We make decisions about what food to eat or not to eat, what dress to wear or not to wear, what place to go or not to go and so forth. And even when we refuse to make a decision about something, that is still a decision.
But then, there are certain decisions that we make that can impart the course of our entire lives and even other people’s lives for good or for evil. For instance, the choice of Dinah, Jacob’s daughter, to visit the young ladies of the land of Shechem one day led to her defilement that same day – she was raped and her virginity forcefully taken. And this, of course, further led to the sacking of a whole city by her brothers, Simeon and Levi. Just one decision, a decision that seemed harmless at the time it was taken, ruined entire lives and generations.
Also, as we see in the bible, Lot’s decision to live in Sodom and Gomorrah ended up making him lose his wife and everything else he had laboured for in life as a young man (Gen 19). But when he was making that decision, it looked like the very right thing to do. He saw a legitimate opportunity to enlarge his livestock business by staying in Sodom, and he took it. But he had no idea at that time that God had already marked the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah for destruction. So, it was not a matter of whether those cities would be destroyed; rather, it was a matter of when they would be destroyed. And they were eventually destroyed along with everything Lot had. In fact, he barely escaped with his life and the lives of his two daughters.
Now remember that Lot was a righteous man, according to the bible (2Pet 2:7). Yet he made a decision that made a mess of his old age and lives of his wife and children. So, righteous people, godly people, can also make decisions that will ruin their lives, homes, future or generations of people. In Lot’s case, it was a moment of greed that led him to make that decision. And in Dinah’s case, it was a little desire for some pleasure that led to her defilement and disgrace. So, a single decision made out of our carelessness, thoughtlessness, greed, unclean desire for pleasure or insensitivity may result in a lifetime of shame or ruin.
All of this is why we must learn to always pray that God, who alone knows the future, will continually keep us back from making any such decision that will ultimately ruin our lives or others’ lives, regardless of the pressure to do so or of how harmless it may seem at the time in question. And supposing you are already suffering terribly because of certain decisions you made in the past, decisions which seemed harmless and right at the time you made them. As long as there is breath in you, you can still count on God to free you from the consequences of such decisions.
At least, He delivered Jacob from the consequences of cheating his brother, Esau, many years later, when he called upon him in his moment of fear and desperation (Gen 32&33). And He will deliver you too, if you will call upon Him for help. How He will do this I cannot say. But I know that the Scriptures that say, “Anyone that puts his trust in Him will never be put to shame and everyone that calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved,” are true. So, call on Him now, regardless of how messed up your life has become because of your bad decisions, and He will save you from your fears and shame. (Cf. Rom 10:11-13)

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