Series: The ministry of the Spirit in the believer | Title: Equipper (b) | By: Johnson O. Lawal | Date: January 05, 2025
I want us to continue from where we left off on ‘The ministry of the Holy Spirit in the believer’. We are already looking at another aspect of His ministry, which has to do with equipping God’s people for the fulfillment of His will in their lives. And how does He equip God’s people for the fulfillment of His will in their lives? He does so by teaching and guiding them into all the truth that they need to know. In other words, He teaches us all that we need to know about God, ourselves and His provisions for us to be all that He wants us to be and to do all that He wants us to do.
Now another way the Spirit of God equips God’s people is by supplying them with spiritual gifts. These are endowments or abilities that are given to God’s people for the fulfillment of His purpose in their lives so that they can be built up to be the people He wants them to be. And we can classify these gifts into two. There are individual gifts, gifts given by the Spirit of God to individual members of the body of Christ. Then there are people gifts. These are gifts of people to God’s people.
Let us, then, look at some Scriptures that address this. First, in 1Corinthians, chapter 12, from verse 4, Paul says:
“There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.” (1Corinthians 12:4-7NIV)
Here we are told that there are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit of God distributes them. Also, there are different kinds of service, but it is the same Lord that is served. Then there are different kinds of working, but it is same God that is carrying them out. So, we see that the gifts that are mentioned here are given by the Spirit of God for service. And it is God Himself that works in every child of His that has been gifted in this manner for the expression of whatever spiritual gift he has been given.
Furthermore, as we see in text, the manifestation of the Spirit is given to everyone. That is telling us that every child of God has at least a spiritual gift. How do we know what gift of the Spirit we have in us? It is through its manifestation. These gifts are invisible abilities that are given to us. But as God begins to work in us, the gifts that He has given to us begin to manifest themselves.
Now Paul goes on to mention the main gifts of the Spirit that were in expression in the church at the time. Look at what he says:
“To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the gift of interpretation of tongues. All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines.” (1Corinthians 12:8-11NIV)
So, here we have a list of the main gifts of the Spirit that were expression in the church in the early days. Do we have other gifts of the Spirit not mentioned here? Yes, in another passage of the bible, we have some other gifts of the Spirit mentioned in addition to these ones. But most of the gifts of the Spirit that we should expect to see their manifestations in the church are already listed in the passage.
Then observe that Paul also tells us that the Spirit of God distributes these gifts to each member of the body of Christ as He determines. So, we are not the ones to determine what gifts of the Spirit we will have; the one who determines what gifts we are given is the Spirit of God Himself. And He gives whatever gifts He gives to us in accordance with God’s good purpose for our lives and in accordance with the works He will want us to do.
Remember that the bible says that we have been recreated to do the good works God has prepared in advance for us to do (Ephesians 2:10). How are we going to be able to do these good works? It is through the special abilities God gives to us. These special abilities are given to us by Him to do certain things better than others or more frequently than others. What I mean is that there are times that certain children of God may do certain things that suggest that they have certain gifts of the Spirit. For instance, one may lay hands on a sick person and see the person get well. That, however, does not mean that the person has healing gifts. The person has to be doing that frequently in order for us to conclude that he has healing gifts. The point, then, is that when someone possesses a certain gift of the Spirit, we will see the manifestation of the gift frequently in the person.
In any case, the one who distributes these gifts to God’s people is the Spirit of God. And why does He give them to us? As Paul tells us, He gives them for the common good. In other words, He gives them for the good of everyone, for the good of all humanity. You can see, then, that these gifts are not personal possessions; rather, they are special abilities given to us to do the good works God wants us each of us to do.
Now we have the same idea communicated to us in Romans, chapter 12, from verse 4, which reads:
“For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.” (Romans 12:4-8NIV)
This is another passage where gifts of the Spirit are listed. Again, the first thing we are shown here is that each of us has different spiritual gifts. And we have these gifts according the grace given to each of us. If you, then, claim not to have a spiritual gift, you are saying that you are not a child of God. Every child of God has at least a spiritual gift. And each gift defines our roles in the body.
As we all know, the abilities of each part of our human body are what determine its roles in the body. Our legs, for instance, has the ability to move us from one place to another and to also kick things. So, we use our legs in walking, in jumping and so forth. What about our hands? They have the ability to hold things. So, we use them in holding things.
In like manner, through our spiritual gifts, we are able to tell what our roles are in the body of Christ. And one of the ways to discover our spiritual gifts is to give ourselves to Christian service. As we serve, these gifts will begin to find expression in our lives. Also, we can know our spiritual gifts through prophetic instructions or revelations. We have a mentioning of something like this about Timothy in a letter of Paul to him. According to him, Timothy got to know that he possessed a certain gift of the Spirit through a prophetic revelation (1Timothy 4:14).
Then there are times that gifts of the Spirit just begin to find expression in God’s people right from when they become born again. In other words, these gifts just start manifesting themselves in God’s people, not because they are involved in any Christian service or because they receive any prophetic revelation or because hands are laid on them. But even if you do not yet know what your spiritual gift is, by getting involved in Christian service and staying in fellowship with God’s people, you will soon enough get to know it.
Remember Stephen and Philip. They were among the first set of deacons ordained in the church. They were ordained to handle food matters. And as they began to do this, certain gifts of the Spirit began to find expression in them. For example, the gifts of working miracles and of teaching manifested in Stephen, as he went about serving the people of God in food matters. The bible says that he did many miraculous works among the people. Then Philip went on to show himself as one with healing and evangelistic gifts. (Cf. Acts 6-8)
The point I am making is that it is as we give ourselves to Christian service that the spiritual gifts we have fully find expression in us. There are people who say that they do not know what their spiritual gifts are. And one main reason this is so for them is that they have not given themselves to Christian service and fellowship enough. If you will give yourself to Christian service in your Christian assembly, doing whatever your hands find to do or whatever the leadership of your assembly wants you to do, it won’t be long before you start seeing in expression whatever gift of the Spirit God has given to you.
Now our focus at the moment is not to consider how to recognize our spiritual gifts. Rather, our focus is to let us know that one of the ways through which the Spirit of God equips us is by specially endowing us with spiritual abilities. I have already taken us through the lists of the gifts of the Spirit that have been in expression in the church. And we must give ourselves to using these abilities, for they have been given to us to serve.
Furthermore, we are told in the Scriptures what attitude we are to have towards these gifts, if they will fully find expression in our midst and resulting in our equipping by the Spirit of God. This means that even though the Spirit of God gives us all kinds of gifts to equip us for works of service, our equipping in this sense is not automatic. If we do not have the right attitude towards the gifts that He gives, we will not be equipped to be the people God wants us to be and to do the things He wants us to do.
What sort of attitude are we to demonstrate, then, towards spiritual gifts? First, we are to earnestly desire them. Look at what Paul says about that to the Corinthians: “Now eagerly desire the greater gifts…” (1Corinthians 12:31NIV) Did you see that? We are to be eager in desiring spiritual gifts. And don’t forget that the one who distributes these gifts is the Spirit of God and that He distributes them as He determines. However, as the body of Christ, we are instructed to eagerly desire spiritual gifts.
How, then, do we show that we are eager to have all the gifts of the Spirit there are in manifestation in our midst? First, we can show that by praying to God. He wants us to have these spiritual gifts. In fact, one of the prophecies of old show us that when the Spirit of God is poured on all flesh, people will begin to prophesy, to see visions and to have dreams. That means the coming of the Spirit of God into our lives will bring about diverse manifestations of His gifts as well. Therefore, we can ask God to fulfill this prophecy by equipping us with all the gifts of the Spirit we need to be built up to live as He wants us to live and to do the good works He will want us to do. (Cf. Joel 2:28-29; Acts 2:16-18)
We can also show our eagerness to have these gifts by studying the Scriptures to see how they were used in bible days and how we are to use them to serve God’s purpose. But it is important that we eagerly desire them. And why is that important? It is so that we may begin to see them in great manifestation in our midst.
More so, these gifts are given for the common good. In other words, as we use them, everyone is blessed in some way or the other. First, those of us who are using it are able to increase in usefulness as we use them. Second, those we minister to through them are also edified and blessed. For instance, as we use the gifts of healing, many who are sick are healed. And that is a fulfillment of God’s good purpose in their lives, for He wants everyone to live in health. Also, as we use our teaching gifts, people are set right and established in the truth of Christ Jesus.
So, these gifts are of two fold benefits. They benefit those of us who are using them and also those that we minister to through them. It is important, then, that we, as members of the body of Christ, show eagerness to have all these gifts in manifestation in our midst. That way, we can increase in usefulness and also be established in His will.
Another thing we are told in the bible about the sort of attitude we ought to have towards spiritual gifts is to excel in using them. Paul says this to the Corinthians: “So it is with you. Since you are eager for gifts of the Spirit, try to excel in those that build up the church.” (1Corinthians 14:12NIV) The church in Corinth is said to be eager for the gifts of the Spirit. How many churches of God today can we say are eager for the gifts of the Spirit? There are many churches in which certain gifts of the Spirit have been utterly silenced.
Yes, there may be abuses of spiritual gifts here and there. But we are warned in the Scriptures not to forbid the exercise of any spiritual gift (1Corinthians 14:39). What we need is to teach God’s people how to use their gifts and not abuse them. What we need is to teach them how to fulfill God’s purpose through the use of their spiritual gifts.
In any case, we are told to excel in using whatever spiritual gift we have. How do we do that? We can do that by praying that God will make us excel in using them. We can do that also by studying the Scriptures to see how these gifts are to be used to please God. Then we can excel in using our spiritual gifts by taking advantage of every opportunity we have to use them.
Let us pray.
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Series: Single sermons | Title: Equipped to do His will | By: Johnson O. Lawal | Date: December 29, 2024
There is a prayer that I want to encourage you to continually offer, as we are moving into a new year. And it is in Hebrews, chapter 13. It says from verse 20:
“May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.” (Heb 13:20-21NIV)
Before I share further with you on these verses of the bible, I want to say again that the prayer offered here is one that every child of God that wants to be all that God wants him to be and do all that He wants him to do ought to continually offer. And what is the prayer focussed on? First, the man of God is asking that God will equip us with everything good for doing His will. Second, he prays that God will work in us what is pleasing to Him.
So, there are two prayer points that are raised in this prayer for the believer. The first is that God will equip him with everything good for doing His will. And it is important that God Himself equips us with everything good for doing His will. In other words, it is not enough for us to know the will of God for our lives, the things He wants us to do and the things He wants us to possess; it is also important that we are equipped by God Himself to be able to do what we know to be His will for us and to be able to go for what we know that He wants us to have.
What are the things we need to be equipped with? We can talk about wisdom, knowledge, understanding, boldness, determination, opportunities and even money. In any case, God knows all that we need to do His will. And out of His generosity, out of His fullness, He is able to equip us with these things. But it is also important that we too learn to pray that He will equip us with everything good for doing His will.
As we are moving into a new year, it is good that you desire to do the will of God and to be the person God wants you to become. But you cannot become the person God wants you to become until you are adequately equipped to be so, just as you cannot do His will fully, if you are not adequately equipped with everything you need to do so. Thankfully, God is willing to do this for us. All we need is to continually ask Him to equip us with everything we need to do His will. That way, we will not vacillate when we are confronted with what we are to do or with opportunities to do what we are meant to do.
A lot of people vacillate or shrink back when they are meant to do the will of God or when they are confronted with opportunities to possess what He wants them to possess. They find themselves shrinking back from doing what is right for lack of boldness, determination or wisdom to handle what has come to them. Sometimes, some even mess things up, when they are trying to take advantage of God’s provisions for them to do His will or to possess what He wants them to have.
That is why we need to be equipped by God Himself to do everything we know to be His will for our lives. Yes, we need to be equipped by Him to make the most of whatever opportunities He brings to us to do His will and become the people He wants us to become. Opportunities will surely come our way in the year we are moving into. But we find ourselves not ready to make the most of them when they come.
Now the second part of the prayer in these verses is that God will work in us what is pleasing in His sight. God has to produce in our lives what is pleasing to Him. I want to live a life that is pleasing to God. I am sure you too want to live a life that is pleasing to Him. However, none of us can live a life that is pleasing to Him unless He Himself works out in us what is pleasing in Him. This is not something we struggle to accomplish. Rather, it is something He must produce in us.
Writing to the Philippians, Paul says, “It is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose.” Also, addressing the Romans, he says, “In all things God works for the good of those who love Him, those who have been called according to His purpose.” So, God must work out in our lives what is pleasing in His sight. And that is something you must continually pray about. Yes, you must continually ask God to produce in your life all that is pleasing in His sight. (Cf. Romans 8:28; Philippians 2:13)
You want to live a live that makes God happy in the year we are moving into. Then talk to God about it. I can’t live to please God all by myself. I cannot live a righteous life all by myself. I cannot live a holy, trustworthy and faithful life all by myself. I cannot be diligent or self-controlled all by myself. God has to produce these things in me. He has to produce all these things in my life for them to be obvious. And as He does this, He will make my life beautiful and cause people to glorify Him on account of me. So, I am entrusting my life to Him that He may work out in it all that will make Him happy. And I am calling you to do the same thing. I am asking you to entrust your life to God that He may work out in you all that is pleasing in His sight.
Now there are two things I already drew your attention to here, which you ought to be praying about. The first is that God will equip you with everything good for doing His will, as we move into a new year. That way, you will not waste His provisions and opportunities for your life and also not turn back from doing His will for fear, weakness or anything else.
Remember the children of Israel. Remember that when they came to the thresholds of the land of promise, Canaan, they wanted to turn back. At that point, it became clear that they were not ready to take what God wanted them to have. And it took them another forty years to be ready to take it. But if they had praying to God to equip them to take that land, their faith would have been strengthened and they would have been ready to move in and possess what God wanted them to have.
So, learn from them. You can make your journey to becoming all that God wants you to be longer by not being ready when He needs you to be ready. This is why you must continually pray that God will equip you with everything good to do His will. Yes, pray that He will supply whatever is lacking in your faith, patience, self-control, perseverance, love, determination, boldness and so forth. Then you will be ready to do His will and to make the most of His provisions for you.
Read about Gideon. God equipped this man to be ready to do His will and be the person He had destined him to be in life. As bible accounts go, when God came to him to use him, he was not ready at all. He was timid. He was afraid. He was unsure of himself, even though God had made him a mighty man of war. So, God, in His patience, had to build him up. He had to equip him with sufficient boldness, faith and determination to lead his people and set them free. (Cf. Judges 6-7)
Now I believe that God can do the same thing to every one of us. He can build us up to be all that He wants us to be and to do all that He wants us to do. He is a patient God. So, He will be patient with us, if we will talk to Him. Gideon, as I said before, was initially afraid of doing the will of God for his life. But as he talked to God about his fears and concerns, God began to eliminate them and to build faith and boldness into him. Yes, God used all kinds of signs and wonders to do this. But ultimately, He succeed in equipping the man with all that he needed to be what he was meant to be and to do all that he was meant to do for his people.
If we too will discuss with God in prayer about building us up, He will do so. So, talk to Him. Tell Him what you have observed to be lacking in your life, in your boldness, patience and so forth. Talk to Him about things that you believe have been limiting or preventing you from keeping in step with Him in doing His will. And He will answer you and supply all that is lacking in your life from the fullness of His Son Jesus Christ in you.
Then remember the second thing I said you must be praying for. And it is that God will produce in you all that is pleasing in His sight. And what is pleasing in His sight? Faith working through love! The bible says without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). The bible also says that all that counts before God is faith that is working through love (Galatians 6:6). So, daily ask God to work in you to build your faith and love. That way, your faith and love will grow strong enough to always do those things that are pleasing to Him and that will cause men to honour Him.
Happy new year in advance.
Copyright © 2024 Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church –This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 08146472876)
Series: Single sermons | Title: Don’t use anything as an excuse
By: Johnson O. Lawal
Date: December 22, 2024
I want to share very briefly and quickly with you from Joshua, chapter 1, verse 13:
“When Joshua had grown old, the Lord said to him, “You are now very old, and there are still very large areas of land to be taken over.” (NIV)
Who was speaking to Joshua on this occasion? It was God that was speaking to him. And what was His message to him? It was that even though he had become very old at the time, there were still very large areas of land to be taken over. And what is this telling us? It is that as long as there is breath in us, as long as our days here on earth are not over, there will always be more to receive from God and to do for Him.
Now, of course, we may have certain handicaps or obvious limitations in our lives. But there is no limitation that we have that God cannot help us overcome, so that we can receive more from Him and also do more for Him. Joshua had become a very old man on the occasion we are dealing with. Yet God told him that there were still very large areas of land to be taken over. It was, then, up to him to ask God for the strength that he needed to take over those large areas of land that He was talking about.
But he could say, “Well, there are indeed large areas of land to be taken over. But I am too old for that. Let some other people take care of it.” And if he had said that, God would have allowed him to go on and rest and instead used some other people to do the job that He had planned to do through him. Then he would have lost whatever reward that might have been his.
What is the point I am making? It is that as long as there is breath in you, age is not a barrier or a hindrance to accomplishing God’s plans for your life. Your age cannot stop God from fulfilling His purpose in your life, if you won’t stop Him. Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died. Yet he was ready to do whatever God wanted him to do. Look at what is said about him in the bible:
“Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died, yet his eyes were not weak nor his strength gone.” (Deuteronomy 34:7NIV)
Did you see that? The only reason Moses died when he died was that God wanted him to come home. God said that his job was up, his days were over, his time was up. That was the only reason he died. But as far as he was concerned, he did not want to die at that time. Instead, he wanted to go on and possess the promised land and also divide it among his people. And he had the strength to do so. He also had the will to do so, even though he was a hundred and twenty years of age.
Now Moses, at that time, had learnt enough from God to know that his age was not a barrier at all. He had learnt enough to know that his age could not stop him from taking whatever God wanted him to have or from doing whatever God wanted him to do. All he needed was for God to give him the order to go, and he would be on his way.
But he was not like that when God first called him. He was eighty years old when he was called and showed himself to be unwilling to do what God wanted him to do. Why? Was the problem with his age? He did not say that. But even if he had considered his age to be a problem, God did not consider it to be a problem. God knew that he was eighty years old at the time. Yet He called him in order that He might use him.
Mind you, God did not call him when he was forty years old and when he felt he had enough energy and charisma to save his people. Why? It was because he was not ready at the time. But when he became eighty years of age, God came to him and said, “Now you are ready for the job.” That means God did not see his age as a barrier or as a handicap that would hinder him. And where God does not see your age as a barrier, you too should not see it as a barrier.
Well, even though Moses would not use his age as his excuse for not wanting to do the will of God, he decided to use his inability to speak fluently or eloquently as an excuse. But Stephen tells us in one of his sermons that Moses was powerful in speech and in action (Acts 7:22). The man, however, did not see himself in that light. He probably thought that there were people that were better with words than himself. So, he told God to send someone else. Look at some of what is said about this in verse 10 of Exodus 4
“Moses said to the Lord, “Pardon your servant, Lord. I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor sins you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue.” The Lord said to him, “Who gave human beings their mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? Who gives them sight or makes them blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.” (NIV)
Think about that. Moses was trying to use his inability to speak eloquently as his excuse for not wanting to do what God wanted him to do. But God told him that He could deal with that for him. He told him that he could be healed or cured of his inability to speak fluently. Yet the man insisted on not going. So, God got angry with him and told him that He would send his brother, Aaron, along with him to assist him in doing the job.
Now that, of course, was how Moses missed his opportunity to be cured of his inability to speak fluently or eloquently. Nevertheless, God used him. God used him in spite of his speaking difficulties. If he had willingly submitted to God on that occasion, God would have cured him of those difficulties.
Well, the point is that if you have any handicap, whatever it may be, don’t consider it as something serious enough to stop you from doing what God wants you to do or from having whatever He wants you to have. What is important is your willingness to have what God wants you to have and to do whatever He wants you to do.
Caleb, having come to the Promised Land, told Joshua that he was ready and determined to have his own share of the land, even though he had become an old man at the time. He said, “I am still as strong and determined to possess this land as I was forty years ago.” That is the spirit that takes over. That is the spirit that possesses what God wants us to have. It is the spirit that wins in doing the will of God. (Cf. Joshua 15:6-12)
As I told you before, as long as there is breath in you, there is always more to receive from God and to do for Him. All you need is to be willing. Are you willing to do what He wants you to do? Are you willing to have what He wants you to have? Are you willing to go from where you are to where you can be?
If you are willing, then, forget about your handicaps, your lack of education, your age, your sex or your ethnicity. God can handle these things for you. And as long as He has shown you that you can have something or do something, don’t give Him any excuse. Just go ahead and do what He has told you to do. Just go ahead and take what He has told you that you could have. And as you do so, you will find that your handicap or limitation, whatever it may be, will not be able to stop you.
God bless you.
Copyright © 2024 Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church –This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07025105978)
Series: Single sermons | Title: Advancing by divine revelations | By: Johnson O. Lawal | Date: December 15, 2024
I want to share with you very briefly from Deuteronomy, chapter 1. It says from verse 6:
“The LORD our God said to us at Horeb, “You have stayed long enough at this mountain. Break camp and advance into the hill country of the Amorites; go to all the neighboring peoples in the Arabah, in the mountains, in the western foothills, in the Negev and along the coast, to the land of the Canaanites and to Lebanon, as far as the great river, the Euphrates. See, I have given you this land. Go in and take possession of the land that the LORD swore he would give to your fathers — to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob — and to their descendants after them.”” (Deuteronomy 1:6-8NIV)
This was the word of the Lord to the children of Israel at some point during their journey from Egypt to Canaan, the Promised Land. They were at Horeb at the time. And they were doing great there, with nobody threatening their peace or prosperity, with nobody harassing them in any way. However, they were not yet where God wanted them to be. And it took a divine revelation for them to know that they had stayed long enough where they were and that they needed to move forward and possess the land God had given to their forefathers on promise.
In like manner, there are times that we may not know that we are due for promotion or advancement unless we receive some divine revelations. In fact, often, if everything is going on smoothly for people, nothing threatening their lives, jobs, businesses, marriages or health, they may assume that they have arrived; they may assume that they are already where God wants them to be. What I am saying is that it is easy for people to stagnate when everything is going on smoothly for them, it is easy for them to assume that what they have or where they are is enough.
Of course, the Lord wants us to be content with what we have. But being content in life has nothing to do with being stagnant. Being content in life has to do with appreciating God for what we have and where we are, even as we trust Him to move us forward to where we ought to be or to have what we ought to have. So, a contented man is not a stagnant person. Rather, he is progressive.
Truly, a contented man may not have access to certain things that could make him go from where he is to where he ought to be or that could make him get all the things he ought to have. But he knows that as long as he keeps trusting God, He will at the right time take him to where he ought to be and give to him all that he ought to have. However, he will not allow the fact that he has certain things already or is in a certain position to make him stagnate and conclude that he does not need to move forward again in life.
Well, the point I am making is that there are times we may just assume that there is nothing better than what we have or that there is no better place for us than where we are. And as such times, we need divine revelations to stir us to move forward and take hold of what God wants us to have. That is what we see in the case of these Israelites. The Lord had to bring them a divine revelation to let them know that they had stayed long enough where they were and that they needed to move forward to take the land He had promised to give to them.
More so, there are times that the reason we are still where we are is that we are being patient with God. We know that it is not wise or safe for us to move without His leading. So, we are patiently waiting for Him to tell us when to move. But then, we can get so carried away in patience that we forget that where we are is not our resting place or permanent abode. And at such times too, we will need divine revelations to wake us up and let us know that we have been patient enough and need to move on from where we are to where we should be.
Now perhaps the word of the Lord is coming to you, as we come to the last days of this year, that you have been patient enough in certain areas of your life and that you need to move forward from where you are to where you ought to be. Perhaps His word is saying that you have been in this position that you are spiritually, academically, maritally or financially for too long and now need to move forward. And it will be okay for you to take seriously what He is saying to you and begin to take those steps that will move you from where you are to where you should be. It will also be okay for you to pray to God that He will open your eyes to see those areas of your life where you need to move forward, so that you can begin to take appropriate steps towards doing so.
Then it is important for us to know that even if we desire to move forward in life, whatever step we take has to be according to God’s plans and timing for our lives. Otherwise, we may get into trouble. As we see in the case of these Israelites, even though God told them to leave where they were and move forward, fear and unbelief would not allow them to do so. They, as the account shows, had sent some men to explore the land of Canaan that they wanted to take over and bring back report to them. And the men did. However, the report the men brought back was a bad one, one that discouraged the people from going forward to take what God had already given to them. (Cf. Numbers 13-14; Deuteronomy 1:22-33)
That, of course, is showing us that we must be careful who we listen to. It is not everyone around us that will encourage us to do the will of God or to go for what God has already given to us. But once we have God’s divine revelation on what to do, what will profit us is to do it, in spite of what those around us may say against doing so.
Well, God became angry with these people because of their unbelief and said that they would wander in the wilderness for forty years and not make it into the Promised Land. And as He further said, it was only their children, the children they were trying to protect, that would enter the land. This, of course, saddened their hearts. Look at how this is expressed from verse 41 of the same chapter:
“Then you replied, “We have sinned against the LORD. We will go up and fight, as the LORD our God commanded us.” So every one of you put on his weapons, thinking it easy to go up into the hill country. But the LORD said to me, “Tell them, ‘Do not go up and fight, because I will not be with you. You will be defeated by your enemies.'” So I told you, but you would not listen. You rebelled against the LORD’s command and in your arrogance you marched up into the hill country. The Amorites who lived in those hills came out against you; they chased you like a swarm of bees and beat you down from Seir all the way to Hormah. You came back and wept before the LORD, but he paid no attention to your weeping and turned a deaf ear to you.” (Deuteronomy 1:41-45NIV)
When God gave these people His word that it was time for them to move forward, they would not move forward. Instead, they said that they would go back to Egypt. But when He gave His judgment that they would all perish in the wilderness, they realised their folly and wanted to march into the Promised Land without His backing. And what happened when they decided to march into the land to take it over? They were defeated by the people living there.
What is that showing us? First, it is showing us that divine revelations come with divine support. That means when God tells us to do something, His power is released to support us in doing it. If we, then, fail to do it, that power will not work on our behalf. Second, it shows us that there is divine timing to acting on God’s word. We don’t have all the time to act on the word of God. Therefore, if we fail to act in time on His word, the result that should follow our acting on His word may not just follow.
Another thing this shows us is that desiring to move forward in life and accomplish certain things is not enough. We must also be sure that we are acting on the basis of God’s purpose or plans for us. Otherwise, we may be injured.
There are times that people assume that it is easy for them to move forward in certain areas of their lives, based on the circumstances they have found themselves. But if it is not the Lord that is inspiring or moving or leading them to take steps to move forward in those areas of their lives, they may end up being injured or frustrated. So, even if we see the need for us to break away from stagnation, we must seek divine revelations on what to do and the appropriate time to do it.
What we are saying is that even if we can see that we are meant to move from where we are to where we ought to be or to go for certain things that God has already given to us, we must only do so on the basis of divine revelation. And that is why we must give ourselves to pray, so that we will be filled every moment with the exact knowledge of the will of God for us. That way, our steps in life will always be according to divine order and timing.
There are many today that are so discouraged that they don’t want to take any step forward again in life. And that is because certain attempts they made to promote themselves or to move themselves forward failed and got them injured or frustrated. But that was simply because they did not move according to divine revelation. So, you must learn to pray that God will daily fill your heart with revelations of those areas of your life where you have experienced enough stagnation or where you have been patient enough and need to move forward. And He will answer you.
Also, you must learn to pray that as God is bringing your revelations of those areas of your life where you need to move forward, He will also furnish you with sufficient boldness, determination and wisdom to take the necessary steps to move forward. And my prayer is that you will be separated from every form of stagnation, as we come to this year end, and equipped with everything you need to move from where you are to where you should be, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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Series: The ministry of the Spirit in the believer | Title: Equipper (a) | By: Johnson O. Lawal | Date: December 08, 2024
I want to further share with you on ‘The ministry of the Spirit of God in the believer.’ We have already looked at the aspect of His ministry that has to do with revealing God, Jesus Christ, God’s purpose, God’s plans, God’s will, God’s secrets and the secrets of life to the believer. Now we want to look at the aspect of His ministry that has to do with equipping us to witness the fulfilment of the purpose of God, plans and will for our lives. But before we begin to look at how He does this, I want to first let you understand that unless God Himself fulfils His purpose in our lives, there is nothing we can do to fulfil His purpose for our lives. God Himself must work out in every one us what is pleasing in His sight. Otherwise, there is no way we will be able to live to please Him.
In Romans, chapter 8, verse 28, Paul says:
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (NIV)
Did you see that? In all things God is working for the good of those who love Him and who have been called according to His purpose. That means in order for God’s purpose to be fulfilled in our lives, He Himself has to work it out. He has not left us to fulfil His purpose for our lives all by our lives. And He has not left us to do that because it is practically impossible for us to fulfil His purpose for our lives all by ourselves.
Yes, we have our own responsibilities in the fulfilment of the purpose of God for our lives. The word of God shows us that there are responsibilities that we, individually and collectively, as members of the body of Christ must carry out in order for God’s purpose to be fulfilled in our lives. But there are things that God Himself must do for us, in us and through us in order of His purpose to be fulfilled in our lives. And that is what Paul is speaking to us about in that text, saying, “God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose.”
Well, the point is that God is working in the believer. And Jesus said the same thing when He was here on earth. He said, “Up to this very moment my Father is working. And I, too, am working.” That means God has His own responsibilities that He must carry out, just as we too have our responsibilities that we must carry out. As God is working, we too must be working. Paul tells us that we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do the good works that God has prepared before time for us to do. (Cf. John 5:17; Ephesians 2:10)
So, there are responsibilities that God wants us to carry out here on earth. However, He must equip us for us to be able to carry them out. There are things He must do for us, do to us and do through us. Otherwise, His purpose will not be fulfilled in our lives and we will not be established in His will for us.
Furthermore, from verse 12 of Philippians 2, Paul says this:
“Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed – not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence – continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfil his good purpose.” (Philippians 2:12-13NIV)
Here Paul is encouraging God’s people to continue to work out their salvation with fear and trembling. And observe that he does not say, “Work for your salvation with fear and trembling.” That is because we cannot work for our salvation and couldn’t even have worked of our salvation. The only one that could handle the matter of our salvation was God. And He already did all that He needed to do for our salvation to be a reality.
However, for us to daily experience the fruit of our salvation, we must continue to take advantage of the grace of God. Yes, in order for it to become clear to all that we have been saved indeed, we must continue to do those things that God has commanded us to do. Otherwise, those in our world may have a hard time accepting our claims of being saved. In fact, we too ourselves at some point may begin to doubt our salvation, when our experiences in life are contrary to what God has said about our salvation.
Well, Paul says we are to continue to work. That means we are to identify our responsibilities in witnessing the fulfilment of God’s purpose for our lives and continue to carry them out. And can we do so? Yes, we can do so. We can do so because Paul further says, “For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfil His good purpose.” So, God is not inactive in the believer. Instead, He is working in him.
Sadly, many of us do not know that God is working in us. Therefore, we hinder His work in our lives and prevent Him from doing what He intends to do. We keep arguing with Him, struggling with Him and questioning Him, not knowing that all that He is after is working out in our lives all that His pleasing in His sight. But we cannot accomplish His good purpose for our lives by ourselves. He has to do so. That is why He is working in us. And as He is working in us, we too are able to carry out our own work in realising His purpose in our lives.
Now how God does carry out this work in us? It is by His Spirit. God lives in us by His Spirit. And there are Scriptures that point to that. First, in Ephesians, chapter 2, verse 22, Paul says this to us:
“And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.” (NIV)
Can you now see how God lives in us? It is by His Spirit. Then, in 1Corinthians, chapter 6, from verse 19, Paul says:
“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.” (1Corinthians 6:19-20NIV)
And again, in 1Corinthians, chapter 3, verse 16, he says:
“Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you?” (1Corinthians 3:16NIV)
What is this apostle showing us here? It is simply that God lives in us by His Holy Spirit. That, then, means that He also works in us by His Spirit in order to fulfil His purpose. And don’t forget the point I am making here, which is that God Himself must work out His purpose in our lives for it to be fulfilled. Otherwise, it will not be fulfilled in us.
How, then, does the Spirit of God equip us for the fulfilment of His purpose in our lives? One of the ways He does this is by teaching and guiding us. Jesus, before His death, had announced in advance to His disciples that the Spirit of God would teach and guide them into the realisation of God’s purpose for their lives. For example, in verse 25 of John 14, He says this:
“All this I have spoken while still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” (John 14:25NIV)
You can see Jesus announcing to us here that the Spirit of God will teach us all things. He will teach us all the things we need to know about God, about ourselves, about God’s purpose for us and about His provisions for us. Not only that, He will be reminding us of all the things He teaches us when we need to apply to them. So, He is our teacher. And by teaching us, He equips us for the fulfilment of God’s purpose for our lives.
Also, from verse 12 of John 16, Jesus says:
“I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.” (John 16:13NIV)
Jesus wanted to teach His disciples more things that He had taught them when He was here with them. But He could not teach them everything He wished to because they could not handle it. So, He only taught them all that they could comprehend and handle. However, He assured them that when the Spirit of God came, He would guide them into all the truth they needed to know.
Now what that means is that the Spirit of God will not rush our education in the purpose of God for our lives. Instead, He will take us through it one step at a moment. And that will be according to the personality of each of us. He will not attempt to teach and guide all of us at the same rate or pace. But He will surely guide every one of us into all the truth we need to know about God’s purpose, plans, will and provisions for us.
You can see, then, that there is no way a Christian can experience a fulfilment of the purpose of God for his life without the Spirit of God. So, those who are ignoring the Spirit of God in their lives are doing themselves a great disservice. There is no way God’s purpose can be fulfilled in their lives that way.
Also, in verse 20 of 1 John, he says:
“But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth.” (NIV)
What anointing is John talking about here? He is talking about the Spirit of God. God has anointed us with His Spirit. And by Him we are able to know all the truth we need to know about God, about life and about ourselves. Then, verse 27 of the same chapter, says:
“As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit – just as it has taught you, remain in him.” (1John 2:27NIV)
Here John is showing us that one of the duties of the Spirit of God is to teach us all things. And He tells us that this Spirit in us is real and not counterfeit. So, we only need to take seriously whatever He is teaching us and apply it to our lives. Then we will begin to witness a fulfilment of the purpose of God for our lives.
But then, I need to clarify something here that Johns says. He says, “You do not need anyone to teach you.” And what does he mean by that? Well, some are of the opinion that he means that they do not anybody to teach the word of God to them. So, they don’t attend church meetings but stay on their own to pray and to study the word of God. And will that work for them? No!
See, John has not said these things to encourage isolated Christian living. Rather, he has said them to let us know that we do not need any outside help in order to be taught the word of God and understand His purpose and will for our lives. He himself is teaching us by saying these things. And if what he means is that we do not need anybody at all to teach us anything of God, then, he is contradicting himself by trying to teach us through this letter.
But as I said, what John is saying is that the body of Christ does not need teachers from outside the body to teach us. His Spirit that in us and among us is capable of teaching us all that we need to know. So, we don’t need the philosophies of men or their science to know God’s purpose, plans and will for our lives. This, then, is about our spiritual education. It is not that we do not need people to teach our science classes, business classes and so forth. We do need teachers in all these areas.
However, when it comes to the things of God, we don’t need the philosophers or scientists or motivational speakers of the world to know what we need to know. The Spirit of God is able to teach us everything. And He has His own ways of teaching us everything, so that we may get it and apply it. Yes, what He is teaching us may not be in agreement with what those of this world are teaching their own people. And they do not have to be in agreement. What He is teaching us is the truth. So, anyone or teaching that is not in agreement with the truth of the Spirit should not be taking seriously by us, as far as the subject at hand is concerned.
More so, from verse 12 of 1Corinthians 2, Paul says:
“What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us. This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words.” (1Corinthians 2:12-13NIV)
The first thing Paul tells us here is that the Spirit we have in us is the Spirit of God and not the spirit of the world. The one I have in me is the Spirit of God and not a demon. So, God Himself is living in Him. Then Paul goes on to say that one of the reasons the Spirit of God is made to dwell in us is that He may make us know and understand the things God has freely given us. That means part of the job of the Spirit of God is to guide us into God’s provisions for our lives.
Then Paul goes on to say that we speak of God’s free provisions for us. What does this mean? First, it means we are to be proclaiming the things God has freely given to us. Yes, we are to be declaring that we have these things. We have eternal life. We have wisdom. We have knowledge. We have understanding. We have love. We have joy. We have God’s divine power at work in us. We have boldness. And we have received all these things from God free of charge and for the fulfilment of His good purpose in our lives.
Second, it means that Paul considers speaking to God’s people about His free provisions for them to be part of his job as a minister. And how does he do that? He uses words taught to him by the Spirit of God. The things that this apostle pens down in this letter and in other letters of his to the church are things taught to him by the Spirit of God. And each of us can be taught by Him the same way.
Now, of course, we may find ourselves communicating the truth of Jesus in different ways and with different styles. But it does not change anything, as long as it is the Spirit of God that is teaching us. Look at the epistles written by the apostles. They were all different in styles and approach, depending of the writers. But they were all communicating the same truths. So, Peter’s epistles are not contrary to Paul’s epistles or John’s epistles or James’ epistle. Instead, though each of them used his own words, imageries, styles and approach, the truths they are proclaiming is the same. That is because it was the same Spirit that taught all of them. And He taught each of them according to his personality and aptitude.
What we are saying is that the Holy Spirit is able to teach the same truths to carpenters, lawyers, doctors, tailors, farmers and so on. We may, for some reasons, not be able to cope with learning law, medicine, tailoring or any other profession. But we all can be highly educated in God’s purpose, plans and provisions for us. And it is the job of the Spirit of God to make this happen.
Let us pray.
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Series: The ministry of the Spirit in the believer 3 | Title: Revealer of secrets | By: Johnson O. Lawal | Date: December 01, 2024
I want to further share with you on ‘The ministry of the Spirit in the believer’. We have been looking at His ministry a revealer of things. That led us into looking at what the Spirit of God reveals. And as we saw, He reveals God and Jesus Christ. If you are going to know God and the Lord Jesus Christ, you will have to rely on the revelations given to us by the Spirit of God concerning them. He is the one given to us by God to make who He is and who Jesus Christ is known to us.
Then the Spirit of God is the revealer of God’s purpose to us. And as we see in the Scriptures, He has already revealed God’s purpose for our lives to us. And what is His purpose for our lives. It is that we may be holy and blameless in His sight. That is what He chose us before the foundations of the earth to be. He foreknew us and predestined us to be conformed to the likeness of His Son, Jesus Christ. So, when we are talking about His purpose for our lives, it has already been revealed and has to do with our being like Jesus Christ in righteousness, holiness and everything He represents.
More so, the Spirit of God reveals the will of God to us. The will of God for our lives is drawn from His purpose for our lives. And as we progress in this series, we will be seeing how the Spirit of God reveals God, Jesus Christ, God’s purpose and God’s will to us. Of course, I already mentioned the fact that we can pray to receive adequate, appropriate and exact revelations of the will of God for us through His Spirit. And we will say more about that when we begin to look at how the Spirit of God carries out His ministry to us and in us.
Now I want us to also consider another part of the ministry of the Spirit to us as a revealer of things, which is that He reveals secrets or mysteries of God and of life to us. These may be about the past, about the present or about the future. And He reveals these things so that we can be properly guided in life and so that the will of God can be fulfilled in our lives. For example, in Saint Luke’s gospel, chapter 2, from verse 25, we are told this:
“Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord’s Messiah. Moved by the Spirit, he went into the temple courts. When the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him what the custom of the Law required, Simeon took him in his arms and praised God, saying: “Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you now dismiss your servant in peace.” (Luke 2:25-29NIV)
Did you see that? It had been revealed to this man that he would not die until he had seen the Lord’s Messiah. Who revealed this to him? It was the Spirit of God. That, of course, was why he was waiting for the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. So, he believed what the Spirit of God had shown him. And because he believed, he witnessed the fulfilment of the revelation he had received. He saw the child Jesus and held him in his arms, praising God and telling Him that He may then dismiss him in death.
Think about that. God’s people don’t just die. Instead, they are meant to receive revelations about their departure before it happens. And there are Scriptures that point to that (John 10:17-18; 2Timothy 4:6; 2Peter 1:13-15). So, don’t just die. See, as the word of God says, none of us lives for ourselves alone and none of us dies for ourselves. If we live, we live for the Lord. And if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. (Cf. Romans 14:7-8)
This is why I said we don’t just die, as children of God. And we don’t kill ourselves. We have no authority to do that. If we must die, the Lord will have to reveal it to us. So, don’t just die. Don’t die by accident. Don’t allow any sickness to take you before your time. Take your stand against it.
Well, the point I am making is that the Spirit of God is the revealer of secrets of life and of God to us. In John’s gospel, chapter 16, Jesus says this about the ministry of the Spirit of God: “But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.” (NIV) And the part I want you to pay attention to is where Jesus says, “The Spirit of God will tell you what is yet to come.” That means He will give us revelations of the future. That way, we can be prepared for the future and whatever it may bring to us.
By the way, we can ask God to cause His Spirit to fulfil this aspect of His ministry to us by showing us secrets of the future of our lives, marriages, businesses, churches and so forth. And as these things are revealed to us, we can trust God to use them to prepare us properly and keep us safe to make the most of our future, instead of being surprised or alarmed at the happenings in our lives or in world.
Mind you, it is not everything about the future, our future or the future of others that the Spirit of God will be making known to us. That is because it is not everything that will happen in the future that we need to know. But there are things that will happen in the future that we need the revelations of the Spirit to know and prepare for. And those are the things that the Spirit of God is meant to reveal to us.
In Acts of the Apostles, chapter 11, from verse 27, we are told this:
“During this time some prophets came down from Jerusalem to Antioch. One of them, named Agabus, stood up and through the Spirit predicted that a severe famine would spread over the entire Roman world. (This happened during the reign of Claudius.) The disciples, as each one was able, decided to provide help for the brothers and sisters living in Judea. This they did, sending their gift to the elders by Barnabas and Saul.” (Acts 11:27-30NIV)
As we see here, Agabus, who was one of the prophets of God that came from Jerusalem to the church in Antioch, once prophesied about a future famine. How did he do this? It was by the Spirit of God. It was by the Spirit that he predicted that a severe famine would spread over the entire Roman world. But the Spirit of God did not reveal to him when the famine would happen. He only told him that the famine would be severe and would spread over the entire Roman world. And why did He reveal this to him? It was so that the people of God could prepare themselves for it. God wanted them to begin to learn to be prudent and wise with their resources and to save. That way, the famine would not hurt them as it would hurt others in the world at the time who did not have this revelation.
Furthermore, the Spirit of God is able to reveal to us, as I said before, secrets of people’s lives. And that way, we will know how to relate to them. That way, we can help them and also avoid being deceived by them. For example, we are told this about a couple in Acts of the Apostles, chapter 5, from verse 1:
“Now a man named Ananias, together with his wife Sapphira, also sold a piece of property. With his wife’s full knowledge he kept back part of the money for himself, but brought the rest and put it at the apostles’ feet. Then Peter said, “Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land? Didn’t it belong to you before it was sold? And after it was sold, wasn’t the money at your disposal? What made you think of doing such a thing? You have not lied just to human beings but to God.” When Ananias heard this, he fell down and died. And great fear seized all who heard what had happened.” (Acts 5:1-6NIV)
Here we have a man and his wife who teamed up to deceive God’s people. As we see in this same book of Acts, brethren, before this time, had been selling their houses and lands and fields and bringing the money from the sale of these things to the apostles of the Lord. This was so that they could use the money in helping the brethren and in carrying out their various ministries. And everybody loved this and was enjoying it, for many people were lifted out of poverty through it.
It was during this period, then, that Ananias and his wife Sapphira also pledged to sell a piece of property and went on to sell it. But after selling the land, they decided to keep back part of the money made from its sale. Why did they do that? We are not told in the account. Perhaps it was because they did not expect to make as much money as they did from the sale of the land. Whatever their reason was, they kept back part of the money for themselves.
Now when the man came with the money to the apostles, he did not say anything to them about what he and his wife had done. He did not call them aside to say, “Sirs, we did not know we would make as much money as we did from the sale of the land we had pledged to the church. But we did. And since we have some pressing needs in the family, we have decided to keep back for ourselves some part of the money.” If he had done that, all he would have got was a word of rebuke or correction from them, showing him that it was wrong of him and his wife to handle their pledge like that. And that, of course, would most likely have led to their repentance.
But he tried to deceive the apostles of the Lord. Unfortunately for him, he did not know that God was going to reveal what they had done to Peter. And he was shocked to find out that their secret was not hidden. The shock, of course, resulted in a heart failure for him. So, he died right there. And when his wife also came him and lied to corroborate what he had told the apostles, not knowing what had happened to him, she too fell down and died right there.
So, no one can lie to God or His Spirit. The Spirit of God knows all things and sees all things. It is not possible, then, to deceive the Spirit of God. And as He reveals the hidden secrets of people’s lives and hearts to us, we are able to protect ourselves from their deceit. This is why God’s children should not be getting married to the wrong persons. This is why they should not be swindled, polluted, deceived or misled by anybody. We have the Spirit of God in us who is a revealer of secrets. And He is able to reveal the deceit, hypocrisy, hate, bitterness and jealousy in people to us. Wherever this ministry of His is obvious, then, people will be careful of what they think, say and plan.
Another thing that the Spirit of God is meant to reveal to us is our place in God’s scheme of things. Yes, He has already revealed God’s purpose for our lives to us, which is to be like Christ in true righteousness and holiness. But we also have a place in God’s scheme of things. Each of us does. Each of us has roles to perform in God’s kingdom. And if the Spirit does not make these roles known to us, we may find ourselves taking up roles not meant for us.
Truly, we also can get to know our roles in God’s kingdom through our spiritual gifts. And we will say some things about that when we start looking at the ministry of the Spirit of God as the equipper of God’s people. But besides knowing our roles through our spiritual gifts, we can also know them through divine revelations from the Spirit of God. For instance, Peter says to us from verse 10 of chapter 1 of his first epistle:
“Concerning this salvation, the prophets, who spoke of the grace that was to come to you, searched intently and with the greatest care, trying to find out the time and circumstances to which the Spirit of Christ in them was pointing when he predicted the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would follow. It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves but you, when they spoke of the things that have now been told you by those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven. Even angels long to look into these things.” (1Peter 1:10-12NIV)
What is this man showing us here? It is that it was by the revelation given by the Spirit of God that the prophets of old who wanted to find out about the coming of the Christ, His sufferings and His glories were shown their various places in God’s scheme of things. They were shown that it was not in their place to witness the coming of the Messiah, His sufferings and the glories that would follow. Their place, rather, was to prepare those who would witness and participate in these things for a full enjoyment of them. So, all the things they were shown about Jesus and how to benefit from His ministry were shown to them for us, who are now beneficiaries of these things.
In like manner, the Spirit of God is able to show us our own various places in God’s scheme of things. And do you want to know your place in His scheme of things? Do you want to know what He wants you to be doing in His kingdom? It is the job of the Spirit of God to make these things known to you. Paul tells us in Ephesians, chapter 2, verse 10, that we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do those good works that God prepared in advance for us to do. How do we know these good works? It is only through divine revelations. And these revelations are given by the Spirit of God. So, we must learn to take advantage of His ministry in us and to us. That way, we will be able to fully live in the purpose and plans of God for our lives and not waste our lives.
Let us pray.
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Series: The ministry of the Spirit in the believer 2 | Title: Revealer of God’s purpose | By: Johnson O. Lawal | Date: November 24, 2024
I want us to continue from where we left off on ‘The ministry of the Holy Spirit in the believer’. In our first lesson, I said we will be looking at three main aspects of His ministry. Of course, many things are said in the Scripture about the ministry of the Spirit in the believer’s life. But we will content ourselves with looking at three main aspects of His ministry. And we started by saying that the Spirit of God is a revealer of things to the believer.
What, then, is the Spirit of God meant to reveal to the believer? First, He is meant to reveal God and the Lord Jesus Christ to him. So, we can pray to God that He will, by His Spirit in us, fill our hearts with adequate revelations of Himself and of the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. We will, of course, be looking later at some of the ways the Spirit of God reveals God and Jesus Christ to the believer. But for now, our focus will be on looking at the main things He is meant to be revealing to us.
Now another thing that the Spirit of God reveals to the believer or that He is meant to reveal to the believer is God’s purpose and will for His life. God has a purpose for each of us. He has plans for each of us. It is important, then, that we know His purpose, will and plans for our lives. Otherwise, we are bound to waste our lives.
Well, the one to make God’s purpose, will and plans known to us is the Holy Spirit. Look at what Paul says about this from verse 9 of 1Corinthians 2:
“However, as it is written: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him” — these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.” (1Cor 2:9-10NIV)
Paul begins here by telling us that there are things that no eye has seen, that no ear has heard and that no mind has conceived. And what are these things? He refers to them as the things God has prepared for those who love Him. In other words, God has plans for those who love Him. Remember He once said through Jeremiah to the people of Judah that were exiled to Babylon, “I know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for.” (Cf. Jeremiah 29:11)
In like manner, God has plans for every one of His children. In fact, He had already planned what our lives ought to be like before we came into this world. So, our being born again was not an accident. It was not something that happened by chance. It was something that God had already foreknown. Look at what Paul says about this from Ephesians, chapter 1, verse 3:
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will— to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves.” (Eph 1:3-6NIV)
First, Paul here praises God because He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus. So, we have all of the blessings of God in the heavenly realms, that is, in Christ Jesus. Not one of these blessings has been left out – we have been blessed with them all. We are thoroughly blessed. We are fully blessed. We are adequately blessed. We are abundantly blessed. And that is something we should praise and thank God for. It is something we should continually pray for its full expression in our lives.
What I am saying is that since we have been blessed with all of God’s blessings in Christ Jesus, we should want to see these blessings find expression in every area of our lives. Of course, we must not overlook the fact that these blessings are referred to as spiritual blessings, not material blessings, not academic blessings, not physical blessings and not marital blessings. In other words, these are unseen blessings. However, when these blessings begin to work in our lives, we will see their manifestations in various ways. They will manifest in form of material blessings, marital blessings, physical blessings, academic blessings and so forth.
In any case, Paul goes on in that letter to the Ephesians to tell us why he says that God has blessed us in Christ Jesus with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms. And why is that? Well, he says this is so because God chose us in Christ before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. Think about that. Being in Christ is a blessing. Being holy and blameless is a blessing. And of course, as I pointed out before, our being in Christ is not an accident. God had chosen us to be in Him before the foundations of this world were laid out. He had always known that we would come into the world at the time we came and then come to know Him through faith in Christ Jesus at the time we knew Him. So, we were chosen to know Him and to be holy and blameless in His sight in Christ Jesus.
What we are saying is that God’s original purpose for us is to come into this world and live holy and blameless lives. His purpose is for us to come into the world and live lives that are separated to Him, lives that are pure in His sight. In addition to that, Paul tells us that it has always been on God’s mind that we would be adopted in Christ as His sons and daughters. And this, as he points out, is in accordance with His pleasure and will— to the praise of His glorious grace, which He has freely given us in the One He loves.
You can see, then, that everything that has happened to us as far as being in Christ is concerned, has been fore-planned by God before the creation of this world, before its foundations were laid. So, again, your coming here into the world was not an accident; God planned it. Also, your becoming a child of God was not an accident; God planned it. He had chosen you before the foundation of the world.
Also, in chapter 2 of the same book of Ephesians, Paul proceeds to say this from verse 10:
“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” (NIV)
Think about that. We are God’s handiwork. We are God’s workmanship. And we have been created in Christ Jesus to do good works. What sort of good works are we to do? They are those good works that God prepared in advance for us to do. So, there are sets of good works for each of us to do in this world. The one who planned these works ahead of time for us was God Himself. Therefore, He is the only one that can lead us to know and do them.
Well, the point is that God has a purpose for your life. And this can be summarised that as living a holy and blameless life here in this world before Him. There are, of course, other parts of the Scriptures in which God’s purpose for us is spoken about. For instance, Paul also speaks about His purpose for us in Romans 8. Look at what he says in verse 28 of the chapter:
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Rom 8:28NIV)
Did you see that? Paul says that God is working for us. I should thank Him for that. You too should thank Him for that. And what is His work for us aimed at? It is aimed at our well-being. Paul says He is working for our good. He is causing the circumstances of our lives to cooperate for our good. So, those of us in Christ Jesus can never be disadvantaged in life. I can never be disadvantaged in this life. Regardless of what I have been through, regardless of what I am going through and regardless of what I may go through in the future, I can never be disadvantaged in life. That is because God is working for my good.
Now Paul goes on to say whatever God is doing for my good is being done according to His purpose. And I need to quickly say some things about this. Whatever God does at any time is always in accordance with His purpose. In other words, God only works according to His purpose. So, whatever He does for any of us can only be in accordance with His purpose.
Actually, there are three main things revealed in Scriptures about how God works. First, they show us that He works according to His purpose, which is what we have been dealing with. Second, He works according to His power. And that makes sense. Every one of us works only on the basis of his power or ability. We cannot do anything beyond what we have power or ability to do. In the same vein, God works only on the basis of His power. However, His power is limitless; His power is indescribably great. So, the working of His power goes beyond what our minds can fathom or what our tongues can tell. Third, Scriptures show us that God works according to His generosity or grace. And there is a lot that we can say about that as well.
Well, here in Romans 8, Paul tells us that God works for our good according to His purpose. This, of course, is why we sometimes have issues relating to Him and His works in our lives. We expect Him to work according to our purpose, according to how we feel or think things should be going for us. But God will not be doing anything according to our purpose. Rather, He is going to be working according to His purpose. This is why it is important for us to get ourselves acquainted with His purpose. That way, we will be keeping in step with Him instead of doing things that are contrary to His purpose or that are counterproductive.
In Philippians 2, verse 13, Paul says something very similar to what he says here in Romans 8. He says it is God who works in you to will and to act, according to His good purpose. So, again, keep it in mind that God has a purpose for you. And whatever He does is in accordance with His purpose for your life.
Now Paul goes on to say this in verse 29 of Romans 8:
“For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.” (Rom 8:29NIV)
Here the apostle is revealing God’s main purpose for us to us. And what is it? He says it is that we may be conformed to the likeness of His Son, Jesus Christ. Who should be conformed to the likeness of the Son of God? Those that God foreknew! So, he is talking about us. God had always known us before we came here, as I pointed out before. Therefore, He had predestined us to be conformed to the likeness of His Son Jesus Christ.
I went through all that to show you that God has a purpose for all of us. And because He has a purpose for us, He also has things that we must do and must not do. If we, then, will not be acting contrary to His purpose for our lives, we must know His purpose for us. Otherwise, we are going to live wasted lives. Anyone that is not living in line with God’s purpose for us life is clearly living a wasted life.
Now to prevent us from living wasted lives, God has to make His purpose for us known to us. Of course, we have always been on His mind, even before the creation of this world. Paul speaks about that to the Galatians. He says God set me apart from my mother’s womb. How could God do that? He could do so because He had always known the man. Jeremiah equally says that God had known him before he was formed in his mother’s womb. And the case is the same for every one of us. God had known us before we were formed in our mothers’ wombs. (Cf. Jeremiah 1:5; Galatians 1:15)
But then, it is not in every situation that God announces ahead some details about His purpose for a child that is coming into the world. There are times that He does that. But in most cases, He does not do that. When He does it, He does it so that parents do not mislead their children into a purpose that are contrary to His purpose for them. You know that our parents have their own purposes for us, just as we all have our own purposes for our lives. Even our friends and the government of the land may have purposes for us. But we are not to live on the basis of man’s purposes but on the basis of God’s purpose for us.
That, of course, does not mean that God cannot work through the purposes of others for us to accomplish His own purpose. He can. But there are times that He may have to announce His purpose for a child ahead of the child’s birth, so that no one will take any step to truncate His purpose. And as I already said, it is not in every case that He does this. On the contrary, in most cases, He does not do so.
Therefore, the individual will have to show interest in knowing what God’s purpose for his life is. Of course, by the Spirit of God, some can be led into God’s purpose for their lives, even though they do not acknowledge Him at all or show any interest in knowing His purpose for their lives. But in most cases, if people do not turn to God by faith and show interest in knowing His purpose for their lives, they will not know it. Therefore, they will end up wasting their lives, as some have already done.
Well, in 1Corinthians, chapter 2, Paul aims at showing us that one of the reasons God has given us His Holy Spirit is that He may make His purpose for our lives known to us. Yes, there may be many aspects of His purpose for us and also many aspects of His will for us. Nevertheless, it is the job of the Spirit of God to make each of these things known to us. And we can take advantage of His presence in our lives to know them and avoid wasting our lives or running races not marked out by God for us. You know we can be all about becoming what God has not purposed for our lives. And that can be frustrating. But even if it does not lead to frustration in this world, it will lead to a waste of our lives.
In any case, Paul tells us in 1Corinthains 2 that the Spirit of God has revealed to us God’s purpose for our lives, a purpose that is beyond what people can discover through experiments or search out. So, we already know God’s main purpose for our lives. We may not yet know all the details, as it concerns each of us. But the Spirit of God has already revealed God’s purpose for us to us. And as I said before, it can be summarised as being conformed to the likeness of God’s Son, Jesus Christ. It can also be summarised as living a holy and blameless life before God in Christ Jesus.
That means there are different descriptions given in the Scripture to God’s purpose. But each of them is aimed at the same thing, which is that God wants us all to be like His Son Jesus Christ, so that He will be the firstborn among many brothers. And again, this is something that the Spirit of God has already revealed, not something He will later reveal. You may just be finding out now that it has been revealed. But it does not change the fact that it has already been revealed long before you found out.
However, right now, through His presence in us, the Holy Spirit is able to reveal the details of this purpose of God for our lives. Remember that Paul says that the Spirit of God searches all things, even the deep things of God. So, however deep the details of God’s purpose for our lives may be, the Spirit of God is able to reveal them to us.
What am I saying? I am saying that the Spirit of God is the revealer of the purpose of God to us. Then, as I said before, the Spirit of God will not reveal all the details of God’s purpose for our lives all at once. Instead, He is going to do so gradually, day after day, moment after moment. This is why we have to remain connected to Him. Yes, this is why we have to abide in Him, as He is in us. That way, we can daily draw from Him everything we need to know about the purpose of God for us.
In John’s gospel, chapter 16, verse 13, Jesus says that the Spirit of God, who is the Spirit of truth, will guide us into all truth. What does it mean to guide someone? It means to lead the person step by step to where he needs to be or into knowing what he needs to know. So, when Jesus says that the Spirit of God will guide us into all truth, He means that He will lead us step by step into details of all the truth we need to know about God and about His purpose for our lives.
Now what is God’s purpose for our lives? We already said it is that we may be conformed to the likeness of His Son Jesus Christ. What this means, then, is that regardless of our trade, regardless of our profession, regardless of our ethnicity, regardless of our level of education and regardless of our culture, colour, sex or age, what God wants is for all of us to be like Jesus Christ. And it is the job of the Spirit of God to make this happen. So, as long as we are in Christ Jesus, our culture, profession, colour or language will not be able to stop us from being like Him and bringing glory to God.
All of this is why Paul prays like this for the Colossian brethren, in chapter 1 of his letter to them and from verse 9:
“For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, giving joyful thanks to the Father who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light.” (Colossians 1:9-12NIV)
What is this prayer about? Well, it is that God will continually fill our hearts with exact knowledge of His will for us. How? It is through all the wisdom and understanding that His Spirit gives. So, it is through the revelation given to us by the Spirit of God that we get to know His purpose and will for us. No wonder Paul continually offered this prayer for the people of God in Colossae. He wanted them to know the will of God for their lives in every situation and at all times. That way, they would not be clueless about what to do with their lives or what to make of life in general.
I too have to learn to continually offer this prayer for myself and for all the people of God around me, which is that God will fill our hearts every moment with the perfect knowledge of His will for us through all the wisdom and understanding that His Spirit gives. That way, we will be living lives that are worthy of Him, pleasing Him in every way, bearing fruit in every good work, increasing in our knowledge of God and joyfully giving thanks to God for all that He has done for us.
The point we are making, at any rate, is that the Spirit of God is the revealer of the purpose and will of God to us. And as we pray to Him, just as Paul prayed for the Colossian brethren, God is able to fill our hearts by His Spirit with the perfect knowledge of His purpose and will for us, so that we don’t wander through life and waste our lives.
Let us pray.
Copyright © 2024 Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church –This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 08146472876)
Series: The ministry of the Spirit in the believer 1 | Title: Revealer of God|By: Johnson O. Lawal | Date: November 10, 2024
I want to begin to share with you on ‘The ministry of the Spirit of God in the believer’. This, of course, is a subject that every child of God needs to know and appreciate. Actually, there is quite a lot of things that can be taught or shared on this note. But I will simply be drawing your attention to the major things that are mentioned in the Scriptures about His ministry, so that you can know them and begin to apply them to your life.
Now there are three main aspects of the ministry of the Spirit of God in the believer, as mentioned in the Scriptures. First, we see Him as a revealer. Second, we see Him as an equipper. Third, we see Him as an energiser. And we are going to be spending some time to examine each of these aspects of His ministry in the believer and how we can take advantage of them to become the people God wants us to be in life.
But let me first say that what we are dealing with here is the ministry of the Spirit of God in the life of the believer, not in the life of the unbeliever. Of course, for anybody to become a believer the Spirit of God has to minister to the person. Look at what Paul says about this in 1Corinthians, chapter 12, verse 3:
“Therefore I tell you that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, “Jesus be cursed,” and no one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit.” (NIV)
Can you see that? No one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit. So, for anyone to become a child of God through faith in Christ Jesus, the person has to be drawn by the Holy Spirit. In Acts of the Apostles, chapter 16, we are told about a woman called Lydia and about how she became a Christian. We are told that the Lord opened her heart to receive the message of Paul and to believe it. How did the Lord open her heart? It was by His Spirit. That, then, is an example of what Paul means when he says that no one can say Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit.
Mind you, our Lord Jesus Christ Himself said that no one could come to Him except he was drawn by the Father. So, God, through His Spirit, has to draw people to Him for them to be saved. He has to open their hearts to believe the message of salvation in Christ Jesus and be saved. (Cf. John 6:44)
But as I already mentioned, we are not dealing with the ministry of the Spirit of God in getting those of this world saved. Rather, we are looking at His ministry in the believer, in the one that is already saved, in the one that has already been included in the body of Christ. And the first aspect of His ministry that we will be looking at has to do with His ministry as a revealer.
Now what does the Spirit of God reveal to the believer? First, He reveals God to Him. In other words, He brings him revelations about God, His nature and His character. Just before our Lord Jesus went to the cross, He began to share some things with His disciples about the ministry of the Spirit of God and the need for them to take it seriously. These disciples had been afraid because He had said that He was going to leave them. So, He had to share things with them to let them know that they would be left in good hands. And we see some of the things He shared with them in John’s gospel, chapter 13 through 16.
Well, from what He shared with them, it is clear that it was better for Him to leave them. Otherwise, the Holy Spirit would not come to them. But if He left them, the Holy Spirit would come to them and begin to make God known to them in ways that He Himself could not make Him known to them because of His physical limitations. And here is part of the things He said to them, from verse 12 of John 16:
“I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you. All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you.” (John 16:12-15NIV)
Observe here that Jesus says that the Spirit of God will glorify Him. That is something you need to pay attention to. The Spirit of God glorifies Jesus. Whatever He does is to glorify the Lord Jesus. That means He will never function contrary to the will of the Lord Jesus. And this is what those who believe that they are living by the Spirit of God and who yet do things that are contrary to the revealed will of the Lord Jesus that we have in Scriptures need to understand. They don’t know that the Spirit of God will never act contrary to the Lord Jesus. If any spirit, then, is making you to act contrary to the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ, that spirit is not of God.
As Jesus Himself told His disciples, the Spirit of God will glorify Him. How? It is by taking His things and making them known to us. So, the things the Spirit of God will be revealing to us are the things that He receives from Jesus. He is not going to be revealing to us any ideas or thoughts that are personal or private to Him. And as Jesus goes on to say, these things that the Spirit of God will be receiving from Him to reveal to us are the things of God. So, Jesus receives from the Father what the Spirit of God receives from Him. And we receive from the Spirit of God what He receives from Jesus.
The point of it all is that the Spirit of God will be giving us revelations about God and the Lord Jesus Christ. That, then, means that for us to know God and the Lord Jesus Christ, the Spirit of God must make them known to us. It is the job of the Spirit of God to make both the Father and the Son known to us. While Jesus was here in the world with His disciples, He made all kinds of things known to them about the Father and about Himself. But there were things He could not make known to them or clear to them because they had not yet received the Holy Spirit. That was why He told them that He had much more things to say to them at the time, things which they could not bear. But as He promised, when the Spirit of God came to them, He would make everything they needed to know known to them.
So, the one to make the realities of the person of Jesus Christ known to us is the Spirit of God. The one to make the realities of God known to us is the Holy Spirit. When Jesus was here, the disciples knew Him in the flesh. In other words, they were mostly able to know Him according to what they could see, hear and feel about Him. They could not know the spiritual man deeply or intimately. But with the coming of the Spirit of God into their lives, they were able to know the spiritual man.
As for those of us who have now come to believe in the Lord Jesus, we too are able to know Him deeply and intimately, even though we have never met with Him physically. How? It is through the Spirit of God. Look at what Paul says to the Corinthians about this, from verse 10 of 1Corinthians 2:
“…but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man’s spirit within him? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.” (1Cor 2:10-12NIV)
Did you see that? The Spirit of God knows the deep things of God. And it is rightly so because He is the Spirit of God. Paul’s argument is that no man knows the thoughts of a man except the spirit of man in him. In the same vein, no one knows the thoughts of God or the mind of God except the Spirit of God in Him. If anyone, then, has the Spirit of God in Him, the person can rely on Him to know God intimately and deeply. So, if we have the Spirit of God and still don’t know much about God, it can only mean that we are not interested in knowing Him or making effort to know Him.
Furthermore, Paul says this to the Colossian brethren:
“For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, giving joyful thanks to the Father who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light.” (Colossians 1:9-12NIV)
This is actually a long prayer passage. But I will pick out some things for you in it. First, Paul prays for the brethren that God will continually fill their hearts with the knowledge of His will. How will God do that? It is through the all the wisdom that the Spirit of God gives. So, the point is that God is able to communicate His mind and will to the believer through the wisdom and understanding that His Spirit gives. In other words, it is through the Spirit of God that He makes His will known and His mind known to us.
Then Paul goes on to say that as the Spirit of God reveals the knowledge of the will of God to our hearts, we will be able to live a life worthy of God, please Him in every way, bear fruit in every good work and grow in our knowledge of Him. So, people grow in the knowledge of God through the ministry of the Spirit of God. That means it is the Spirit of God that fills people’s hearts with divine revelations that make them grow in their knowledge of God.
Now we are commanded to grow in the grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (2Peter 3:18). How do we do that? It is by the Spirit of God. He is the one that reveals God to us. He is the one that makes God known to us as He is. So, we are not going to be guessing about God or His character. Instead, we will know exactly who He is, how He thinks, what He thinks and why He acts the way He acts.
People don’t think we can know God in this manner, that is, know Him deeply or intimately. That is because they think that the knowledge of God is just too high and far from us. And indeed, the knowledge of God is too high for man to search out. But through His Spirit we can know Him deeply and intimately. That is because God wants us to know Him enough to function right here in this world. If He does not want us to know Him, then, there is nothing we can do to know Him.
But the truth is that He wants us to know Him. And His way of making Himself known to us is by giving us His Holy Spirit. His Spirit fills us with the knowledge of who He is. So, we are able to tell who He is to us, His character and His will. We can also tell why He acts the way He acts in certain situations because the Spirit of God is making these things known to us.
Now how does the Spirit of God make Him known to us? There are actually a number of ways He does this. But the first and most important of them all is through the Scriptures. The Spirit of God reveals nothing about God or about Jesus Christ that is not already revealed in Scriptures or that is contrary to what is in Scriptures.
Mind you, He is the one behind all of Scriptures. Those who put down the things in the Scriptures put them down as they were moved or carried by the Spirit of God. Look at what Paul says to Timothy about this, from verse 16 of 2Timothy 3:
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2Tim 3:16-17NIV)
Did you see that? All Scripture has come from the inspiration of Spirit of God. In other words, everything we have in the Scriptures is there because the Spirit of God wanted it to be there. He was the one that inspired and moved all the people who wrote these things down. And look at what Peter says about this, from verse 20 of 2Peter 1:
“Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” (2Peter 1:20-21NIV)
So, here, Peter is showing us that all the prophecies and other things that the prophets of old put down for us in the Scriptures were put down by them because the Spirit of God led them to do so. In other words, these people did not put down their personal ideas or feelings. Rather, they put down the mind of God.
I said all of that to show you that the Spirit of God, in revealing God to us, will not reveal anything to us about God or about the Lord Jesus outside what we have in the Scriptures. Thus His major way of making God and the Lord Jesus known to us is through the Scriptures. If we give ourselves to the Scriptures, then, the Spirit of God will be opening our eyes to know God and the Lord Jesus Christ accurately and adequately through them.
Now there are also other ways through which the Spirit of God makes God and Jesus known to the believer. For instance, He can make them known to our hearts directly, that is, without using any medium. Peter once declared that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the Son of the living God. How did he know that? It was through a revelation that was given to his heart. And that revelation given to him was accurate. (Cf. Matthew 16:13-20)
Furthermore, He can show us things about God and the Lord Jesus Christ through visions or dreams. But basically, as I said, His main way of revealing God and the Lord Jesus to us is through the word of God. So, if we give ourselves to the word of God, we will be able to know God and the Lord Jesus Christ the way we are supposed to know them. And that will be because we have the Spirit of God in us.
See, when we have the Spirit of God in us, reading the Scriptures will be different for us. It will not be like reading any of our science textbooks. It is unfortunate that many of God’s people don’t know this. So, when they are reading the Scriptures, they don’t expect the Spirit of God to make anything known to them. That is why Scriptures are boring and not alive to them.
Once, after the resurrection of the Lord, He began to share some things about Himself with two of His disciples from the Scriptures. And that is remarkable to note. Jesus, in speaking about Himself, led His disciples to the Scriptures. He started from the things Moses said about Him to all the things all the other prophets, including John the Baptist, said about Him. And while He was doing this, their hearts were burning within them. Why? It was because the Spirit of God was making the truth He was sharing known and clear to them.
So, we must learn to pray that God will fill our hearts with wisdom and revelation about Himself and about the Lord Jesus Christ through His Spirit in us. And we will be doing that, if we truly want to know Him and the Lord Jesus Christ. Then we will see God making more and more of Himself and the Lord Jesus known to us day after day. Therefore, we will be able to know ourselves too, as we ought to. Remember that we have been made in the image of God. If we, then, want to know ourselves truly, we must know God truly.
Let us pray.
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Series: Questions to ask 4 | Title: What do you want? | By: Johnson O. Lawal | Date: November 03, 2024
We have been looking at a number of questions that we need to ask ourselves, if we want to be all that God wants us to be and also do all that He wants us to do in life. These questions, of course, have been taken from the Scriptures. That is because they were questions that God asked certain people of bible days. It will be okay, then, for us to ask ourselves the same or similar questions and also answer them. And the answers we give to them will show whether God’s purpose will be fully realised in our lives here on earth or not.
Well then, we have looked at questions like ‘Where are you?’, ‘Who are you listening to?’ and ‘What are you doing here?’. Now I want us to look at one more question on this note, which is, “What do you want?” It was a question Jesus once asked two of His disciples. And I want us to look at the circumstances that led Him to asking them this question. Look at it from John, chapter 1, from verse 35:
“The next day John was there again with two of his disciples. When he saw Jesus passing by, he said, “Look, the Lamb of God!” When the two disciples heard him say this, they followed Jesus. Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked, “What do you want?” They said, “Rabbi” (which means Teacher), “where are you staying?” “Come,” he replied, “and you will see.”” (John 1:35-39NIV)
We are not given the names of these men that came to the Lord here, though John would later show us in this same gospel that one of that was Andrew (John 1:30). But they used to be disciples of John the Baptist. And having heard his testimony about Jesus, referring to Him as the ‘the Lamb of God’, they decided to follow Him. That, of course, made Him ask them, “What do you want?” If you read the same passage from the New King James Version of the English bible, you will see that this question is rendered a little differently. There, it goes like, “What do you seek?”
Now whether what the Lord was asking these men was ‘What do you want?’ or ‘What do you seek?’ He was communicating the same idea or thought. And it was right of Him to ask them, “What do you want?” They were the ones that came to Him. So, it was right of Him to want to know what they wanted from Him.
But then, even if someone has not come to the Lord, it is proper for him to ask himself, “What do I want in life?” Is it money? Is it fame? Is it power? Is it pleasure? Is it a sound mind and a sound body? What exactly do you want in life? Then, if you eventually have what you want in life, do you think it will be satisfying? And if you consider it satisfying, will you be able to take this thing with you to the life after this one?
To say the fact, there is nothing in this world that can permanently satisfy anyone. Also, there is nothing in this world that we can take with us into the life after here. That being the case, what will be our profit in this world, when we eventually leave it behind?
According to the word of God, the only thing a man can take out of this world with him into eternity is a relationship with God. And if you don’t have a relationship with Him here on earth, He too will have nothing to do with you when you leave this plane of life and enter your eternity. They you will have wasted your time here on earth. Then you will have wasted your life.
All this is why Jesus says, “What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Matt 16:26NIV) There is nothing a man can give in exchange for his soul. That is because the soul of a man is more precious than anything of this world. Yet he can lose his soul in his pursuit of power, pleasure, prosperity or popularity. The only way for him not to lose it is to give it to God. Yes, the only way for us not to lose our souls in our quest to have the things of this world and realise our ambitions is to enter into a vital relationship with God.
Now God, of course, is calling every one of us to come and fellowship with Him and with His Son Jesus Christ (1Corinthians 1:9). And if you have not come into that fellowship with Him and His Son Jesus Christ, you will do well to do so now. He is not placing any restrictions on you. Rather, He is asking you to come as you are. Will you, then, come?
But then, coming to the Lord in this sense does not mean that He will still not ask you, “What do you want?” He asked those two disciples of John the Baptist, “What do you want?” He was not going to assume that He knew what they wanted or that they know what they wanted. So, He threw the question to them, “What do you want?”
If we too have come to Him, we have to deal with the same question. In other words, He is asking us as well, “What do you want from me?” Perhaps we have never dealt with it in our lives. But we need to deal with it. We need to tell ourselves the truth about what we want from Him.
A blind man named Bartimaeus once came to the Lord Jesus. And when He came, the Lord asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” Yes, He could see that the man was blind. He could also see that the man was every eager to meet Him, for he had been shouting, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me.” Yet the Lord asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” He did not assume that He knew what the man wanted or that the man himself knew what he wanted. He wanted him to speak for himself. And in response to Jesus’ question, the blind man said, “I want to see.” Then the Lord opened his eyes, so that he could see. (Cf. Mark 10:46-52)
Now we are further told in the account that the man followed Jesus after He had opened his eyes. And that was a beautiful thing. It was beautiful because if all that he wanted was to see, then, he would naturally leave Jesus the moment he began to see. But he clearly wanted more than that. He wanted to have a relationship with the Lord. So, he began to follow Him.
Here is the point I am making: Jesus could have been more than a healer to that man. Yet if all he had wanted was just to be healed, then, he would have missed out on other things the Lord could have been to him. We too need tell ourselves the truth about what we want from the Lord. Is it money that we want from Him? Is it fame that we want from Him? Is it power that we want from Him? Is it pleasure that we want from Him? Is it food that we want from Him? Is it protection that we want from Him? Is it healing that we want from Him? Or is it salvation from sins that we want? What exactly do we want from Him?
Well, for some of us, what we want is fame. For some of us, what we want from Him is promotion. That was what drove us to Him. It was healing that brought some of us to Him. And it was just poverty that drove us to Him. We were poor and waned Him to save us from our poverty.
Now, of course, there is none of these things that the Lord cannot give to us. He has the authority and power to give them all to us. He can be a healer to us. He can be a protector to us. He can be a provider to us. He can be a lifter to us. He can also be a saviour to us. In short, He is able to meet every need of ours.
However, is all that we want from Him money, fame, power, food, protection, healing or pleasure? Is that all that we want from Him? Is that all that we are seeking? If He gives you any or all of these things, are you going to be okay? If you are given all these things, will you be completely satisfied?
Well, if all that we want from the Lord Jesus is fame, then, we are not better than those of this world. If all that we want from Him is wealth, power, pleasure, popularity or protection, then, we are not better than those of this world.
Look at what Jesus says about those of this world:
“So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.” (Matt 6:31-33NIV)
Can you see that? Those of this world are always running after these things. They are running after what they can eat and drink. They are running after getting a place to stay and getting clothes to wear. They are running after popularity, power, protection and pleasure. And as I pointed out before, many often end up destroying themselves in their quest to have these things. That is because they want them at all cost.
But then, as I equally pointed out before, nothing of this world satisfies. Man is an eternal being. So, nothing that is not eternal can give him permanent or eternal satisfaction. Fame cannot give him eternal satisfaction. If he has some of fame now, it will not be long before he realises that he needs more. Also, power cannot give him lasting satisfaction. That is because it does not matter how much power he has access to, he will from time to time see that he does not possess absolute power and that he needs more of it. Then money cannot give him lasting satisfaction. That is why he will continue to go for more and more of it. Even food, water and sex cannot give him lasting satisfaction. He will continue to need them from time to time.
All of this is why people will keep running after the things of this world. They think if they have more of them, they will be satisfied. But nothing of this world will ever give them the kind of satisfaction they need. Even if the whole world is given to them, it will still not satisfy them. But, as I said before, man’s quest to gain the whole world can destroy him. Yes, in his quest to have more money, he can destroy himself. And in his quest to have more popularity, more power, more pleasure or a healthy body at all cost, he can ruin himself.
Now don’t miss my point here. Nothing is wrong with being famous. Nothing is wrong with being rich. Nothing is wrong with enjoying one’s life or with occupying an important position in life. But how you get these things and the use to which you put them is what will determine whether your possession of them is good for you or not.
In any case, the Lord Jesus tells us that we don’t need to run after the things of these world like those of the world. And that, of course, does not mean that we do not need these things. We need them to some degree or the other. And God knows that we need them. He, in fact, knows everything that we need in this world. He knows that you need money to take care of yourself and your family. He knows that you need a good house to stay in. He knows that you need to occupy certain positions in life in order for you to fulfil His good purpose for your life. He also knows that you need some measure of popularity to be able to do certain things He wants you to do in life or attract certain people to Him. He equally knows that you need a sound body to be able to fully do His will here on earth.
So, without announcing to Him or praying to Him, He knows everything that we need. And because He knows everything we need, He does not want us to run after the things we need like those of this world. Instead, He wants us to put our trust in Him. He wants us take our relationship with Him seriously.
Remember that God created all the things people are running after. Therefore, He does not want us to get so engrossed with the things He has created that we forget about Him. He is our creator. And He wants us to take our relationship with Him more seriously than any of these things that we need. That is why Jesus goes on to say in verse 33 of Matthew 6:
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matt 6:33NIV)
Look at that. What we should seek first, what we should place ahead of every other thing in life is the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Yes, what should come first in our lives is our relationship with God, our walk with Him. It should be the most important thing in our lives. And as Jesus says, if we do that, every other thing will be given to us as well and given to us at the very time we need them.
The question again, then, is, “What do you want in life?” Is it God that you want or things? Is it your creator that you want or the things He has created? According to the Scriptures, those who earnestly and seriously seek God will be rewarded by Him (Hebrews 11:6). He will satisfy them with everything they need in life. And He is the only one that can satisfy us. The things of this world, as I pointed out before, cannot satisfy us. The one who satisfies people is God. It is through Him that we get satisfaction in life and in all our relationships. And without Him, as Solomon says, who can eat or find enjoyment (Ecclesiastes 2:24-25).
Therefore, Jesus says, “Seek God first. Seek to have a beautiful relationship with Him first. Then every other thing you need will be given to you.” And is that what you are seeking? Are you seeking to have a beautiful and robust relationship with God? What exactly do you want in this life? And what do you want from the Lord Jesus, having come to Him?
Paul says in a letter, “I want to know Him and the power of His resurrection.” He also says, “I want to take hold of that for which Jesus Christ takes hold of me.” So, all that this man wants is for Christ to be his profit, his gain in this world. That is because he knows that once he has Christ, he is going to have everything else that he needs. (Cf. Philippians 3:7-14)
Those disciples of John the Baptist that came to Jesus and that He asked, “What do you want?” told Him that they wanted to know where He was staying. In other words, they wanted to have a relationship with Him. They did not ask Him for money. They did not ask Him for food. They did not ask Him for fame. They just wanted to have a relationship with Him. And because of that, He gave them even things that they did not ask for.
Look at those apostles of the Lord. How many of them were educated? How many of them were born into rich or influential homes? Yet He made them popular. He made them powerful. He gave them His own power and authority to destroy the works of the devil. These men went to ends of the earth, shaking kingdoms, setting many free from the hold of the devil and also lifting many people out of poverty. And all these happened to them because they came to seek a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, above all things.
But then, what we are dealing with goes beyond being made rich, popular, influential or powerful by God. Even if you do not shake kingdoms in this world and even if you do not have wealth, popularity or power in this world, if you gain the Lord Jesus Christ, you have gained eternal life. That is because this world we live in is not our permanent abode. This world will soon cease to be.
Therefore, there is nothing in the world that we can possess permanently. Your fame will not go beyond this world. Your wealth will not go beyond this world. Whatever it is that you possess in this world will not leave this world with you. So, don’t think you will be occupying in the life after the position you are currently occupying in this world, for you will not. You will not be anybody’s father, mother, husband, wife or boss there in the sense that you have been in this world. You will just be yourself.
However, the one who has a relationship with God will be able to take that relationship with Him out of this world into the life after. And whatever position he is occupying in the heart of God right here in the world is also what he will be occupying when he leaves this world. Isn’t that beautiful?
Look at what we are told about Abraham, from verse 8 of Hebrews 11:
“By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. By faith he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise. For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.” (Heb 11:8-10NIV)
Abraham was called out by God to go to a place that He was going to show him. But he did not know where God was taking him. Yet he followed Him. So, God took him there. And on getting there, God told him that the land would not be his at that moment but that his descendants would surely possess it years later. Did he fight God over that? No! Did he get angry with Him over it? No!
Instead, Abraham lived in that land that God had promised him as a stranger. He did not even own any property there, except the cave that he bought for the burial of his wife Sarah. Yet he did not lose his mind because God did not readily give him the land He had promised to him on oath. Why? It was because he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God Himself.
That means Abraham was looking beyond earthly things. What Abraham wanted and sought was beyond what was earthly. It was beyond a portion of land. Rather, it was a lasting relationship with God; it was eternal life. We are told in the bible that eternal is the knowledge of God and of His Son Jesus Christ (John 17:3). No wonder God called him His friend. No wonder God treated him the way He did. No wonder He was not ashamed to refer to Himself as his God. What the man wanted from God was more than whatever God wanted to give him here on earth. What he wanted from Him was an eternal relationship and a place in His eternal kingdom.
In like manner, if what you too want is an eternal relationship with God, you will not bother yourself about the earthly things you have or do not have. There are people that will not stay with God because or that have left Him because He would not readily give them what they wanted from Him. And it was not that God could not have given them those earthly things they wanted. He could have given them, for He has the power to do so. But He may just want to know exactly what they wanted from Him. He may just want to know if all they wanted from Him were those earthly things or if they wanted more.
The point I am making, at any rate, is that if all that you want from the Lord is healing and He does not heal you, you will most likely turn away from Him. Or if all you want from Him is fame, money or a powerful position in life and He does not give you, you will most likely turn away from Him. And there have been many that turned away from the Lord because of things like these. There are also those who are still attending church meetings but who have already turned away from the Lord. They are like Judas Iscariot. They move around with God’s people all the time. But at some point, they will eventually show by their actions that they have turned away from Him.
Well, the question is, “What do you want from the Lord?” Do you want an eternal relationship with Him or is it merely earthly things that you want from Him? If all that you want are those earthly things that the Lord can give you, then, you will most likely gain nothing in eternity. But if what you want is an eternal relationship with the Lord, then, you will not only have Him but also every other thing you need to be fulfilled in life.
Let us pray.
Copyright © 2024 Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church –This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07025105978)
Series: Questions to ask 3 | Title: What are you doing here? | By: Johnson O. Lawal | Date: October 20, 2024
I want us to continue from where we left off on ‘Questions to ask’. We have been looking at some major questions we need to ask ourselves and supply answers to, if we want to be all that God wants us to be in this life. I mean that if we don’t want to waste our lives or humanity, there are questions we need to ask ourselves and answer. Incidentally, God Himself is asking us these same questions and expecting us to answer them. And we have looked at two of them. The first is ‘Where are you?’ And the second is ‘Who are you listening to?’
Now we want to ask another question, which is ‘What are you doing here?’ When someone asks you, “What are you doing here?” there are two things that could indicate. The first is that the person is surprised to see you where you are. In other words, the person does not expect you to be there. He expects you to be somewhere else doing something else. So, that question is asked for you to consider where you and tell yourself the truth about your being there, whether you are supposed to be there or not. This, of course, does not mean that something is wrong with where you are; rather, it means that something is wrong with your being there.
Well, God may just be asking you too, “What are you doing here?” And if that is His question to you, you too need to ask yourself, “What am I doing here? Is this where I am supposed to be?” That is because, as I already pointed out, if someone asks you, “What are you doing here?” one of the things that could mean is that the person does not expect you to be where you are but somewhere else.
In the same vein, if God is asking you, “What are you doing here?” it could mean that He expects you to be somewhere else and not where you currently are. Yes, it could mean that He does not expect you to be in the house that you are living in, in the school that you are studying in, in the love relationship that you are in, in the job that you are in, in the town that you are in or even the Christian assembly that you are in.
To say the fact, God will ask people this question only when they themselves know that they are not supposed to be where they are. Yes, for one reason or the other, they see where they are as a safe zone, as a hiding place or as a refuge. But they know that they are not supposed to be where they are but somewhere else, doing the will of God.
For example, God once asked Elijah this question. What led Him to do that? Well, in 1Kings 18, we find Elijah dealing with the prophets of Baal in the land and having all of them executed. He did that to lead the whole nation of Israel back to the worship of the true God. But then, in chapter 19 of the same book, we find Elijah on the run for his life. Who was he running from? He was running from Jezebel. Look at what is said about that from verse 1 of 1Kings 19:
“Now Ahab told Jezebel everything Elijah had done and how he had killed all the prophets with the sword. So Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah to say, “May the gods deal with me, be it ever so severely, if by this time tomorrow I do not make your life like that of one of them.” Elijah was afraid and ran for his life. When he came to Beersheba in Judah, he left his servant there, while he himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness. He came to a broom bush, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. “I have had enough, Lord,” he said. “Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors.” Then he lay down under the bush and fell asleep. All at once an angel touched him and said, “Get up and eat.” He looked around, and there by his head was some bread baked over hot coals, and a jar of water. He ate and drank and then lay down again. The angel of the Lord came back a second time and touched him and said, “Get up and eat, for the journey is too much for you.” So he got up and ate drank. Strengthened by that food, he travelled forty days and forty nights until he reached Horeb, the mountain of God. There he went into a cave and spent the night. And the word of the Lord came to him: “What are you doing here, Elijah?” He replied, “I have been very zealous for the Lord God Almighty. The Israelites have rejected your covenant, torn down your altars, and put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too.” The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by…”” (1Kings 19:1-11NIV)
You can see how this man ran away because of Jezebel. Yesterday, we found him dealing with the prophets of Baal, having them executed and restoring the people of Israel to God. But today we found the same man running for his life. He was running away because Jezebel, that evil woman, had threatened to kill him. And he knew that hers were not empty threats. He knew that she was capable of delivering on her word. So, he decided to run away.
But here was a man of God that had experienced so much of the power of God that some people may not even think of him as an ordinary man, though the bible tells us that he was one (James 5:17). So, running away from Jezebel should not even have crossed his mind at all. But he ran away from her. That means it was a low moment for him. Yes, he was eventually taken up into the heavens in a supernatural way. But he had his own low moments of faith. And this, evidently, was one of those moments in which he was low in faith.
Now we see that he even asked God at that time to kill him. And did God answer his prayer? No, He did not. But when he prayed that he would not rain on the land, God answered him and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. And when he prayed again that it would rain, God answered him and it did rain on the land that same hour that he prayed. But God would not answer him when he asked that He should take his life. Why? He was trying to find refuge in death, and God was not going to listen to him on that.
There are many today too who are looking for refuge in death. Why? They do not want to deal with the challenges of their lives. Some also have run away from their families or from their workplaces or from certain ministerial works, simply because they do not want to deal with the challenges there. And the prayers such people offer to God in such situations may not get answered. That is because you cannot be running away from the will of God and be praying to Him to help you escape from His will. How does that sound? God will not answer that kind of prayer, as we see in Elijah’s case.
Well, while Elijah was running away, an angel of the Lord came to minister to him twice. He came to give him food and water twice. And in the strength of the food and water that he took, he travelled forty days and forty nights until he got to Horeb, the mountain of God. There he went into a cave to spend the night.
Now what was this man doing in that cave? That was this same question God asked him. God asked, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” But then, that looked like a ridiculous question for God to ask him. Why did it look ridiculous? It did because God Himself had sent an angel to feed him. He was running away from the will of God. Yet God sent an angel to feed him. And it was in the strength of the food that he travelled forty days and forty nights to get to Horeb. Yet God could ask, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”
Well, that means he was not supposed to be where he was at that time. And was he really supposed to be hiding in a cave? That was the question God was asking him. But did he give Him any concrete answer? No! Instead, he said, “I have been zealous for you. The Israelites rejected you, torn down your altars and killed all your prophets. I am the only one left. And now they are trying to kill me too.” And was the answer to the question God was asking him? No!
Was he supposed to be in that cave? That was the question God was asking him. If he was not supposed to be there, then, what was he doing there? And if he was supposed to be there, what was he supposed to be doing there? But he could not tell God what he was doing in that cave because he knew that he was not supposed to be there.
In like manner, there are many today that are in the wrong place in life. And if you ask them, “What are you doing here?” they will not be able to tell you anything reasonable. That was Elijah’s situation at the time. Nothing, of course, was wrong with the place he was. But something was wrong with his being there. That was not where he was supposed to be.
But then, as I said, God fed Elijah on his way to that place. That means that if you want to run away from the will of God, He may not stop you. On the contrary, He may provide for you what you need to do so. It is not every time that God would come against people for running away from His will, as He did with Jonah. He may not just come against you for running away from where you are supposed to be. Instead, He may even aid you in doing so.
Look at the children of Israel, as another example. They were supposed to move into the Promised Land at some point during their journey. But they were unwilling to do so. God Himself had told them that it was time for them to move in and take the land for themselves. But they allowed the bad news brought to them by some of them to discourage them and said that they would not go in to take the land. And in response to that, God said, “Since you will not go in to take the land I am giving you, you will wander in the wilderness for the next forty years until the last one of your fighting men died.”
Now did they wander in the wilderness as God had said or not? They did. But then, who took care of them during those forty years of wandering in that wilderness? God! He fed them every one of the days of those forty years. He took care of them. He took care of their sons and daughters. He took care of their livestock. He even took care of their clothes and sandals. But was that where they were supposed to be? No! They were supposed to be in the Promised Land. That wilderness was not home for them. It was not their resting place. But that was where they all spent forty years of their lives because of their unbelief. Yet God took care of them.
So, the fact that you are in the wrong place does not mean that God will not take care of you. It does not mean that God will abandon you. I mean that the fact that you are in the wrong school and studying the wrong course does not mean that God will not take care of you or will not let you do well. And the fact that you are in a wrong Christian assembly does not mean that God will abandon you and not protect you. No!
As I said before, God took care of the children of Israel in the wilderness. But they could not experience His best for their lives as long as they were in that wilderness. So, if you are not where God wants you to be, you cannot experience His best for your life. Outside the will of God, outside the place God wants you to be, you cannot experience His best for your life. Yes, He will take care of you. But you will not experience His best for your life.
Well, here, because God was going to show Elijah mercy and not allow him to waste his life where he had run to, He came to him and asked, “What are you doing here?” And since he could not give Him any meaningful answer, He told him to go and stand outside the cave and wait for Him. Now here is what God said to him from verse 13:
“When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave. Then a voice said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” He replied, “I have been very zealous for the Lord God Almighty. The Israelites have rejected your covenant, torn down your altars, and put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too.” The Lord said to him, “Go back the way you came, and go to the Desert of Damascus. When you get there, anoint Hazael king over Aram. Also, anoint Jehu son of Nimshi king over Israel, and anoint Elisha son of Shaphat from Abel Mehola to succeed you as prophet. Jehu will put to death any who escape the sword of Hazael, and Elisha will put to death any who escape the sword of Jehu. Yet I reserve seven thousand in Israel – all whose knees have not bowed down to Baal and whose mouths have not kissed him.” (1Kings 19:13-18NIV)
You can see that when God spoke to Elijah again, it was the same question that He asked him. He said, “What are you doing here?” And we see that his answer was also the same. He told God that he had been zealous for him and that the Israelites were trying to kill him. And how did God respond to that? He told him to go back the way he had come. Think about that. This man travelled forty days and forty nights, only to hear God tell him to go back the way he had come.
Well, that was something. But that was the will of God for him. He told him to go back the way he came. He sent him back in the same direction and told him what he needed to go and do. That means he should not have come to that place in the first place. And that is the point I am making.
Think about it. When he went back the way he had come, did Jezebel touch him? No! Did Jezebel even look for him? No! She just totally forgot about him. What did God do to her? We are not told. But we do know from the account that she did not send assassins after him. She just totally forgot about him. That means when Jezebel first threatened hm, if he had asked God what to do, He would have told him. Then he would not have had to run away from where he was, only or him to be sent back by God to the same place.
That man travelled forty days and forty nights without stopping to rest or catch his breath. Do you know how much distance he must have covered during those days? Yes, he was energised by God to do so. But all of that would not have been necessary, if he had not chosen to run away from where God wanted him to be instead of hearing from God what he should have done.
Now, as I said before, we still have people today that are running from pillar to post, away from the will of God for their lives because of challenges. And if God is going to talk to such people, it may just be what He said to Elijah that He would be saying to them too. He may ask them, “What are you doing here? Go back the way you came. You are not supposed to be here” And until you go and begin to do what God wants you to do, He has nothing else to say to you. Until I too go and begin to do what God wants me to do, He has nothing us to say to me. Until I am where He wants me to be and doing what He wants me to do, He will have nothing else to say to me.
Here is the point, at any rate: If God is asking you, “What are you doing here?” it may just mean that you are in the wrong place. And you need to get back to where He wants you to be so that you can do what He wants you to do there.
As we also see in the bible, He once appeared to Hagar, Sarah’s maidservant, and asked her very similar questions. Look at these from verse 7 of Genesis 16:
“The angel of the Lord found Hagar near a spring in the desert; it was the spring that is beside the road to Shur. And he said, “Hagar, slave of Sarai, where have you come from, and where are you going?” “I’m running away from my mistress Sarai,” she answered. Then the angel of the Lord told her, “Go back to your mistress and submit to her.” The angel added, “I will increase your descendants so much that they will be too numerous to count.”” (Genesis 16:7-9NIV)
Hagar was running away from her mistress, as we see here. Why? It was because her mistress maltreated her. Why did she maltreat her? It was because she was proud; she would not submit to her. She thought that the two of them had become mates, seeing that they were sharing the same husband. She had forgotten that she was just a maid in the house. She allowed the privilege she was given to get into her head and then began to misbehave. Therefore, her mistress dealt with her. That was what made her flee from her. But where was she going? She did not know. What would she do with her life where she was when the angel of God met her? She did not know. She was just hanging around there.
In like manner, you may just be hanging around where you are, not doing anything relevant to your progress or advancement. And you can tell, if this is the case with you. You can tell that you are just wasting your time and your life where you are. So, what are you doing there? You know where you are supposed to be. You know what talents, abilities, opportunities, training and education you have. And you know what you are supposed to be doing with these things. But you are running away from it. Why? It is most likely because of the challenges that are associated with being where you are and doing what you are supposed to be doing there.
That was the case with Hagar at that time. She was running away but did not know where she was going or what she would do with her life there. And what did angel of God tell her, when He met her? He said, “Go back and submit to your mistress.” In other words, running away from her mistress was not the solution to her problem; running away from her challenges was not the solution to her problem. The solution to her problem was to go and submit to her mistress.
By the way, did she know what sort of challenges she would face where she was running to? No! What if they were more overwhelming than what she had run away from? What would she do? Would she run away again? So, the angel told her, “Go and submit to your mistress.” There were no excuses that could be accepted for not being where she was supposed to be. And there are no excuses that can be accepted from us too for not being where we are supposed to be and doing what God wants you to be doing there.
Now I am not talking here about people who do not know what God wants them to do with their lives. If you don’t know what He wants you to do, then, begin to pray to Him so that He may show you. But I am talking here about you who know what God wants you to do. You know the gifts He has given you. You know the abilities, education and opportunities He has given to you and what He expects you to do with them. You know it in your heart where you are supposed to be and what you are supposed to be doing there. But you are not there.
Well, if God is going to talk to you this morning, what do you think He will say? He will most likely say to you, as He said to Elijah, “What are you doing here? This is not where you are supposed to be. Go to where you are meant to be.” And He will not listen to any excuse from you.
Elijah told him that he was the only prophet of His left. That was his excuse. But God responded and said, “Look, I have seven thousand people in Israel that have not bowed down to Baal or kissed his image. These people are still in the land. They have not run away.’ Instead, they are living there to please me, to do my will. So, don’t think you are the only one facing challenges.” So, you may just find out, if God were to open your eyes, that there are thousands of people facing the same or similar challenges as yours where God wants them to be. Yet they are not running or thinking of doing so. So, get yourself together and go back to where you are supposed to be and start doing what you are supposed to be doing there.
Furthermore, as I pointed out earlier, when someone asks you, “What are you doing here?” it could mean two things. It could mean that you are in the wrong place and need to leave there for the right place, which we have already considered. Then it could also mean that you are in the right place but not doing the right thing there.
So, if God is asking you, “What are you doing here?” it could mean that He wants to find out if you know what you are supposed to be doing where you are. And can you tell what you are doing where you are? No, you are not in the wrong place but in the right place. But what are you doing with your life there? Can you tell? What are you doing with your energy, education and opportunities where you are? Are you making the most of them? Or are you just wasting everything?
The word of God tells not to be unwise but to be wise and be making the most of the opportunities of where we are, for these are evil days. That means there may indeed be very difficult challenges where you are. But there are also opportunities there. And can you see them? If you can see them, what are you doing with them? Are you making the most of them? Those are the questions God will be asking you. He will want to know what you are doing with your time, training, education, gifts and opportunities where you are. He will want to know whether you are making the most of everything to build your life or whether you are just wasting away. (Cf. Ephesians 5:15-16)
Think of Joseph. In Potiphar’s house and also in the prison, he made the most of his time there in preparing himself for the future, for greatness. And when the time came for his elevation, he was ready. What about Paul? When he was in the prison, what did he do with his time and opportunities? He made the most of them to pray, to evangelise and to also strengthen the brethren with his letters. And when all had been said and done, he had succeeded in establishing a church with members of the household of Ceasar.
Well, what we are saying is that if God is asking you, “What are you doing here?” what will be your answer? I pray that you get it right, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Copyright © 2024 Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church –This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07025105978)
Series: Questions to ask 2 | Title: Who are you listening to? | By: Johnson O. Lawal | Date: October 13, 2024
I want us to continue to look at the series of questions that we need to be asking ourselves, if we want to be all that God wants us to be in this life and also live the kind of life He wants us to live. And the first question we are meant to ask ourselves is ‘Where am I?’ That was the first question God posed to Adam after his fall. God asked him, “Where are you?” And He asked him that because He wanted him to deal with the reality of where he was at the time. Otherwise, God would not be able to help him. In like manner, until we deal with the truth about where we are in life, we cannot properly relate to where we should be. And where that is the case, there isn’t much God can say to us or do for us.
Now let us look at another question we should be asking ourselves. And that is “Who are you listening to?” When someone asks you, “Who are you listening to?” evidently what the person is saying is, “Whose words have you been acting on? Whose words have you been taking seriously?” This, then, goes beyond listening to a teacher in a class or listening to someone broadcasting news. This has to do with listening to act on what is heard. This is about taking someone’s words seriously to the point that we act on them.
Well, I am asking you, “Who are you listening to? Who have you been listening to?” The one you are listening to and whose words you cherish will determine how you view yourself and life in general. The one whose words you have been listening to will determine the degree to which you will enjoy God’s goodness and provisions for your life and also where you will end your earthly race.
As far as God is concerned, it is either you are listening to Him or you are listening to the devil. As far as He is concerned, it is either you are taking His words seriously or you are taking Satan’s words seriously. These are the two major beings we can be listening to: God and Satan. And the one we are listening to out of the two of them will determine what words we will hear. And the words we hear will determine how we look at ourselves and where we will ultimately end our race in this world.
Now common sense tells us that the one we should be listening to is God our creator. If we know that we did not create ourselves, that we did not appear out of the blues but that someone created us and that the person that created us definitely has a purpose for our lives, then, it makes sense to seek the face of the one that created us and begin to listen to Him. Since He created us, He is the only one that can tell us what His purpose and plans for our lives are and how to accomplish them.
Who, then, created us? God created us. There are people, of course, who don’t believe this. But they will not be able to say that they have not been confronted with the reality of God’s existence. Thankfully, God our creator is not far from us. Paul, while addressing certain men of Athens, told them that God was not far from any of us and that we could all reach out for Him (Acts 17:16-34). If we reach out for God, then, He will show us His plans for our lives and how to realise these plans. And we, in fact, have all kinds of Scriptures that point to the fact that God is committed to instructing us in the right way we should go in life.
God, however, will not force Himself or His counsel on us. We will have to see Him as one that is worthy to counsel and direct us. We have to see Him as the one whose words matter the most for us to become who we are meant to be in life.
In the book of Genesis, chapter 3, we see God asking Adam this question: “Who are you listening to?” Of course, it is not rendered exactly like that in the passage. But that is the message the question He asked him is communicating to us. Look at what is said about this from verse 8:
“Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?” He answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.” And he said, “Who told you that you were naked?” Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?”” (Genesis 3:8-11NIV)
This, again, is placed after the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. After his fall, he realised that he was naked. So, he and his wife went hiding. But they had been naked all along, as we are shown in Genesis 2, and they felt no shame. Why did they feel no shame? They felt no shame because the glory of the Lord was their covering; it was like a garment for them. So, though they were naked, they did not realise it or pay attention to it.
However, the moment they disobeyed God, their nakedness became obvious to them and they went to hid. So, when God began to call out to them, they went hiding and told Him that they had to hide from Him because they were naked. Then God asked them, “Who told you that you were naked?” In other words, He had never said anything to them about being naked. He was the one that created them. And He knew that they were naked. But He never said anything to them about it because He had taken care of it. To hear, then, from them that they were naked was indicative of something. It was indicative of the fact that they had not been taking God’s word seriously but had been listening to someone else.
My point, at any rate, is that who you listen to will determine how you view yourself. The moment Adam and Eve listened to the devil, their perception about themselves changed. Before that time, they saw themselves in the glory of God. But when they listened to the devil, they saw themselves as naked and unworthy and went hiding.
Now who have you too been listening to? The view that you have of yourself now, from whom did you get it? You see yourself as a failure. Who told you that you were a failure? You see yourself as poor. Who told you that you were poor? You may look around you and not see anything that suggests that you are rich. But that is not to say that you are not rich. The life of a man does not consist in the abundance of His possessions (Luke 12:15). That is what the word of God tells us.
Well, these people told God that they were naked. But He had never told them anything like that because His glory was all over them. The glory of the Lord is over your life too. And you have to see that glory instead of the poverty or stagnation all around you. The reason Adam and Eve stopped seeing the glory of God in their lives was that they listened to the devil. If you too start listening to the devil, you will no longer see the glory and goodness of God in your life. All you will be seeing are chaos, poverty, nakedness, shame, weakness, stagnation, barrenness and death. And what you see is what you will say about your life.
For instance, there are people who refer to themselves as barren today. How did they know that they were barren? Who told them that they were barren? Isaiah once asked, “Whose report are you going to believe? Is it what God is saying or what the devil is saying? Is it what God is saying or what the circumstances of your life have been saying?” (Cf. Isaiah 53:1)
Now I am asking you again, “Who have you been listening to? Who told you that you could not make it in life? Who told you that you would die poor? Who told you that you were sick and could not be well?” Your answers to these questions have to do with the person you have been listening to. If you are listening to God, you will continually hear words that reflect who you really are, in spite of your circumstances. If you are listening to Him, you will hear words that reflect His purpose for your life and not what you are seeing. What you are seeing may be contrary to His purpose for your life. But as long as you are listening to Him, what you will be hearing are words that communicate His plans, purpose and glory for you. And if you take those words seriously and act on them, in spite of what you see, you will be able to move from where you are to where you should be.
The bible refers to God as the God who gives life to the dead and calls those things that are not as though they were (Romans 4:17). And if He is the one you are listening to, your life can only move forward and upward. But if it is the devil that you are listening to, and it is either you are listening to God or to the devil, your life can only go in the opposite direction of what is right. Your life can only go in the wrong direction.
The moment Adam and Eve listened to the devil, their lives started going in the wrong direction. They began to see themselves as naked, vulnerable and unworthy. And before long, they were driven out of the place of comfort God had prepared to them.
Now that, of course, is what happens when people stop listening to God and start listening to the devil. They become naked. In other words, they become vulnerable to all kinds of satanic attacks and danger. That is because the protection of God is gone from them. And unless they are shown mercy, they will be utterly destroyed by the devil.
Not only that, when people start listening to the devil, they find themselves being driven away from the place of God’s provisions for them. This is why we are told not to listen to the counsel of the ungodly. It hurts to do so. Look at how this is given to us from verse 1 of Psalm 1:
“Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither – whatever they do prospers.” (Psalm 1:1-3NIV)
Can you see that there is a clear distinction between the one listening to God and the one listening to the devil? The one listening to God and meditating on His word is like a tree planted by the streams of water. He is going to bring forth fruit in season and his leaves will never wither. And that person is going to prosper in all that he does. Yes, regardless of how harsh the circumstances of life may be towards him, he is going to thrive. That is because he is listening to God, not the circumstances of his life.
See, Satan will continue to show us the circumstances of our lives and how dangerous they are. He will keep showing us how poor, weak and useless these circumstances will make us. He will continue to tell us that we cannot make it with these circumstances, unless we get involved in stealing, prostitution, money rituals and so forth. This is what Satan tells people all the time. He tells them that there is no way they can make it where they are, unless they start doing the wrong things. So, they also start doing the wrong things.
Why do people kill themselves? One of the reasons is that Satan keeps filling them with wicked words. He keeps telling them, “Everyone hates you. No one wants you around. No one is impressed by your accomplishments. They are just lying to you. You are a mess. You are useless to everyone. Why don’t just kill yourself?” So, they end up killing themselves.
Now no one listening to God will go and kill himself. No one listening to God will give up on life, regardless of the circumstances he may be faced with. No one listening to God will surrender to defeat. People surrender to defeat because they are listening to the devil. People surrender to stagnation because they are listening to the devil. The one who is listening to God and meditating on what God is saying to Him, as we are told in Psalm 1, will continually be fruitful. His life will never wither. Instead, he prospers in whatever he does.
Again, the question is, “Who you are listening to?” You have the opportunity of listening to God all the time, for you have the Scriptures. And if you will give yourself to these Scriptures, meditating on them day and night, you will prosper. Giving yourselves to the word of God in this manner is the secret of prosperity. It is the secret of walking in victory over all the vices in this world. As one of the psalmists says, “How can a young man keep himself pure in this world? It is by living according to the word of God.” (Cf. Psalm 119:9)
So, if you don’t want your life to be ruined, you have to give yourself to the word of God. The world is in this mess today because our forebears listened to the devil. And if you don’t want your home or your generation to be ruined in this same manner, then, be careful whom you are listening to. If you don’t want to be driven away from that beautiful place prepared by God for you, you cannot afford to be listening to the devil.
You may think that things are not looking good for you at the moment. But if you keep on listening to the devil, things will only get worse for you. If it is God you are listening, on the contrary, things can only get better for you. The Garden of Eden was meant to be the starting point of prosperity for Adam and Eve. It was meant to be their headquarters, where they would launch out to the remaining part of the earth and build it. But when he stopped listening to God and started listening to the devil, he was driven out of that garden and had to start life afresh and all over again and under difficult conditions. What a shame!
We are also told of a man in the bible by the name Amnon. He was the first son of King David and should naturally have been king after him. But because he once listened to a friend of his called Jonadab, he raped his sister Tamar. And because he raped her, he was assassinated by Absalom, the girl’s brother. So, he lost his life and his place in the kingdom of his father, whatever it might have been. (Cf. 2Samuel 13)
So, if you don’t want things to go worse for you or lose your place in God’s scheme of things, you cannot afford to be listening to the devil. The one you are to be listening to is God. Now what you are seeing, as I pointed out before, may be contrary to what God is saying to you. But you are not to pay attention to what you are seeing but to what God is saying. That is why the bible says that we walk by faith and not by sight (2Corinthians 7:7).
That, of course, has nothing to do with denying what you are seeing. You are seeing whatever you are seeing. But in spite of what you are seeing about your finances, you stick with the word of God that says God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Also, in spite of what you see in your body, you keep on declaring the word of God that says, “By His wounds you have been healed.” Therefore, you don’t look at what Satan is showing you; instead, you look at what God is saying to you. That is what is going to result in your transformation and prosperity.
Then it is also possible to be listening to both God and the devil. Where this is the case, you will be living a life of confusion. You will move forward a little and then go backwards. Your life, then, will be up and down all through. And this will most likely be the case when you cannot tell the difference between when God is talking to you and when Satan is talking to you. Why can’t people tell when God is talking to them from when Satan is talking to them? The reason is that they are not settling down with the word of God. You must settle down with the word of God to be able to tell the difference between when God is talking to you and when Satan is talking to you.
As we see from all the recorded temptations of our Lord Jesus, He was able to tell that the one talking to Him was the devil and not God. Of course, we are not told whether Satan manifested himself to Him physically on those occasions or not. But we are told that Jesus was able to tell that he was the one talking to Him and not God. When, for instance, he told Him to turn some stones to bread, He responded by saying, “It is written, “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”” You can see, then, that Jesus responded that way because what Satan said was inconsistent with the word of God. (Cf. Matthew 4:1-4)
Also, when Satan told the Lord to throw Himself down from the top of the Temple on the basis of the Scripture that says, “God will give command to His angels concerning you. They will bear you up in their arms, so that you will not dash your foot against a stone,” Jesus said, “It is also written, “You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.”” Again, this shows us that Jesus was able to tell that Satan was the one talking here because he was twisting the word of God. And He was able to do this because He had given Himself to meditating on the word of God (Cf. Matthew 4:5-7)
But we see Peter, in Matthew 16, not being able to tell the difference between when God was speaking to him and when Satan was speaking to him. First, he made a declaration that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the living God. And Jesus told him that it was not flesh and blood that revealed that to him but God the Father Himself. So, it was a direct revelation to the heart of Peter from God. He did not receive that knowledge through a dream or a vision.
But a moment later, this same Peter took Jesus aside and began to rebuke Him for saying that He was going to die. Therefore, Jesus said to him, “Get behind me, Satan. You are a stumbling block to me. You do not have in mind the things of God but the things of this world.” Now is that to say that Peter was Satan? No! Jesus simply said that to show us that the one who spoke to Peter in that instance was the devil. The same Peter that God spoke through also became a spokesperson for the devil in moments apart. Why? It was because he could not tell the difference between when God was speaking to him and when Satan was speaking to him. But the Lord Jesus could tell the difference. So, He would not listen to Peter and the devil speaking through Him.
Now can you too tell when God is talking to you from when Satan is talking to you? If you cannot tell, then, today you may find yourself listening to God and also find yourself listening to the devil tomorrow. That way, confusion will overtake your life and affairs. But if you don’t want that, you cannot afford to be listening to the devil at all. He does not love you. All he wants is how your life will be ruined. And as long as you keep listening to him, that is what is going to happen. Your life will become a mess. Your world will become a mess.
Our world is a mess today because most people are listening to the devil. Those who are listening to God don’t ruin the world; instead, they build it. Those who listen to Him build up homes and don’t destroy them. Those who listen to Him build up lives and don’t destroy them. It is those who are listening to the devil that are the destroyers of the world. So, who are you listening to? If you want your life to be what it is meant to be, you had better be listening to your creator.
God bless you.
Copyright © 2024 Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church –This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07025105978)
Series: Questions to ask | Title: Where are you? | By: Johnson O. Lawal | Date: October 06, 2024
I want us to begin to look at some of the main questions we ought to be asking ourselves, if we want to be the persons God wants us to be and where He wants us to be in life. And the very first of those questions is ‘Where are you?” Now it might interest you to know that this is very first question we find in the bible. It was the very first question God asked the man after his fall. Look at how this is given to us from verse 8 of Genesis 3:
“Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”” (Genesis 3:8-9NIV)
Why would God call to the man ‘Where are you?’ Was it that He did not know where he was at the time? He knew where he was. Why, then, did He ask him that? Well, God asked him this question because He wanted him to deal with the reality of his position or location at the time and also tell himself the truth about it. Was he where he was supposed to be? If he was not where he was supposed to be, how did he get there?
In any case, if Adam would be where he was meant to be, he must first acknowledge where he was and the truth about the place. You know that if you believe that where you are is where you are meant to be, you will not see any reason to move from there to somewhere else. It is when you see yourself as being in the wrong place that you will be motivated to move from there to where you should be.
So, one of the first questions we must learn to ask ourselves, if we want to move forward in life, is ‘Where am I?” If someone is looking for you and you want to give him direction on how to find you, what is the first question you will ask the person? It is ‘Where are you?’ You have nothing else to say to the person until you know his current location. It is where the person is that will determine the description you will give him in order to locate you.
Now that is exactly how it is in life. If we want to move forward, we need to know where we are. If we know where we are and are able to tell whether it is the right place for us or not, then, we can tell what to do to move from there to where we should be. And it does not matter what we are dealing with, whether we are dealing with moving forward in our walk with God, moving forward in our business, moving forward in our studies or moving forward in our marriage, we need to first know where we are in order to know what steps of progress we need to take.
Where, then, are you at the moment? Do you know it? If you know it, is that where you are supposed to be? In your walk with God, do you know where you are? And is that where you are supposed to be? In your business or studies, do you know where you are? Is that where you are supposed to be? In your marriage relationship, do you know where you are? Is that where you are supposed to be? As a parent, do you know where your children are in life and in their studies? Do you know what stage of development they are at the moment? If you don’t know, how can you help them in moving forward in life?
Well, as far as God is concerned, you can only be either in the light or in darkness, in His kingdom or in the kingdom of the devil, in death or in life. It does not matter whether we are business people, traders, artisans, employees, employers or students, married or not married. As far as God is concerned, everything about where we are boils down to these things. So, it is either you are in the light or in darkness, in God’s kingdom or in Satan’s kingdom, in life or in death.
Now where you are, based on these things, is what will determine what things God will be saying to you. It is what will determine the descriptions and instructions God will be giving you on moving forward in life. And let me give you some Scriptures along this line. First, we have this from John’s gospel:
“When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the word. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12NIV)
Did you see that? We can either be walking in the light or in darkness. If we are following Jesus, we are going to be walking in the light. But if we are not following Him, then, our walk will be a walk in darkness.
Also, we see something similar said in 1Thessalonians, chapter 5, verse 5. There Paul says this:
“You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness.” (NIV)
You can see from what Paul says here that we can either be in the light or in darkness. If you are in the light, then, you know where you are heading and can see the results of what you are doing. But if you are darkness, you don’t know what you are doing, as far as God is concerned. And if God is going to say anything to you about moving forward in life and being where you are meant to be, He will first need to get you out of darkness into the light.
Therefore, Peter says this to us in his first epistle:
“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” (1Peter 2:9NIV)
So, those of us who are Christians have been brought out of darkness into God’s wonderful light. If you, however, are not a child of God, you are still in darkness. And before God can properly guide you to be the person you ought to be in life, He has to first lead you out of darkness into His light. But that will not happen until you acknowledge that you are in darkness. You have to acknowledge that you cannot see where you are heading with all that you are doing before you can begin to hunger to be brought out of darkness into the light.
Those who are darkness don’t know where they are heading, as I pointed out before. So, everything tends towards futility for them. Yes, they may be accomplished in this life or well-known for all kinds of great or famous works. But where will their accomplishments take them? Where will their wealth or fame or influence take them? Do they know? They don’t know for a fact. They may guess. They may say that they have an idea. But a walk in the darkness is always a walk in uncertainty. And it will end up being injurious unless light is introduced just in time.
Furthermore, as I pointed out already, as far as God’s His concerned, it is either you are in His kingdom or in the kingdom of the devil. Look at what Paul says to the Colossians about this:
“For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” (Colossians 1:13-14NIV)
Who rescued us? God! Where were we when He rescued us? We were under the dominion of darkness. In other words, we were in the kingdom of the devil. So, we were under his dominion; we were under his reign. But having believed in Christ Jesus, God rescued us from that kingdom and brought us into the kingdom of the Son of His love.
Now if you are under the dominion of the devil, you will experience his reign in your life and over your life. That is something natural for you to experience. And if you are under the dominion of God, it becomes natural for you to experience the reign of God in your life and over your life.
Well, if you want to move forward in life, you need to know which kingdom you belong in. If you belong in the kingdom of the devil, then, whatever form of progress you make will be within his kingdom and under his dominion. In fact, unless you are shown mercy by God (and everyone is daily being shown mercy by Him), you will never progress beyond what that kingdom permits. But if you belong in the kingdom of God, you are moving and living under the control of God. So, what you will be experiencing is the reign of God over your life. And His reign over your life will always be geared towards moving you forward to become the person He wants you to be.
Then I said, as far as God is concerned, you are either in death or in life. Look at what Jesus says in John, chapter 5, verse 24:
“Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life.” (NIV)
Did you see that? Those who believe in the Lord Jesus have crossed over from death to life. That could only mean that they used to be in the place of death. But now they have crossed over from death to life. And to cross over in that manner, you have to first see and agree that you are in death.
Now you know that nothing grows where there is death. Life is not happening where there is death. Yes, you may think you are growing or moving forward, if you are in death. But you are self-deluded. That is because everything you are doing tends towards death; all your accomplishments tend towards death and decay. And if you want to end your experience of death and decay, you must first acknowledge that you are in a place of death and need to come out of it. If you do not acknowledge that, you cannot move out of there into life.
Do you really want to remain in death? Every sane person associates death with decay, with nothingness. But it takes one who agrees that he is in death to seek to be in life. This is why people don’t become born again or yield their lives to the Lord of Jesus Christ until they admit that they are living in death and need to get out of it. So, if you are not born again yet, you need to acknowledge that you are in the wrong place.
See, the very first meaningful step you will take in life is to step out of spiritual death into spiritual life. Yes, the very first meaningful step every natural man will take in life is to step out of death into life, out of darkness into light and out of the kingdom of the devil into the kingdom of God. But people will not do this until they see that they are in the wrong place. And the only one that can make them see this is the Holy Spirit of God.
Now can you tell exactly where you are? Can you tell whether you are in the light or in darkness? Can you tell for sure that you are in life and not in death, that you are in the kingdom of God and not in the kingdom of the devil? You need to be certain about this. God asked Adam, “Where are you?” Adam needed to tell himself the truth about where he was at the time. Otherwise, there was no way God could help him.
God loves us. He cares about us. He has good intentions for us all. He wants us to become all that He wants us to be and live the kind of life that He wants us to live, so that we may be with Him forever. But unless we acknowledge where we are, unless we tell ourselves the truth about where we are, we will not yield ourselves to God so that He may bring us to where we ought to be in life.
That is on the one hand. On the other hand, the fact that you are in the kingdom of light does not mean that you will keep moving forward to be all that you are meant to be in life. You have to be living in the will of God for that to happen. So, as far as God is concerned, as His child, it is either you are in His will or outside His will. Yes, you are in His kingdom. But that does not mean that you are walking in His will for your life. A child of God can be outside His will for him. And he will most likely be outside God’s will for his life, if he does not know it.
Here is what Paul says to us along this line:
“Be very careful, the, how you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.” (Ephesians 5:15-17NIV)
Can you see that? There is such a thing as the will of God for our lives. And we need to know and understand it. Otherwise, we will be living foolish lives, even though we refer to ourselves as children of God.
The point I am making, at any rate, is that, for those of us who are children of God, it is either we are in the will of God or outside His will. And this goes beyond where we live or the career we have chosen. Of course, I am not trying to rule out the fact that a career can be within the will of God or outside His will for our lives. But from what we see in Scriptures, whatever career or profession we choose for ourselves is not as important to God as living according to His word.
Our careers should be based on our natural abilities and also on the education, skills and opportunities God has given us the privilege to have. Common sense tells us that our careers should be chosen on the basis of these things. And if we decide to choose them on any other basis, we will surely have only ourselves to blame.
In any case, beyond what careers we may have chosen for ourselves, God is concerned about our living lives that are well-pleasing to Him. Also, beyond the place we may choose to live in, God is concerned about our living lives that are well-pleasing to Him. Yes, He is concerned about where we choose to live. That is because it can enhance or hinder our devotion to living in the will of God for our lives.
For instance, when Lot went to live in Sodom, his devotion to living in the will of God was affected to some extent. Also, his experience of the goodness of God was affected through his stay in Sodom. But living in Sodom did not stop him from being recognized by God as a righteous man. So, where we live matters too.
However, beyond our career or geographical location, what God is after is our devotion to living a life that is well-pleasing to Him. And do we know what life is well-pleasing to Him? We know by looking into the Scriptures. And from Scriptures we see that a life well-pleasing to Him is a life of faith; it is a life that takes God seriously. How, then, do we take God seriously? It is by knowing what He wants. And how do we know what He wants? It is by settling down with the Scriptures.
Now I said we have to settle down with Scriptures in order to know what God wants from us because it is not a one-off thing. We have to devote an entire lifetime to doing so. That means we have to continually learn the will of God for ourselves every day of our lives by giving ourselves to the Scriptures.
But then, I am saying that, as far as God is concerned, His children are either in His will or outside will. We can be in the Garden of Eden and yet be outside the will of God for our lives. It was while in the Garden of Eden that Adam stepped outside the will of God and fell. But it was God that brought him into that Garden. So, it was the right place for him to be and he was also having the right vocation at the time. Yet he went outside the will of God for his life. So, he was driven out of the Garden. And there are many like Adam today that have been driven out of the place of God’s provision and promotion for them because they stepped outside the will of God for their lives.
Furthermore, we can be in the prison and yet be in the will of God of our lives. For instance, Joseph was in the will of God for his life even when he was in the prison. Did he like to be in that prison? No! Was he supposed to be there, judging by human standards? No! But even though it was a lie that brought him into the prison, he was living in the will of God for his life. That means everything he was doing was consistent with the will of God for His life. Therefore, God was able to move him away from the prison to where he should be in life. (Cf. Gen 39-41)
What about Paul the apostle? He too once found himself in the prison. And did he want to be there? No! But he ended up there. And while he was there, he gave himself to living in the will of God. He was living on the basis of the word of God. Therefore, God was able to work out all things for his good. (Cf. Philippians 1:12-14)
In like manner, if we are going to be the people God wants us to be and move forward to the places He has prepared for us in life, we must know where we are, as far as the will of God is concerned. And if we are outside His will, we need to step back in His will without delay. That way, He can make all things work together for our good, regardless how tough things may be for us, and take us to those heights meant for us.
Thankfully, we have the Spirit of God and also the word of God to make the truth known to us about where we are and also where we ought to be. All we need is to be devoted to prayer and to studying and meditating on God’s word. Then our eyes will be opened to see where we truly are in life, not where we think we are, so that we can begin to take steps towards moving forward from there to where we should be. Let us pray.
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Series: Healing Rivers | Title: His ever-present power | By: Johnson O. Lawal | Date: September 29, 2024
This is another episode of ‘Healing rivers’. And today I want to share some things with you about the power of God that is always present in every meeting of believers and the need for you to recognise this power and make the most of it for your healing, elevation and whatever you may want to enjoy from God’s hand. I will begin by reading to you from Saint’s Luke’s gospel, chapter 5, verse 17, which says:
“One day Jesus was teaching, and Pharisees and teachers of the Law were sitting there. They had come from every village of Galilee and from Judea and Jerusalem. And the power of the Lord was with Jesus to heal the sick.” (NIV)
Luke here is describing an incident that took place in the life of our Lord Jesus one day. It happened that the Lord was teaching that day and there were a lot of Pharisees and teachers of the law listening to Him. These people had come from every village of Galilee and from Judea and Jerusalem. So, there was a large crowd of people with Him that day.
But then, that is not everything Luke wants us to see. There is something else that he also wants us to see, which is that the power of the Lord to heal the sick was with Jesus that day. How did he know this? Was there a sign or something to show that the power of the Lord to heal the sick was with Him that day? No, there was nothing to show that the power of the Lord to heal the sick was with Jesus that day.
How, then, did Luke know that God’s power to heal the sick was present with Him that day? He knew by faith. He knew that wherever Jesus was, God’s power was also there with Him. It did not matter where He went, the power of God went with Him there. He never left the power of God behind; rather, He always carried it with Him. So, even if Jesus was at a meal table or with a multitude in an open place, the power of God was there with Him.
You, therefore, would need to look beyond what was visible or what could be felt to the fact that Jesus was a carrier of the power of God when He walked the face of this earth, if you would be able to take advantage of God’s power in Him. What I am saying is that whether you could feel or sense the power of God that Jesus was carrying at that time or not, you must believe that the power of God was always with Him. Otherwise, you would not be able to take advantage of that power.
Of course, there were times that people could literally feel or sense the presence of the power of God in and with our Lord Jesus Christ. For instance, from verse 17 of Luke chapter 6, we are told this:
“He went down with them and stood on a level place. A large crowd of his disciples was there and a great number of people from all over Judea, from Jerusalem, and from the coastal region around Tyre and Sidon, who had come to hear him and to be healed of their diseases. Those troubled by impure spirits were cured, and the people all tried to touch him, because power was coming from him and healing them all.” (Luke 6:17-19NIV)
You can see what happened on another day in the life of our Lord Jesus. On this day, crowds of people were with Him and wanted to touch Him. Why? As Luke tells us, it was because power was coming from Him and healing them all. How did they know that the power of God was coming from Him to heal them? It must have been that they could feel or sense the outflow of the power of God from Him.
You know that if you stand close to a raging fire, you will be able to feel the heat. And you can tell yourself that the closer you get to this fire, the more likely you will get burnt by it. You don’t need to be in the fire to know that it is hot enough to harm you. You just need to come a little closer to it. Then you will be able to tell through its heat how close you can get to it and not be hurt by it. And if there are grasses where that fire is raging, its heat alone is enough to dry them up and kill them – they don’t have to be directly consumed by it.
In like manner, the power of God can sometimes be strongly felt by people. This does not happen all the time. But there are times that God makes people feel His power. So, they will be able to tell that His power is flowing through whoever He is using by coming close to the person. And the closer they come to the person, the more they will feel this power. Of course, this also depends on the degree of God’s power that is being released through the person in that situation. I mean that the degree of the power of God that is flowing through the person is what will determine how close people need to get to him in order to feel or experience that power.
So, those who were present in that meeting could feel the power of God that was coming from Jesus that day. Those who were not in the meeting could not feel this power, for they were not anywhere near where the power was operating. And because those who were in this meeting could feel the power of God flowing out from the Lord, they tried to touch Him. That was so that they could be healed of their sicknesses and diseases.
But the case being described by Luke in the fifth chapter of this same gospel is different from the one we just considered. In this fifth chapter, he does not say that anyone felt God’s power flowing from Jesus, neither does he say that anyone wanted to touch Him because they could feel the power of God flowing through Him. Instead, he simply tells us that the power of God to heal the sick was present there in that meeting with Him.
Again, I ask, “How did Luke know this?” It was by faith that he knew it. He knew that wherever Jesus was, God’s power was also there. You may not feel that power. You not sense it. But it is not going to change the fact it was present with Him. That, then, means that you could take advantage of it.
However, if you were waiting until you could feel or sense the presence of God’s power with Jesus wherever He was at the time, you may not be able to take advantage of it. And if you would not take advantage of it, that power would not work on our behalf.
As we in this passage, there was a crowd with Jesus that day, as He was teaching the religious leaders of the Jews that had come to His house. But nobody could feel or sense the presence of the power of God that was with Him, as those who were in the other meeting that we earlier mentioned could. Because those people could feel the presence of God’s healing power with Jesus that day, they all tried to touch Him. But we are not told here in the fifth chapter that the people tried to touch Him. And they did not try to touch Him because they could not feel the presence of the power of God that was with Him.
So, you need to understand this: we connect with the power of God by faith, not by sight. There are times, of course, that God would make us feel His power or sense His move. But it is not every time that He does this. So, whether He makes us feel or sense things or not, we must always remember that His power is always wherever Jesus is to be taken advantage of. What I am saying is that just as we can take advantage of the power of God when we can feel it, we can also take advantage of it when we cannot feel it. We just need to know that it is there.
Well, even though the power of the Lord to heal the sick was present with Jesus on the day Luke is talking about in our text, the people there would not take advantage of it. Remember it was a crowd of people that was there with Him. Evidently, there would have been sick folks among them. But none of them made any move to take advantage of the healing power of God that was present with Him. Why? They could not feel or sense it. And since they could not feel or sense His power, they just assumed that healing was probably not available that day.
However, there were some men who, by faith, had come to know that God’s power was always available wherever Jesus was. So, they came around to take advantage of this power. Look at how Luke reports this from verse 18:
“Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before Jesus. When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus. When Jesus saw their faith, he said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.” The Pharisees and the teachers of the law began thinking to themselves, “Who is this fellow who speaks blasphemy? Who can forgive sins but God alone?” Jesus knew what they were thinking and asked, “Why are you thinking these things in your hearts? Which is easier: to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up and walk’? But I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” So he said to the paralyzed man, “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.” Immediately he stood up in front of them, took what he had been lying on and went home praising God. Everyone was amazed and gave praise to God. They were filled with awe and said, “We have seen remarkable things today.”” (Luke 5:18-26NIV)
Hallelujah! Those people saw remarkable things that day. You too will see remarkable things today, if you will take advantage of the power of God that is present in this meeting. As I said before, even though others in that meeting would not take advantage of the power of God that was present for their healing, those men were willing to take advantage of it. I would not know whether the man they brought to Jesus was their friend or relative. But the fact remains that they brought him to Jesus.
Why did they bring him to Jesus? First, it was because they cared about Him. If you too care about the people in your life that are sick, troubled or depressed, you will bring them to Jesus. Second, it was because they believed that the power to heal the sick was always present with Jesus and that if they could just get the man to Him, he would be made whole.
But then, when they came to Him that day, they realised that there was a crowd outside and that there was no way they could go through it and meet Jesus. And because they were so sure, so certain that if they could just get the man to see Jesus, the power of God would be released for his healing, they decided to find a way to drop him right in front Jesus. What did they do? They carried him up to the roof of the place where Jesus was holding that meeting and dropped him through the tiles right in front of Jesus.
Was that something easy? No! But faith does not recognise obstacles; instead, it overcomes them. Remember that the bible says this is the victory that overcomes the world: even our faith (1John 5:4). These men’s faith overcame the obstacle being posed by that crowd. Their faith made them find a way to drop their paralysed friend or brother right in front of Jesus. And we are told that Jesus saw their faith. In other words, everything they did that brought them to that moment was motivated by faith. All their steps towards bringing that man to Jesus were steps of faith.
Now did Jesus heal the man or not? He did. How? He said to him, “Get up, take your mat and go home.” In other words, He activated the healing power of God that was there with Him with words. Remember that the healing power of God had been present there with Him all along. But no one was taking advantage of it until these men came. And when they came in faith, Jesus spoke healing words into the man’s life. Those healing words, of course, activated the healing power of God that had been there all along for the healing of the man’s body. So, he immediately stood up right in front of everybody, carried his mat and went home praising God. That, as should be expected, amazed everyone there who had never thought something like that could happen right there and right then. So, they too praised God.
What is this telling us? It is telling us that God’s power is always wherever Jesus is. So, whether you feel this power or not, you can take advantage of it for your healing, salvation, deliverance, elevation or whatever it is you want to experience from God’s hand.
But someone may say, “Jesus is no longer here on earth. He has gone to stay with God in heaven. How, then, can I access Him and His power?” Well, you don’t have to worry about that. That is because Jesus tells us that even though He is with God in heaven, He will never leave us nor forsake us but will always be with us anytime we come together in His name. Look at how Matthew puts this in his gospel:
“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” (Matthew 18:19-20NIV)
Can you see that? The Lord says, “Where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” In other words, anytime we come together in the name of Jesus, He is there with us. So, what is important is that a meeting is being held in the name of Jesus. As long as any meeting is held in His name, He is there. Are we going to see Him physically among us? No! But He is going to be there with us by His Spirit, the Spirit of the Lord. We just have to believe that He is there with us, since He says that He will be there. And if He is there, and He will be there if we have gathered in His name, then, His power also will be there with us. Why will His power be there? It will be there to heal the sick, to raise the dead, to elevate people and do for us whatever is consistent with the will of God for our lives. Ours will simply be to take advantage of this ever-present power of His.
Look at what Paul says along this line from verse 1 of 1Corinthians, chapter 5:
“It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and of a kind that even pagans do not tolerate: A man is sleeping with his father’s wife. And you are proud! Shouldn’t you rather have gone into mourning and have put out of your fellowship the man who has been doing this? For my part, even though I am not physically present, I am with you in spirit. As one who is present with you in this way, I have already passed judgment in the name of our Lord Jesus on the one who has been doing this. So when you are assembled and I am with you in spirit, and the power of our Lord Jesus is present, hand this man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may be saved on the day of the Lord.” (1Corinthians 5:1-5NIV)
Observe that Paul says that when these Corinthian brethren come together in the name of Jesus, he will be there with them in the spirit. What does that mean? Well, it means that his heart will join them in doing whatever they need to do in that meeting. Then he also says that the power of the Lord will be present with them in that meeting. Why? It is because their gathering is in the name of Jesus. Therefore, Jesus will be present in their midst. And because He will be present in their midst, His power also will be present with them.
But then, what is the point Paul making here? Why is he reminding these brethren that the power of God is present with them when they come together in the name of Jesus? It is because there is something he wants them to take advantage of this power to do. What is that? Well, he wants them to hand over to Satan one of their members that has been sleeping with his father’s wife. This man has been doing this and no one has been able to judge him and set him right.
So, Paul, on his own part, tells them that he has already passed judgment on the man. Why? It is because the Lord Himself has already judged his act as evil. Paul is merely reiterating what the Lord has done. He is doing this because the man is unrepentant. And because he is unrepentant, he needs to be handed over to Satan for the destruction of his flesh, so that his soul may be saved on the last day.
We have something similar in Matthew 18, where I read some things to you before. There the Lord says that if a brother or a sister is unrepentant and will not listen to the church of God, she should be treated as an unbeliever. That means the person is to be dealt with as one who is still under the dominion of the devil and not a child of the kingdom of God. And when this is being publicly announced to the people of God, the person is as good as being handed over to the devil.
In any case, Paul wants the Corinthians to know that when they hand that man over to the devil, the power of God would back them up. That way, the church will not be hurt in any way by that decision. And I am showing you all these things to just let you know that when we come together in the name of Jesus, the power of God is always present with us to be taken advantage of. That is because He Himself is with us in any meeting that we are holding in His name.
In the case we are dealing with, the power of God is not being utilised for healing but to hand someone over to Satan. How will they hand him over to the devil? It is by words of mouth. Once they say, “We hand this man over to Satan to treat him like an unbeliever,” Satan takes over and begins to afflict him. He may even kill him, if the church does not give him restrictions.
For example, when Satan appeared the second time to discuss Job’s matter with God, God ended up permitting him to afflict Job. How? Look at some of the things said about it in Job 2:
““Skin for skin!” Satan replied. “A man will give all he has for his own life. But now stretch out your hand strike his flesh and bones, and he will surely curse you to your face.” The Lord said to Satan, “Very well, then, he is in your hands; but you must spare his life.” So Satan went out from the presence of the Lord and afflicted Job with painful sores from the soles of his feet to the crown of his head.” (Job 2:4-6NIV)
Who went out to afflict Job? Satan! With what did he afflict him? He afflicted him with painful sores. What gave Satan the right to afflict him? It was what the Lord said. What did He say? He said, “Very well, then, he is in your hands.” So, it was by words of mouth that the Lord put Job in Satan’s hands. In other words, when He said those words, His power was released to remove whatever protection Job had from the devil. That was why he was able to afflict him. Until God said those words, Satan could not touch him. But when He said them, Satan could move in and afflict him. But then, we see that God also limited the devil’s operation. He told him how far he could go. He told him not to touch Job’s life. And Satan obeyed.
You can see, then, why I said that if the Corinthian church does not put restrictions on the devil in the case of that man, he may end up taking his life. But how are they to put the man in Satan’s hands? It is by their words. And how do people put their lives, homes or businesses in Satan’s hands? It is by words their words.
Well, I am showing you these things to let you know that the power of Jesus is present in every meeting of believers, in every meeting being held in His name. And this power is there for us to take advantage of. How do we take advantage of it? It is by words of mouth. This is why we have to be mindful of what we say in our meetings. We must only say what is constructive and edifying. Otherwise, instead of utilising the power of Jesus for our good, we may just be using it against ourselves.
So, in this meeting, the power of Jesus is very much present with us. And it is present with us because Jesus Himself is present with us in the meeting. We just need to speak, then, in order to take advantage of this power. So, when I say, “You are healed in the name of Jesus,” you should take your healing right away. When Jesus said to that man, “Get up, take up your mat and go home,” he made the move to get up. So, the power of God was released to make him whole and lift him up. If he had not responded by desiring and making effort to move, the power that was released into him would most likely not have worked for him.
You too need to respond in faith to whatever words you hear this morning and in this meeting. When you hear that you are well, then, begin to act as though you were well. When you hear told to see, open your eyes and see. Yes, begin to do what you could not do before, as the word of God is coming to you. And the power of God that is present here will be released to back you up. Even if it is promotion that you seek, when you hear words concerning your promotion, embrace them and begin to rejoice in your promotion, for the power of God will back you up and lift you up wherever you need to be lifted up.
Let us begin to thank God for His word that has come to us.
Copyright © 2024 Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church –This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07025105978)
Series: Jesus on prayer 10 | Title: Prayer access(B) | By: Johnson O. Lawal | Date: September 15, 2024
I want us to continue from where we left off on ‘Jesus on prayer’. In our last lesson, we began to look at ‘Prayer access’. And what we are asking is, “Do we have any right to pray to God at all?” If do we have a right to pray to Him, what sort of right to do we have to pray to Him? If we have access to God, what degree or measure of access do we have to Him? Well, we see from Scriptures that because of what Jesus has done for us, we do have a right to pray to God – we do have access to Him. So, God is not just asking us to pray to Him; He has actually done everything He needed to do for us to be able to freely and confidently pray to Him.
What we are saying is that even though God indeed wants us to pray to Him, He does not want us to pray to Him in fear. He wants us to come to Him and ask Him for whatever we need. But He does not want us to do this in fear, with a sense of inferiority or with a sense of unworthiness. Sin brought a sense of nferiority to us. We did not have it before man sinned in the Garden of Eden. Before he sinned, he related to God freely. Of course, we are not told the nature of fellowship man had with God in the beginning. But we do know from Scriptures that he had free access to God; he was able to fellowship with God freely.
After the fall, however, he was separated from God. In fact, after his sin, he began to hide from God. He knew God to be holy and so he could not see how he could freely stand before Him with sin his life. It is just like someone who had done something disgraceful. He will be ashamed of standing before those who love him. And it is that kind of feeling that the natural man has in him when he stands before God. It is, in short, natural for man to feel unworthy and ashamed before God whenever he stands before Him to pray or for fellowship.
Now to deal with that, God sent His son Jesus Christ to die for us and restore us to true and proper fellowship with Him. He was to restore that consciousness of righteousness and worthiness to us through His redemptive works for us. Therefore, He is our access to God. He took of our sins. He gave us justification. We are now at peace with God. We are not quarrelling with God. He is not quarrelling with us. Everything between us is now all good. Therefore, we can now freely stand before Him and pray. It is on this basis, then, that we are told by the Lord Jesus Christ to pray in His name.
What is the significance of praying in His name? I already told you that He is our access to God. It is because of Him that we can freely and confidently approach God for anything. And now He is telling us that each time we want to pray, we should do so in His name. What does that mean? What is the significance of that? All the things I shared with us before were shared with us to bring us to this point where we deal with the issue of praying in the name of Jesus. And let us look what John says to us about this, from verse 23 of chapter 16 of his gospel:
“In that day you will no longer ask me anything. I tell you the truth, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete. Though I have been speaking figuratively, a time in coming when I will no longer use this kind of language but will tell you plainly about my Father. In that day you will ask in my name. I am not saying that I will ask the Father on your behalf. No, the Father himself loves you because you have loved me and have believed that I came from God.” (John 16:23-27NIV)
Here Jesus is speaking about the day after His resurrection. And He says that in that day whatever we ask the Father in His name will be given to us. Then He goes on to say, “Until this moment you have not asked for anything in my name.” That means up till that very moment that He was talking to His disciples, they had not been praying in His name. Each of them had been praying in his own name. And is that to say that God was not answering their prayers? He was! Or is that to say that God never answered anybody’s prayer before Jesus came? No! God answered people’s prayers before Jesus came. And even after His death, burial and resurrection, God still continued to answer people’s prayers, even though they did not know or believe in Jesus.
For instance, in Acts of the Apostles, chapter 10, we are told of a man called Cornelius. He was a centurion in the Roman army. And God was paying attention to his prayers, even though he did not know Jesus. But God later sent him to fetch Peter so that he would share the gospel about Jesus Christ with him and that he may believe in Him. But before this man heard about Jesus Christ and put his faith in Him, he had been praying to God and receiving answers. In fact, we are told in the bible that people had been praying since the time of Enosh the son of Seth, the son of Adam and receiving answers from God.
Why, then, would Jesus say that we should be praying in His name? Is there any advantage to that? Well, the first main reason He is asking us to pray in His name is that only His name gives us unlimited and immediate access to God. Before He came, no one had unlimited and immediate access to God. And this is reflected in God’s dealings with the Israelites under the Old Testament. At that time, only the high priest could enter the Most Holy place in the tabernacle or temple of God among them.
Remember that the Israelites had the advantage of having the tabernacle of God among them when they were in the wilderness. Later they would have His temple in the city of Jerusalem. Well, this tabernacle or temple was symbolic of the tangible presence of God among them. And though they had His tangible presence among them, it was not every one of them that could go near it to ask for anything he needed or wanted. Only the high priest could do that. And even the high priest could only go in once in a year with blood in his hands, the blood of some animals he was meant to sacrifice. (Cf. Leviticus 16)
What is this showing us? As the writer of the book of Hebrews tells us in the ninth chapter of the book, this is showing us that at that time the people did not have free, unlimited and immediate access to God. In other words, access to Him at the time was restricted. Of course, people could pray to God wherever they were at the time and expect Him to answer them. And we have all kinds of examples given to us in Scriptures of people who prayed to God and receive answers to their prayers. These did not need to go near the tabernacle or the temple to pray to him. They prayed to Him where they were. And He answered them.
Jabez, for instance, prayed to God that He would take pains away from him and enlarge his coast, and He answered him (1Chronicles 4:9-10). Isaac prayed to God that He would heal his wife, Rebekah, of barrenness, and He answered him (Genesis 25:21). So, without going near any tabernacle or temple, people prayed to God before Jesus came and received answers from Him.
However, through what God did with the Israelites, He wanted men to know that nobody had immediate and unlimited access to Him. And that was because of the sin of mankind. Yes, God, in His kindness and mercy, answered people’s prayers before Jesus came. But it was not because they were worthy of receiving answers to their prayers. Rather, it was because He was a merciful God. If God were to deal with men according to their sins, He would answer nobody’s prayer. That is why one of the psalmists says that if God were to take a record of our sins, who could stand? The answer is simple – no one could stand. (Cf. Psalm 130:3)
But then, because people prayed to God in faith at that time and also because He is a merciful God, He answered their prayers. If He, however, had to act on the basis of His justice, He would not answer anybody’s prayer. God could not answer the prayer of sinners. And there was no one without sin at the time. Even those who labored to walk in righteousness before Him did not have any righteous work that could make Him accept them. The bible says all our righteous acts are like filthy rags before Him (Isaiah 64:6). Why? The sin in our lives pollutes our righteous acts. So, God, before Jesus came, answered people’s prayers not on the basis of their righteousness but on the basis of His mercy.
In addition, even though people could pray to God before Jesus came and receive answers, they often prayed to Him with a sense of shame, guilt and unworthiness. Yes, they were praying to Him. But that feeling of inferiority, shame and unworthiness was always there. And in fact, because of this many would not pray to Him at all. They had to rely on others to pray for them. Why? Each time they stood before Him to pray, they remembered their sins.
Remember the parable that Jesus shares of two people that went to pray at the temple (Luke 18). The one was a Pharisee while the other was a tax collector. Now when the tax collector was going to pray, as Jesus points out, he would not even look up to heaven. Instead, he kept on beating his chest and saying, “Have mercy on me, God, for I am a sinful man.” Yet God paid attention to what he did. And that was because he was aware of his sinful condition and acknowledged it before God. He acknowledged the fact that he was not worthy of receiving anything from God and that whatever he received from Him was a function of His mercy and not a function of his own righteous works.
But then, that man could not have been altogether bad, judging things from the human point of view. There may have been certain good things in his life that his friends, family members, colleagues or neighbours may be able to place their fingers on. But he knew that none of these good things, whatever they may be, qualified him to receive anything from God. So, he appealed to His mercy. But there must have been many people like that man who would not even pray to God at all because they believed that they were not worthy to receive anything from Him.
So, before Jesus came, even though people were praying to God, they were praying with a sense of unworthiness. And they also were praying with a consciousness that they did not have unlimited access to Him. They, then, had to rely on others to speak to Him for them. The Israelites, for the most part, relied on their priests to appease God on their behalf, especially on the Day of Atonement. And if the priest, their high priest, was rejected by God, then, all their hope of receiving anything from Him was dashed.
But when Jesus came, He told His disciples that, in the day that would follow His sacrifice for humanity, they would no longer have to pray in their own names but in His name. What does that mean? I already said that He was the one that gave us unlimited and immediate access to God. And that is why He tells us to pray in His name. But what does it mean to pray in His name? Well, it means to stand in His stead when praying. In other words, to pray as though He were the one praying to God.
What we are saying is that praying in the name of Jesus has to do with standing before God on the basis of Jesus’ merits and not on the basis of our own merits. And it is because we stand before God on the basis of His merits that we have unlimited and immediate access to Him. In Ephesians, chapter 3, verse 12, we are told that it is in Him and through faith in Him that we may approach God with freedom and confidence. Only in Christ Jesus can we approach God with freedom and confidence. That is because He is the only perfect one before God.
Jesus died for our sins. He paid the price for our sins. And because He did this and God accepted His sacrifice, we can now freely and boldly come to God. But we are not coming to God on the basis of our own righteousness but on the basis of Christ’s righteousness.
Therefore, we are not again to look at our worthiness but His worthiness. No, we are not to look at our righteousness but His righteousness. What this means is that any time we are praying to God, we are not to consider what we have done or have not done. Rather, we are to consider what He has done for us. That is how we receive from God answers to whatever prayers we have offered.
All of this, of course, does not mean or suggest that the quality of life we live before God is not important. It is important. By not living in line with the will of God we can hinder our own prayers. But I am saying that when we stand before God to pray, we do not focus our attention on what we have done or have not done; rather, we focus our attention on what Christ has done. Jesus Christ has paid the price for our sins. Therefore, we now stand justified before God. The word of says, “Therefore, having been justified by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, we have peace with God…” (Cf. Romans 5:1)
So, we have been justified. And how? It is because of what Jesus Christ has done for us. How are we at peace with God? It is because of what Jesus Christ has done for us. So, when we are looking at the fact that Jesus Christ has taken care of our sins, our worthiness and our unrighteousness, we can pray to God as though we had never done anything wrong. What we are saying is that when we approach God on the basis of what Christ has done for us, we do not look at our past, however horrible it may seem, or at our present, however bad it may seem. Rather, we look at the fact Jesus Christ has taken care of our sins and at the fact that we now stand justified before God. That way, we can ask God for anything we want and expect Him to answer us.
But those who do not believe in Christ Jesus don’t have this kind of access to God. They have to look at their worthiness and consider how righteous they are to receive from Him. That is what will give them confidence in praying. But we do not draw our own confidence in prayer from living righteous or holy lives; rather, we draw our confidence from what Jesus Christ has done for us. That is what it means to pray in His name.
To further explain this, when you send someone to represent you somewhere, the person is not standing in his own name there but in your name. And because the person is standing in your name in that function, whatever honour that is meant to be given to you will be given to the person. The person will be made to sit where you are supposed to sit. And whatever gifts meant to be given to you will be given to him. That is because he is representing you. No, you are not physically present in the function. But the person representing you will get all the honour meant for you.
Now that is how it is with praying in the name of Jesus Christ. We are representing Jesus Christ before God. And it is as though Jesus Christ Himself were the one standing before Him and praying. Therefore, whatever attention God is meant to give to Him is what He will give to us. Jesus is the perfect one. He is the righteous one. And every time God hears Him. When He stood before the tomb of Lazarus, He said, “Father, I thank you because you always hear me.” And when He called the man forth from his grave, he came out alive. Why? He had prayed to God about his matter before then and God had answered Him. (Cf. John 11)
The point I am making is that God always hears Jesus. So, when we stand in His place to pray to God, He will hear us too. That is because He is not looking at us but at Jesus; He is seeing us in Christ. In fact, as we see in Scriptures, by what Jesus Christ has done for us we have been included in Christ. We are no longer who we used to be; we are now Christ. That is why the bible says those who are in Christ are new creations (2Corinthians 5:17).
In Ephesians, chapter 2, verse 6, Paul says this to us: “And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus…” When did God do this? It was He raised Christ up from the dead. And when He raised Him up from the dead, He raised us up with Him as well and made us to sit with Himself in Christ. So, we are now seated with God in Christ. And it means that when He looks at us He sees us in Christ. In 1Corinthians, chapter 12, Paul says by the Spirit of God we have been baptized into the body of Christ. So, we are now Christ. And when God looks at us, He does not see as we used to be; rather, He sees us as Christ.
All this means that whatever attention God is going to give to Jesus is what He will now give to us, for we are in Him. You know you cannot separate a man’s body from his head and still have a complete person. What completes the head is the body. Thus we are the fullness of Christ; we are His completeness. That is what we are told in Ephesians 1.
Well, the point I am making is that when God looks at us, He sees us in Christ. That, then, means that already we are standing before God in Christ’s name. We may not see ourselves properly in that light. But that is our condition. We are already standing before God in the name of Jesus Christ. This means praying in the name of Jesus goes beyond chanting the name of Jesus after every prayer line or verse. We have become used to that. But it is actually childish. And God is looking forward to when we will come out of this infancy stage in prayer and begin to walk in the reality, our present reality.
Now the reality is that when we stand before God to pray, He knows that we are praying in the name of Jesus because of our faith in Him. And when we say, “In the name of Jesus…” we are saying it for our own benefit and for the benefit of those that may be hearing our prayer. But God knows that we are not praying in our own name but in the name of Jesus Christ. And that is because we are in Him.
Then you must understand that when we stand to pray in the name of Jesus, we are permitted to say only what He will say. When you send someone to represent you in a function, as I pointed out before, the person can only say what you ask him to say. In fact, there are people that will write the speech that you are going to read on their behalf for you. They will not trust you with words of your own but give you words to say. And if you are going to make a donation on their behalf, you can only donate in their name what they have told you to donate. If you donate anything else apart from that, it will be in your own name. Otherwise, you will be acting dumb.
What this is telling us is that when we are praying in the name of Jesus, it goes beyond standing in His place before God; it also involves saying only those things that He will say to God. That means we have to be educated in the will of God to be able to properly pray in the name of Jesus. We must know His mind. We must know what He will pray for and what He will not pray for.
The point I am making, in any case, is that anyone who will be truly praying in the name of Jesus must know the mind of God through the word of God. Sadly, there are many today who call themselves prayer warriors but who are not interested in the word of God. What sort of prayers are such people going to be offering? Yet many of them will say, “God has been answering the prayers I have been offering in this manner ever since I was young.” But the truth is that God has not been answering the prayers they have been offering contrary to His will. He has simply been showing them mercy. He has not been dealing with them on the basis of the correctness of their prayer but on the basis of His mercy.
Well, I am saying that to pray properly in the name of Jesus, you have to understand the mind of Jesus. So, when you are praying, you are praying His mind – you are asking God for what He would ask Him for. Thus, God cannot but answer your prayer. It follows, then, that praying in His name has to do with standing in His place, in His righteousness, holiness and worthiness, and saying only those things that are consistent with His will.
Now we also need to pay attention to another thing the Lord says to us about praying in His name. He says, “I am not saying that I will pray to the Father for you. The Father Himself loves you because you have faith in me. So, He will give you whatever you ask for in my name.” In other words, we too stand on the same ground as He does before God. We are also His children now, not because of anything we have done but because of what Jesus did for us. This is why He tells us to freely and boldly approach His throne of grace to obtain mercy and find grace for us in our time of need.
Therefore, we do not approach God the way the prodigal son did approach his father, not sure of how he would respond to him. Rather, we approach God with boldness, knowing that He loves us and is glad to have us. And even if we have messed up, we know that He has already taken care of all our sins in advance. So, we have no reason to be afraid or ashamed of coming near Him.
Finally, if we truly believe in Jesus, we must take what He says to us about praying in His name seriously. I am saying this because there are people who pray in the names of certain angels, just as there are those who pray in the names of certain saints of old. And that is completely wrong. We have been told to stand to pray before God only in the name of Jesus, only on the basis of His merits. So, those who are praying in the name of some angels are terribly missing it.
How will you stand to pray in the name of an angel that you do not know? Or how will you stand to pray in the name of a saint that you do not know? Even if you do know a saint, what has that saint done for you to merit your praying in his name? The only perfect one before God is the Lord Jesus. That is why the writer of the book of Hebrews takes some space in his letter to explain a number of things to us about the superiority of Jesus to all the angels. Look at how he puts it from verse 1 of chapter 1 of his letter:
“In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe. The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. So he became as much superior to the angels as the name he has inherited is superior to theirs.” (Hebrews 1:1-4NIV)
Look at this. We are told here that Jesus is the one appointed by God to be heir of all things. In other words, He is the inheritor of everything God has. And we too who believe in Him have become joint-heirs with Him. So, everything that belongs to Jesus now belongs to us equally. We are now sharers in His inheritance. That means God wants us too to have whatever He wants Him to have. And as long as we are praying on that basis, there is nothing that will not be ours that is meant to be ours.
Then this man of God goes on to tell us that Jesus is superior to all the angels as His name is superior to theirs. Why, then, should anyone be praying in the name of any angel? All the angels, however powerful they may be, are servants sent by God to serve us (Hebrews 1:14). It is wrong, then, to pray in any of their names. Yes, people may have been doing this for decades or centuries. It does not change the fact that they are wrong and that God has not been answering prayers they have been offering on this basis.
What about those who pray in the names of certain saints of old? They too have missed. Some even pray in the name of Mary the mother of Jesus and to her. That too is a miss. It does not matter what you think about it. It is wrong. You may not agree that you are wrong. But the word of God says that you are wrong. You are to pray to God only in the name of Jesus. Only in His name do we have complete, absolute and free access to God. And praying in His name has to do with standing on His merits before God and saying only those things that are consistent with His will. When you pray on that basis, God cannot but answer you.
Let us pray.
Copyright © 2024 Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church –This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07025105978)
Series: Jesus on prayer 9 | Title: Prayer access(A) | By: Johnson O. Lawal | Date: September 08, 2024
I want us to continue from where we left off on ‘Jesus on prayer’. We have been looking at the series of things that our Lord Jesus shares in the gospels on prayer. That, of course, has led us to looking at ‘Prayer audacity’, ‘Prayer devotion’, ‘Prayer dimensions’, ‘Prayer ground’, ‘Prayer misrepresentation’, ‘Prayer motivation’ and ‘Prayer conditions’. Now we want to begin to look at ‘Prayer access’. From what we have seen so far from Scriptures, it is clear that the Lord wants us to pray, the Lord commands us to pray, the Lord gives us reasons to pray and the Lord motivates or encourages us to pray.
Nevertheless, many of us who are Christians still don’t pray as we have been instructed to be praying. We have been told to pray without ceasing, to pray without giving up and to be faithful in prayer (Luke 18:1; Romans 12:12; 1Thessalonians 5:17). Yet many of us don’t pray as we are expected to be praying. Why is that so? One of the reasons is that many do not know that they are free to pray to God. I mean that they do not feel free to pray to Him. That is because they feel that are not worthy enough to get God’s attention. And as long as they feel condemned or feel inferior to God or feel that they are not worthy to approach Him, they will not pray as they are meant to pray.
You know that if we have a feeling that we are unworthy to approach certain people in our lives, we may not approach them for what we need. And I am saying that many of us have brought the same idea into our dealings with God. We feel that we are not worthy enough to pray to Him and get His attention. We also have preachers that give us the impression that we are not worthy or qualified to receive anything from God. They give us the impression that we can only hope that He will show us mercy when we pray to Him.
All of this is why, often, when people pray, they first spend a lot of time confessing their sins and asking God to forgive their sins. And is anything wrong with asking God for the forgiveness of our sins? No! The word of God tells us that if we refuse to confess our sins, we are making God out to be a liar and the truth is not in us. But if we confess our sins to God, He js faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us of all our unrighteousness. (Cf. 1John 1:8-10)
However, it is when you have sinned that you need to acknowledge your sin or sins. If you have not sinned, you don’t need to acknowledge anything. But if you have done something wrong, something contrary to the will of God, you should accept that you have done something wrong and not try to make excuses. If God has pointed out something to you as wrong, then, it is wrong. What you think about that matter is not important. What God says about it is what is important. So, you should accept God’s verdict about your sins or errors and ask for forgiveness.
As I pointed out to you already, the bible tells us that if we confess or acknowledge our sins to God, He is faithful and just to forgive and purify us. Why is it the right or faithful thing for Him to do? It is because somebody already paid for our sins. In 1John, chapter 2, verse 2, we are told that Jesus is the atoning sacrifice for our sins and not only for our sins but also for the sins of the whole world. He is the payment for our sins. All our sins, including the ones we are yet to commit, as far as this age is concerned, have been paid for by our Lord Jesus Christ. So, we can say that we already have forgiveness for our sins in advance. And all we need to claim it is to acknowledge our sins to God.
But because many are ignorant of this, when they want to pray, the first thing they do is to spend some time confessing their sins and asking God for forgiveness. Why do you need to wait until you want to pray before you start asking God for the forgiveness of your sins? Some will not even ask God for forgiveness for their sins until they come for their church meetings. Why must you wait in that manner? Can you not see that something is wrong with that? Can you not see that shows that you do not take God seriously? That, of course, is why when you are meant to be praying intelligently, you will first of all start begging Him to forgive you of your sins.
Well, I am saying that many people don’t pray to God with a sense of worthiness or freedom. They pray to Him with a sense of unworthiness and condemnation. It explains why they are not powerful and effective in prayer. It also explains why they do not receive answers to their prayers. They are praying to Him with no sense of sureness that He will answer their prayers.
All of this is why we need to understand our access to God in prayer. What we are saying is that God is not just asking us to come to Him in prayer; He has also done all that He needed to do in order for us to be able to freely and confidently approach Him in prayer. And He has done all these things for us through Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour. But before we look at what Jesus Himself says to us about this, let us first look as some of the things said to us in the epistle about it, beginning with what Paul says in Ephesians 3, which reads:
“In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence.” (Ephesians 3:12NIV)
Who is Paul talking about here? He is talking about our Lord Jesus Christ. He is telling us that in Him and through our faith in Him we may approach God with freedom and confidence. In other words, Jesus Christ is our access to God. It is because of Him that we can approach God with freedom and confidence. Under the Old Covenant, the Israelites could not approach God with freedom and confidence. In fact, in the wilderness, they begged Moses not to let God talk to them at all. Why? They were afraid of Him. And they were afraid of Him because His presence and His words terrified them. (Cf. Exodus 20)
Then, after God had made a covenant with them in the wilderness, they were further limited from freely approaching Him. Only the ordained priests could come near Him. And even among the priests, only the high priest could go near to the Holy of Holies of God in His tabernacle among them. Then the high priest himself could only come into the Most Holy place once in a year and not without blood, blood for the atonement of his sins and the sins of the people. In fact, he was warned not to come into this Most Holy place anytime he chose. Otherwise, he would lose his life. This, as the writer of the book of Hebrews indicates, shows us that the people did not have unlimited or unrestricted access to God at the time. And that, of course, was because of their sins. (Cf. Leviticus 16; Hebrews 9:1-8)
However, as Paul tells us in that text, through our Lord Jesus and through our faith in Him we may now approach God with freedom and confidence. And observe that the words are ‘…we may approach God…’ That means we may choose not to approach God. But God wants us to know that we are free to approach Him. And how are we to approach Him? We are to approach Him with freedom and confidence. When, then, are we to approach Him with freedom and confidence? Anytime! What this means it that the Lord Jesus has done something for us that makes it possible for us to be able to approach God with freedom and confidence.
Also, look at what Paul says along this same line in Romans, chapter 5, from verse 1:
“Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand…” (Romans 5:1-2NIV)
What do we have with God? Peace! In other words, we are now at peace with God. How has that been made possible? How are we able to be at peace with a holy God? Well, Paul says that it is through our Lord Jesus Christ. How? Well, look at his explanation for this from verse 23 of chapter 4 of this same book:
“The words “it was credited to him” were written not for him alone, but also for us, to whom God will credit righteousness – for us who believe in him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead. He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.” (Romans 4:23-25NIV)
Here this man of God first reminds us that God credited righteousness to Abraham through his faith in Him. In other words, God gave him righteousness or declared him to be righteous in advance. Why? It was because of his faith in Him. But why was righteousness given to him in advance? It was because Jesus Christ had not yet come to die for the sins of humanity at the time. So, actual righteousness could not be given to Abraham or anyone until Jesus paid for our sins. What they could have was imputed or assumed righteousness. So, it was assumed that Abraham was righteous because of his faith in God.
However, even though what Abraham had was assumed righteousness, he was still able to walk perfectly with God. He was able to freely and boldly approach Him for anything he needed or wanted. Remember how he interceded for Sodom and Gomorrah. Remember that he approached God boldly to talk to Him about these cities and the fate of the righteous people in them. Why? It was because God had declared him righteous, that is, worthy of standing before Him.
Now Paul wants us to know that the same way God credited righteousness to Abraham through his faith in Him, He also wants to credit righteousness to those who have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. But what we have is even better. What we have is more than assumed or credited righteousness; what we have is actual righteousness. Paul, describing this to the Ephesians, says that we have been created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness (Ephesians 4:24). How did that happen? It happened through the fact that Jesus was delivered to death for our sins and raised to life for our justification. So, we have been justified; we have been declared not guilty.
What we are saying is that because somebody paid for all our sins God is now able to declare us not guilty. Yes, we sinned and messed up. But because Jesus took our place God is now able to say that we are not guilty. God is now, on the basis of what Jesus did for us, able to relate to us as though we had never sinned. Jesus took all the blame for our sins. He never sinned. But when He bore our sins in His body on that tree, it was as though He were the one that did all the terrible things we did and could ever do. He did this, as the bible tells us, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him (2Corinthians 5:21).
Well then, because of all these things, Paul goes on to say this to us:
“Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand…”
Did you see that again? We have been declared ‘Not guilty’ by God because of Jesus Christ. So, do not approach God with any feeling of guilt or inferiority complex because of your sins. That is because Jesus already took care of whatever sins you may have committed. On the contrary, you are now to approach God as one who is at peace with Him. You are not to approach Him like someone who wants to appease Him. There is no need to try to appease Him. You are not even qualified to appease Him. The only one that could appease Him adequately was the Lord Jesus Christ. And He has already done that. Because He has done that, we are now at peace with God. (Cf. 1Timothy 2:5-6)
Now, because we are at peace with God, we have gained access into His presence; we have gained access into the place of His grace, the place of His provisions for us. What that means is that we now have access to all that God has provided for us to live the kind of life He wants us to live and to do all the things He wants us to do. So, we can ask God for anything we need. We can ask Him to deliver to us any of the things He has already provided for us. This gives unusual confidence to pray.
Remember that John tells us that this is the confidence we have in approaching God: if we ask for anything according to His will, He hears us (1John 5:14). Well, we something else as well that gives us confidence in approaching Him. And it is the fact that we are now at peace with God, having been justified by grace through faith in Christ Jesus.
Look also at what the writer of the book of Hebrews says about this from verse 14 of chapter 4 of his letter:
“Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are – yet he did not sin. Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” (Hebrews 4:14-14NIV)
What are we to approach, as stated by this writer? The throne of God’s grace! How are we to approach it? With confidence! Why are we to approach this throne? It is that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. So, we are called here to approach God’s throne of grace. God’s throne of grace, as I pointed out earlier, is His throne of provisions for us. And we are to boldly come to this throne to obtain what God has provided for us, whatever it may be that we need. Is it mercy we need? We can ask for it. Is it protection that we need? We can ask for it. Is it promotion we need? We can ask God for it. We must not be afraid to approach the throne of God’s grace to ask for any of these things.
See, we are not like the prodigal son, who came home afraid, ashamed and reluctant to take his place. All our mess has been taken care of. The price for all our sins has been paid, fully paid. So, we can now boldly come to God’s throne of grace to ask for whatever we need.
But then, we need to talk about what gives us the boldness to do this. And it is what our Lord Jesus Christ has done for us that gives us the boldness to come to God’s throne of grace and freely receive. That is why this writer begins by telling us that we have a high priest that has ascended into the heavens for us. Why was He able to do that? It was because God accepted His sacrifice for us. The bible says that God justified Him in the spirit (1Peter 3:18). Then God raised Him from the dead and also caused Him to ascend on high and sit with Him on His throne. And now He is seated with God in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, might and dominion and every name that can be invoked, not only in this age but also in the one to come. He is seated with God until all His enemies are made a footstool for His feet. (Cf. Ephesians 1:20-22; Hebrews 1:3&13)
But do you know that we too are now seated with God in Christ Jesus? Yes, we are. That means we are already in God’s throne room; we are already in His presence, in His court, in His tabernacle. But that we are there does not mean that we are going to approach Him. I mean that one can be in God’s presence and be silent all through, not saying anything to Him. Yes, one can be in His presence and be shaking with fear and feeling condemned and unworthy. And what we are told is to approach Him and take whatever we need. We are not to stand in His presence and still be suffering and living in shame. Instead, we are to approach His throne of grace and obtain whatever we need any time we need it. That is because our Lord Jesus has made a way for us to boldly come there and receive, without any feeling of guilt or condemnation.
See, we are no longer what we used to be. Through what Jesus did for us we are now born again; we are now new creations in Him. And we need to learn to function with this consciousness, the consciousness that we are righteous, the consciousness that God is now at peace with us, the consciousness that God is no longer angry with us but has accepted us as His own children. Unfortunately, many of us are still moving around with a sense of unworthiness to relate to God or to receive anything from Him. But that is not supposed to be the case, for God has already taken care of this for us.
Look at what Paul further says to the Colossians about this:
“…and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” (Colossians 1:12-14NIV)
What are we to do continually, as Paul tells us here? We are to continually give joyful thanks to the Father. Why? It is because He has qualified us to share in the inheritance of His holy people in the kingdom of light. Do you know what it means to qualify someone? It means to make the person worthy. So, if you say that someone is qualified for something, you are saying that the person is worthy to receive that thing. And that is what Paul is saying here about us. He says that we did not qualify ourselves to receive anything from God. In fact, we could not have qualified ourselves to receive anything from Him. He was the one that qualified us to receive from Him. And that is what we call grace.
In any case, God, as we see in this text, has qualified us to be sharers in the inheritance of His holy people. Peter tells us about this inheritance. He says it is an inheritance that never perishes, spoils or fades and it is reserved for us in heaven (1Peter 3:3-4). And God has qualified us to have it. He has qualified us to have and enjoy whatever He has for His holy people. How? Through the works of salvation and redemption Jesus did for us!
Therefore, we are not glorifying God when we say that we are unworthy and insignificant. It does not please Him to say that we are wretched, poor and useless. That is like slapping Him in His face. He told us that He had made us worthy of receiving from Him. We may say that we are not qualified to receive or that from Him. But He is saying that He has already qualified us to receive all that He has for His children.
Yes, looking at things from the natural point of view, we may say that we don’t deserve to receive anything from God. And that is true. From the natural point of things, all that we deserve from God is death, destruction and disgrace. But He has made us deserving. Whatever He has given to us He has given to us because He has made us deserving of it.
All of this is why we need to understand our prayer access. We need to know what gives us access to God and the quality of access we have to Him. Yes, He has told us to come boldly before Him and pray. But we must understand that the reason He tells us this is that He has actually done something for us and to us that clears the way for us to freely access Him and talk to Him boldly. And He did this through Jesus Christ our Lord.
So, when we stand before Him, we do not stand on the basis of our own righteousness, holiness or worthiness but on the basis of Jesus’ righteousness, holiness and worthiness. This, then, is why Jesus tells us that when we pray, we are to pray in His name. And that is actually we are going on the subject ‘Prayer access’.
Let us pray.
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Series: Total Prosperity | Title: God wants you to prosper | By: Johnson O. Lawal | Date: August 18, 2024
I want to stir you to wholesome thinking on God’s will about our prosperity. And His will is that we will prosper at all levels and in all ways. Now once we know the will of God for us, we can go for it. That is why it is important for us to know His will for us. Once we know that He wants us to have something, we can go for it. If He does not want us to have something, then, it will be wrong for us to go for it, pray for it or labour for it. But if He wants us to have it, we can pray for it, long for it and work towards having it.
Well, I am saying that God wants us to prosper in all ways. But does He really want us to prosper in all ways? He does. How do we know that? It is by examining the Scriptures. What do the Scriptures say about our prosperity? Let us start by looking at 3John, verse 2, which reads:
“Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.” (NIV)
Now the order in which John’s prayer requests are rendered here in the NIV text is actually inaccurate. Some other English bible renderings put it more accurately. For instance, the NKJV renders the verse as this:
“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”
This is more accurate. And its point is that you are to prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. As we see here, there are three areas in which John wants his friend, Gaius, to prosper in life. Already, as his words show, the man is already prosperous in his soul. Then he also prays that he will prosper materially. That is the second area in which he is to experience prosperity. The third area is that of the prosperity of his body, that is, his health. In other words, John wants this man to enjoy good health as well.
Now it would have been wrong of John to pray for this man in this manner, if it had been contrary to the will of God for the man to prosper. But by praying for him in the manner that he did, we are being shown that God wants us to prosper in all the three areas that his prayer touched. God wants us to prosper materially. God wants us to live in health. And God wants us to prosper spiritually.
Let us, then, examine what the Scripture says about our prosperity in each of these areas, beginning with material prosperity. As we see in that text, John prays that Gaius will prosper in all things. In other words, he wants him to prosper materially. And is that the will of God? Yes, it is.
Yes, there are Scriptures that warn us against the danger of material prosperity. For example, Paul says this to Timothy in his first letter to him, the sixth chapter and from the sixth verse:
“But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.” (1Timothy 8:6-10NIV)
This Scripture is warning us about the danger of falling in love with money or being eager for money. Unfortunately, many believers have misrepresented what it is saying as meaning that God does not want us to prosper materially. And if it is wrong for us to prosper materially, then, it is wrong for us to work at all. But we know that God wants us to work. And if we work, we will make money. Therefore, it is not wrong for us to prosper materially.
Also, there are those who often misquote part of this Scripture and say, “Money is the root of all kinds of evil.” But that is not what Paul says. What he says is that the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. So, what we are dealing with is the love of money; what we are dealing with is eagerness for money.
Now that you are eager for money does not mean that you are going to be rich. There are rich people that are not eager for money or in love with it. They do their business honourably and smartly. And because God’s favour is on what they are doing, they become rich.
See, it does not matter whether you like to have money or not. If you are doing certain things the right way, you will make a lot of money, with God’s favour on your side. So, you can be rich and not be in love with money. And you can be poor and be utterly in love with money.
Those who are in love with money are controlled by it. Those who are in love with money will do just about anything to have it. But someone can be rich without doing just anything to be rich. And someone can be rich without being a slave of money. So, being rich is not the same thing as being eager for money. There are many out there that are eager for money. Yet they are not rich. So, eagerness for money will not necessarily make you rich. Instead, it will surely destroy you, if you are not shown mercy.
Well, in this same letter, where Paul warns Timothy of the danger of being in love with money, he also says this to him:
“Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant and not to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.” (1Timothy 6:17NIV)
First, by telling Timothy to give this command to the rich, Paul is implying that there are rich people in the church the man is pastoring. And Timothy is not commanded to drive them out of his church for being rich. Rather, he is told to command them not to be arrogant and not to make money their god. Again, that is a warning on how to relate to material prosperity. We must not allow it to rule us. We must not see it as the solution to all of our problems, for it is not.
Yes, there are a whole lot of things that can become our masters in this life. Our parents can be our masters. Our spouses can be our masters. Certain friends we have can be our masters. But the only master that we should have over our lives is the Lord Jesus. And we must keep it that way.
Well, we are told by Paul never to put our hope in money but in God. And why should we put our hope in God? It is because He richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Why will He richly provide us with everything for our enjoyment, if He does not want us to be rich? The fact that He richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment shows that He is not opposed to our material prosperity. And we ought to keep that in mind.
Furthermore, here is what God says to the children of Israel through Moses about their prosperity:
“But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today.” (Deuteronomy 8:18NIV)
Where does the ability to produce wealth come from? It comes from God. And we are not dealing here with those who steal, embezzle public funds or do money rituals. God is not behind all such things; Satan is. But when people make their wealth legitimately, it is God that provides them with the ability to do so.
The question, then, is “Why will God give people the ability to make wealth, if He does not want them to prosper materially?” He will be contradicting Himself by doing that. But He is not contracting Himself. He really wants us to prosper. And He is proving this to us by giving us brains to learn, study and do things that will make us prosper. He is proving this by giving us all kinds of talents that we can employ to prosper materially.
What we are saying is that the fact that God has given us all kinds of abilities to do business, build or create businesses and make money shows that He is not opposed to our material prosperity. And why does He want us to prosper? First, it is because He does not want us to be unduly dependent on anybody. He does not want a situation in which you will not be able to move or do anything significant for yourself in life without having to rely on others.
Look at what Paul says about this in 1Thessalonians, chapter 4, from verse 11:
“…make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.” (1Thessalonians 4:11-12NIV)
Paul tells us here why it is important for believers to work. According to him, they should work so that their daily life will win the respect of outsiders and so that they will not be dependent on anybody. What this man is showing us is that whatever work we are doing should bring us to that point where we have enough resources to take care of our bills and our responsibilities. We may not be among the richest persons in the world. But whatever we are doing should bring us to that point where we have access to enough resources to take care of our responsibilities and not have to unduly depend on anybody for anything.
Therefore, if what you are earning now is not enough to take care of your bills, then, you are not fully in the will of God for your life. God wants a situation in which you will have enough resources to take care of your bills and responsibilities and not have to depend on anybody for anything. That way, you will win their respect.
See, God wants you to have the respect of those around you. He does not want His children to live on borrowing from others and having to be harassed and disgraced. He does not want you be chased up and down by creditors. He does not want a situation in which your children will be sent away from school because you cannot pay their school fees. That does not glorify Him. It does not glorify Him that you have to beg, whine and scrap in order to take care of your responsibilities. It does not glorify Him that you cannot handle your rent and have to be harassed by your landlord. No, it does not. So, He wants you to have enough resources. You, then, need to bear in mind that it is not against the will of God for you to prosper. When you prosper, you will have the respect of those around you and in your life.
Another reason God wants you to prosper is that you may be able to freely support His work and other people. Look at 2Corinthians, chapter 9, verse 8:
“God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” (NIV)
Did you see that? God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. So, God has the ability to make you prosper. But is He willing to make you prosper? Yes, He is. That is what I have been seeking to show you. He wants you to prosper so that you will not be unduly dependent on anybody. Then He wants you to prosper so that you can abound in every good work.
According to the word of God, God recreated us in Christ Jesus to do the good works He has prepared in advance for us to do (Ephesians 2:10). But if we do not have enough resources, we cannot do all these good works. So, one of the reasons God wants you to prosper is that you may abound in good works. He does not want you to be making excuses where you need to help or support others.
Now look at what Paul further says along this same line in verse 11 of the same chapter:
“You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.” (2Corinthians 9:11NIV)
Did you see that? Paul says that God will enrich you in every way. Why will God want to enrich you in every way? First, it is so that you can be generous. And how often does God want us to be generous? He wants us to be generous on every occasion. He does not want us to turn down anyone that comes to us for help for lack of money. And this must be our ambition.
Remember that Paul tells the Thessalonian brethren to make it their ambition not to be unduly dependent on others. In like manner, we must make it our ambition to be generous on every occasion. That is what God wants for us. We also must want it for ourselves.
Second, as Paul points out in that text, God wants us to live a life of generosity so that our generosity can result in thanksgiving to Him. And that, of course, is what is going to be happening, if we are able to give to support anyone that approaches us for help. So, our hearts have to be open to material prosperity. As long as our hearts are not open to material prosperity, we may not prosper.
Well, we have three reasons here why God wants us to prosper materially. The first is that we may not be unduly dependent on anybody. The second is that we may abound in generosity. The third is that our generosity may cause people to glorify God.
Then, not only does God want us to prosper materially, He also wants us to prosper bodily. In other words, He wants us to enjoy good health. And that is next thing we see in John’s prayer for Gaius, as we read in 3John before. He says I want you to enjoy good health. Why? If you are not in health, then, you will not be able to fully enjoy your prosperity, even if you prosper materially.
More so, people who do not have good health may not be able to prosper materially. Of course, there are sick people that are rich. But if you check their background, you will see that they were not always sick. If they have always been sick, then, they could not have become rich unless they inherited their wealth from their parents. At some point, they must have been healthy, healthy enough to make good money. And now that they are sick, even though they have enough money to take care of themselves, they cannot claim to be enjoying their material prosperity, as they will want it. In fact, they will tell you that they will prefer using their money for something different from treating their medical conditions.
At any rate, the point I am making is that as long as you are sick, you cannot enjoy your material prosperity as you should. And that is why God does not just want you to prosper materially; He also wants you to be healthy. How, then, do we know that God wants us to live in good health? One of the reasons is that He sent His Son Jesus Christ to live in this world and reveal His mind to us about our health. As we are shown in Scriptures, Jesus is the exact representation of God’s being (Hebrews 1:3). So, whatever He did or said when He was here on earth was a revelation of the mind of God to us.
Now He went about healing people of every manner of sickness and disease. And by doing that, He was showing them that God wanted them to live healthy lives. Many of the Jews did not know the mind of God about their health until Jesus came. But when Jesus came, He began to draw their attention to what their Scriptures say about the will of God for their health. Not only that, He began to heal their sick people in order to let them know that God wanted them to live in health.
For example, from verse 1 of Matthew, chapter 1, we are told this:
“When Jesus came down from the mountainside, large crowds followed him. A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.” Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” Immediately he was cleansed of his leprosy.” (Matthew 8:1-3NIV)
Look at that carefully. A man once came to Jesus and said, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.” Why did he come to Jesus in the first place? He came to Him because he believed that He had the ability to heal him. The only thing he did not know was whether He was willing to heal him or not. So, he asked, “If you are willing, you can make me clean.” And Jesus touched him. He was leprous. Yet Jesus touched him. Why? It was to show him that He was compassionate. Then He went on to tell him, “I am willing. Be clean.” And the man became clean instantly.
Now that is a revelation of the will of God concerning our health. He does not want us to live in sickness. Rather, what He wants is for us to live in health. And Matthew goes on to shed more light on this for us from verse 14 of the same chapter, saying:
“When Jesus came into Peter’s house, he saw Peter’s mother-in-law lying in bed with a fever. He touched her hand and the fever left her, and she got up and began to wait on him. When evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick. This was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah: “He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases.”” (Matthew 8:14-17NIV)
This is interesting. Jesus went to Peter’s house and met the mother-in-law sick. And what did He do? He healed her. Not only that, in the evening of that same day, many who were demon-possessed were brought to Him, and He drove out the evil spirits in them and healed all the sick. Think about that. Jesus healed all the sick people that were brought to Him. Read the gospels carefully, and you will see that there was no sick person that was brought to Jesus that He refused to heal. He healed them all.
But then, someone may say, “What about the Canaanite woman that came to Him and begged Him to heal her daughter that was being afflicted by a demon? Was He not reluctant to heal the girl?” Yes, Jesus did not want to heal that girl. In fact, He did not even answer the woman when she first started calling out to Him to help. Why? Is that not to say that He did not want to heal everybody?
Well, if you read the story carefully, you will see that the Lord made it clear to that woman that His ministry in the world at that time was not to everybody but only to the lost sheep of Israel. That means His ministry at the time had boundaries set by God. He was sent only to the lost house of Israel. He was not sent to the Samaritans or the Canaanites or to any of the gentile nations. But because that woman was persistent in faith, Jesus had no choice but to heal her daughter. So, faith can make you draw God’s provisions even when they seem out of reach or when it not yet your turn to receive. (Cf. Matthew 15:21-28)
In any case, after the Lord’s resurrection, He said to His disciples, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” At this time, He did not forbid them from going to the Samaritans or to the Gentiles. Rather, He commanded them to go into all the world and minister to everybody. (Cf. Matthew 10:5-6; Mark 16:15)
You can see, then, that the ministry of our Lord Jesus is now no longer limited to the Jews alone; rather, it is to everyone in the world. That means the healing He has brought is no longer for the Jews alone but for everyone all around the world. And keep in mind the fact that when He was here on earth He healed everyone that was brought to Him for healing. Why? As Matthew points out to us, it was to fulfill the Scriptures that say that He Himself took up our infirmities and bore our sicknesses.
Therefore, by sending Jesus to heal sick people, God was showing us that He wanted us to live healthy lives. Also, by allowing Jesus to bear our infirmities on the cross, God was showing us that He wanted healing to be ours. In 1Peter, chapter 2, verse 24, we are told this:
“He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.” (1Peter 2:24NIV)
Who is Peter referring to here? He is referring to our Lord Jesus Christ. He was the one that bore our sins in His body on the tree. Why? First, it so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness. Second, it is so that we may experience healing. According to Peter, by His wounds we have been healed. In other words, the price for our healing was paid by our Lord Jesus Christ. We can now choose to take our healing or choose not to take it. But the Lord has already paid the price for our health. All we need is to take what He has done for us.
The third element of John’s prayer is that Gaius’ soul will continue to prosper. And that is important, the prosperity of our souls. Yes, God wants us to live in health. God wants us to prosper materially. But why does He want us to live in health and to prosper materially? It is so that we can use our health and wealth to serve Him. But if we are not at peace with Him, if our souls are not getting along well with Him, all of these things that He has given to us will go to waste.
See, God has always wanted us to live eternally with Him. It was sin that separated us from Him. And ever since we sinned and fell in the Garden of Eden, He has been working towards reconciling us to Himself. He wants us to be at peace with Him. Why? The reason is that everything we have and are will go to waste, if our souls are not at peace with Him.
In 2Peter 3 we are shown that everything in this world and everything going on in it is reserved for fire. So, this is not a permanent place for any of us. That is why people have been living and dying. Ever since our fall, the earth has ceased to be a permanent place for us. So, God’s plan is to bring us into a new earth and a new heaven. And only those who are at peace with Him will be a part of these new earth and new heaven, a part of that home of righteousness.
When we fell in the Garden of Eden, our relationship with God was severed; we died to Him. But because of His great love for us, He sent His Son Jesus to die for our sins. Why? His aim was to bring us back to Him. When we became dead to Him, we stopped living for Him and started living for ourselves. We began to use our time, our bodies and everything we had to please ourselves. But God did not create us for ourselves. Rather, He created us for His pleasure. Also, He did not create all the world and all the things in it for us to use to please ourselves. Rather, He created everything so that we can use them to serve His purpose.
Now it is only if we are at peace with Him that we will realize this and begin to serve His purpose in the way we use our lives, our time, our bodies and every other thing He has put at our disposal. If we are not at peace with Him, we are going to waste everything and end up in hell. But because God loves us, He does not want us to end up in hell. You can see why He sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for us and reconcile us to Him.
We, then, have to be interested in being reconciled to Him. We have to be interested in being at peace with Him. And we can be at peace with Him through faith in Christ Jesus. Look at what Paul says to us about this in Romans 5:
“Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ…” (Romans 5:1NIV)
How do we have peace with God? It is through our Lord Jesus Christ. He did everything that was meant to be done to bring us to be at peace with God. It is now left to us to take advantage of what He has done for us to be at peace with Him. And having been at peace with Him, we must remain at peace with Him. How? It is by offering ourselves to Him willingly, so that He can make us what He wants us to be and use us for what He wants us to do.
This is why we are told to offer our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God (Romans 12:1). God wants to use our bodies to accomplish His good purpose. God wants to use our resources to accomplish His good purpose here in the world. But if we are not at peace with Him, that will not happen. Then the life He has given to us will be wasted. The resources He has given to us will be wasted. And then we will find ourselves in hell. We may have great wealth. Yet we may find ourselves in hell.
Remember the story of the rich man and Lazarus. He had great wealth. Yet he found himself in hell. His wealth was wasted. His life was wasted. You too can gain the whole world. But of what use will that be, if you lose your soul? (Cf. Luke 16:18-31)
Well, I quickly shared these things with you to let you know that God wants you to prosper materially, He wants you to live in health and He wants your soul to get along well with Him. And do you also want what He wants? If you want these things, first, you must give yourself to the word of God. In Psalm 1 we are told that the man who gives Himself to the word of God will prosper in all that He does. He will prosper spiritually, He will prosper in His body and He will also prosper materially. That way, when the end of all things has come, He will live throughout eternity with God. So, give yourself to the word of God. And you will experience prosperity at all levels of life.
Another way to experience total prosperity is to pray to God about it, as John prays for Gaius. God wants you to be at peace with Him forever. Then pray that He will strengthen your heart every moment to take Him seriously. Also, He wants you to enjoy good health. Then pray that the health that Jesus has purchased for you will always find expression in your body. Furthermore, God wants you to prosper materially. Then pray that He will daily fulfill His will in this matter in your life. And this is not a one-off thing; this is something you will continually give yourself to doing.
Finally, you must stay in the company of those who believe what you believe. Yes, stay in fellowship with those who believe that God wants you to prosper, to be in health and to remain at peace with Him. By staying with people like that, you will continually be encouraged to go for what God wants you to have. But if those you are fellowshipping with are those who do not believe in your material prosperity, in your good health and in your spiritual welfare, they may drown your faith.
Let us pray.
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Series: Jesus on prayer 8 | Title: Prayer conditions | By: Johnson O. Lawal | Date: August 11, 2024
I want us to continue from where we left off on ‘Jesus on prayer’. These are series of things that our Lord taught His disciples on the subject of prayer. And on this note, we have looked at ‘Prayer audacity’, ‘Prayer dimensions’, ‘Prayer devotion’, ‘Prayer ground’, ‘Prayer purpose’, ‘Prayer misrepresentation’ and ‘Prayer motivation’. Now we want to look at ‘Prayer conditions’. Are there conditions that must be met in order for us to pray and receive from God? If there are, what are they?
Before we move on, I want to quickly say that we might say again or look at again some of the things we have learnt before in this series. That is because the things the Lord shared on this subject of prayer are interwoven, even though He shared them at different times. Mind you, the writers of the gospel did all not write these in the order in which the Lord shared them. Instead, they shared them as they were moved by the Spirit of God. That is why we are simply picking them here and there as they appear in the gospels.
In any case, as I said before, we want to see whether there are conditions that must be met by us in order to pray and receive. And the Lord’s answer to that is ‘Yes’. What, then, are those conditions? Well, we see the first in John, chapter 15, verse 7, which says, “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” (NIV) Now before the Lord said this to His disciples, He had been sharing some things with them about their relationship with Him. He described their relationship with Him as similar to that of a vine and its branches. His actual words were:
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.” (John 15:5-6NIV)
What the Lord said to them here is something we all can relate to. If a branch of a tree remains in it, it will bring forth fruit effortlessly. In like manner, if we, who are His disciples, remain in Him, we will bear fruit effortlessly. The Christian life is not meant to be a struggle. It is never meant to be something we struggle to live. And the reason people struggle with it is that they are trying to skip growth processes. They want to become spiritual giants overnight. They want to know everything the word of God says overnight. They want to become great prayer warriors overnight.
But you cannot become a spiritual giant overnight. There is a growth process that you must follow. If you plant a seed, it will take some time, depending on the kind of seed it is, for it to grow and start bearing fruit. But it has to remain in the soil to draw its nutrients and nourishment for that to happen. In the same vein, we have to remain in the Lord Jesus Christ to grow to be all that God wants us to be. And as long as we remain in Him, we will grow spiritually and begin to bring forth fruit in due season.
As we all know, which is the point the Lord is making through the things He says to us in the text before us, all that a branch needs to bring forth fruit is to remain in its tree. As long as that tree has enough nourishment to supply it, it will bring forth fruit effortlessly. And we do know that the Lord Jesus has enough nourishment to supply us to grow and bring forth fruit, all the fruit of the Spirit listed for us in Scriptures. All that He requires of us is that we remain in Him.
Then He proceeds to show us that even our fruitfulness in prayer depends on our remaining in Him. If we are going to be offering prayers that will produce results, then, we must abide in the Lord Jesus Christ. That is why He says, “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” (NIV) Here He is giving us a condition upon which our prayers will be answered. Yes, as we have seen in His other teachings on prayer, we have been invited by God to ask and receive, to seek and find and to knock and see doors opened for us. But then, that is not all that He teaches about prayer. There are other things He also teaches about it. And among those other things is that there are certain conditions that must be met in order for our prayers to be answered.
Now one of those conditions is what we are looking at in the text where He says, “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” The Lord is speaking to us here about offering prayers that will definitely be answered. He is not talking about prayers we will offer and not be sure if God will answer them. As I pointed out in a previous teaching, it is possible for us to be audacious in prayer and yet not be sure if God will answer our prayer or not. Why? That will be because we are not sure of His will about the matter we are praying about.
For instance, Abraham prayed to God for the salvation of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. But at the moment he was praying, he was not sure what the will of God was about the fate of the righteous people in those cities. He had to learn what His will was about them through prayer. And as he prayed, he asked God to spare the cities if there were ten righteous people there. Did God answer him or not? He did. He told him that He would spare the cities, if there ten righteous people there. But the cities were not spared. Why? God did not find ten righteous people in them. So, the answer to Abraham’s prayer on that occasion was conditional. (Cf. Genesis 18)
But in our text in John 15, the Lord is speaking to us about offering prayers that God will definitely answer. He says that we can ask whatever we wish and that it will be done for us. In other words, we can ask for anything that we wish and it will be produced by God for us. But on what condition will that happen? It will happen on the condition that we remain in Him and His word remains in us.
To say the fact, what the Lord says here is a tautology. He is simply saying the same thing using different words. If you remain in Him, then, His words will remain in you. And if His words remain in you, you will remain in Him. That is the point we must get. We don’t come to the Lord Jesus Christ and then leave Him as we please. Instead, once we come to Him, we must settle in Him.
Unfortunately, many in the church are epileptic in their relationship with the Lord. Today, they are serious about their relationship with Him. Tomorrow, they are nowhere to be found. They may take Him seriously for one week and then disappear for one month. Then they will come back again and take Him seriously for another two weeks or one month and disappear again for another six months. People like that are like a yoyo. They are unstable. And the word of God says that unstable people should not expect to receive anything from God (James 1:6-8).
Now we are not saying that God will never answer any prayer offered to Him by unstable people. Rather, we are saying that as long as they are unstable in their ways, most of their prayers will not get God’s attention. That is because those prayers will mostly be out of tune with His will. If we are going to be offering prayers that God will answer, we will need to remain in the Lord. When you remain in Him, you learn His will and so are able to offer prayers that are consistent with His will.
Therefore, He says, “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” How, then, do you remain in Him? You remain in Him by allowing His word to remain in you? Look at how John puts this in verse 24 of his first epistle and the second chapter: “As for you, see that what you have heard from the beginning remains in you. If it does, you also will remain in the Son and in the Father.” (NIV) Did you see that? The word of God that we have received must remain in us in order for us to remain in the Lord. That means we must retain His word in our hearts. It is not enough to hear His word; it is equally important that we embrace and meditate on it, so that we can apply it. The word of God that we don’t apply to our lives is not dwelling in us. It is only His word that we will apply that is dwelling in us.
Well, the point I am making is that if we will remain in the Lord Jesus Christ, then, His word must abide in us. The things we study in Scriptures must abide in us. The things we learn through the sermons we are listening to must abide in us. And these things will not abide in us, if we are not deliberate about filling ourselves with them. The more we deliberately fill ourselves with the word of God, the more we are established in the Lord Jesus. Those who go astray go astray because they are not established in the Lord. And they are not established in Him because they have not allowed His word to settle in them. If we allow His word to settle in us, then, definitely we are going to abide in Him. And once we abide in Him, we will not offer any prayer that will be contrary to His will.
However, as I pointed out before, this is not something that will happen overnight. We have to continually take in His word. And the more we take His word into us, the better it becomes for us to offer prayers that He cannot but answer. You can now understand why John tells us in his first epistle, the fifth chapter and the fourteenth verse, that if we ask for anything according to His will, He hears us.
Now another prayer condition the Lord gives us is found in Mark’s gospel, chapter 11, verse 24, which reads: “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” (NIV) What is the condition for receiving answer to our prayers here? Faith! See, it is one thing for what we are praying for to be in line with the will of God; it is another thing for us to ask for it in faith. Jesus says when you ask God for something, you must believe that He has answered your prayer. And when you believe that He has answered you, you will have whatever you have asked for, which is in line with His will.
So, the first thing is for me to believe that I have received whatever I have asked God for. Why will I need to believe that I have received it? It is because I have not seen its physical manifestation. If I have seen its physical manifestation, I will not need to believe that I have received it – I will surely know that I have it. But because I have not seen its physical manifestation, I am told to believe that it is mine already. And when I believe, it will surely be mine.
Now, of course, there may be a time lag between the time I pray and receive by faith and the time the answer manifests in the natural. But the point the Lord is making is that there is no use praying to God, if I do not believe that He will answer me. If I am praying to Him, I am must believe that He is answering me right away. Look at what the Lord says again. At what point does He say that I am to believe that I have received an answer to my prayer? At the point of praying! It is only if what I have asked for is not in line with His will that it becomes useless for me to believe that I have received it.
Then what if I am not sure that what I am asking for is in line with His will? Then I cannot also believe with certainty that I have received what I have asked for. So, what the Lord is dealing with here has to do with those things that we are sure are consistent with the will of God for us. As long as we are sure that what we asking of God is consistent with His will for us, we are told to believe that we have received it at the point of praying. Then it will be ours. So, even if I have not yet seen any physical manifestation of what I have prayed for, I must believe that it is mine already. And as often as I remember the case, I must thank God for already answering me and taking care of it.
But what if I do not believe that I have received from God what I have asked of Him? Then I may not eventually have it. Remember what James tells us about this, which I earlier drew your attention to. He tells us in his first epistle that those who lack wisdom to handle their lives or anything else can ask God for it and expect Him to answer them. But don’t forget that Christ Jesus has already been made wisdom to us by God. So, we have God’s wisdom in us. And that wisdom is a person, a person that is ever living in us. That, then, means we always have access to wisdom.
However, in order for this wisdom to manifest in us in certain circumstances, we must pray to God. And that is what James is speaking of when he says, “If anyone lacks wisdom, he should ask God for it.” But when we pray like that, we must believe that God has answered us. Then we will find His wisdom manifesting in us. But if we don’t believe, James says we are unstable and should not think we will receive anything from God.
Now I also need to give us some exceptions here before we move on. As we see in the Scripture there are prayers we are meant to continually offer. And when we continually offer such prayers, we are not exhibiting unbelief or lack of faith in God. For instance, our Lord Jesus speaks about praying that God will give us today’s bread today (Matthew 6:11). Why? It is to teach us the need to draw all our daily needs from God.
Also, Paul tells the Ephesians and the Colossians in his letters to them that he is always giving thanks to God for them and praying that God will fill them with the knowledge of Himself, of His will for them and of His provisions for them (Ephesians 1:15-23; Colossians 1:9-13). Is that not an expression of unbelief? No, it is not. It is not because the knowledge of God, of His will and of His provisions for us is not exhaustible. It is not something we can know enough of it. We will continue to need to know more and more of Him, of His will for us and of His provisions for us, moment after moment. So, that we asked Him to show us more of Himself this morning or yesterday does not mean that we should not ask Him to do so again today. That is not an expression of unbelief. Rather, it is an expression of faith through the heart of one who is hungry for more and more of God.
In addition to that, there are times that we may need to persist in praying about certain things until see answers to them in the natural. That, of course, may be because of the urgency of the matter at hand or because of our uncertainty of the will of God about the matter. For instance, Moses had to keep his hands up in prayer when the Israelites and the Amalekites were fighting until the Israelites won the battle. Why? He sensed that there was a need for him to keep drawing the power of God for victory till the very end, if they would win the battle. And those with him too, Aaron and Hur, sensed the same thing. They could see that each time he got tired and lowered his hands, the Amalekites began to win. So, they had to assist in keeping his hands up till the very end, that is, till Israel won the battle. (Cf. Exodus 17)
Also, we see that the church had to pray for Peter, when he was about to be executed by Herod, until God sent an angel to set him free. Why did they not stop praying after one hour, believing that God had answered them? It was because they had earlier witnessed the execution of James by this same wicked king. And perhaps they had hoped that God would rescue him before he was executed. But he was executed anyway. So, when they saw that Peter was faced with a similar fate and they were not sure whether God wanted him to live or to come home, they began to pray for his salvation. And they prayed like that until they got what they wanted. (Cf. Acts 12)
Furthermore, gospel writers show us that Jesus Christ offered the same prayer to God three times when His hour came. Why? Was it because He was unbelieving? No! Rather, it was because He wanted to see if He could change God’s mind about His death on the cross. He knew that it was the will of God for Him to die in that manner. Yet, knowing what this death would do to Him spiritually, a part of Him wanted to an alternative, a change of God’s mind. But because He was still determined to do the will of God, He told God to let His will be done. And His will was done. But by praying like that, He was able to receive sufficient strength to do what needed to be done. (Cf. Matthew 26:39-44; Luke 22:39-44)
Moreover, we see Daniel praying for three weeks on one occasion on the same matter until the angel God had sent to give him an answer brought it. Why did he persist in prayer like that? It was because he could not tell why the answer to his prayer was not forthcoming. That means he somehow sensed that something was hindering him from receiving the manifestation of answers to his prayer. And he was right. It was an evil being that hindered the angel sent to him from getting to him. But by persisting in prayer, he was able to get God to send another angel to support the angel that had been sent to him. What if he had stopped praying, when the answer he wanted was not showing up? He may never have received it. (Cf. Daniel 10)
Then there are times that it may take more than a miracle to handle a matter that we have prayed to God about. So, being persistent in praying about such matters will not be a sign of unbelief but a demonstration of understanding. As we see in the bible, it took a number of miracles for Israel to be delivered from Egypt. And Moses had to keep praying to God after the manifestation of each miracle for another miracle until they were delivered.
I showed you all these things to let you know that it is not every time that prayer is a one-off thing. It is not in every situation that it is enough to pray to God once and believe it is over. There are times that we will need to keep on praying until our joy is full over the matter at hand. (Cf. John 16:24)
Then we have another condition that must be met in order for us to receive answers to our prayers. And the Lord shows us this in verse 25 of Mark 11, which reads, “And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.” (NIV) This is clear, isn’t it? If you are praying and remember that you have something against someone, what should you do? You are to forgive the person right there and then. And the Lord goes on to say that if you won’t forgive the person, your Father in heaven will not forgive you of your own sins either.
Now you must understand that it the Jews under the Law of Moses that the Lord said these words to, not the Christian. And He said them because at that time God had not yet paid the price for the forgiveness of the sins of humanity. That being the case, people were forgiven on the basis of how they forgave others. Then they were shown mercy on the basis of how they showed others mercy. That means if you would not forgive others, you should not expect God to forgive you. And if you would not show others mercy, you should not expect God to show you mercy.
However, at the moment, Jesus already died for our sins. The bible calls Him the propitiation for our sins and the sins of the whole world (1John 2:2). So, God does not forgive us today on the basis of whether we forgive others or do not forgive them. Rather, He forgives us on the basis of what Jesus Christ has done for us. That, of course, is why we are told that if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us these sins and to cleanse us of all our unrighteousness (1John 1:9).
So, what we need to receive forgiveness for our sins now is an acknowledging of those sins. In other words, once we agree that God is right and that we are wrong, we are able to receive from Him forgiveness for any sin. This, then, has nothing to do with whether we forgive others their sins or not.
However, if we will not forgive others their sins, our prayers can be hindered. I cannot say exactly how this will affect us. It all depends on God. But I do not know that our prayers can be hindered because of our refusal to forgive others their sins. Peter, for instance, speaks about this in his first epistle, the third chapter and the seventh verse. He tells husbands to relate to their wives with care and consideration, if they don’t want their prayers to be hindered.
So, prayers can be hindered. And one of the things that hinder prayers is our relationship with others. If we are bitter towards others, jealous of them or unwilling to forgive them, our prayers may be hindered. Again, I cannot say which of our prayers will be hindered. But there are certain prayers of ours that God will not answer, if our hearts are not right towards others. That is also another prayer condition that we must pay attention to.
Now, of course, there are other prayer conditions that are given to us in Scriptures that we must equally pay attention to. We have said some things about some of them in our previous teachings in the series. For instance, we said that our purpose must be right when we are praying. Also, we said that we must watch the ground upon which stand when we pray. If we are praying on the wrong ground, the ground of self-righteousness, our prayers will not be answered. Then we must not misuse prayer or misrepresent its use. Otherwise, our prayers will not be answered. And as we pay attention to these things and apply them in our prayers, we will daily tremendous results following.
Let us pray.
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Series: Jesus on prayer 7 | Prayer motivation | By: Johnson O. Lawal | Date: August 04, 2024
I want us to continue where we left off on ‘Jesus on prayer’. We have been looking at the series of the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ on prayer. And that has led us to looking at ‘Prayer audacity’, ‘Prayer dimensions’, ‘Prayer devotion’, ‘Prayer ground’, ‘Prayer purpose’ and ‘Prayer misrepresentation’. Now we want to look at prayer motivation. What motivates us to pray? Why should we take the things that are said in the Scriptures about prayer seriously? You know that we are given all kinds of instructions in the Scriptures about prayer and the attitude we should have towards it.
For instance, we are told that men ought to always pray and not give up (Luke 18:1). We are also told to pray without ceasing (1Thessalonians 5:17). We are equally told to be devoted to pray (Colossians 4:2). Then we are told to be faithful in prayer (Romans 12:12). These are instructions given to us by God. And because these instructions are given to us by God, we must act on them, even if we do not know what to stand to gain by doing so. Inasmuch as it is God who has given us these instructions, we must act on them, even if we do not know why He is asking us to obey them.
See, if we do what God tells us to do, we will find out why He has told us to do it. And if we will not do what He has told us to do, we will still find out why He has told us to do it. But then, there will be consequences that will follow our disobedience, consequences that we will not like.
In any case, because God has told us to pray, we must pray. But do we even have any motivation to pray, besides the fact that we are commanded by God to do so? Yes, we do. And one of the things that should motivate us to pray is that God answers prayers. So, our praying is not a waste of time.
Look at what we are told in Matthew, chapter 7, from verse 7:
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Matthew 7:7-8NIV)
That is a motivation to pray. So, if we will ask God for whatever we need, we will receive it from Him. Also, if we will seek out His provisions for us, we will find them. Then if we will knock on doors of the places holding His provisions for us, they will be opened to us. Therefore, we have assurances that our praying to God is not a waste of time. And when you know that the time you are spending in praying is not a waste, you will be motivated to pray without ceasing and without giving up.
What we are saying is that prayer works. Look at what James says about this in verse 16 of the fifth chapter of his epistle:
“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. Elijah was a human being, even as we are. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops.” (James 5:16-18NIV)
Did you see that? The prayer of a righteous person is power and effective. So, your prayer can change things. Your prayer can change the situations of your life and even of your country. And James goes on to use Elijah to illustrate his point to us. According to him, Elijah, as one man, once prayed that it would not rain over the nation of Israel, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. Then he prayed again that he should rain, and it rained. And James’ point is that we too can accomplish the same feat and even bigger things, if we will pray.
But have you seen yourself in that light? Have you seen yourself as capable of offering prayers that will change situations, prayers that will accomplish great and astonishing things? I must see myself in that light. I must see myself as capable of offering prayers that will change situations. And if I am functioning with that mindset, I will be motivated to pray to make my world a better place.
Another motivation we have to pray is that God Himself has asked us to pray. The one who has invited to pray and that we will receive is God Himself. And that is enough motivation for us to pray. We, then, should not draw back from praying, seeing that God Himself is the one who has invited us to pray and given us guarantees that our prayers will be answered.
Look at what the writer of the book of Hebrews has to say to us about this, from verse 14 of the fourth chapter of the book:
“Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to emphatize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are – yet he did not sin. Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” (Hebrews 4:14-16NIV)
Can you see that we are to approach God’s throne of Grace? And how are we to approach this throne? With boldness! Why should we approach the throne? In order to receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. So, we can boldly approach God for anything we need and anytime we need it. That, again, is enough motivation for us to pray.
What we are saying is that even if nothing else motivates us to pray, the fact that Himself has called upon us to pray is enough motivation for us to pray. Speaking through Jeremiah, He says, “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” (Jer 33:3NIV) Did you see that? That, again, is an open invitation from God to us to pray and to expect answers. And God has spoken to us in this manner so that we will be motivated to pray to Him.
Furthermore, we see that God has revealed His will to us in the Scriptures and also given us great and precious promises. And by doing these things, He is encouraging us to pray to Him for the fulfilment of His will and promises in our lives and in our world. For example, after David had expressed his intention to build God a temple, God sent him one of His prophets, Nathan, to him to give him His response. And according to Nathan, David was not the one that would build God that temple but one of his sons. However, because he had that intention of building God a temple, God gave him some very great and precious promises. Here is part of what God said to him:
“And I will provide a place for my people Israel and will plant them so that they can have a home of their own and no longer be disturbed. Wicked people will not oppress them anymore, as they did at the beginning and have done ever since the time I appointed leaders over my people Israel. I will also subdue all your enemies. I declare to you that the Lord will build a house for you: When your days are over and you go to be with your ancestors, I will raise up your offspring to succeed you, one of your own sons, and I will establish his kingdom. He is the one who will build a house for me, and I will establish his throne forever. I will be his father, and he will be my son. I will never take my love away from him, as I took it away from your predecessor. I will set him over my house and my kingdom forever; his throne will be established forever. Nathan reported to David all the words of this entire revelation.” (1Chronicles 17:9-15NIV)
Observe that there are promises made by God to David here because of his good intention to build a temple for Him. No, of course, He would not permit David to build Him a temple because he had been a warrior from his youth and had shed much blood. However, God said that He would take one of his sons that would become king after him and use Him for that task. Not only that, God said that He would establish his kingdom forever. That was an unconditional promise made to this man by God. And he responded to it by praying. Look at how that is reported to us from verse 16:
“Then King David went in and sat before the Lord, and he said: “Who am I, Lord God, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far? And as if this were not enough in your sight, my God, you have spoken about the future of the house of your servant. You, Lord God, have looked on me as though I were the most exalted of men. What more can David say to you for honoring your servant? For you know your servant, Lord. For the sake of your servant and according to your will, you have done this great thing and made known all these great promises. There is no one like you, Lord, and there is no God but you, as we have heard with our own ears. And who is like your people Israel – the one nation on earth whose God went out to redeem a people for himself, and to make a name for yourself, and to perform great awesome wonders by driving out nation from before your people, whom you redeemed from Egypt? You made your people Israel your very own forever, and you, Lord, have become their God. And now, Lord, let the promise you have made concerning your servant and his house be established forever. Do as you promised, so that it will be established and that your name will be great forever. Then people will say, ‘The Lord Almighty, the God over Israel, is Israel’s God!’ And the house of your servant David will be established before you. You, my God, have revealed to your servant that you will build a house for him. So your servant has found courage to pray to you. You, Lord, are God! You have promised these good things to your servant. Now you have been pleased to bless the house of your servant, that it may continue forever in your sight; for you, Lord, have blessed it, and it will be blessed forever.” (1Chronicles 17:16-27NIV)
Here is David praying to God on the basis of the promises he has received from Him. And he told God in the prayer why he was bold to pray to Him. Why was he bold to pray to Him? Look at verse 25 again, which says: “You, my God, have revealed to your servant that you will build a house for him. So your servant has found courage to pray to you.” What gave David the courage to pray to God? It was the revelation of the will of God that was given to him. God gave him and his family a number of promises. And because of his knowledge of those promises, he was bold to pray; he was motivated to pray.
Well, I am saying that another reason we should be motivated to pray is that God has given us all kinds of great and precious promises in the Scriptures. Also, He has made His will about every matter of life known to us. So, we should be motivated to pray to Him that His will be done in our lives. While teaching the people on the subject of prayer, Jesus says, “Let your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.” So, we can pray for the fulfilment of the will of God in our lives and against anything that is contrary to His will in our lives.
But then, we need to know the will of God for our lives and affairs. If we are not adequately acquainted with His will, we will not be praying aright. But once we know His will for us, we can demand that He will bring it to pass in our lives and affairs.
See, we must not think that once God has promised us something or said that certain things should happen in certain ways in our lives, they will automatically happen. There are times that the promises God has made to us will not be automatically fulfilled, if we will not ask Him to fulfil them. And if observe that is the case, we should be motivated to pray to Him that He will cause things to begin to happen for us according to His will for us.
Jabez, for instance, prayed to God to change his life’s story. What motivated him to pray? One of the things that motivated him to pray was the knowledge that he had that God answers prayers. So, he knew that if he prayed to Him, he would not be wasting his time. Another thing that must have motivated him to pray was the knowledge of the will of God about his prosperity. He must have learnt from Scriptures that God had blessed them as His people and that he was supposed to be prosperous. So, when he saw that his life was not experiencing the prosperity spoken of in the word of God, he prayed. And did God answer him or not? He did! (Cf. 1Chronicles 4:9-10)
As we are told in Scriptures, regardless of how many promises God has made to us, they are all ‘Yes’ in Christ Jesus (2Corinthians 1:20). In other words, as long as God has made a promise to us, He will always say ‘Yes’ to us. The word of God tells us that He does not tell us lies (Hebrews 6:18). If He has said that He would do something, then, He would do it. And the fact that He can be trusted to keep His promises is enough motivation for us to pray to Him. He will always say ‘Yes’ to His promises. So, we can ask Him any day and any time to fulfil those promises.
For instance, the bible says that God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 1:3). So, we can ask Him to bring about a full expression of these blessings in our lives. And when we do so, we will be asking in line with His will for us.
Another thing that should motivate us to pray is the fact that God is able to do far beyond whatever we can ask for or think of. In Ephesians, chapter 3, from verse 20, Paul says this:
“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generation, for ever and ever! Amen.” (Ephesians 3:20-21NIV)
Did you see that? God is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask for or imagine, according to His power that is at work in us. God is able to surpass our expectations. Because He is able to surpass our expectations, we should be motivated to pray. And we have all kinds of examples in the Scriptures that show us this. For instance, when Hezekiah prayed to God about the threats of Sennacherib, he did not know exactly how God would fix the problem. He prayed, anyway. And when God answered his prayer, the answer surpassed his expectations.
How? That same night that Hezekiah prayed, God sent an angel into the camp of the Assyrians that killed one hundred and eighty-five thousand soldiers. And when the survivors woke up, they saw dead bodies all around them. So, Sennacherib broke camp and went back to his own country. And while he was offering a sacrifice to his god, two of his sons cut him down. That, of course, was why the threat he posed to the nation of Judah was completely eliminated. Now who could have thought that God was going act like that? That was beyond anybody’s expectation.
(Cf. 2Kings 18-19)
Also, when Prophet Isaiah came to tell Hezekiah that he should put his house in order and that he was not going to survive his illness, he turned to God in prayer immediately. And did God answer his prayer or not? He did. But what motivated him to pray? First, the fact that God answers prayer must have motivated him to pray. Second, the fact God had promised His people a full life span must also have motivated him to pray.
Well, when God was going to answer his prayer, he surpassed his expectations. He told him that He had answered his prayer and that he would live and not die. But then, God did not say, “Okay, now you will have three years to put your house in order.” Instead, God said, “I am giving you fifteen more years.” That was beyond anyone’s expectations. (Cf. 2Kings 20)
What about Paul and Silas in the prison at Philippi? They had been beaten and injured. Yet that night they began to pray and to sing to God. And what did God do, when He was going to answer their prayer? He poured down His power on the whole prison house and that shook it and flung the prison gates opened. Also, the chains on all the prisoners came loose. Not only that, God used the situation to save the lives of the jailer and his entire household. And who could have thought God was going to answer their prayer in that manner? (Cf. Acts 16)
Personally, I do not think that Paul and Silas’ prayer that night, whatever their prayer must have been about, included the salvation of the jailer and his household. I also do not think it included the shaking of the entire prison house in the manner that they witnessed it. Yet God surpassed their expectations. And He always does that when we pray. He is always answering us in the superlative, doing for us more than we can ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work in us.
So, be motivated to pray because God answers prayers, because prayer works. Be motivated to pray because God Himself has invited us to pray to Him. Be motivated to pray because God can be trusted to fulfil His will and promises in our lives. And be motivated to pray because God is always able to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine.
Let us pray.
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Series: Jesus on prayer 6 | Title: Prayer misrepresentation | By: Johnson O. Lawal | Date: July 28, 2024
I want us to continue from where we left off on ‘Jesus on prayer’. We are looking at the series of teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ on prayer. We are doing this to see what lessons we can pick from them and apply to our lives. That, of course, has led us to looking at ‘Prayer audacity’, ‘Prayer dimensions’, ‘Prayer devotion’, ‘Prayer ground’ and ‘Prayer purpose’.
Now we want to look at ‘Prayer misrepresentation’. Is it possible to misrepresent anything about prayer? Yes, it is possible, as our Lord Jesus shows us through His teachings on prayer. And I want us to look at what He says about this from Matthew, chapter 6, from verse 7, which reads:
“And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” (Matthew 6:7-8NIV)
The Lord is showing us here what should not happen when we pray. And what should not happen when we pray? We should not babble when we pray. In other words, we are not to keep on repeating words when we pray. Let us look at the same verses from the New Living Translation. They say:
“”When you pray, don’t babble on and on as people of other religions do. They think their prayers are answered merely by repeating their words again and again. Don’t be like them, for your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him!” (Matthew 6:7-8NLT)
The Lord here is simply saying that we should not turn prayer into a chant. Don’t keep repeating the same words when praying, saying things like, “Father, do it. Father, do it. Father, do it…” You are turning prayer into a chant, when you do that. And the Lord says that is wrong. People of other religions may be doing that. And we have religions in which those who practise them repeat prayer verses, just as we have Christians too who repeat prayer verses. Members of the Roman Catholic Church, for instance, often repeat prayer verses when praying. These are wonderful people of God. But they are doing exactly what the Lord says we are not to do when praying. They are misrepresenting things about prayer, when they repeat the ‘Hail Mary’ prayer verses. That, of course, is why they use Rosaries while they pray. Each bead in the rosary represents a prayer stanza that you have to recite.
But the Lord is saying prayer is not a recitation or a chant that you have to repeat again and again. Rather, it has to do with talking to God intelligently. God is an intelligent being. And we are to talk to Him intelligently. We talk to human beings intelligently, don’t we? If you need something from your mother, for instance, you will do so intelligently. You will not be saying, “Mummy, mummy, mummy. Give me. Give me. Give me…” Babies can do that. Babies can turn their requests to chants or recitations or songs. That is because they think that if they pressure people like that, they will have no choice but to attend to them.
We, however, must not think we can get God’s attention by doing that. That is a misrepresentation of things. God will not answer our prayers because we are repeating the same words to Him. We cannot pressure Him to answer us by saying, “Do it, Lord. Do it, Lord. Do it, Lord…Father…Father…Father…” That is unreasonable, as far as God is concerned. That is silly in His sight.
Unbelievers, as I pointed out before, may be doing that. They may have things they chant or recite before their gods all the time. And that is because their gods are idols and unintelligent. But God’s children are not permitted to pray like that. If you, then, are praying in that manner, you are misrepresenting things. God does not answer prayers because we are repeating our words of prayer to Him or because we are trying to pressure Him by chanting the same words over and over again. Rather, He answers prayers because they are offered according to His will.
So, always offer your prayers according to His will. Then always offer your prayers intelligently. In fact, the so-called ‘Our Lord’s prayer’ is premised on showing us that we must pray to God intelligently, seeing that He is an intelligent being. Interestingly, it was after warning His disciples not to babble and repeat words when praying that He went on to show them how to pray, saying, “Our Father, who is in heaven…” (Cf. Matthew 6:9-13)
Unfortunately, we have turned those prayer lines into a prayer chant. The Lord did not share those prayer lines with His disciples so that they could turn them into a chant. Rather, He shared them with them to teach them that prayer must be offered intelligently to God. We have all kinds of intelligent prayers offered to God in the bible. And if those prayers had not been offered intelligently to Him, we would not have had them recorded for us.
For instance, we have the prayer of Jabez. It was an intelligent one. The man told God exactly what he wanted. And God answered him. Also, look at the Psalms. We have all kinds of intelligent prayers offered to God in them. Then in Saint John’s gospel, chapter 17, we find a prayer of our Lord Jesus there. He prayed to God intelligently on that occasion and was not repeating words in a meaningless fashion, as many of us often do today. Let us look at some lines of that prayer, starting from verse 1 of the chapter:
“After Jesus said this, he looked toward heaven and prayed: “Father, the hour has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you. For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him. Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do. And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began.” (John 17:1-5NIV)
Can you see how intelligent the Lord’s prayer here is? It is so clear and intelligent. He prays as though God were physically standing right there in front of Him. And of course, God was right there with Him when He was praying. But He could only see Him with the eyes of His spirit and not with His natural or physical eyes. Whatever the case, the point is that He prayed intelligently to an intelligent God.
Our prayers also must be intelligently offered. We don’t babble. We don’t turn our prayers into chants. That is not what will make God answer them. It is the consistency of our prayers with His will and the clarity involved in expressing ourselves that will make Him answer us. If you turn your prayer into a chant, then, you are already praying contrary to the will of God. And you should not expect Him to answer you.
Mind you, the Lord is not saying that something is wrong with offering lengthy prayers here. It depends on the number of requests you have to present to God. And as long as your requests are in line with His will, you are free to present them, regardless of how long doing so may take you. So, don’t mistake the offering of lengthy prayers for turning prayers into a chant or a recitation. They are not the same.
The second point Jesus shares in our opening text on prayer misrepresentation has to do with the assumption that God only gets to know our needs through prayers. And when people function with this assumption, they begin to think they have to say their requests to Him again and again until it stays in His head. But the Lord says it is wrong to pray to God in that manner. Why? God already knows our needs before we present them to Him. So, we must not think we are informing Him of something He does not already know when we are praying. He knows everything.
Now it is not only once that the Lord says this in the chapter we are considering. He says the same thing again in verse 32 of the chapter. Look at it:
“So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:32NIV)
Did you see that? God knows our needs before we ask Him. So, we are not telling Him something He does not already know when we pray. And He is not asking us to pray because He does not know what we need. He is asking us to pray so that we can learn to communicate with Him. It costs Him nothing to provide us with everything we need without our asking. But if He keeps providing us with everything we need without our asking, are not going to forget about Him and begin to treat Him as though He did not exist?
Moses, while admonishing the Israelites, told them, “Remember the Lord your God…” Why would he say this? It was because he knew that it was possible for the people to forget Him. So, I am saying that people can easily forget God, if He were to be providing everything they need for them without their asking for it. They may, at some point, begin to think that the things happening in their lives are happening by themselves or through their smartness. (Cf. Deuteronomy 8:18)
You know there are people who do not believe in the existence of God. And if people could come up with the funny idea that there is no God and that the world just came to be by itself, can we expect them to acknowledge God or thank Him for any of the things He has given to them? No! Can we expect them to pray to God for anything? No!
So, you see that if God were to be providing everything we need for us without our asking, there is every tendency that we will forget about Him totally at some point. In order to avoid that, then, God wants us to talk to Him. Mind you, there are a lot of things God provides for us without our asking. In Genesis 2, we see that it was God that first identified Adam’s need of a wife. And God said, “I will make a helper suitable for him.” Did Adam pray for that? No! Yet God identified his need and met it. (Cf. Genesis 2:18-24)
The point I am making, at any rate, is that God knows all our needs. So, it is not our praying that gets Him informed or educated about them. Yet He wants us to pray. Otherwise, there are things that He wants us to have that we will never have. What are those things? I cannot say. Until we don’t ask, we cannot tell those things that God will not do for us without our asking. So, we have to keep asking.
Nevertheless, when we are talking to Him, we should know that we are not educating Him about our needs. He already knows them. So we should not babble. We should not turn prayer into a chant or a recitation. Instead, we should talk to Him intelligently. He created us. And we should know that He will at least be as smart as we are. Since we, then, are intelligent, we should not think He is unintelligent. He is intelligent and by far more intelligent than we are or can be. Therefore, we should pray to Him intelligently.
If you need something from your parent, for instance, you know that you are not just going to be crying, weeping, wailing or stomping your feet on the ground. Do you know how frustrating it is to come to someone you care about and ask, “What do you need?” and all the person can do is cry, roll on the floor, weep or say, “Give me! Give me! Give me!” How can you help such a person? You want people to communicate with you intelligently. And you should know that God will not want anything less. If you, then, are not doing that, you are missing things.
Well, God already knows all your needs, don’t try to weary Him with your words. Don’t think you can pressure Him into doing anything for you by repeating your requests to him like a chant. It is not going to work.
Now there are other things that can be misrepresented about prayer, which our Lord does not mention in the text we are using. But since we are looking at prayer misrepresentation, it will be okay to just mention one or two more of them. And the first has to do with the thought that prayer is a substitute for doing the will of God. Prayer is never a replacement for doing the will of God. It is good to pray. We must pray. We told to pray without ceasing or giving up. But prayer is never a substitute for doing other things that God has demanded that we do or other things He has told us to do.
Prayer is a form of sacrifice, as we are shown in the bible. Look at these Scriptures from the book of Revelation about that:
“And when he had taken it, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of God’s people.” (Revelation 5:8NIV)
“Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all God’s people, on the golden altar in front of the throne. The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of God’s people, went up before God from the angel’s hand.” (Revelation 8:3-4NIV)
Here we see that the prayer of God’s people is likened to incense or sacrifice being offered to God. But then, the word of God further tells us that obedience is better than any form of sacrifice we may want to offer to God (1Samuel 15:22). So, even though prayer is a form of sacrifice, it cannot take the place of obedience to God. If God, then, has shown us the way to doing something, we must not think we can use prayers to overturn that or to change His mind. If God has told you how to move forward, you cannot use prayer to change His mind about that. You just have to do what He has told you to do.
For instance, God told Joshua how to succeed. He said, “This book of the law must not depart from your mouth but you must meditate on it day and night. Then you will make your way prosperous and have good success.” But if Joshua would not give himself to the word of God, no amount of prayer would make him succeed. And this is illustrated through an incident that involved an Israelite man called Achan. This man had stolen some of the devoted items in Jericho and had hidden them in his tent. Sadly, not knowing what this man had done, the Israelites went ahead to fight the men of Ai. And they did that without praying to God at all. (Cf. Joshua 1:8; Joshua 6-7)
Now Ai was a smaller city than Jericho. So, those that Joshua had sent to spy the place told him not to send all the armies of Israel there but to send only three thousand men there. And did Joshua and the elders of Israel pray to God about this? No! Why? They assumed that since they defeated Jericho, which was a larger city than Ai, defeating Ai should be a piece of cake. But God was already angry with all of them at the time. And if they had prayed, He would have told them that they should not go to fight Ai until they dealt with the evil among them.
There is a lesson for us from that. And it is that we must never assume that prayer is not needed in any circumstance of our lives, just because we have walked in victory over more difficult circumstances in the past. If we are not going to talk to God about the so-called minor circumstances or issues of life, these issues may end up messing us up. We have enough illustrations of this in Scriptures. When people think they can use their own wisdom or strength to deal with things, when they think it is unnecessary to talk to God about some things because those things seem to be minor or trivial, they may end up being messed up.
That was happened to the children of Israel. They fled before the people of Ai. In fact, thirty-six men fell during that battle, something that had never happened to them before. So, their hearts melted in fear when they came back. And that was when Joshua began to pray to God. Look at how that is reported from verse 6 of Joshua 7:
“Then Joshua tore his clothes and fell facedown to the ground before the ark of the Lord, remaining there till evening. The elders of Israel did the same, and sprinkled dust on their heads. And Joshua said, “Alas, Sovereign Lord, why did you ever bring this people across the Jordan to deliver us into the hands of the Amorites to destroy us? If only we had been content to stay on the other side of the Jordan! Pardon your servant, Lord. What can I say, now that Israel has been routed by its enemies? The Canaanites and the other people of the country will hear about this and they will surround us and wipe out our name from the earth. What then will you do for your own great name?” The Lord said to Joshua, “Stand up! What are you doing on your face? Israel has sinned; they have violated my covenant, which I commanded them to keep. They have taken some of the devoted things; they have stolen, they have lied, they have put them with their own possessions. This is why the Israelites cannot stand against their enemies; they turn their backs and run because they have been made liable to destruction. I will not be with you anymore unless you destroy whatever among you is devoted to destruction.” (Joshua 7:6-12NIV)
Did you see that? Joshua laid on the ground from morning till evening, praying to God. But was God moved by his lying on the ground? No! He was not moved by that at all. He was not moved by his tears or by the fact that he tore his clothes or by the fact that the elders of Israel also tore their clothes. Why? His word had been ignored. His word had been violated.
See, we need to understand that the only thing that moves God is our obedience to His word. God, of course, is a merciful God. That is why many of us receive many things from Him that we don’t deserve at all. Sadly, many don’t understand or realise this. That is because even though they are praying amiss, God is still being merciful to them and giving them all kinds of beautiful things. So, God is not answering their prayers, prayers that they are offering contrary to His will. Rather, He is just being merciful to them.
Do you know what it means to be merciful to someone? It means to favour the person, in spite of who they are or what they have done. It means to give to people things that they don’t deserve or to refrain from dealing with them as they deserve. And that is how God treats us a lot of times. He gives to us what we need, not because we have prayed right about them or because we deserve them but because of His mercy. This, unfortunately, is why some people have refused to learn and live by the truth of God’s word, especially in prayer matters. They will say, “I have been praying like this for years and God has been answering me.” But God has not been answering those prayers that you have been offering contrary to His will. Rather, He has been treating you in His mercy.
Well, God was not moved by the fact that Joshua laid down and abased himself that day, from morning till evening Instead, He told him, “Get up! What are you doing lying down on your face like this? These people have sinned against me. They have stolen. And I will not be with you until you deal with that.” That, of course, is the point I am making all along. When God has told us what to do, we should do it and not think prayer is going to be a substitute to doing what He has commanded.
You can, then, see why Samuel said, “Obedience is better than sacrifice and to hearken is better than fats of ram.” So, I must obey what God has commanded and not think I can use prayer to change His mind. My prayer will not change His mind about what He has told me to do and which I have refused to do. Even if I am interceding for someone and the person will not do what God has commanded them to do, my prayer for them will not make Him change His mind about them. Yes, my prayer may make Him delay His judgment and give such an individual some time to repent. But if they will not repent, at some point, God will have to do the needful about their matter, even though I am praying for them.
Remember that Abraham prayed for the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. And God told him that He would spare them, if He could find at least ten righteous people in them. But did He find that number of righteous people there? No, He did not. And did He spare them because Abraham had prayed for them? No! So, though Abraham prayed right for them, his prayer still could not save them. That was because they persisted in wickedness. But think of the city of Nineveh that Jonah went to preach against. Even though Jonah did not pray to God for their deliverance, God still spared them. Why? They changed their ways. (Cf. Genesis 18-19; Jonah 3)
So, don’t think you can use prayer as a substitute for living in righteousness. Don’t think you can use prayer as a substitute for giving to God or for acting on the word of God in any way. It will not work.
Now there is another thing people often misrepresent about prayer, which is that prayer will make God do for them what they are meant to do for themselves. They think that once they have prayed about a matter, God will immediately start working and doing everything for them. Yes, when you pray to God, He answers and moves on your behalf, if you have prayed according to His will. He will provide circumstances or situations that will be favourable to you, so that you can experience His goodness.
However, there are things God will not do for you or me. Why? It is because He has given us the ability to do those things. So, even if we have prayed to Him about the matters of our lives, we should go ahead and do those legitimate things that He has already given us the ability to do.
For instance, if you have prayed to God for success in your examinations, you must still go ahead and study for those examinations. God will surely give you the wisdom and understanding you need to pass. He will also guide you to pass. But you must study. He will not do your studying for you. Also, you must show up in the examination hall, for God will not send an angel to write your examinations for you. So, don’t come and share testimonies with us of how you did not show up in an examination hall and yet you passed. How? Did God send an angel to write that examination for you? That would be fraudulent. And God does not engage in fraudulent activities. So, we will not accept that lie from you.
Well, the point is that if there are things you need to do, get them done. Don’t wait for God to do them for you, unless He has personally told you to just fold your arms and watch Him fix those things for you. For example, there was a time God told King Jehoshaphat that the battle before Him was for Him to handle and not for this king and his people. So, all they needed to do was fold their arms and watch as God turned their enemies against one another and made them destroy themselves. (Cf. 2Chronicles 20)
But if God has not said, “Stand back and watch,” you had better start doing those things that you have the ability to do for yourself. Otherwise, your prayers will not change anything for you. Read about Nehemiah. He prayed to God for favour before King Artaxerxes, so that he may help his people, the Jews. But he himself had to go and meet this king and present his requests tohim. God did not speak to Artaxerxes for him. God did not send an angel to tell Artaxerxes to invite this man for a chat about the welfare of the Jews in Jerusalem. He had to meet this king himself. And it was when he met him that he saw the release of God’s favour that he had prayed for. (Cf. Nehemiah 1&2)
So, don’t have this misrepresentation that once you pray to God about something, He will get working and start doing everything for you. No, things don’t work that way with God. Yes, when we pray to Him, as I said before, His favour and power are released on our behalf, for our excellence, protection or promotion. But we must identify those steps that we can take and must take. And those will be steps that He has already given us the enablement to take.
For example, if we pray to God to open the door for His word to spread rapidly in our land and be glorified, He will answer us and do just that. He will open people’s hearts to receive His word and be blessed by it. But He will not go out and preach to them. He will not send an angel to preach to them in the streets or on the radio. Or have you ever heard an angel preaching on the radio or the television before? No! If we, then, will not do these things, how will the gospel spread, as we have prayed that it should? If we will not release our money to give to the radio station or to the television station for the propagation of the word of God, will God go and pay them Himself? No!
So, we need to understand that God will not do for us what we have the ability to do for ourselves. What we cannot do is what He will do for us. What we cannot handle is what God will handle for us, providing us with the wisdom, strength, boldness and opportunities to handle it. But we must take those steps that we need to take to do those things that He has enabled us to handle. Otherwise, we will not see the manifestation of answers to whatever prayer we offer about the matter at hand. I believe all this is now clear to you.
Let us pray.
Copyright © 2024 Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church –This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07025105978)
Series: Healing Rivers | Title: Why people ose thier healing | By: Johnson O. Lawal | Date: July 21, 2024
I want to share with you four main reasons people lose their healing. Let me first remind you that God has already made healing available for us in Christ Jesus. What I mean is that one of the things Jesus Christ accomplished for us on the cross was healing. He paid the price for us to live in health. So, Peter, in his second epistle, the second chapter and the twenty-fourth verse, says, “He Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree in order that we, being dead to sin, might live for righteousness. By His wounds you have been healed.” So, by the wounds of Jesus Christ we have been healed. In other words, healing has already been made available to us through the redemptive works of our Lord Jesus Christ. So, we can take it. How? By faith!
God already tells us that by the wounds of Jesus we have been healed. We have to accept that and act on it. Unless we accept it, even if healing is communicated to us, we will lose it almost immediately it is communicated to us. There are many who lose their healing in this sense. And it does not matter whether someone is praying for us or ministering healing to us through the healing anointing, as long as we will not receive what they are giving to us by faith, it will not be ours.
Our faith, of course, cannot receive what God has not given. But if God has given something, then, we can take it or receive it by faith. We can say, “Since God has given this thing, I receive it – it is mine.” So, if someone is ministering healing to you, you have to receive what is coming to you by faith. If people come together to pray for you to be healed, you have to receive the healing they are ministering to you by faith. Otherwise, it will not be yours.
Yes, the word of God tells us that sick people can call for the elders of their church to pray over them. And such prayers, offered in faith for them, will make them whole. Even if they have sinned, as the word of God further says, they will be forgiven their sins and healed and made whole. But they have to accept the fact that the prayers being offered for them will work. Otherwise, the healing being brought to them through those prayers will not settle on their lives. (Cf. James 5:14-16)
Look at what Paul says about responding to God’s promises and gifts in this verse of the bible: “For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoke by us to the glory of God.” (2Corinthians 1:20NIV) Can you relate to this? It does not matter how many promises God has made to us, they are all ‘Yes’ in Christ. In other words, in Christ we can receive the fulfilment of all the promises of God. All we need is to say ‘Amen’ to them. And they will be ours to possess and enjoy.
So, when someone is praying for you or ministering to you to be healed, you have got to say ‘Amen’ to what they are releasing into your life. That is because as far as God is concerned, everything concerning our healing is settled. And since it is settled, we can have it. There is no need to entertain doubts about it. There is no need to wonder whether God will give it to us or not, if we demand for it. Paul says as long as God has already done it or promised to do it, if we go for it, it will be ours.
This is why we are told in Scriptures to pray according to the will of God. Each time we pray according to the will of God, what we are going to get from Him is a ‘Yes’ answer. But it is one thing to get a ‘Yes’ answer from God, it is another thing for us to say ‘Amen’ to what He has given. ‘Amen’ means ‘So be it’. So, when we say ‘amen’, we are saying ‘so shall it be’ to whatever God has released to us. But if our hearts will not receive what God has given to us in this sense, we will not say ‘Amen’ to it. Even if we say ‘Amen’ to it, it will only be words of mouth, not something of the heart.
Now God can tell what is going on in our hearts. He can tell whether our ‘amen’ is of the heart or something merely of the mouth. And if our ‘amen’ does not agree with what is in our hearts, then, the healing power of God being communicated to us or whatever it is that is being communicated to us will not be ours. We will lose it. It will go back to the one ministering it to us.
For instance, when our Lord Jesus went to His hometown, He could not do many mighty works among them. Why? It was because of their unbelief. Look at the way Mark puts this in his gospel:
“Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honour except in his own town, among his relatives and in his own home.” He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them. He was amazed at their lack of faith.” (Mark 6:4-5NIV)
Did you see that? The Lord wanted to heal many and perform all kinds of miracles among the people of His home town. He wanted to set many free and bring them joy. But He could not. That was because the people were offended. What did He do to offend them? Nothing! They were just jealous of Him. They had not expected Him to turn out into the kind of preacher and healer that He was. And that was because He grew up among them. So, when He began to preach and say things that shocked them, they took offence and became jealous and bitter. That, of course, made it impossible for them to have faith in Him and receive from Him.
So, you need to guard yourself against jealousy, bitterness and hate. These things will not make you receive what God has given to you. If you are bitter against the person ministering to you or envious of him or hate him, what the person is communicating to you will not be yours. Even if the person is communicating so much power of God to you, you will still lose whatever they are communicating almost the moment it comes to you.
Once, while Jesus was sending His disciples out to preach, heal the sick and drive out demons, He said to them, “When you come to a house and say, ‘Peace be unto you,’ if there is a man of peace there, your peace will rest on him. But if there is no man of peace there, your peace will return to you.” (Cf. Luke 10:5) By that, the Lord is showing us that even though the power of God is being communicated to us, if we will not receive what is coming, it will return to the one that God is using to communicate it. That is why our hearts have to be right. If our hearts are not right, even if the person praying for us to be healed or ministering the healing anointing to us is doing it the right way, the healing being communicated to us will not abide with us. It will leave us and return to the one it is coming from.
So, free your heart of all forms of envy, bitterness, jealousy, anger or anything else that could prevent you from receiving what God is bringing to you. Otherwise, it does not matter how much power of God those ministering to you are communicating to you, it will surely return to them.
Remember David. Remember that when he first came into the service of King Saul, he came in as an anointed man of God. Saul did not know that. But David knew it. And because he was anointed, he was able to minister comfort to this king each time he played the harp for him. So, it was not the music in itself that ministered comfort to Saul at the time, whenever he was being tormented by an evil spirit; rather, it was the anointing behind the music of David that ministered comfort to him. But the moment this man became envious of David, he could not communicate comfort to him again through the anointing – the comfort kept going back to David. So, we find Saul making attempts on his life while he was trying to comfort him through his music. What a shame! (Cf. 1Samuel 16:21-23 & 18:8-11)
Therefore, I am saying this again: if you don’t want to lose your healing, you need to free your heart of all forms of envy, bitterness, hatred or anger, especially towards the person that God is using to minister to you. Otherwise, whatever it is they are communicating to you will not settle on you but will return right away to them.
Another way people lose their healing is by looking out for sensory evidences of their healing. In 2Corinthians, chapter 5, verse 7, we are told that we walk by faith and not by sight. Also, in 2Corinthians, chapter 4, verse 18, Paul says, “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” (NIV) This is how God’s children are meant to function. We fix our gaze on unseen realities. Yes, these things are unseen, but they are real. And we are told to fix our gaze on them.
The things we can see at the moment are temporary. Everything we see in this world is not going to last forever. And sicknesses are part of the things we see in manifestation in the world now. So, they are also temporary. People will not be sick forever. Yes, there have been people that died as a result of certain illnesses that came upon their bodies. But those sicknesses left them the moment they died. Those sicknesses could not go into the life after with them. Why? It is only on this plane that people can be sick bodily. So, if you have any illness in your body, you must know that it is something temporary. It will not be in your life forever. However, it can destroy your body here on earth and even send you to early grave.
However, because sicknesses are temporary, we are told not to fix our gaze on them. Instead, we are to fix our gaze on what is unseen and eternal. What is that unseen and eternal thing we are to fix our gaze on? Divine healing and divine health are unseen and eternal. Yes, they are unseen. But they are real. When healing is being communicated to you, you cannot see it. But that does not mean it is not coming to you.
Yes, there are times that we may feel the power of God in our bodies, working in them and effecting healing. But it is not every time that happens. It is not every time that the healing power of God is communicated to us that we will feel it or sense it. That is why we are told to fix our gaze on it, even though it is unseen. That means even though you cannot feel or sense anything in your body when the healing power of God is being ministered to you, you know that healing has already come to you and you need to embrace it. How? By faith!
What we are saying is that even though you do not feel anything when healing is ministered to you, you have to say, “Healing has been ministered to me. So, I receive it. I am healed, though my body still aches and I still feel terrible.” When you do that, it is only a matter of time before the healing you have received, the unseen power of God that has worked healing in your body, will become visible outwardly.
Therefore, once healing is ministered to you, accept that the healing power of God has already begun to work in your body to effect healing, regardless of how you feel. Not only that, stand on the ground that the healing power of God has been communicated to you and that you are healed already, regardless of how you feel. When you do that, even though it takes a day, a week or more, and do not change your mind or your confession, the unseen thing that has happened to you will surely become physically obvious.
For example, Luke tells us this about how Jesus healed certain ten lepers that approached him for healing:
“As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!” When he saw them, he said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed.” (Luke 17:12-13NIV)
Did you see that? Those people stood at a distance and would not come near Jesus. Why? They were leprous. And Jesus also did not go near them? Why? It was not necessary for Him to do so in order to heal them. If He had gone close to them, nothing would have happened to Him. They were not the first leprous people He would heal. And there were those that He healed them of their leprosy by touching them. But on this occasion, He did not go near those people. Instead, He simply said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.”
Why would He say that? It was because He was taking it for granted that they had been cleansed. It was only those who had been cleansed of their leprosy, as we see in the Law of Moses, that could go and show themselves to the priests in this manner. And when they did, the priests would examine them and offer the needed sacrifices for them, if they had indeed been cleansed, before readmitting them into the assembly of the people. (Cf. Leviticus 14)
Thus, when Jesus told them to go and show themselves to the priests, He was taking it for granted that they had already been healed. But they also had to accept that they had been healed and act as though they had been healed. They had to go and show themselves to the priests, as Jesus had said, even though their bodies still appeared very much leprous. Thankfully, they went, as they had been instructed. That means they believed what Jesus said, even though there were no sensory proofs. And as they went, they saw that they had been cleansed. Glory to God!
Now when were those people cleansed? Was it when they realised that they had been cleansed or when Jesus said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests?” It was exactly when Jesus said those words that were cleansed. But the healing did not manifest in their bodies until they had acted as though they had been healed. So, when healing is ministered to you, you have to act as one who had been healed, regardless of how you feel.
There was also a man that came to Jesus to ask Him to come and heal his dying son. And Jesus said to him, “You will people will not believe unless you see miraculous signs and wonders.” Why? He wanted the man to know that he did not need to wait until he had seen signs and wonders before he would believe. So, the Lord decided that He would not go with him. Instead, He said to him, “Go, your son lives.” And the man had to take Him by His word and leave, even though he had no way of finding out whether his son had been truly made whole or not. There were no mobile phones at the time that he could use to call and find out. He just had to go in faith, even though it was a whole day journey back home for him. And when he did, he found his son living, just as the Lord had said. Interestingly, the boy began to live again the very hour Jesus told him to leave and that his son would live. (Cf. John 4:46-54)
So, whether you see it or not, whether you feel it or not, once the healing power of God is released to you through a word, a prayer or the laying on of hands, you have to believe and act as though you had been healed. Yes, you have to speak and act as though you had been healed. And before you know it, that healing that is yours will physically manifest in your body. Sadly, most people lose the healing that is communicated to them because they are waiting to feel it or sense it or see it physically.
Another reason people lose their healing is that they do not stand on the word of God. This is closely connected to the second reason I just gave you. Now the word of God tells us that healing is already ours in Christ Jesus. It tells us that by His wounds we have been healed. And we have to stand on this word all the time, even though we have been healed or made whole. Otherwise, at some point, we may lose our healing and be afflicted with the same illness we have been healed of or something even worse.
What I am saying is that it is not only when we feel sick that we need to stand on the word of God that says that by the wounds of Jesus we have been healed. We have to stand on that word, even when our body feels good or when our body has already been healed of a sickness. If we will not stand on that word, even if we have physically experienced the healing of our body, we may lose that healing at some point.
Why? Well, the word of God makes it clear to us that sicknesses that have left people’s bodies can return. Also, demons that have left people’s lives can return to them again. Look at what Jesus says about this, as reported by Matthew in his gospel:
“When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation.” (Matthew 12:43-45NIV)
Here Jesus is telling us that evil spirits driven out of people can actually return to them. And that has happened to some people. The evil spirits that were driven out of them came back to repossess them. Mind you, there are situations in which evil spirits are the ones responsible for certain illnesses or medical conditions that people have. That does not mean that everyone who is sick in this manner is possessed by a demon. Rather, it means that an evil spirit is the one responsible for the physical affliction the person is experiencing.
A man of God spoke of an incident in which a man he was going to minister to could not sleep because there was a demon that wrapped his arms around his head. So, it does not matter what medications the man took, he would not be able to sleep. And the man of God had to drive out that evil spirit in order for the man to be healed.
But then, demons driven out of someone’s life like that may return, especially if they are not commanded in the name of Jesus never to return to that life. And if a demon does not return to afflict a person with the same illness again, another demon can do so. Don’t forget that demons are intelligent beings. And they also interact. So, though a demon is not permitted to return to a person’s life again, another demon can come to afflict the person.
Now that is what will most likely happen, if that person’s life is unoccupied. Unoccupied by what? Unoccupied by the Lord Jesus Christ! Unoccupied by the word of God! There are times those who have not embraced Jesus as their Lord will come to Him for healing. Why? They believe that He is a healer and can heal them. And because of their faith in Him in this manner, they will receive their healing.
However, if, having been healed by Him, they will still not entrust their lives to Him, so that He can sit and reign in their lives as Lord, their lives will remain empty and available to be invaded by again by the sicknesses or diseases they have been healed of. And this is often the case, where demons are responsible for such illnesses. They will return, as the Lord points out to us in the text we just looked at, to afflict such people again. Why? Their lives are empty! Their lives are not being occupied by the one who set them free in the first place.
So, while it important to encourage those who do not know Jesus to come to Him for their healing, we also need to let them know that He wants to be more than a healer to them; He wants to be the Lord of their lives. He actually was appointed and exalted by God to be the Lord over every life. And is by taking His place as Lord over our lives that we will experience permanent freedom and deliverance from the devil and everything that He represents.
Similarly, even if someone is a child of God, one who has recognised Jesus as Lord over his life, if the person’s life is empty of the word of God, that sickness that he has been healed of may return again with all its symptoms and stay in his body. This, as I already pointed out, is often the case where demons are responsible for the illnesses in people’s bodies. Those demons may come back to afflict them again. And the only way they will not succeed is for the individuals involved to stand on the word of God.
So, that someone lays hands on you or prays for you or ministers the healing power of God to you and you feel healed instantly does not mean that illness cannot or will not return. If you have not learnt to stand on the word of God, if that illness should return, it may succeed in occupying your life again. Then you will think that you were probably not healed before. But the truth of the matter is that you have lost your healing. Why? You are not standing on the word of God.
See, we can lose anything God has given to us to the devil, if we do not learn to stand on the word of God. So, if you don’t want to lose your healing, learn to stand on the word of God that says, “By His wounds we have been healed.” I mean that if the same illness tries to return to your body and with the same symptoms, you must say, “I refuse to accept this. The word of says that I have been healed by the wounds of Jesus. So, I remained healed in the name of Jesus.”
Yes, you may feel the same symptoms in your body. But you must stand on the word of God and say, “Satan, I rebuke you, in the name of Jesus. You cannot put this on me. I have already been healed by the wounds of Jesus. So, I refuse to be sick. And I command all you symptoms to leave my body now, in Jesus’ name.” And when you do that, you don’t wait around until you feel healed before you know that you are healed. You just keep on praising God and acting as one who is not sick. You know that we are told to resist the devil and that he will flee from us (James 4:7). Every sickness is of the devil. So, you have to resist it in the name of Jesus. And it will flee from you.
Mind you, we are further told in the bible that if the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead lives in us, He that raised up Christ from the dead will give life to our mortal bodies by His Spirit that lives in us (Romans 8:11). Do you have the Spirit of God in you? If you do, then, you must continually say to yourself and to your body, “The Spirit of God lives in me. And He is giving life to every part of my body, driving out of it every illness and disease.” That must be your confession all the time. And when you stand on the word of God like this, it becomes impossible for Satan to put any sickness on you. I am not saying that he will not try to do so. But as you stand on the word of God, it becomes impossible for him to succeed.
Unfortunately, many are ignorant of this. For example, many who go for healing crusades and are healed in them come back home, only to become sick with the same illnesses again the same day, days later or weeks later. Then they will conclude that they were never healed in the first place. But that is not case. They are actually healed. But because they are ignorant of these things and no one has made some effort to teach them, they lose their healing. So, you need to learn to take these things I am sharing with you seriously and stand on them. That way, apart from your healing, there is nothing else God has given to you that you will lose to the devil again.
The fourth reason I want to give you on why people lose their healing is sin. When people who have been healed continued to live in sin or return to those sins they have repented of, the things they were healed of may just return to them. No one is healed so that they can continue to live in sin. God has not given us our bodies so that we could use them as instruments of wickedness. Rather, He has given them to us so that we could use them as instruments of righteousness. That is why we are told to offer our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable, to God. So, if, having been healed, you will not live your life to please or honour God, you may lose your healing. (Cf. Romans 6:11-14)
For example, Jesus once healed a man by the pool at Bethsaida. This man had been paralysed for many years. But Jesus found him that day and healed him. But the matter did not end there. Look at what John goes on to say to us about it: “Later Jesus found him at the temple and said to him, “See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you.” (John 5:14NIV) It was not everyone that Jesus healed that He spoke to in this manner. But He spoke to this man in this manner. Why? It was sin that made him unwell for all those years in the first place. So, if he would not stay away from sin, something worse may just happen to him. That means his affliction may return to him and put him in a worse condition.
Remember that I read to you from Matthew 12 before. And there Jesus tells us that evil spirits driven out of people don’t usually return to their lives alone. Instead, they will bring back other evil spirits more wicked than them. Then they will make the lives of their victims worse than they used to be. So, you need to understand that when Jesus heals you, He wants you to go on and live your life for Him and not for self or to promote wickedness. And if you will not do that, you will be exposing yourself to satanic afflictions, which may make you lose your healing.
Let us pray.
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Series: Jesus on prayer 5 | Title: Prayer purpose | By: Johnson O. Lawal | Date: July 07, 2024
I want us to continue from where we left off on ‘Jesus on prayer’. we have been looking at the things our Lord Jesus shares with us in the Scriptures on the subject of prayer. And we have looked at prayer audacity, prayer dimensions, prayer devotion and prayer ground. Now I want us to look at prayer purpose. Our main text for this is from Matthew, chapter 6, from verse 5, which says:
“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly, I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” (Matthew 6:5-6NIV)
The Lord is telling us here what must happen when we pray. Observe that He says, “And when you pray…” That means what He is going to say after has to do with what we need to be mindful of when we pray. And one of such things is our purpose. What do we want to accomplish with our prayer? Why are we praying?
Evidently, the one we are to offer all our prayers to is God. Yes, there are people who pray to idols. But we are not dealing with those who are involved in idolatry here; rather, we are dealing with those of us who believe in God and are worshiping Him through the Lord Jesus Christ. And the word of Lord is telling us that when we pray, we need to be mindful of our purpose for praying. God does not just want us to pray; God is also concerned about why we pray. He is not only concerned about the contents of our prayer; He is equally concerned about our reasons for asking Him to do whatever we want Him to do for us. That is one of the things that will determine whether He hears and answers our prayers or not.
Remember that John says, “This is the confidence we have when we pray: if we ask for anything according to His will, He hears us.” That means our prayers must be offered in line with the will of God. Otherwise, He will not hear them. And if He does not hear them, He is not going to answer them. That being the case, we need to watch our purpose when we pray. (Cf. 1John 5:14)
Of course, our prayer contents are also important. So, I am not saying that God is not concerned about our prayer contents. What we say when we pray matters to Him. The quality of our prayers matter to Him. And that has to do with the contents, ground and purpose of our prayers. If we say things to God that are not consistent with His will, if we are asking for things that are contrary to His will, He will not hear or answer us. So, we really can tell whether God is going to answer our prayers or not by considering our prayer contents.
Our prayer ground is equally important. As I pointed out in a previous teaching, we can either pray to God on the ground of faith in Him, as a God of love and mercy, or on the ground of our good works. If we pray to God on the ground of our good works or righteousness, we are not going to get any answer from Him. And if we get any answer at all, it will be a ‘No’. So, when you are praying to God on the basis of your righteousness, you are praying contrary to His will. And you will not get any reward for that.
But then, even if you are not asking God for anything on the ground of your righteousness, and if the things you are saying to Him are also in line with His will, your purpose also has to be in line with His will. That is because it is one of the things that will determine whether He will answer you or not.
Now in the passage before us, the Lord gives us an example of what could be people’s purpose when they pray. He begins by saying, “When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites…” So, we can be hypocritical when we pray. How? Well, the Lord says the people He is referring to love to stand in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. In other words, their purpose in praying is to impress others. They are praying for a show, so that people will see them and think highly of them.
Today, we also have people who love to be known as prayer warriors. These ones see themselves as individuals who know how to pray better than others and want to show it. But even if you know how to pray better than others, that is not something to boast about. That is because it is a function of the grace of God in your life. But because these people lack understanding, they want to impress others through the way they pray. So, you will find them praying to be noticed or talking to others about how they spend four to six hours everyday in prayer. What are they trying to do? They are trying to impress others.
Now, of course, this may not be something that is happening a church meeting place or in the corner of a street. But you can so position yourself that when you pray people will see you pray. You are simply trying to impress them. They may not know that you are trying to impress them. But the Lord Jesus, who sees every heart, can see your heart and tell that you are merely trying to impress others through your prayer.
This, by the way, does not mean that the Lord is against praying in public places or publicly. There were times that He too prayed publicly. For instance, when He stood by the tomb of Lazarus, He prayed openly, in the full view of everyone, before calling the dead man out. Also, on those two recorded occasions in which He multiplied some loaves of bread for people to eat, He gave thanks publicly. Then once, while He was praying, His disciples came to Him and asked Him to teach them pray. Why? He was praying where they could see Him.
Also, before He went to the cross, He prayed that God would glorify Him, for He had glorified Him with His earthly life. And He did that publicly. In fact, there were times that those with Him could hear His prayer contents. Read John 17, and you see that those with Him that day could hear what He was saying to the Father. Also, read the accounts of His prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, and you will see that those with Him heard His prayer contents. That is to show you that He is not saying that it is utterly wrong to pray publicly or for people to hear what we are saying to God in prayer.
So, if there is a need for you to pray publicly, then, you can. What is important is establishing the need to pray openly or publicly. If you could pray privately in a situation, will you do so? You should be willing to do so in other not to attract undue attention. But if what you want all along is to be noticed by men, then, even where there is no need for you to pray publicly, you will want to do so.
Well, the hypocrites the Lord is referring to in our text have a habit of praying publicly. Why? It is in order to impress men. But our Lord Jesus never prayed publicly to impress anybody. On the occasions that He did so, He did so because there were needs for Him to meet right then and there. When He wanted a miracle of multiplication, there was a need for Him to give thanks to God right then and there. And He did. Then when He stood at the entrance to the tomb of Lazarus, there was a need for Him to give thanks to God for the man to be brought back to life right then and there. And He did give thanks to Him.
Therefore, if there is a need for you to pray publicly, don’t hesitate to do so. But see to it that you are not praying for a show. See to it that you are not praying to impress anybody. Don’t pray to make people see you as a prayer warrior. That is because, as our Lord further tells us, those who do that have already received their reward in full. But from whom? From those that they are praying to impress!
That means people can be talking about what a great prayer warrior you are and how you can pray heavens down. But you are not going to be getting any reward from God for praying in that manner. In fact, that will limit your prayer results. It is those you are praying to reward, then, that will reward you. They will reward you with their praise. And what can man’s praise do for you?
But then, that you are praying privately does not mean that you are not praying for a show. As we see in our text, the Lord says, “But when you pray, go into your room, shut the door and pray to your Father who is unseen. And your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.” Unfortunately, some have taken this to mean that this is what we must do anytime we want to pray: we must go into some secret place and shut the door behind us. But that is not something we are to do all the time. In fact, it is not something that is practically possible for us to do all the time.
When we come for a congregational meeting, for instance, are we not going to pray at all, simply because we are meeting in a public place? We have to pray there. By the way, as I pointed out already, the fact that you go inside your room and shut the door to pray does not mean that you cannot be praying to impress people. When some people are praying in their room, everyone around or in the neighbourhood can tell that they are praying. That is because of the loudness of their prayer. And some can go on like that for three to four hours and keep everyone around wondering when they will stop.
Why do people do such things? Mostly, it is to impress others. You can stay in your room for four or five hours praying. And no one will be able to tell. Why? You want to commune with God and not with man. In fact, you don’t want the interference or distraction of any man. And that is the point in the Lord is making when He speaks about praying privately. But if you don’t understand that, even if you shut yourself inside a room to pray, your prayer will still not be private but public and for a show.
In any case, the Lord tells us that each time we pray with the intention of making people see us as great praying people, we are praying amiss. That being the case, it is those that we are praying to impress that will reward us. And again, as I asked before, what will the reward of men do for you?
Furthermore, in Saint Luke’s gospel, chapter 20, he shares another thought with us on what the Lord says about prayer purpose. Look at it from verse 45
“While all the people were listening, Jesus said to his disciples, “Beware of the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes and love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces and have the most important seats in the synagogues and the places of honour at banquets. They devour widows’ houses and for a show make lengthy prayers. These men will be punished most severely.” (Luke 20:45-47NIV)
The part I want you to pay attention to is where the Lord says, “They devour widows’ houses and for a show make lengthy prayers.” What do we see here? We see people who pray not to receive from God but to impress men and also receive from them. Yes, they may be using the right words. But their purpose is wrong. Their heart is not in their prayer. They are not praying because they want to receive from God for themselves or for others. Rather, they are praying, first, to impress those around them or that they are praying for. That is why they offer lengthy prayers.
Then there is another reason these people pray in that manner. And it is to devour ignorant people. In this instance, the Lord says they devour widows’ houses. What does He mean by that? It may mean that they are getting involved in immoral affairs with those widows. Or it may mean that they are impoverishing them.
How, then, do they do that, impoverishing widows and manipulating them to give to them? It is by offering lengthy prayers. That means when they visit a widow and they are just to say a word of prayer with them, they will instead pray for a very long time to give that widow the impression that they really care about her and want God to bless her. They may even add some drama to that, shaking all over. Why? They want the widow to be moved to give them something when they are done praying. Think about it. When you have spent some fifteen or thirty minutes praying for someone and sweating, will the person not be moved to want to give you something to appreciate you? He will most likely want to do so. That is how those people devour widows’ houses.
But it is not only widows that can be victims of such prayer manipulations. Even ignorant or unsuspecting rich people can also be victims of such. And there are some of them that are currently victims of such. Some so-called men or women of God will go and do prayers in their houses, praying heavens down, if they could. Why? To impress them enough to give them huge sums of money! They know that these rich people love or fear God. So, they will take advantage of that to swindle them by offering lengthy prayers for them.
Now don’t miss my point here. I am not saying that it is wrong to offer lengthy prayers to God. Nothing is wrong with that. It all depends on what things you are saying to Him and your understanding of the need to respect the time and schedules of the ones you are praying for or praying with. But you can also offer lengthy prayers for a show. And where that is the case, you may be praying for several minutes or hours for someone simply to impress them enough to give to you.
Well, the Lord says that those who do such things will be most severely punished. Of course, prayers offered by them for others may be answered by God because of the faith of those such prayers are offered for. But the individuals offering prayers for such reasons will themselves have no reward from God for their intercession. On the contrary, they will get severely punished. Think about that. People can get punished for praying to God instead of getting blessed. And that may just be because their purpose is wrong.
Furthermore, James lends his voice to the same matter of prayer purpose. He says in verse 3 of chapter 4 of his epistle, “When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.” (NIV) Did you see that? You can be praying to God to satisfy your pleasure. Yes, what you are asking for is good. But why do you want it? Is it so that you can oppress or impress someone in your neighbourhood, office or family? Who are you trying to prove something to when you are praying to God?
Truly, there are times we want God to prove Himself as sovereign. But it is God we are seeking honour and praise for in such situations and not ourselves. Elijah once had a prayer tussle with the prophets of Baal in the days of King Ahab. He asked them to pray to their gods to bring down fire on their sacrifice. But their gods could not. So, he taunted them until they became weary. Then he prayed to God to bring down fire on his sacrifice and God did. What was he doing then? He was seeking honour for God and not himself. It was not his status as a man of God that he was concerned about but the honour of God among the Israelites. (Cf. 1Kings 18)
Also, we see Moses asking God to prove to the Israelites that he did not send himself. Why? Korah, Dathan, Abiram and On and the people with them were trying to discredit his ministry and Aaron’s ministry. They had said that it was not only Moses and Aaron that had revelations of God and that they too had revelations of God. And they had said that to discredit the ministries of Moses and Aaron among the Israelites. So, Moses had to pray that God would vindicate them and show that the things they were doing among the people and for them were not their ideas but God’s commands. And God answered him by causing the ground to swallow those men and all those with them. (Cf. Numbers 16)
There are times, then, that we may pray that God will prove Himself or defend His honour or the honour of His servants. But when it comes to praying for the sole purpose of impressing men or oppressing them or when we are motivated by jealousy, greed, selfishness or bitterness to pray, God is not under any obligation to answer such prayers. That is why James says when you ask you do not receive because you ask with wrong motives.
What I am saying, in any case, is that the motives behind our prayers are as important to God as the contents of our prayers. So, He is not going to answer our prayers just because everything we have said is theologically correct. Rather, He is going to answer our prayers because our words are not just right but our motives are also right. So, keep this in mind: when you pray, be sure you are not praying for a show or for your selfish, greedy or envious motives.
Let us pray.
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Series: Jesus on prayer 4 | Title: Prayer ground | By: Johnson O. Lawal | Date: June 30, 2024
We have been looking at some of the things that our Lord Jesus Christ taught His disciples about prayer. We are looking at these things so that we too can learn what they learnt and apply them to our various circumstances. Already, we have looked at prayer audacity, prayer dimensions and prayer devotion. Now we want to look at prayer ground. And when I am talking about prayer ground, I am not referring to any place of prayer. We can always pray wherever we want to pray, as long as the place is available to us.
Yes, of course, some people believe that there are certain special places where prayers are answered by God faster or quicker. But we are not told anything like that in Scriptures. On the contrary, the Lord tells us that the worship of God is not something we can localise to any place. We cannot localise it to a mountain or a valley. We cannot localise it to any place of worship. (Cf. John 4:21-24)
Truly, some people can pray to God about their place of meeting and ask Him to use it in certain ways, as Solomon did when he dedicated the temple he built for the Lord. I mean that people can tell God to always look with favour on those who come into their places of worship to pray. That, however, does not mean that prayers offered in such places will be better answered or more readily answered by God than prayers offered in other places. What is important is that people offer prayers to God according to His will and with faith in Him. And their prayers will be answered.
Well, as I said, when I am talking about prayer ground, I am not referring to the places where people stand when they pray; rather, I am talking about the basis on which they pray. I am referring to the foundation on which people base their prayers, when they pray. And there are two main grounds people can stand when they pray. First, they can stand on the ground of their own righteousness. Second, they can stand on the ground of faith in a God of love and mercy.
Now the Lord shared a parable with His disciples to illustrate what I just said. This is in Luke, chapter 18, from verse 9, and it says:
“To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else, Jesus told this parable: “Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people – robbers, evildoers, adulterers – or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’ But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’ I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. for all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” (Luke 18:9-14NIV)
This parable is actually shared for all of God’s people to learn from, but it is directed to a specific class of people. It is directed to those who are confident in their own righteousness and look down on everyone else. So, there are two things to note about the people the Lord is addressing here. The first is that they are confident in their own righteousness. The second is that they look down on everyone else. That means they despise others. They despise others because they think they are better than them in the sight of God.
In any case, the Lord addresses this parable to men and women like these, who have confidence in their own righteousness and despise others. And it is about two men who went to pray someday. The one was a Pharisee, while the other was a tax collector. Now let us look at the prayer of the first man, that is, the Pharisee. The first thing we see is the attitude of this man in prayer. And what is his attitude? It is that of holier-than-thou. As we see in the parable, he stood by himself and prayed. What does that mean? It means that he distanced himself from the tax collector when he wanted to pray.
Why would this man do that? Why would he distance himself from that tax collector when he wanted to pray? It was because he saw himself as too holy and righteous to pray with him. And there are still people like him today, people who see themselves as too holy to fellowship with some other people of God. They don’t want to pray with them. They don’t want to sing and dance with them. In fact, if they can avoid working with them in their office or being in the same class with them, they will do so. Why? They see themselves as holier than others.
A man of God once shared an incident he witnessed in one of his church meetings, which illustrates what I am talking about clearly. According to him, certain men came in one day for the first time to one of his church meetings. But not long afterwards, he saw them leaving. So, he was curious to know why people who came in for the first time like that would leave so soon. And when he asked one of the people that spoke with them, he was told that they left because of a certain member of theirs that they knew.
But what did the lady that they knew have to do with their worshiping God that day? Well, according to them, there was no way they could fellowship in the same assembly with her because they knew her to be a terrible sinner. And even though they were persuaded to stay, they would not stay. That, of course, shocked the man of God. But then he went on to say this: “I hope they will leave heaven too, when they see that lady there.”
Back to the parable we are considering. Having distanced himself well enough from the tax collector, the pharisee began to pray to God. And he began in verse 11 by saying, “God, I thank you…I thank you that I am not like other people – robbers, evildoers, adulterers – or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.” Now what could be wrong with this man’s prayer that the Lord condemned it? At least, he began on a note of thanksgiving. He says, “God, I thank you.” Is that not how we are taught to pray? We are taught to always start our prayer on a note of thanksgiving to God. And that was exactly what this pharisee did. Yet the Lord condemned his prayer. What, then, was the problem?
Well, the problem was not with the fact that he started his prayer on a note of thanksgiving. The problem was with what he thanked God for. How could that be a problem? It could be a problem, if you are not thanking God for the right things and in the right manner. This man was thanking God for his own goodness. He was thanking God for being a very good person to God. How was a he a good person to God? According to him, he was not a robber, an evildoer, an adulterer or an extortioner, that is, a tax collector.
So, we see that not only was this man’s prayer attitude wrong, his prayer content too was wrong. Yes, he began praying on a note of thanksgiving. But he was only thanking God for all that he believed that he was doing for Him and all his good acts. His prayer was merely about himself. And what was wrong with that? Everything! Yes, this man was not an adulterer, a thief, a robber, an evildoer or a swindler. But did he make himself what he was. Was it because he was so smart and determined that he was able to stay away these corrupt ways of living? Why did this man even bring up all these things while praying to God? He brought them up because he believed they qualified him to talk to God and receive from Him.
But the first thing this man did not understand was that all his righteous acts were nothing but filthy rags before God. Of course, the things he mentioned about himself were all good things – they are the things that God wants to see in the lives of His people. He does not want us to be robbers, adulterers, swindlers or evildoers. Yet His word tells that all our righteous acts are like filthy rags before Him (Isaiah64:6). In other words, all our personal efforts to making ourselves righteous and holy before God are nothing to Him.
To say, the fact there is nothing we can do by ourselves and for ourselves to please God will be acceptable in His sight. Only what God Himself does in us and through us that is acceptable in His sight. Humanity has corrupted itself with sin. So, there is no kind of righteousness that will fully satisfy God. Abraham, for instance, was a good man, as we are shown in Scriptures. Yet this man could not boast about his good works before God. And because of that, he had to put his faith in God. He was not accepted by God as a righteous man because of his good works. Yes, he was a good man and did all kinds of good works. But God did not accept him as righteous because of any of his acts of goodness. Rather, he was accepted by God and proclaimed righteous because of his faith in God, for the bible says, “Abraham believed God and He credited it to him as righteousness.” (Cf. Romans 4:1-3)
What that means is that God could not have declared Abraham to be a righteous man, if he had not demonstrated faith in him, even though he was a good man. And that is because our good works, one way or the other, get corrupted in this world. They get corrupted through insincerity, desire for the praise of men, eye service, bitterness, pride, jealousy and so forth. So, unless God Himself is the one doing the good works He wants done through us and unless He takes everything we are doing and sanctifies it, our good works will not be acceptable in His sight. That, of course, is why we cannot stand on the ground of our good works and think we are qualified to pray to God and receive or take anything from Him. (Cf. 1Corinthians 3:12-15; Galatians 6:7-8)
There are people today who often call God’s attention to their goodness in their lives, the fact that they do not steal, fornicate or murder, and to all the good things they believe they are doing for Him, the giving of tithes and offerings and so forth. They think these things qualify them to pray to God and receive from Him or put them in a position where certain things should not happen to them. They are standing on the ground of their righteousness. And the ground they are standing on is one that will swallow them up.
You cannot receive anything from God on the basis of your righteousness. That is because, as I already told you, all our righteous acts are as filthy rags before Him. So, people have to demonstrate their faith in God in order to receive from Him when they pray, apart from their good works. Don’t miss my point. God wants us to do good works. We cannot minimise the relevance of doing good works. In fact, we have been recreated by God in Christ Jesus to do good works (Ephesians 2:10). But the good works that mean anything to God are the ones that He informs or motivates us to do and that He also supplies us with the strength to do.
In Romans, chapter 15, verse 18, Paul says that he will not venture to speak of anything except what Christ did through him. In other words, whatever Christ did not do through him was not worth talking about. In like manner, whatever Christ Himself has not done through us is not worth talking about. So, if you are talking about it, you are wasting your time. If you are talking about them because you think they qualify you to receive anything from God, you are missing it.
Yes, there are promises made to us by God in Scriptures that if we act in certain ways or do certain good things, He will also act in certain ways by protecting or elevating us. And nothing is wrong with praying to God on that basis. Nothing is wrong with drawing His attention to what He has said that He would do, if we should act in certain ways, and asking Him to act accordingly. When we pray in that manner, we are not praying on the ground of our righteousness. Rather, we are praying on the ground of His promises.
This Pharisee, by the way, was not the first person to call God’s attention to his good works. Hezekiah, for example, also once called God’s attention to His good works. That was when he received God’s word that he should prepare for death. But he did not want to die. And he, of course, must have read from the Scriptures that those who live their lives in honour of God will be given a full life span by Him. So, when he was told to put his house in order and that he was going to die, he was shocked. And led him to pray to God about the matter. But his prayer was not merely to draw God’s attention to his obedience and good works; rather, it was also to ask Him for mercy on the basis of His promises. (Cf. 2Kings 20:1-11)
You can read the account yourself. The bible says that Hezekiah wept bitterly. That was because He really wanted to live. He was really serious about living. He was not willing to die at the time. So, he was not just going to accept God’s verdict as His final word on his matter without first appealing to His mercy. And God answered him. Why did God answer him? It was because he prayed according to the will of God. He was not standing on the ground of His good works. Rather, he was standing on the basis of the fact that God is a merciful God. So, he would not say to God, “Look, I have served you faithfully. So you must not allow me to die.” No, he would not say that. Instead, he appealed to God’s mercy. And He answered him.
You can read about Nehemiah too. He too in his book drew God’s attention to the good things he had done for the people of Judah. However, in praying to God, he said, “God, remember with favour for these things.” So, even though this man had done what was pleasing in the sight of God, he would still not rely on any of the things he had done in praying to Him. Instead, he appealed to his favour. (Cf. Nehemiah 5:19 & 13:30)
But this Pharisee fell short of all the things I just spoke about. Yes, he started praying to God on a note of thanksgiving. But his prayer was being offered on the ground of his good works, of his righteousness. And that was a miss. He offered a prayer that God did not answer. This, of course, is showing us again that it is possible to pray to God and not receive any answer. Why? We are praying contrary to His will!
Now, moving on to the second man that prayed to God that day, the tax collector, he stood at a distance and would not even look up to heaven when praying. Instead, he beat his breast and said, “God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” So, he was standing on the ground of faith in a God of mercy and love when praying. And God answered him.
But then, think about this: That man, though he was a tax collector, may not have been altogether bad. Yes, tax collectors at the time were known to be ruthless and worthless. They were working for the Roman government at the time and were known to have a reputation for extorting the people. But that is not to say that all of them were altogether bad. This particular tax collector, for instance, may have been a good husband and father. He may even have been a good friend to many people. But he was not drawing God’s attention to any of the good things he may have been doing or may have been known for.
Why? He knew that there were still all kinds of sins in his life. And he would not try to weigh his good works against his evil works and say, “Well, since my good works outweigh my bad works, I am qualified to receive from God.” That would have prevented him from receiving anything from God. But he did not follow that route at all. Instead, he appealed to God’s mercy. And He answered his prayer.
But then, it is important that we also don’t mistake this man’s prayer as the ideal prayer for everyone. Unfortunately, there are those who think it is the ideal way for everyone to pray. They believe all of us must always say to God, “Have mercy on us, sinners,” anytime we pray. But we don’t have to do that. That man prayed to God in that manner on the basis of the revelation that he had. And what revelation? It was that God is a God of mercy who will forgive anyone that acknowledges their sins, expresses sorrow over them and repents of them.
Now was anything wrong with that revelation? No! That was all that was available for God to give to the people at the time. That was because Jesus Christ had not yet come to die for our sins. So, nobody could be made righteous then. Even those who had faith in God could only have righteousness credited to their account; they could not possess true righteousness in their spirits. That was because God could not make anybody righteous until the sins of humanity were paid for.
Yes, if anyone had faith in God at the time, He could credit righteousness to their account. In other words, He could give them righteousness in advance. That would mean that He was taking it for granted that if those people were to be living in the day of salvation through Christ Jesus, they would surely believe.
Well, the point I am making is that we are not to call ourselves sinners on the basis of the prayer of this tax collector. We are not to call ourselves names that God has not given to us. That is wrong. Jesus has already died for us. And those of us who have faith in Him have righteousness given to us by God as a gift. What we have is not credited righteousness; rather, it is true righteousness and holiness. In other words, we have been made righteous in our spirits. And this has nothing to do with what we do or do not do. It has to do with our nature. We are now the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. (Cf. 2Corinthians 5:21; Ephesians 4:24)
So, any time we pray, we are not to approach God on the ground that we are sinners but on the ground of the righteousness that we have received from Him. And that is why we are told to boldly approach His throne of grace for mercy and grace in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16). That means even if though we need God’s mercy, we are not to stand afar from Him, as that tax collector did; rather, we are to come to Him boldly to receive it. This does not mean we are not to show God respect; rather, it means we acknowledge the fact that we are true children of God. And as His true children, even if we have done something wrong, we are not to stand at a distance in talking to Him. Instead, we must draw near Him with full assurance of faith, knowing that He will forgive us and cleanse us from all our unrighteousness.
You can see, then, we don’t have to roll on the floor or tear our clothes in order to receive forgiveness for our sins or anything at all. In fact, in Joel, chapter 2, verse 13, we are told that what God wants is not a rending of our cloths but a rending of our hearts. So, God is not asking us to roll on the floor or to tear our cloths in order to receive His mercy, when our hearts are not truly seeking His mercy or seeking to live the kind of life He wants us to live. Rather, He is asking on to come to Him on the ground of what He has done for us in Christ Jesus to receive whatever we need, even if it is forgiveness.
Mind you, God has also qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light (Colossians 1:12). So, we should not refer to ourselves as worthless and insignificant. That will be a slap on God’s face. It will be a rejection of all that He has done for us through His Son, Jesus Christ. He gave him to die for us, so that we would not remain unworthy of Him or insignificant or useless. And we must not minimize the relevance of what He has done for us by calling ourselves all kinds of funny names, thinking we can impress Him by doing so. Instead, we should appreciate what He has done for us and give Him thanks.
All this, then, means that we must not be like that Pharisee who was talking to God about how he paid his tithes and how he was not a bad person, expecting that God would answer him on the ground of these things. Rather, we will be praying to God on the ground of what He has done for us, what He is doing in us and what He is doing through us. We are to thank Him for saving us, for loving us and for rescuing us from the dominion of darkness and bringing us into the kingdom of the Son of His love. We are also to continually thank Him for making us worthy of Him and for giving us His meekness, gentleness, self-control and all the other adorable fruit of the Spirit mentioned in the bible. Yes, we are to thank Him because He is the one at work in us to fulfil His good purpose. That is how to pray on the ground of God’s righteousness instead of on the ground of our own righteousness.
Then, as I said before, we are not to pray to God like the tax collector, who stood at a distance and begged God for mercy. That is because we have been made worthy by God and can now approach Him with freedom and confidence. And we can do that any day and any time, for God is instantly and immediately available to us.
Now those who do not understand these things and are praying on the basis of their righteousness will not receive anything from God. That is not my idea – that is what our Lord Jesus says. Look again at how He concludes the parable: “I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. for all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” Did you see that? It was the tax collector, who did not pray on the ground of his righteousness, that went home justified. The pharisee did not go home justified. In other words, he did not receive an answer to his prayer.
More so, the Lord went on to say that those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted. In other words, if you exalt yourself in this manner, praying to God on the ground of your righteousness, you will be humbled. That means those things you think you are qualified to receive from God will not be yours. And there are people who have remained barren because of this. These ones believed that they should have children because they led holy lives before getting married. But if they will not humble themselves, relating to God with an understanding of the fact that God does not give people children on the ground of their righteousness but on the ground of His love and mercy, they may remain barren for life.
In like manner, those who want promotion may never get promoted, if they will not stop telling God to promote them because of their tithes and offerings or because of certain works of service they believe that they have done for Him. God will not do anything for anybody on that ground. And if you approach Him on that ground, you are putting confidence in your flesh. Those who truly serve God don’t put confidence in the flesh; rather, they put their confidence in God, who is doing everything for them, in them and through them.
Another thing is that people like that may end up being rubbished by sin. Today they think that they are all good and that they cannot be touched by sin at all. But we have heard stories of men and women who were rubbished by sin, when they thought that they were well secure. Some of them were messed up where they never thought they could be messed up. What a shame!
Well, the point I am making all along is that in praying to God, we must never stand on the ground of our righteousness or good works; rather, we must always stand on the ground of faith in Him. That way, whatever prayer we offer in line with His will be answered.
God bless you.
Copyright © 2024 Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church –This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07025105978)
Series: Jesus on prayer 3 | Title: Prayer devotion | By: Johnson O. Lawal | Date: June 16, 2024
I want us to continue from where we left off on ‘Jesus on prayer’. We are looking at some of the things that our Lord Jesus teaches us on prayer and what lessons we can garner from the passages of the Scriptures in which He teaches these things. In our last lesson, we looked at ‘Prayer audacity’. Now we want to look at ‘Prayer dimensions’. Of course, we are going to be using the same passage, which we have in Luke’s gospel, chapter 11. We have a parallel passage in Matthew’s gospel, chapter 7. But it is okay to stick with what we have in Luke’s gospel. And from verse nine of the eleventh chapter, it says:
“So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Luke 11:9-10NIV)
Here the Lord gives us three dimensions of prayer. The first has to do with asking God for whatever we need. What does it mean to ask? It means to make a request. So, we are told that we can present our requests to God. What is it that you need? Talk to God about it. What will you want God to do for you? Talk to Him about it.
Now, of course, as I pointed out in our last lesson, it is important that we understand the will of God in order to be effective in praying. That is because God responds only to those things that we ask in accordance with His will. Yes, there may be times that we may not be sure of the exact will of God about a matter. Yet, even at such times, we are to be bold in praying to Him, as we are admonished in Scriptures.
However, understanding the will of God helps a lot in offering prayers that are effective. It also helps our boldness in praying to Him. Remember that John says, “This is the confidence we have in approaching Him: if we ask for anything according to His will, He hears us.” (1John 5:14NIV) So, the point is that we can ask God for whatever we need or want, as long as we are asking in line with His will. Otherwise, we may miss it.
James tells us that it is possible to ask amiss – it is possible to make requests that are inconsistent with the will of God. And if our requests are inconsistent with His will, God is not under any obligation to attend to them. Look at how James puts this from verse one of chapter four of his epistle:
“What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within? You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God.” (James 4:1-2NIV)
That is powerful. James is saying that instead of talking to God about our situations, instead of presenting requests to Him about the things we want done or settled in our lives, we may find ourselves fighting others or quarrelling with them. But fighting or quarrelling with anyone may not solve our problems. Fighting our husbands or wives or neighbours or colleagues at work may not solve our problems. Then killing people will not going to solve our problems but only add to them.
Mind you, why will a believer think of killing another person in order to have something? Well, James shows us through what he says in this text that there were murderous believers back in bible days. So, don’t let it surprise you, if you too hear of murderous believers today. It is not a new thing. People like that are just like Judas Iscariot. They are like Cain who killed his own brother.
In any case, the fact that you are murderous does not mean that you will have whatever you want. And the fact that you choose to quarrel with others does not mean that what you want will be delivered to you. But if you will talk to God about what you want or desire, it will be delivered to you, especially if you have presented your request in accordance with His will.
As James points out here, the reason many of us do not have what we need is that we do not ask God. And remember that Jesus says ask and you will receive, for those who are asking are receiving. So, one main reason many of us do not have most of the things we need in life is that we do not talk to God about them. We may think we are talking to God. But how often are we talking to Him? Then what are we talking to Him about?
A lot of times, we just take things for granted – we just assume that things will resolve themselves or that God will naturally attend to some matters for us. Yes, there are a lot of things that God does for us without our asking. But He also wants us to ask Him for whatever we need. How, then, do we know those things that He is going to give to us or do for us without our asking? We may not know them, unless we are given divine revelations about them. That is why we are told to pray to Him about everything we need. Otherwise, there are things we may never have or have resolved in life.
Well then, James goes to say this to us: “When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.” (James 4:3NIV) We can see again that praying contrary to the will of God will not get us the desired results. How do we pray contrary to His will? James gives us an example here, namely, praying with wrong motives. So, if your motives for wanting God to do something for you are wrong, you are not going to receive any answer from Him. Yes, Jesus tells us that those who are asking are receiving. But we need to balance that by telling ourselves that those who are receiving through asking are asking according to the will of God.
At any rate, our focus here is not on praying amiss or praying according to the will of God but on praying. I mean that our objective here is to stress to us the need to be asking God for whatever we need. There are, of course, several other Scriptures that point to the fact that we should just keep on asking God for whatever we need or want in life. For instance, in Philippians, chapter 4, from verse 5, Paul says:
“Do not be anxious about anything. But in every situation, through prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (NIV)
Did you see that? Do not be anxious about any situation of your life. Why? Being worried about a situation of your life will not change anything about it. On the contrary, being worried about it may take away initiatives from you – it may rob you of the ability to think clearly about the situation and do the needful.
But then, are you to leave your problems to resolve themselves, since you are commanded by God not to worry about them? No! Problems don’t resolve themselves. That is because problems don’t create themselves. There are forces that create problems for us. That being the case, they are not going to resolve themselves unless they are resolved by some other forces greater than them.
Therefore, we are not just told not to worry about our problems, we are also told what to do about them. We are told to pray to God about them. We are told to pray to Him in every situation, whatever the situation may be. We are to tell Him what we want about that situation. And He will answer us.
Yes, as I pointed out before, understanding His will about your situation will help you in making requests that are consistent with His will. It will also help you to present your requests to Him boldly. Then it will let you know that you have received whatever you have asked of Him. In John’s gospel, chapter 15, verse 7, we are told this:
“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” (NIV)
Did you see that? We are being encouraged again here to ask God for whatever we wish. And we are told that as long as we remain in the Lord and His words remain in us, we will be effective in doing this. Why? If His words abide in us, then, we will be praying according to His will. Therefore, whatever we ask for will be done for us.
Ask, then, for whatever you wish. Is it promotion you want? Talk to God about it. Do you want your business to be expanded? Talk to God about it. Is it a child that you want? Talk to Him about it. Or is it some illness you want taken away from your body? Talk to Him about it. Don’t be ashamed to do this. That is because He Himself has invited us to boldly approach His throne of grace for grace and mercy to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16). So, approach that throne of grace and ask for whatever you need. Then you will receive, for those who are asking are receiving.
Think about Jabez, for example. He asked God to take away pains and trouble from him and to also enlarge his coast. And did God answer him or not? He did. God answered him because what he was asking was consistent with His will. God wanted him to prosper. And so when he asked for prosperity, He granted his request. His brothers too could have asked for the same thing. But we are not told that they did. We are only told that Jabez asked God for his own prosperity. And God answered him. So, he became more honourable than his brothers. That was all because he dared to pray. You too should dare to pray. (Cf. 1Chronicles 4:9-10)
Also, look at Hannah. She had been crying for years because of her barrenness. But one day she decided to ask God for a child of her own. And did God answer her or not? Yes, He did. Why? It was because He does not want any of His children to be barren. And the Scriptures are clear about this. So, when Hannah prayed to Him about her barrenness, He answered her. Observe, however, that she did not go to any prophet to pray about her matter. Then she did not fast about her barrenness, though it would not have been wrong for her to fast about the matter. She just knelt down one day and prayed about her matter. And it was settled. (Cf. 1Samuel 1)
What about Isaac? Isaac was married for about twenty years before he had his twins, Esau and Jacob. Why was that? It was because Rebekah, his wife, was barren. But at some point, Isaac dared to talk to God about the matter. The bible says, “Isaac prayed to God for his wife, for she was barren.” And did God answer him or not? He did! (Cf. Genesis 25:19-26)
What if Isaac had not prayed to God? What if he had said to himself, “Maybe my case is like my father’s. Maybe I too have to wait until I am a hundred years old before I will have my own child?” What do you think would have been the situation, if he had thought or reasoned like that? He may have actually ended up being childless for more years.
See, there are things that some of us would have already received, if we had prayed to God about them? So, talk to God. Don’t allow any bad situation to get worse. Don’t miss any or delay your enjoyment of any of God’s provisions for you. Ask right away for whatever you need, and you will receive. Remember that those who are asking are receiving.
Now the second prayer dimension that Jesus speaks of has to do with seeking. This is actually taking prayer to another level. It is going beyond asking God for something to going out to look for it wherever God may have put it for us. Remember that the word of God tells us that whatever we ask for when we pray, we should believe that we have received it and we will have it (Mark 11:24). So, when you pray to God about anything, He answers and gives it to you.
But then, it is possible to pray and receive in that manner and yet not see the physical manifestation of what you have asked for and received by faith. And at such times, it may be that you need to go out to look for the answers God has already provided. This does not happen in every prayer situation. But there are situations in which we actually need to move out in search of what God has already provided for us.
To say the fact, there are times that we need divine revelations to know when we need to go out in this manner. This is why I often pray that God will open my eyes to know when I need to seek His provisions for me and also lead me to them, so that I can possess and enjoy them. You too will do well to regularly offer prayers along these lines for yourself.
Well, the point I am making is that there are times that God’s provisions for us, which we have prayed for, will not come to us where we are – we will be the ones to go out in search of them. And we may require some divine revelations to know when to act like this. But there are times that common sense tells us that we need to go out in search of what God has provided for us in response to our prayer. And we should go out in such situations. Otherwise, what He provided for us may never come to meet us where we are. All of this is why Jesus says, “Seek, and you will find.” What are you to seek? What God has provided! And what will you find when you seek like this? What God has provided!
Now let me give you again the illustration that our Lord Jesus uses in teaching us prayer audacity to communicate this point more clearly. Incidentally, this illustration actually speaks to us about all the three dimensions of prayers that we are considering. It speaks to us about asking, seeking and knocking. And here is it:
“Then Jesus said to them, “Suppose you have a friend, and you go to him at midnight and say, ‘Friend, lend me three loaves of bread; a friend of mine on a journey has come to me, and I have no food to offer him. And suppose the one inside answers, ‘Don’t bother me. The door is already locked, and my children and I are in bed. I can’t get up and give you anything.’ I tell you, even though he will not get up and give you the bread because of friendship, yet because of your shameless audacity he will surely get up and give you as much as you need. (Luke 11:5-8NIV)
As you can see, there are three things that the man in question does in this account. First, he goes in search of the loaves of bread that he needs that midnight. A friend of his has come to me at midnight. He needs to entertain him. But he does not have what he needs to entertain him at home at that moment and has nowhere to go and buy food for him at the time. However, he has a friend that he can approach for help, even that night. So, he goes to him in search of help – he goes to him seeking.
What if this man’s friend does not have what he needs? He won’t know that until he gets to his house. So, he has to seek for what he wants in his place first. Then, if he does not have what he needs or wants, he will know that he needs to turn elsewhere. But he comes to his friend first to ask for what he needs. Two things, then, are involved here, which are ‘seeking’ and ‘asking’.
Well, the point I am making is that there are times that we need to go out in search of what we need and that we have prayed to God about. That means praying to Him for what we need in that situation will not be enough; we will also need to seek out His answers to our prayers in order to have and enjoy them.
For instance, in Genesis 24, we are told of how a wife was secured for Isaac. How? Well, Abraham had to send his head servant to go and look for a wife for him outside the place they were staying at the time. Why? The reason was that the kind of woman he wanted for his son was not there. Look at some part of the account from verse 1 of the chapter:
“Abraham was now very old, and the Lord had blessed him in every way. He said to the senior servant in his household, the one in charge of all that he had, “Put your hand under my thigh. I want you to swear by the Lord, the God of heaven and the God of earth, that you will not get a wife for my son from daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I am living, but will go to my country and my own relatives and get a wife for my son Isaac.” The servant asked him, “What if the woman is unwilling to come back with me to this land? Shall I then take your son back to the country you came from?” “Make sure that you do not take my son back there,” Abraham said. “The Lord, the God of heaven, who brought me out my father’s household and my native land and who spoke to me and promised me on oath, saying, ‘To your offspring I will give this land’ – he will send his angel before you so that you can get a wife for my son from there. If the woman is unwilling to come back with you, then you will be released from this oath of mine. Only do not take my son back there.” So the servant put his hand under the thigh of his master Abraham and swore an oath to him concerning this matter.” (Genesis 24:1-9NIV)
What do we see here? Abraham, as I already mentioned earlier, was sending his servant to go and get a wife for his son Isaac from his native land. And he was doing that because, as far as he was concerned, there was no suitable woman for the young man among the Canaanites with whom they were living. He must have looked around carefully to see if any of them was worthy of a marriage relationship with Isaac but could not find. So, he concluded that they would need to look for a wife for him outside the place.
Now Isaac too must have agreed with his father on this matter. That is why we have no record of him quarrelling or arguing with him about it. And here is a lesson for those who want to marry: The fact that you are seeking your own wife or husband to marry all by yourself does not mean that you are going to get it right, just as the fact that someone else is doing the job for you does not mean that person will miss it.
Well, this man was to go and look for a wife for Isaac. That means God’s provision of a good wife for Isaac was not where they were. So, they had to go and seek the wife somewhere else. What, then, was the guarantee that they would find a suitable woman for Isaac by seeking for one in that manner? It was in the fact that Abraham had prayed to God about the matter. He had told his servant that God was going to send His angel along with him to guide him in getting the right woman for Isaac. All the man just needed to do was to go and look for the woman. And as he went, he also prayed to God to make his journey successful. And God answered him. So, he went and sought for a suitable wife for Isaac and found one.
The point we are making is that there are times we need to seek God’s provisions for us. And that will be because what He has provided is not coming to us where we are but we will have to find it. There are people, for instance, who are praying to God for better jobs. They may need to step out of where they are to find the jobs God has provided for them. That will be because those jobs are not where they are.
The same thing is applicable to those who are praying to God for the right kind of love partners. The right love partner may not come to you where you are. The right love partner may not be in your neighbourhood, in your Christian assembly or in your office. So you may have to look outside those places in order to find them, having observed that none of the people around you is fit for you or is living in line with the will of God. So, you have to seek for your lover away from where you are. And if you seek in that manner, you are going to find. Why? It is because you are seeking on the basis of faith in God. He has said that those who seek will find. So, if you seek, having prayed for His provisions for you, you will surely find.
Then we come to the third dimension of prayer, which has to do with knocking. Jesus says knock and the door will be opened to you, for to the one who knocks the door will be opened. And going back to the illustration He uses in our main text, the man who needs some loaves of bread for his visitor that has come at midnight goes to his friend for help. What is that? Seeking! Then when he gets to his house, what does he do? He knocks!
Now this man’s friend is most likely asleep at the time, seeing that it is midnight. So, on getting to his house, the next thing he does is to knock the man’s door. Then the man will respond and ask, “Who is that?” And that gives him the opportunity he needs to introduce himself and present his request. You can see that this illustration deals with all the dimensions of prayer that the Lord wants us to know and understand. It speaks about seeking, knocking and asking.
Mind you, our focus is not on the order in which these prayer dimensions are listed for us by the Lord in the bible. That order may not be applicable to your situation. What your situation requires may be another order. But what is important is that you know that there are times that you may to do beyond asking God for something to seeking out His answers to your prayers yourself. In like manner, there are times that you may need to go beyond asking for God’s provisions and (or) seeking God’s provisions for you to knocking on certain doors in order to access His provisions for you.
Why will you have to knock on a door? It is because you believe that what you need or want may just be behind it. In the same vein, the reason we have to knock on certain doors, having prayed to God about what we need, is that we believe that the answers to our prayers are behind those doors. And at such times, we must not be afraid of knocking. Instead, we must boldly knock. That, in fact, is where prayer audacity comes in.
But then, what if God’s provisions for you are not behind the door you want to knock? You will find out, having knocked. So, go ahead and knock those doors. Consider Nehemiah’s case, for example. He had prayed to God about the condition of his people, the exiles that had returned to Jerusalem. Why did he pray to God about them? It was because he had heard some very disturbing news about their welfare, about how many of them were suffering in the land. (Cf. Nehemiah 1)
However, while praying to God about the problems of his people, he also came to the consciousness of the fact that nothing serious could be done for his people, if the king that they were under his dominion did not give his approval. That king was Artaxerxes. And he was in a position to talk to him about his people. But before he did that, he first prayed to God for favour before him.
Why did he need God’s favour from the man? It was because the request he was going to present to him could be easily misunderstood as treason or rebellion. The Jews at the time were under the rule of Artaxerxes, as I already pointed out. So, for them to attempt to rebuild their headquarters, Jerusalem, without getting his permission was to be seen as rebellious. And even if someone was going to get permission from the king, there was no guarantee that his intentions would not be misrepresented. If that, then, should happen, the person may just lose his head.
All this explains why Nehemiah had to pray to God for favour first. Look at how he puts this from verse eleven of the first chapter of his book:
“Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of this your servant and to the prayer of your servants who delight in revering your name. Give your servant success today by granting him favour in the presences of this man. I was cupbearer to the king.” (Nehemiah 1:11NIV)
Can you relate to that? Nehemiah was asking for God’s favour in presenting his case to Artaxerxes. And did God answer him or not? He did. But how did he find out? He had to knock on the king’s door to see if it would be opened for him to present his requests. And this took him some months. But one day he went ahead and knocked the door of the king’s heart. And did he open the door for him or not? He did. In fact, the man not only gave him audience but also granted all his requests. He even did beyond his expectations. He provided him with many things to support him. (Cf. Nehemiah 2)
In like manner, there are times that we too must go beyond just praying to God about what we need to going to knock some doors in order to access His answers to our prayers. So, if, for instance, you have asked God for favour, then, you may need to go and knock the doors of some people who are in a position to be used by Him to grant that favour. But if we are afraid of meeting such people, we may never receive the manifestation of God’s answers to our prayers.
Also, if we have prayed to God to open doors of ministry to us among the people of our land, we will have to go and knock the doors of people’s hearts to see which ones have been opened and which ones have not yet been opened. I mean that we have to approach people with His word, having prayed to God to open the doors of their hearts to us. Otherwise, we won’t be seeing all the people that we can see in His kingdom. You can now see why we put the word of God out there through tracts, on the radio, on the television and on the internet. We are using these mediums to knock the doors of people’s hearts to see if they have been opened by God to receive His word of salvation or not.
Well, these are the dimensions of prayer that are presented to us by the Lord Jesus. And we need to know where we need to apply these dimensions of prayer in order for us to access God’s provisions for us. If we are not employing the right dimension of prayer to our situation, we may not be able to receive His provisions for us. Then we may begin to think that He is not answering our prayers. But that will not be the case. The problem will be that we are the ones not applying the right prayer dimension towards receiving what He has provided.
Let us pray.
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Beloved: grace, mercy and peace be yours without measure from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord. I am delighted to welcome you to the last week of the month of June 2024. My prayer is that God will see to it that every good thing that is meant to be yours in the month is yours before the month ends, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
As we go this week, I want to admonish you with some of the words of Paul to the Corinthian brethren about the Macedonian brethren, which say:
“And now, brothers, we want you to know about the grace that God has given the Macedonian churches. Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability. Entirely on their own, they urgently pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in this service to the saints. And they did not do as we expected, but they gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us in keeping with God’s will.” (2Cor 8:1-5NIV)
What does the apostle want the Corinthians to know about the Macedonian churches? He wants them to know about a special kind of grace God has given to them. And what kind of grace is that? It is the grace of giving. But could be that it was only the Macedonian churches that were giving to aid the Lord’s work at the time Paul wrote this letter? No! Why, then, was he drawing the attention of other believers to their giving? It was because their kind of giving was unusual and challenging.
As Paul points out, the Macedonian brethren were not devoted to giving to the apostles and other people of God because they were very rich or because they were richer than the other churches of God. On the contrary, at the time he wrote this letter, most of those brethren were dealing with extreme poverty. We would not know what occasioned their poverty at the time. Nevertheless, they gave joyfully and generously to aid Paul and his companions in supporting other people of God.
In fact, as Paul goes on to show us in the text above, these brethren gave beyond their financial conditions at the time. Not only that, they begged this apostle to permit them to give. That means, based on their financial conditions at the time, Paul would not have wanted them to give him or others anything at all. But they begged him not to deny them the opportunity of giving to God in this manner. You can, then, see why Paul was drawing the attention of other churches of God to what these people did. It was unusually inspiring and challenging.
But why did these brethren give in that manner? Why would anybody give generously and joyfully in their moment of lack? The only explanation for that is that the love of God has taken over that person. See, one of the things that will let us know that God has completely possessed someone with His love is that the person will want to give Him anything and everything. That person will not be looking at what he has or does not have in giving; rather, he will be looking at the needs that God wants him to meet.
Look at the widow of Zarephath, for example. As we see in the bible, before Elijah came to stay with her, God had already spoken to her about him and the need for her to take care of him for Him. But what did the woman have at the time? It was just a handful of flour and some oil. What she had was not even enough to prepare a single meal for her and her only son. Yet God told her to take care of His servant that He was sending to her. And did she obey God or not? She did! Why? First, she loved God enough to give Him anything He wanted from her. Second, she trusted God enough to take care of her and her son, even if they gave Him all that they had left with them. And did God fail or disappoint her? No! (Cf. 1Kings 17)
In like manner, the Macedonian brethren gave for God’s work the way they did because they loved and trusted Him. And why were they able to love and trust Him like that? It was because they allowed His grace to work in their lives, fill them with His love and destroy selfishness in them.
Now if we too will allow God’s grace, His divine provisions to work in our lives, to change us, to melt our fears and to destroy all forms of selfishness in us, we will have no problem again loving and trusting Him wholeheartedly. And as we love and trust Him wholeheartedly, like the Macedonian churches, we too will find ourselves giving to Him in ways that will challenge the hearts of others and also open all kinds of doors of miraculous supply to us. Will you, then, let His grace work in you and destroy your selfishness and all the excuses you have been making for not being generous?
Do have a splendid week.
Copyright © 2024, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church –This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07085711280)
I want us to continue from where we left off on ‘Jesus on prayer’. We have been looking at the series of teachings that our Lord Jesus gave on prayer and the lessons we can pick from them. We have looked at prayer audacity. We have also looked at prayer dimensions. We are now going to be looking at prayer devotion. We are again taking at text from Saint’ Luke’s gospel, chapter 18, in dealing with this. From verse 1, it says:
“Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. He said: “In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared what people thought. And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, ‘Grant me justice against my adversary.’ “For some time he refused. But finally he said to himself, ‘Even though I don’t fear God or care what people think, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice, so that she won’t eventually come and attack me!'” And the Lord said, “Listen to what the unjust judge says. And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?”” (Luke 18:1-8NIV)
Now what is the Lord Jesus driving at here? He is driving at the need for us to be devoted to prayer. We must see prayer as a duty. When you are devoted to doing something, you have seen it as your responsibility. So, we are looking at prayer devotion here; we are looking at prayer duty. We are looking at taking prayer as something that we devote ourselves to and not something that we do as we please or when we please. We are looking at seeing prayer as something beyond what we do when we are faced with difficult situations or something we do when we just feel like doing it to seeing it something that we do all the time, something that we devote ourselves to.
As we see in the first verse of this chapter, Jesus says men ought to always pray and not give up. Now remember that the Lord already tells us to ask and that we will receive, to seek and that we will find and to knock and that the door will be opened to us. But even though we have been told these things, we must understand that there are times that the answers we are expecting may not manifest readily. Yes, there are times that we may not see immediate and obvious manifestations of what we have asked of God. Is that to say that God does not answer prayers? No! Is that to say that the word of God that tells us to ask and that we will receive is invalid and should not be taken seriously? No!
What we need to understand is that it is not every time that we ask God for something that we are going to see an immediate and obvious manifestation of answers to our prayers. There are times that it will look like God is not paying attention to us at all. There are times that it will look like God is ignoring us. And there are times that it will look like God is slow in attending to our prayers. These are some of the feelings we can be confronted with. And the things that make us have these feelings are happening to give us the impression that God cannot always be relied on or that He cannot be relied on at all, as far as prayer matters are concerned.
Now because we can be confronted with such situations, the Lord is telling us that we must see prayer as a duty; we must be devoted to prayer. Yes, there will be circumstances that will want to make us give up on God, give up on life and give up on ourselves. But the Lord says don’t ever give up. Regardless of the circumstances you are faced with, don’t ever stop praying or give up on God. The one we are praying to is God. And if you stop praying about any matter, not because you believe God has answered your prayers but because you think God is ignoring you or because you think He is too slow, that means you have given up on God.
But the Lord says don’t you ever give up on God. He says men ought to always pray and not give up. That must be our attitude towards prayer. We must see it as a duty. We must see it as something to devote ourselves to. We must see it as something that we must continually do, irrespective of the circumstances of our lives or the results are prayers are getting or not getting.
Now the Lord shows us why we should not give up on God and what we need to know about God, as far as matters of prayer are concerned. He shows us this by giving us a parable, the parable of an unjust judge. As He points out, there was this judge who neither feared God nor cared about what men thought. This judge had no fear of God. He had no fear of men as well. He simply did as he pleased. So, he was someone that could easily be bribed. And even if you bribed him, there was no guarantee that he would rule in your favour. He just did whatever pleased him, for he had no fear of God or fear of men.
But then, this judge, at some point, had to deal with a widow that was annoyingly persistent. She had been coming to him, asking him to grant her justice against her adversary. But he did not pay attention to her. Why? Perhaps it was because the woman did not bring him any bribe or gift. Whatever his reason for not attending to this woman was, she did not give up on coming to him – she did not get tired at all.
Mind you, it was possible that this judge sometimes insulted the woman or abused her for disturbing him. Nevertheless, the woman did not stop coming to him. She just kept on coming to put pressure on him. And at some point, he gave in to her. He told himself, “Even though I do not fear God or care about men, I have to attend to this woman and see that she gets justice. Otherwise, she will come and attack me.” You can see, then, that this judge was not attending to the woman because he felt that it was the right thing to do or because he was concerned about giving her justice. Rather, he was attending to her because she was annoyingly and shamelessly persistent in presenting her request to him.
Now the Lord Jesus goes on to contrast the character of this judge with God’s. But we can miss that point and conclude that the Lord is saying that God is just like this judge. We are dealing with an unjust judge here. But from what we see in Scriptures, God is not an unjust judge – He is not anything like this judge.
Sadly, we have many that think that Jesus is saying that God is like this unjust judge. Therefore, we have to pressure Him in order for Him to answer our prayers. They think we are dealing with a reluctant God or an unwilling God, one that is unwilling to answer our prayers for promotion, protection and so forth. So, they have to put pressure on Him to do what He does not want to do.
But the Lord is simply contrasting God’s character with this judge’s. His point is that if an unjust judge would eventually respond to a woman that put pressure on him, would God, who is a just judge, need someone to put pressure on Him before He does what He is meant to do? No! God does not need anybody to put pressure on Him before He carries out His responsibilities to us or answers our prayers.
Therefore, you don’t have to bombard the throne of God’s grace for any reason. What He says is that we should boldly approach the throne of His grace to obtain mercy and find grace in our time of need (Hebrews 4:6). So, we don’t need to bombard His throne with our prayers. We don’t need to put any pressure on Him in order for Him to do anything for us.
Some people will even say, “If I continue to cry before God, day and night, if I continue to pressure Him, He is going to do something about my case.” God is not going to answer your prayers, just because you are crying or weeping or rolling on the floor. God is going to respond to your prayers, first, because He is a responsible Father. Second, He is going to respond to your prayers because what you are asking is consistent with His will. If what you are asking of Him is not consistent with His will, He is not under any obligation to respond to you, regardless of how loud you cry or what pressure you try to put on Him. God is, in fact, beyond someone you can put pressure on.
Well, the Lord is not saying that God is like this unjust judge that needed to be pressured in order to do what was right. In fact, His question is, “And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off?” That judge was putting off the woman. For the most part, he was ignoring her. But having received much pressure from her, he yielded and responded to her matter. And will God be like that? Will He not bring about justice for His chosen ones, who cry out to Him day and night? Will He keep putting them off, when they are acting on His word that says ask and you will receive, seek and you will find and knock and the door will be opened to you? No!
Now there are people who say that there are three ways God responds to prayer. First, He can say ‘Yes’ to our prayers. Second, He can say ‘No’ to our prayers. Third, He can say, “Wait, I am not doing this for you yet.” While there are, of course, some elements of truth in these things, we are not told in Scriptures that those are the ways God responds to prayers.
Yes, there are times we can immediately see manifestations of what we have asked of God. And there are indeed times that God may say ‘No’ to our prayers. But why will God say ‘No’ to our prayers? It is because such prayers are inconsistent with His will. If you are following the will of God, you will not offer prayers that He is not going to answer. God will only say ‘No’ to our prayers because they are inconsistent with His will.
John tells us this in his first epistle, the fifth chapter: “This is the confidence we have in Him: if we ask for anything according to His will, He hears us. And if He hears us, we know that we have whatever we have asked of Him.” So, it is important that we know that God doesn’t just say ‘No’ to people’s prayers. He does not just sit up there in heaven and choose to answer some prayers and not to answers others. It is only when what we are asking of Him is inconsistent with His general revealed will that He says ‘No’. There is actually a lot to say about that. But I do not intend to dwell on it right now. My focus at the moment is to let you know that some of the ideas that people have about God, as far as prayer matters are concerned, are wrong.
As I also pointed out before, there are those who say that God sometimes tells people to wait. And if He tells you to wait for something, it will mean that your asking for that thing at the moment is inconsistent with His will for your life. If what you are asking of Him is consistent with His will for you right now, He will not tell you to wait before you can receive it. That is because any time is not the right time for Him.
Again, our Lord Jesus tells us that God is not going to put off His people. Instead, He will see to it that they get justice, and quickly too. In other words, the moment we pray to God, He answers us and does not delay. He is not slow in answering us. He never delays in answering His people. As long as they are asking according to His will, He is going to immediately answer them.
So, by praying, we are not trying to move a reluctant God to do what He is supposed to do for us. God is always immediate in listening to His people and also in answering them. We are even told in Scriptures that before we ask God for anything He has already heard us and answered. So, He is not someone that we have to pressure to do what He is supposed to do for us. He knows what we need before we ask it of Him. Yes, He wants us to ask whatever we need of Him. But before we ask Him for anything, He already knows what we need. So, we can expect Him to respond immediately. Ours, then, is just keep on praying and not give up, even when we cannot see immediate manifestations of answers to our prayers. That, of course, is the point the Lord is making to us. He wants us to keep on praying, even where we cannot see immediate and obvious manifestations of answers to our prayers.
But then, the Lord asks, “Am I going to meet faith here on earth when I return?” In other words, will people continue to view God in the manner He just describes for us and so trust in Him, regardless of what they can see or cannot see about their prayers? Sometimes we pray to God about something bad and then it goes worse. Moses, for instance, was sent by God to Egypt to get the children of Israel out. Nevertheless, the moment he spoke to Pharaoh about their release, things went from bad to worse for them. So, he had to go back to God, crying, “O God, you have not saved your people at all. Instead, you have made matters worse for them.” (Cf. Exodus 5)
Now, in response to Moses, God told him not to worry. Then He went on to tell him what to do about Pharaoh’s case. And he went ahead to do it. But did that improve the condition of the people? No! It only worsened it. So, Moses had to go to God again about what to do. That, of course, was how he kept on going back and forth like that, praying to God and receiving revelations of what to do about the deliverance of His people. And at some point, Pharaoh had no choice but to let the Israelites go.
What happened to Moses, in any case, is illustrating for us the attitude Jesus wants us to have towards prayer. He wants us to keep in mind the fact that God is always answering us and quickly too. But there are times that it may not look like He is answering us at all. But we don’t give up on prayer because of that. Instead, we keep on praying to Him. That was how Moses related to Him. He did not give up on Him. Instead, each time he came to a wall of bricks in dealing with Pharoah, he went back to God in prayer to know what to do until the problem was utterly resolved. But we can see that it took a number of miracles for the children of Israel to experience their total freedom from Egypt.
In like manner, there are times it may take a while for us to experience a perfection of what God is doing concerning our matter. And that is why we must not stop praying. That is why we must be devoted to prayer. That is why we must see prayer as our duty, regardless of what we see or do not see.
Do you also know that it is our duty to keep on talking to God, even when things are going the way they are supposed to go? That is because what is good can become bad instead of becoming better or the best. For example, the children of Israel, having been rescued from Pharaoh and his army, travelled in the wilderness for three days without finding water. And when they eventually found water, they could not drink it because it was bitter. But it was God that provided the water for them. Yet it was bitter. So, they began to complain and to murmur. And instead of joining them in murmuring, Moses prayed to God about the matter. Then God answered him and told him what to do to make the water drinkable. (Cf. Exodus 15:22-26)
You can see that even where we have seen the manifestation of what we have prayed about, it may not be perfect. Why? The reasons may be diverse. Satan may have polluted God’s provisions along the line. Some people may be waiting to devour what God has given to us. So, we don’t stop praying, simply because we can see an obvious manifestation of answers to our prayers. Instead, we keep on praying, so that what is good can become better or the best, instead for it to go bad.
Then there are times that we may not see an obvious manifestation of God’s answers to our prayers because Satan and his demons are interfering with them. For instance, Daniel tells us this about how the answer to certain prayers he had offered to God. Look at this from verse 20 of Daniel 9:
“While I was speaking and praying, confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel and making my request to the LORD my God for his holy hill—while I was still in prayer, Gabriel, the man I had seen in the earlier vision, came to me in swift flight about the time of the evening sacrifice. He instructed me and said to me, “Daniel, I have now come to give you insight and understanding. As soon as you began to pray, the word went out, which I have come to tell you, for you are highly esteemed. Therefore, consider the word and understand the vision…” (Dan 9:20-23NIV)
This man had prayed to God for understanding and God also had sent an angel immediately to give him understanding. So, the moment we pray, God answers. And that is what our Lord Jesus wants us to keep in mind. God is not going to be slow at all in answering our prayers. Instead, He will be quick to attend to them. Now, of course, we may not like the answer He has given. I mean that His answer sometimes may not be consistent with our own expectations. But He always answers us immediately, as long as our prayers are offered in line with His will.
Well, Daniel tells us further of another time in which he prayed to God and did not see an immediate and obvious manifestation of God’s answer to his prayer. Look at what he says about this, first, from verse 1 of Daniel 10:
“In the third year of Cyrus king of Persia, a revelation was given to Daniel (who was called Belteshazzar). Its message was true and it concerned a great war. The understanding of the message came to him in a vision. At that time, I, Daniel, mourned for three weeks. I ate no choice food; no meat or wine touched my lips; and I used no lotions at all until the three weeks were over.” (Dan 10:1-3NIV)
Did you see that? For three weeks Daniel kept on praying to God without receiving an answer to his prayer. But then, something happened at the end of those three weeks. An angel of the Lord appeared to him to give him the answer to his prayer. Look at some of the things he reports about that from verse 10:
“A hand touched me and set me trembling on my hands and knees. He said, “Daniel, you who are highly esteemed, consider carefully the words I am about to speak to you, and stand up, for I have now been sent to you.” And when he said this to me, I stood up trembling. Then he continued, “Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them. But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia. Now I have come to explain to you what will happen to your people in the future, for the vision concerns a time yet to come.”” (Dan 10:10-14NIV)
Did you see that? For three good weeks Daniel kept on praying to God about a matter. Yet it did not seem as though God answered his prayer at all. But he kept on praying until the twenty-first day. And that was when an angel showed up to tell him that God actually answered his prayer the very moment he prayed and also sent him to deliver the answer to him. But he was blocked and detained by an evil spirit. And he was held up by that evil spirit for twenty-one days, that is, until another angel, Michael, came and made way for him to go to Daniel.
Evidently, that evil spirit was a powerful and wicked enough to stop that angel of God from bringing God’s answer to Daniel’s prayer to him. In like manner, there are times that Satan and his demons may be working in the realm of the spirit towards keeping us from receiving the manifestation of God’s answers to our prayers. And is that to say that God has not answered us? No!
On those two occasions, God answered Daniel the very moment he prayed to Him. But on one of the occasions, the angel sent to give him his answer was detained by an evil spirit for three good weeks. And I am saying that there are times that answers to our prayers can be delayed from getting to us like that by evil spirits. But we will not know this, if it is not revealed to us. So, we have to follow what Jesus tells us, which is that we must continually pray and not give up. By praying like that, we will be able to remove all the obstacles placed on our way to receiving what God has provided for us.
Now it may take days, weeks, months or even years for us to eventually access certain provision of God for us. It all depends on the situation we are dealing with. You know that it may even be certain individuals that are being used by the devil to keep us from accessing or receiving God’s answers to our prayers. So, we don’t stop praying. We don’t give up. Instead, we devote ourselves to prayer, knowing that God is faithful. He is not going to abandon us or be slow in attending to our matters. That is how to receive, find and see doors opened to us.
But then, again, Jesus asks, “Will I find faith on the earth when I return? Will people keep on praying to God, knowing that He will not ignore them or be slow about their matter, regardless of what they see or do not see when they pray?” Those are questions for us to answer. And I pray that He will find faith in us when He returns. Amen.
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Series: Jesus on prayer 2 | Title: Prayer dimensions By: | Johnson O. Lawal | Date: June 09, 2024
I want us to continue from where we left off on ‘Jesus on prayer’. We are looking at some of the things that our Lord Jesus teaches us on prayer and what lessons we can garner from the passages of the Scriptures in which He teaches these things. In our last lesson, we looked at ‘Prayer audacity’. Now we want to look at ‘Prayer dimensions’. Of course, we are going to be using the same passage, which we have in Luke’s gospel, chapter 11. We have a parallel passage in Matthew’s gospel, chapter 7. But it is okay to stick with what we have in Luke’s gospel. And from verse nine of the eleventh chapter, it says:
“So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Luke 11:9-10NIV)
Here the Lord gives us three dimensions of prayer. The first has to do with asking God for whatever we need. What does it mean to ask? It means to make a request. So, we are told that we can present our requests to God. What is it that you need? Talk to God about it. What will you want God to do for you? Talk to Him about it.
Now, of course, as I pointed out in our last lesson, it is important that we understand the will of God in order to be effective in praying. That is because God responds only to those things that we ask in accordance with His will. Yes, there may be times that we may not be sure of the exact will of God about a matter. Yet, even at such times, we are to be bold in praying to Him, as we are admonished in Scriptures.
However, understanding the will of God helps a lot in offering prayers that are effective. It also helps our boldness in praying to Him. Remember that John says, “This is the confidence we have in approaching Him: if we ask for anything according to His will, He hears us.” (1John 5:14NIV) So, the point is that we can ask God for whatever we need or want, as long as we are asking in line with His will. Otherwise, we may miss it.
James tells us that it is possible to ask amiss – it is possible to make requests that are inconsistent with the will of God. And if our requests are inconsistent with His will, God is not under any obligation to attend to them. Look at how James puts this from verse one of chapter four of his epistle:
“What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within? You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God.” (James 4:1-2NIV)
That is powerful. James is saying that instead of talking to God about our situations, instead of presenting requests to Him about the things we want done or settled in our lives, we may find ourselves fighting others or quarrelling with them. But fighting or quarrelling with anyone may not solve our problems. Fighting our husbands or wives or neighbours or colleagues at work may not solve our problems. Then killing people will not going to solve our problems but only add to them.
Mind you, why will a believer think of killing another person in order to have something? Well, James shows us through what he says in this text that there were murderous believers back in bible days. So, don’t let it surprise you, if you too hear of murderous believers today. It is not a new thing. People like that are just like Judas Iscariot. They are like Cain who killed his own brother.
In any case, the fact that you are murderous does not mean that you will have whatever you want. And the fact that you choose to quarrel with others does not mean that what you want will be delivered to you. But if you will talk to God about what you want or desire, it will be delivered to you, especially if you have presented your request in accordance with His will.
As James points out here, the reason many of us do not have what we need is that we do not ask God. And remember that Jesus says ask and you will receive, for those who are asking are receiving. So, one main reason many of us do not have most of the things we need in life is that we do not talk to God about them. We may think we are talking to God. But how often are we talking to Him? Then what are we talking to Him about?
A lot of times, we just take things for granted – we just assume that things will resolve themselves or that God will naturally attend to some matters for us. Yes, there are a lot of things that God does for us without our asking. But He also wants us to ask Him for whatever we need. How, then, do we know those things that He is going to give to us or do for us without our asking? We may not know them, unless we are given divine revelations about them. That is why we are told to pray to Him about everything we need. Otherwise, there are things we may never have or have resolved in life.
Well then, James goes to say this to us: “When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.” (James 4:3NIV) We can see again that praying contrary to the will of God will not get us the desired results. How do we pray contrary to His will? James gives us an example here, namely, praying with wrong motives. So, if your motives for wanting God to do something for you are wrong, you are not going to receive any answer from Him. Yes, Jesus tells us that those who are asking are receiving. But we need to balance that by telling ourselves that those who are receiving through asking are asking according to the will of God.
At any rate, our focus here is not on praying amiss or praying according to the will of God but on praying. I mean that our objective here is to stress to us the need to be asking God for whatever we need. There are, of course, several other Scriptures that point to the fact that we should just keep on asking God for whatever we need or want in life. For instance, in Philippians, chapter 4, from verse 5, Paul says:
“Do not be anxious about anything. But in every situation, through prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (NIV)
Did you see that? Do not be anxious about any situation of your life. Why? Being worried about a situation of your life will not change anything about it. On the contrary, being worried about it may take away initiatives from you – it may rob you of the ability to think clearly about the situation and do the needful.
But then, are you to leave your problems to resolve themselves, since you are commanded by God not to worry about them? No! Problems don’t resolve themselves. That is because problems don’t create themselves. There are forces that create problems for us. That being the case, they are not going to resolve themselves unless they are resolved by some other forces greater than them.
Therefore, we are not just told not to worry about our problems, we are also told what to do about them. We are told to pray to God about them. We are told to pray to Him in every situation, whatever the situation may be. We are to tell Him what we want about that situation. And He will answer us.
Yes, as I pointed out before, understanding His will about your situation will help you in making requests that are consistent with His will. It will also help you to present your requests to Him boldly. Then it will let you know that you have received whatever you have asked of Him. In John’s gospel, chapter 15, verse 7, we are told this:
“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” (NIV)
Did you see that? We are being encouraged again here to ask God for whatever we wish. And we are told that as long as we remain in the Lord and His words remain in us, we will be effective in doing this. Why? If His words abide in us, then, we will be praying according to His will. Therefore, whatever we ask for will be done for us.
Ask, then, for whatever you wish. Is it promotion you want? Talk to God about it. Do you want your business to be expanded? Talk to God about it. Is it a child that you want? Talk to Him about it. Or is it some illness you want taken away from your body? Talk to Him about it. Don’t be ashamed to do this. That is because He Himself has invited us to boldly approach His throne of grace for grace and mercy to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16). So, approach that throne of grace and ask for whatever you need. Then you will receive, for those who are asking are receiving.
Think about Jabez, for example. He asked God to take away pains and trouble from him and to also enlarge his coast. And did God answer him or not? He did. God answered him because what he was asking was consistent with His will. God wanted him to prosper. And so when he asked for prosperity, He granted his request. His brothers too could have asked for the same thing. But we are not told that they did. We are only told that Jabez asked God for his own prosperity. And God answered him. So, he became more honourable than his brothers. That was all because he dared to pray. You too should dare to pray. (Cf. 1Chronicles 4:9-10)
Also, look at Hannah. She had been crying for years because of her barrenness. But one day she decided to ask God for a child of her own. And did God answer her or not? Yes, He did. Why? It was because He does not want any of His children to be barren. And the Scriptures are clear about this. So, when Hannah prayed to Him about her barrenness, He answered her. Observe, however, that she did not go to any prophet to pray about her matter. Then she did not fast about her barrenness, though it would not have been wrong for her to fast about the matter. She just knelt down one day and prayed about her matter. And it was settled. (Cf. 1Samuel 1)
What about Isaac? Isaac was married for about twenty years before he had his twins, Esau and Jacob. Why was that? It was because Rebekah, his wife, was barren. But at some point, Isaac dared to talk to God about the matter. The bible says, “Isaac prayed to God for his wife, for she was barren.” And did God answer him or not? He did! (Cf. Genesis 25:19-26)
What if Isaac had not prayed to God? What if he had said to himself, “Maybe my case is like my father’s. Maybe I too have to wait until I am a hundred years old before I will have my own child?” What do you think would have been the situation, if he had thought or reasoned like that? He may have actually ended up being childless for more years.
See, there are things that some of us would have already received, if we had prayed to God about them? So, talk to God. Don’t allow any bad situation to get worse. Don’t miss any or delay your enjoyment of any of God’s provisions for you. Ask right away for whatever you need, and you will receive. Remember that those who are asking are receiving.
Now the second prayer dimension that Jesus speaks of has to do with seeking. This is actually taking prayer to another level. It is going beyond asking God for something to going out to look for it wherever God may have put it for us. Remember that the word of God tells us that whatever we ask for when we pray, we should believe that we have received it and we will have it (Mark 11:24). So, when you pray to God about anything, He answers and gives it to you.
But then, it is possible to pray and receive in that manner and yet not see the physical manifestation of what you have asked for and received by faith. And at such times, it may be that you need to go out to look for the answers God has already provided. This does not happen in every prayer situation. But there are situations in which we actually need to move out in search of what God has already provided for us.
To say the fact, there are times that we need divine revelations to know when we need to go out in this manner. This is why I often pray that God will open my eyes to know when I need to seek His provisions for me and also lead me to them, so that I can possess and enjoy them. You too will do well to regularly offer prayers along these lines for yourself.
Well, the point I am making is that there are times that God’s provisions for us, which we have prayed for, will not come to us where we are – we will be the ones to go out in search of them. And we may require some divine revelations to know when to act like this. But there are times that common sense tells us that we need to go out in search of what God has provided for us in response to our prayer. And we should go out in such situations. Otherwise, what He provided for us may never come to meet us where we are. All of this is why Jesus says, “Seek, and you will find.” What are you to seek? What God has provided! And what will you find when you seek like this? What God has provided!
Now let me give you again the illustration that our Lord Jesus uses in teaching us prayer audacity to communicate this point more clearly. Incidentally, this illustration actually speaks to us about all the three dimensions of prayers that we are considering. It speaks to us about asking, seeking and knocking. And here is it:
“Then Jesus said to them, “Suppose you have a friend, and you go to him at midnight and say, ‘Friend, lend me three loaves of bread; a friend of mine on a journey has come to me, and I have no food to offer him. And suppose the one inside answers, ‘Don’t bother me. The door is already locked, and my children and I are in bed. I can’t get up and give you anything.’ I tell you, even though he will not get up and give you the bread because of friendship, yet because of your shameless audacity he will surely get up and give you as much as you need. (Luke 11:5-8NIV)
As you can see, there are three things that the man in question does in this account. First, he goes in search of the loaves of bread that he needs that midnight. A friend of his has come to me at midnight. He needs to entertain him. But he does not have what he needs to entertain him at home at that moment and has nowhere to go and buy food for him at the time. However, he has a friend that he can approach for help, even that night. So, he goes to him in search of help – he goes to him seeking.
What if this man’s friend does not have what he needs? He won’t know that until he gets to his house. So, he has to seek for what he wants in his place first. Then, if he does not have what he needs or wants, he will know that he needs to turn elsewhere. But he comes to his friend first to ask for what he needs. Two things, then, are involved here, which are ‘seeking’ and ‘asking’.
Well, the point I am making is that there are times that we need to go out in search of what we need and that we have prayed to God about. That means praying to Him for what we need in that situation will not be enough; we will also need to seek out His answers to our prayers in order to have and enjoy them.
For instance, in Genesis 24, we are told of how a wife was secured for Isaac. How? Well, Abraham had to send his head servant to go and look for a wife for him outside the place they were staying at the time. Why? The reason was that the kind of woman he wanted for his son was not there. Look at some part of the account from verse 1 of the chapter:
“Abraham was now very old, and the Lord had blessed him in every way. He said to the senior servant in his household, the one in charge of all that he had, “Put your hand under my thigh. I want you to swear by the Lord, the God of heaven and the God of earth, that you will not get a wife for my son from daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I am living, but will go to my country and my own relatives and get a wife for my son Isaac.” The servant asked him, “What if the woman is unwilling to come back with me to this land? Shall I then take your son back to the country you came from?” “Make sure that you do not take my son back there,” Abraham said. “The Lord, the God of heaven, who brought me out my father’s household and my native land and who spoke to me and promised me on oath, saying, ‘To your offspring I will give this land’ – he will send his angel before you so that you can get a wife for my son from there. If the woman is unwilling to come back with you, then you will be released from this oath of mine. Only do not take my son back there.” So the servant put his hand under the thigh of his master Abraham and swore an oath to him concerning this matter.” (Genesis 24:1-9NIV)
What do we see here? Abraham, as I already mentioned earlier, was sending his servant to go and get a wife for his son Isaac from his native land. And he was doing that because, as far as he was concerned, there was no suitable woman for the young man among the Canaanites with whom they were living. He must have looked around carefully to see if any of them was worthy of a marriage relationship with Isaac but could not find. So, he concluded that they would need to look for a wife for him outside the place.
Now Isaac too must have agreed with his father on this matter. That is why we have no record of him quarrelling or arguing with him about it. And here is a lesson for those who want to marry: The fact that you are seeking your own wife or husband to marry all by yourself does not mean that you are going to get it right, just as the fact that someone else is doing the job for you does not mean that person will miss it.
Well, this man was to go and look for a wife for Isaac. That means God’s provision of a good wife for Isaac was not where they were. So, they had to go and seek the wife somewhere else. What, then, was the guarantee that they would find a suitable woman for Isaac by seeking for one in that manner? It was in the fact that Abraham had prayed to God about the matter. He had told his servant that God was going to send His angel along with him to guide him in getting the right woman for Isaac. All the man just needed to do was to go and look for the woman. And as he went, he also prayed to God to make his journey successful. And God answered him. So, he went and sought for a suitable wife for Isaac and found one.
The point we are making is that there are times we need to seek God’s provisions for us. And that will be because what He has provided is not coming to us where we are but we will have to find it. There are people, for instance, who are praying to God for better jobs. They may need to step out of where they are to find the jobs God has provided for them. That will be because those jobs are not where they are.
The same thing is applicable to those who are praying to God for the right kind of love partners. The right love partner may not come to you where you are. The right love partner may not be in your neighbourhood, in your Christian assembly or in your office. So you may have to look outside those places in order to find them, having observed that none of the people around you is fit for you or is living in line with the will of God. So, you have to seek for your lover away from where you are. And if you seek in that manner, you are going to find. Why? It is because you are seeking on the basis of faith in God. He has said that those who seek will find. So, if you seek, having prayed for His provisions for you, you will surely find.
Then we come to the third dimension of prayer, which has to do with knocking. Jesus says knock and the door will be opened to you, for to the one who knocks the door will be opened. And going back to the illustration He uses in our main text, the man who needs some loaves of bread for his visitor that has come at midnight goes to his friend for help. What is that? Seeking! Then when he gets to his house, what does he do? He knocks!
Now this man’s friend is most likely asleep at the time, seeing that it is midnight. So, on getting to his house, the next thing he does is to knock the man’s door. Then the man will respond and ask, “Who is that?” And that gives him the opportunity he needs to introduce himself and present his request. You can see that this illustration deals with all the dimensions of prayer that the Lord wants us to know and understand. It speaks about seeking, knocking and asking.
Mind you, our focus is not on the order in which these prayer dimensions are listed for us by the Lord in the bible. That order may not be applicable to your situation. What your situation requires may be another order. But what is important is that you know that there are times that you may to do beyond asking God for something to seeking out His answers to your prayers yourself. In like manner, there are times that you may need to go beyond asking for God’s provisions and (or) seeking God’s provisions for you to knocking on certain doors in order to access His provisions for you.
Why will you have to knock on a door? It is because you believe that what you need or want may just be behind it. In the same vein, the reason we have to knock on certain doors, having prayed to God about what we need, is that we believe that the answers to our prayers are behind those doors. And at such times, we must not be afraid of knocking. Instead, we must boldly knock. That, in fact, is where prayer audacity comes in.
But then, what if God’s provisions for you are not behind the door you want to knock? You will find out, having knocked. So, go ahead and knock those doors. Consider Nehemiah’s case, for example. He had prayed to God about the condition of his people, the exiles that had returned to Jerusalem. Why did he pray to God about them? It was because he had heard some very disturbing news about their welfare, about how many of them were suffering in the land. (Cf. Nehemiah 1)
However, while praying to God about the problems of his people, he also came to the consciousness of the fact that nothing serious could be done for his people, if the king that they were under his dominion did not give his approval. That king was Artaxerxes. And he was in a position to talk to him about his people. But before he did that, he first prayed to God for favour before him.
Why did he need God’s favour from the man? It was because the request he was going to present to him could be easily misunderstood as treason or rebellion. The Jews at the time were under the rule of Artaxerxes, as I already pointed out. So, for them to attempt to rebuild their headquarters, Jerusalem, without getting his permission was to be seen as rebellious. And even if someone was going to get permission from the king, there was no guarantee that his intentions would not be misrepresented. If that, then, should happen, the person may just lose his head.
All this explains why Nehemiah had to pray to God for favour first. Look at how he puts this from verse eleven of the first chapter of his book:
“Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of this your servant and to the prayer of your servants who delight in revering your name. Give your servant success today by granting him favour in the presences of this man. I was cupbearer to the king.” (Nehemiah 1:11NIV)
Can you relate to that? Nehemiah was asking for God’s favour in presenting his case to Artaxerxes. And did God answer him or not? He did. But how did he find out? He had to knock on the king’s door to see if it would be opened for him to present his requests. And this took him some months. But one day he went ahead and knocked the door of the king’s heart. And did he open the door for him or not? He did. In fact, the man not only gave him audience but also granted all his requests. He even did beyond his expectations. He provided him with many things to support him. (Cf. Nehemiah 2)
In like manner, there are times that we too must go beyond just praying to God about what we need to going to knock some doors in order to access His answers to our prayers. So, if, for instance, you have asked God for favour, then, you may need to go and knock the doors of some people who are in a position to be used by Him to grant that favour. But if we are afraid of meeting such people, we may never receive the manifestation of God’s answers to our prayers.
Also, if we have prayed to God to open doors of ministry to us among the people of our land, we will have to go and knock the doors of people’s hearts to see which ones have been opened and which ones have not yet been opened. I mean that we have to approach people with His word, having prayed to God to open the doors of their hearts to us. Otherwise, we won’t be seeing all the people that we can see in His kingdom. You can now see why we put the word of God out there through tracts, on the radio, on the television and on the internet. We are using these mediums to knock the doors of people’s hearts to see if they have been opened by God to receive His word of salvation or not.
Well, these are the dimensions of prayer that are presented to us by the Lord Jesus. And we need to know where we need to apply these dimensions of prayer in order for us to access God’s provisions for us. If we are not employing the right dimension of prayer to our situation, we may not be able to receive His provisions for us. Then we may begin to think that He is not answering our prayers. But that will not be the case. The problem will be that we are the ones not applying the right prayer dimension towards receiving what He has provided.
Let us pray.
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Series: Jesus on prayer Sermon | Title: Prayer audacity| By: Johnson O. Lawal | Date: June 02, 2024
I want us to begin to look at some of the things our Lord Jesus teaches on prayers. And we are going to start with ‘Prayer audacity’. This addresses the need for us to be audacious or bold in talking to God about whatever we need or desire. Now look at what the Lord says about this in Luke’s gospel, chapter 11, from verse 5:
“Then Jesus said to them, “Suppose you have a friend, and you go to him at midnight and say, ‘Friend, lend me three loaves of bread; a friend of mine on a journey has come to me, and I have no food to offer him. And suppose the one inside answers, ‘Don’t bother me. The door is already locked, and my children and I are in bed. I can’t get up and give you anything.’ I tell you, even though he will not get up and give you the bread because of friendship, yet because of your shameless audacity he will surely get up and give you as much as you need. So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Luke 11:5-10NIV)
Here the Lord gives us an illustration on the need for us to be audacious in praying to God. Mind you, we are also told this in Scriptures:
“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16NIV)
Whose throne is to be approached? God’s throne of grace! Who is to approach this throne? We are the ones to approach it. And how are we to approach this throne? With confidence! We are not to approach God’s throne of grace with fear; rather, we are to approach it with boldness.
Then when are we to approach God’s throne of grace? In our time of need! What is that time of need? Anytime could be a time of need. In the passage where our Lord gives us an illustration on prayer audacity, He speaks of a man that went to his friend at midnight to request for some loaves of bread. Why? He wanted to use it to entertain a visitor that had come to him late that night because he had no food to place before him. That, evidently, was an hour of need for him.
Now what did this man do in that hour of need? He went out to approach a friend of his for help, even though it was midnight. He could have said to his visitor, “This is midnight. It is too late to look for food anywhere. You will just have to endure till morning, when I will be able to get something for you to eat.” But what if that person could not endure till the following morning? What if he was on the verge of dying of hunger?
Or let us assume that it is a sick person we are dealing with. This person suddenly falls ill at midnight and needs to be attended to urgently. And you have no expertise in medical matters. But you have a neighbour who is a medical practitioner. What are you going to do? Will you tell the sick person to endure till morning, when you cannot take him to the hospital? What if he dies before then? You will just have to do something to get help for the person. And you will have to be audacious about it.
Well, in the case of the man the Lord speaks of, we are not told that there was an emergency. But the man took it as an emergency; he took it as something that could not wait till the following morning. And because he took it as something that could not wait, he went to his friend for help at midnight. Now, as our Lord further points out, even though this man’s friend would not consider their friendship in attending to him, he would consider his shameless audacity in approaching him at that hour of the night. Yes, he would consider the fact that the man did not care at all that it was late and attend to him.
That, of course, is what anyone of us will do, if we should find ourselves in similar situations. We will not turn away our friends or neighbours who have come to us for help, just because they have come at some odd hour. We will not say that we are sleeping and cannot attend to them. Instead, we will attend to them. We are not even going to be looking at the person’s character, good or bad. Rather, we will look at their boldness in approaching us and attend to them.
Now the Lord is relating this to how God expects us to relate to Him in matters of prayers. He wants us to be audacious. He wants us to approach Him and His throne of grace with boldness, with confidence. In other words, we should not be afraid of asking Him whatever we need. “But what if he does not answer,” asks someone. Well, the word of God says this to us:
“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us – whatever we ask – we know that we have what we asked of him.” (1Jon 5:14-15NIV)
Did you see that? In approaching God’s throne of grace, it is not only confidence we need; we also need a clear understanding of His will. In fact, the point John is making here is that what gives us true boldness or audacity in approaching God in prayer is a clear understanding of His will. And as long as we are asking whatever we are asking of Him in accordance to His will, He will hear and answer us.
But then, there are times we may not be able to tell the will of God in a situation. For instance, one day, God was going to Sodom to verify the wickedness going on there with the eyes of human. He had been watching them and listening to the outcry against them from His throne. But then, He decided at a time to go and check things out in the form of a man. And He told this to Abraham, having visited him on His way to the place. Then, because He had told Abraham about this, the man decided to intercede for the two cities involved. Why? He had a nephew there, Lot. Lot’s wife, children, servants and possessions were also there in Sodom with him. And as far as he knew, Lot was a good and righteous man. So, he was concerned about his safety and the safety of his family and possessions, if God’s judgment should fall on those two cities.
However, Abraham did not know whether God would want to destroy the righteous along with the ungodly in those cities. How, then, would he know? It was by praying to God about it. And he had to be audacious about this. Look at what is reported in Genesis 18 about it, beginning from verse 20:
“Then the Lord said, “The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grievous that I will go down and see if what they have done is as bad as the outcry that has reached me. If not, I will know.” The men turned away and went toward Sodom, but Abraham remained standing before the Lord. Then Abraham approached him and said: “Will you sweep away the righteous with the wicked? What if there are fifty righteous people in the city? Will you really sweep it away and not spare the place for the sake of the fifty righteous people in it? Far be it from you to do such a thing – to kill the righteous with the wicked, treating the righteous and the wicked alike. Far be it from you! Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?” The Lord said, “If I find fifty righteous people in the city of Sodom, I will spare the whole place for their sake.” Then Abraham spoke up again: “Now that I have been so bold as to speak to the Lord, though I am nothing but dust and ashes, what if the number of the righteous is five less than fifty? Will you destroy the whole city for lack of five people?” “If I find forty-five there,” he said, “I will not destroy it.” Once again he spoke to him, “What if only forty are found there?” He said, “For the sake of forty, I will not do it.” Then he said, “May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak. What if only thirty can be found there?” He answered, “I will not do it if I find thirty there.” Abraham said, “Now that I have been so bold as to speak to the Lord, what if only twenty can be found there?” He said, “For the sake of twenty, I will not destroy it.” Then he said, “May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak just once more. What if only ten can be found there?” He answered, “For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it.” When the Lord had finished speaking with Abraham, he left, and Abraham returned home.” (Genesis 18:20-33NIV)
Did you see that? Abraham was not sure if God was going to be destroying the righteous along with the wicked in Sodom and Gomorrah. How, then, could he become sure? It was by approaching God on the matter. And he did, as we see in the account. But what if he had not approached him? What if he was too afraid to talk to God about the matter? What if all he could think of was that God may get angry with him for asking Him questions along this line? Then there was every tendency that Lot and his family would have perished along with Sodom and Gomorrah.
But Abraham was not afraid to talk to God about the matter. Instead, he stepped up to the situation and began to talk to God audaciously about it. Of course, he talked to God with respect and humility all through. But he was also audacious in making his requests. He just kept on pushing until he was certain that God would spare Sodom and Gomorrah, if only ten righteous people were found there. And he probably stopped at ten because he felt that Lot and those with him should be able to make up for that number of righteous people in Sodom. Unfortunately, he was wrong.
In any case, as I said before, Abraham did not initially know if it was the will of God to destroy whatever number of righteous people that could be found in Sodom along with the wicked ones there. And he had to find out by being audacious in praying to God. That, of course, is what our Lord Jesus is talking about, when He says, “Ask and you will receive. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened to you. Those who are asking are receiving. Those who seek find. And to the one who knocks the door will be opened.” In other words, be bold to go for whatever you need from God. Don’t be afraid of asking. Don’t be afraid of seeking. And don’t be afraid on knocking on any door that may be keeping you away from God’s provisions for you.
Remember that Paul tells us to not to be anxious about anything but to pray about everything to God (Philippians 4:6). Also, he tells us in Ephesians 6 to offer to God all kinds of prayers and requests. What, then, is that thing that you want God to do for you or for a friend or for a family member? Talk to Him about it. Don’t say, “What if this is not consistent with His will? Will He answer me?” Instead, be audacious in praying to Him about it. See, even if you are not sure if something agrees with the will of God or not, still talk to Him about it. When you are done talking to Him about it, you will learn whether what you are asking is in line with His will or not.
For instance, Peter was once invited by the brethren at Joppa to come and pray for dead Dorcas. The brethren who had invited him did not know what the outcome would be. They just knew that Dorcas was a good woman and should not have to die early like that. I mean they knew that it could not have been the will of God for a righteous woman to die before her time. So, they called for Peter to come and pray for her. Why? They probably did not think their own faith was strong enough to handle the situation. Or it may be that they did not know that they also could be audacious in praying to God to restore the woman.
Well, they sent for Peter. And he came to them. But did he know at the moment that he came in if it was the will of God for Dorcas to be brought back to life or not? I am sure he did not know. Nevertheless, he went inside and prayed for her restoration. That was audacity. What if Dorcas was not restored to life? That would not be his problem. He did not kill her. So, if she was not restored through his prayer, it would not be his headache. All he knew was that the situation was challenging him to pray to God. And his was to take that prayer challenge and pray, which he did. So, the question at the time wasn’t, “Will Peter’s prayer result in Dorcas’ restoration or not?” Rather, the question was, “Is someone going to pray to God for Dorcas’ restoration or not?”
Young people die every day and for different reasons. And it is sad that when some young person is dead, people start crying. Some may even say that it is the will of God for the person to die. And what that means is that the case is closed – it is over. So, funeral plans are what should follow. But what if someone will not just accept the person’s death like that without talking to God about it? The situation may just end differently.
In the case that our Lord uses for illustration in our main text, we see that the man who went to meet his friend at midnight for loaves of bread may not be utterly sure that he was going to get the needed help. He went, anyway. That was audacity. Whether his friend would respond favourably to him or not is not the point; the point is, “Was he going to meet his friend for help or not?” And the question for us too is, “Are we going to be bold in talking to God about what we need or not?” Will you be bold to talk to God about your prosperity? Will I be bold to talk to Him about my prosperity? I need a lot of money, as I am sure you do. I need a lot for my family and ministry. But will I be bold to talk to God about what I need or not?
How much do I need? It is a lot of money? How much is a lot of money? A lot of money is a lot of money. A lot of money is something running into billions of naira or dollars. But will I be bold to talk to God about giving me billions of naira or am I going to be making excuses for Him? What if He does not want to give me billions of naira for my family and ministry? Well, I will have to talk to Him first about it.
Look at Peter and Dorcas’ case again. Was Peter confident that God was going to restore Dorcas or not? He probably was not confident about that. But he was going to talk to Him about it anyway. So, we are told from verse 40 of Acts 9, “Peter sent them all out of the room; then he got down on his knees and prayed. Turning toward the dead woman, he said, “Tabitha, get up.” She opened her eyes, and seeing Peter she sat up.” (Acts 9:40NIV) How long did Peter spend praying for this woman? We would not know, since we are not told in the account. But when he was done praying, he turned towards the dead woman and said, “Tabitha, get up.” And she got up. That is audacity.
Now Peter was not the first to demonstrate that kind of audacity in restoring a dead person. Elijah did the same in the case of the widow at Zarephath. When this widow lost her son, she was troubled and felt that God had come to judge her sins. But Elijah went inside to pray for the boy’s restoration. And observe that he did not console the woman or tell her to take heart and accept her son’s death as the will of God. He did not say, “The Lord has given and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.” Instead, he went inside, prayed for the boy and brought him back to life. That was audacity. (Cf. 1Kings 17)
What about the Shunamite woman that lost her boy and went to share the news with Elisha. Elisha did not console her or attempt to comfort her. Instead, he went with her to pray for the boy’s restoration. What if the boy was not restored? That would not be his fault. He did not kill the boy. So, it would not be His fault. But the focus is not on whether the boy was restored or not but on whether someone would be audacious enough to ask for the boy’s restoration or not.
You know that when we are talking about matters of death, we can hardly tell whom God is going to restore from whom He is not going to restore, unless we have a divine revelation. Many things that we don’t understand are involved in such matters. But will someone be bold enough to ask for the restoration of one that is dead?
I have been in at least three situations in which I had to join some other believers in praying for a dead person. And none of the people we prayed for on those occasions was restored. But whose fault was that? It was not our fault. We felt bad about the fact that those people were not restored. But it was not our fault that they were not restored. What was important, however, was that we fulfilled our prayer duty. We were audacious enough to ask for their restoration. Why they were not restored may be something we will only get to know when our Lord Jesus returns. But the most important thing is that we were audacious enough to pray for the restoration of those dead people. And if I am invited to do that again, will I say, “I have done this three times and it did not work – I won’t try it again?” No! I will just have to do it again.
So then, our Lord Jesus says, “Ask and you will receive. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened to you.” Of course, as I said before, all this must be done in accordance with the will of God. John tells us that our confidence in God rests on the fact that if we ask for anything according to His will, He hears us. And what is His will for us? We need to learn it from Scriptures. We need to give ourselves to the Scriptures in order to get ourselves acquainted with the will of God for us. The more we give ourselves to them the better acquainted with His will we become. Then our boldness to pray to Him can be enhanced.
Sadly, there are many that know the will of God but who still won’t pray to Him to see His will come to pass in their lives. You know it is not the will of God for you to live in poverty. What, then, are you doing about it? Are you boldly talking to Him about it or are you making excuses for Him or for yourself? Jabez was audacious in praying to God about his prosperity. And God answered him. He answered him because it was His will for the man to prosper. So, he became more honourable than his brothers. (Cf. 1Chronicles 4:9-10)
In like manner, it is the will of God for you too to prosper. But are you going to be audacious in praying to Him about it? Also, it is His will for you to live in health? But will you be audacious in talking to Him about your health and receiving by faith what He has already obtained for you in Christ Jesus?
Well, the point the Lord is making is that we have to be audacious in approaching God for whatever we need. And we must do this whenever we need whatever we need. We have been told to come in our hour of need. That man that Jesus speaks about went to his friend at midnight. That was his hour of need. When is your own hour of need? Talk to God in it and receive.
Some have said that God is too busy during the day and that it is only at night that you can get Him. That is nonsense. You can approach God any time, any day and anywhere. And you can do so boldly, regardless of how tense the situation may be. But don’t ever say, “What if God does not answer me?” or “What if it is not His will to answer me?” Instead, be audacious in talking to Him about whatever you need. And even if you are not sure it is in line with His will, you will have nothing to lose by asking.
Remember that Joshua one day prayed that the sun and the moon will stand still for him to totally defeat his enemies. And they responded. That was audacity. Look at how it is reported in the bible:
“On the day the Lord gave the Amorites over to Israel, Joshua said to the Lord in the presence of Israel: “Sun, stand still over Gibeon, and you, moon, over the Valley of Aijalon.” So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the nation avenged itself on its enemies, as it is written in the Book of Jashar. The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day. There has never been a day like it before or since, a day when the Lord listened to a human being. Surely the Lord was fighting for Israel!” (Joshua 10:12-14NIV)
How did Joshua know that the sun and the moon could stand still for him? We are not told in the account. It may have been that he knew by revelation. Or it may be that he did not know at all. But the fact remains that the man prayed to God about what he wanted. And when he was done, he commanded the sun and moon to stand still for him. And they did, showing that God answered his prayer. But what if he had thought that was an impossible thing to ask of God? Would he have witnessed that miracle? No! Or what if he had thought that God may not answer? Would he have witnessed the miracle? No! So, I say to you too, ask with audacity for even the seemingly impossible things, and you will be amazed at what miracles will follow.
Let us pray.
Copyright © 2024 Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church –This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07025105978)
Series: Healing rivers | Title: How to receive your healing | Johnson O. Lawal | Date: May 26, 2024
I want to share briefly with you on how to receive your healing from God. First, I want you to understand that the only reason we can expect to receive healing from God is that He has provided healing. We cannot receive from God what He has not provided. When his disciples began to ask him questions about the increasing popularity of Jesus, there was a response that John the Baptist gave them, which I want to draw your attention to. We have this in John’s gospel, chapter 3, verse 27, which says, “To this John replied, ‘A person can receive only what is given them from heaven.’” (NIV)
This is a very important statement coming from John the Baptist here. And it is that we can only receive what God has given. It does not matter what measure of faith we have in God, our faith can only receive what He has given or provided. Whatever He has not provided cannot be received by Him, regardless of what measure of faith we have in Him.
Therefore, while it is important that we demonstrate faith in receiving anything from God, including our healing, we must understand that if He has not provided something, we cannot receive it. I said that to say this: the reason we can receive healing from God is that He has provided it for all mankind.
But many do not know that God has provided healing for them. So, they are not reaching out for Him to heal them. A lot of money is being spent everyday on health matters. And we thank God for all those He is using in the field of medicine to help people with their health. But the truth is that He has also provided healing free of charge for anyone who will receive it. He has provided this in His Son Jesus Christ.
Isaiah prophesied about this and his prophecy has already come to pass. Let us look at it, from verse 4 of the fifty-third chapter of his book. It says:
“Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:4-5NIV)
Who is Isaiah talking about here? He is talking about Jesus Christ. And this was centuries before Jesus was born. Yet this man prophesied that he would come and die for our sins and transgressions. Not only was He going to die for our transgressions, as Isaiah shows us in this prophecy, He was also going to die for our infirmities and sicknesses. That is why he said, “By his wounds we are healed.”
But someone may say, “How can we be sure that Isaiah was speaking about Jesus in that prophecy?” We can be sure because there are Scriptures in the New Testament part of the bible that point to the fact that the prophecy was about Jesus. For instance, Matthew says this about the healing ministry of Jesus:
“When Jesus came into Peter’s house, he saw Peter’s mother-in-law lying in bed with a fever. He touched her hand and the fever left her, and she got up and began to wait on him. When evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all who were ill. This was to fulfil what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah: ‘He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases.’” (Matthew 8:14-17NIV)
Matthew, here, is connecting what Jesus did in healing all the sick people that had come to him with what Isaiah had prophesied centuries before then. So, the reason Jesus healed all the sick people coming to Him was that it had been said concerning Him that He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases.
There is another passage in which we are told that what Isaiah prophesied in that text was about Jesus. This is in Acts of the Apostles, chapter 8. From verse 26, it says:
“Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, ‘Go south to the road – the desert road – that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.’ So he started out, and on his way he met an Ethiopian eunuch, an important official in charge of all the treasury of the Kandake (which means queen of the Ethiopians). This man had gone to Jerusalem to worship, and on his way home was sitting in his chariot reading the Book of Isaiah the prophet. The Spirit told Philip, ‘Go to that chariot and stay near it.’ Then Philip ran up to the chariot and heard the man reading Isaiah the prophet. ‘Do you understand what you are reading,’ Philip asked. ‘How can I,’ he said, ‘unless someone explains it to me?’ So he invited Philip to come up and sit with him. This is the passage of Scripture the eunuch was reading: ‘He was led like a sheep to the slaughter, and as a lamb before its shearer is silent, so he did not open his mouth. In his humiliation he was deprived of justice. Who can speak of his descendants? For his life was taken from the earth.” The Eunuch asked Philip, ‘Tell me, please, who is the prophet talking about, himself or someone else?’ Then Philip began with that very passage of Scripture and told him the good news about Jesus.” (Acts 8:26-35NIV)
Now the same passage where we are told that Jesus took up our infirmities and carried our sicknesses was the passage that the Ethiopian eunuch mentioned here was reading when Philip found him. Let us go over the passage again from Isaiah, chapter 53, from verse 4
“Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth. By oppression and judgment he was taken away. Yet who of his generation protested? For he was cut off from the land of the living; for the transgressions of my people he was punished.” (Isaiah 53:4-8NIV)
Can you see that the same passage is what is before us? Well, when the man asked Philip to know whom the prophet was referring to, whether it was himself or someone else, he had to explain to him that the prophecy was about Jesus Christ of Nazareth. So, we are clear about the fact that it was Jesus that Isaiah was referring to, when he said, “He took up our infirmities; He bore our sicknesses.” In other words, just as He bore our sins, He also bore our sicknesses and pains.
See, we must understand that Jesus did not just die for our sins; he also died for our sicknesses. So, just as salvation has been made available to us all through what He did on the cross, healing has equally been made available to us. Look at what Peter says about this in his first epistle, the second chapter:
“He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; ‘by his wounds you have been healed.’” (1Peter 2:24NIV)
Think about that. Peter is also quoting the same passage from Isaiah here. And he is saying that Jesus bore our sins in His body on the cross so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness. But he does not end his message there. He goes on to say, “By His wounds you have been healed.” In other words, just as righteousness has been provided for us through what Jesus did, healing has also been provided for us through what He did. So, as we receive our salvation through faith in Him, we are also to receive our healing through faith in Him.
Mind you, in quoting Isaiah’s prophecy, Peter does not say, “By His wounds you are healed.” Rather, he says, “By His wounds you have been healed.” Why? Isaiah was looking into the future when he said, “By His wounds you are healed.” But Peter is looking at what has already happened. So, he says, “By His wounds you have been healed.” That means he is not saying that you are going to be healed; instead, he is saying you have already been healed. In other words, your healing has been accomplished; my healing has been accomplished. That being the case, I can receive it; I can take it.
How, then, do we take our healing, which is where we are going? It all begins with faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I mean we first need to believe that He has provided healing for us. Until we believe this, we are not about to receive our healing. If we won’t accept that Jesus has made healing available to us through His death and resurrection, we are not going to receive our healing from Him in this manner, unless we are just shown mercy. So, you need to believe and accept the fact that He has already provided healing for you.
Unfortunately, there are many Christians today who don’t believe that God has provided healing for them in Christ Jesus. Yes, they believed that He has provided salvation for them in Him. But they won’t just accept that He has also provided healing for them. For them, God chooses whom He is going to heal and whom He is not going to heal. So, if He chooses to heal me, I will get well. But if He chooses not to heal me, then, I will not get well. And many of those who hold this view are wonderful children of God. They love God. They trust Him for their salvation from every kind of sin. And they are also devoted to righteous living. Yet they will not trust Him for their healing. That is because they do not believe that He has provided healing through the redemptive works of Jesus Christ. What a shame!
Well, if you will accept that God has already provided healing for you, then, you can take your healing from Him. How? It is by faith in Him. It is by acting on His word that says that healing is already yours. Remember that Peter says that by His wounds you have been healed. So, your healing has already happened. You may still be feeling sick. You may still be having headaches. Your eyes may still not be seeing. Your hearing may still remain impaired. You may still be having pains in your stomach. Or you may still be lame. But none of these things changes the fact that Jesus Christ has already accomplished your healing when He died on that cross.
Again, remember that death came into the world through sin, as we are told in the bible (Romans 5:12). But it was not only death that came into the world through man’s sin; sicknesses, diseases, pains and so forth also came into the world through man’s sin. These things were not in the world until Adam sinned. There were no diseases in the world until Adam sinned. All the pains, chaos and confusion we now see in the world came through Adam’s sin.
But then, through Christ Jesus, salvation from our sins has come into the world. And in the same manner, healing from every kind of illness has come into the world through what Jesus has done. So, our healing has already been accomplished. No, we may not feel healed, as I said before. But regardless of how you feel or what you see or hear, are you going to act on the word of God that says that you have been healed or not?
The word of God says we walk by faith and not by sight (2Corinthians 5:7). In other words, we walk on the basis of what God has said to us and not on the basis of our sensory perceptions. When you got born again, for instance, did you feel born again? If you had waited until you felt born again, you would not have been saved at all. But you did not wait for that. You probably did not feel saved at all on the day you got born again. But you got born again anyway. Why? It was because you were acting on the word of God and not on your feelings. You accepted what God said about you, in spite of what you felt about your sins. That was why you were saved.
In like manner, you may not feel healed or sense any change in your body at the moment. But the word of God says you have been healed by the wounds of Jesus. Your job, then, is to stand on that word, regardless of what you feel or don’t feel, regardless of what you see or do not see and regardless of what you or others think. Yes, your job is to keep saying to yourself again and again that you have been healed by the wounds of Jesus. And as you do that, you are going to experience what God has said.
See, what you feel or think will not change the word of God. But the word of God is able to change your feeling or reasoning. Yes, His word is able to change your experience in life. A man of God once shared a story of a girl that had been condemned by an illness to death. All the doctors attending to her did all that they thought they could for her. But she did not get any better but worse. So, they told her parents that she was going to die and that they should take her home and make her last few days on earth memorable for her.
Now one day, while she was at home and waiting for death [it is amazing that people will spend their time waiting for death instead of waiting to experience the power of God for their healing], she began to read her bible. Then she came across the verse that I gave you from 1Peter, where the man of God says, “He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; ‘by his wounds you have been healed.’” (1Peter 2:24NIV) And that was what changed everything for her.
What do I mean by that? Well, as the story further goes, the moment she read that verse of the bible, she knew in her spirit that it was not yet time for her to die. She began to tell herself, “Oh, I did not know this. I did not know that I have already been healed by the wounds of Jesus. Oh, I am so sorry, Lord, for I won’t be coming home again.” Then she went on and began to praise God for her healing that had already been accomplished.
All this, of course, shocked her parents, who thought she was going crazy. They had been told by the doctors that she may begin to act funny when her time came near. So, when she began to praise God and to tell them that she was not going to die again, they felt she was losing it. But to their surprise, by the following day, she was already walking and joining them at the meal table. And when she was later taken to the hospital to get tested, the tests revealed that she had been completely healed. Hallelujah!
Now how did that girl receive her healing? It was by acting on the word of God that says, “By His wounds you have been healed.” So, if you will act on the word of God that says by His wounds you have been healed, you will experience healing in your body.
But then, I cannot tell you how immediate your physical experience of healing will be. It may happen immediately. It may take a while. But if you will stand on this word that says by His wounds you have been healed, you will surely witness a physical manifestation of your healing.
Doing this, of course, may take you days, weeks, months or even years. But as long as you stand on the word of God that says by His wounds you have been healed, you will not be disappointed. Instead, the word of God that you stand on will come through for you. Yes, it will bring about what God has said in your life.
Let me give you another example of how to receive healing by just acting on the word of God. There was a royal official that had come to Jesus, begging that He would come and lay hands on his sick son, so that he would live and not die. Now look at John’s record of how Jesus responded to the man:
“‘Unless you people see signs and wonders,’ Jesus told him, ‘you will never believe.’ The royal official said, ‘Sir, come down before my child dies.’ ‘Go.’ Jesus replied, ‘your son will live.’ The man took Jesus at his word and departed. While he was still on the way, his servants met him with the news that his boy was living. When he enquired as to the time when his son got better, they said to him, ‘Yesterday, at one in the afternoon, the fever left him.’ Then the father realised that this was the exact time at which Jesus had said to him, ‘You son will live.’ So he and his whole household believed.” (John 4:48-53NIV)
That is interesting, right? First, we see in the account that Jesus had already told this man that unless he and others saw signs and wonders, they would not believe. And that truly means that there are people that will not believe in the Lord Jesus unless they see signs and wonders. But the Lord is not saying that we have to see signs and wonders before we believe. Rather, He is saying that you don’t have to wait until you see signs and wonders before you believe. Instead, we just need to act on His words and we will experience signs and wonders.
You can see, then, that this royal official that had come to Jesus did not see any sign and wonder before leaving. The Lord did not follow him or perform any sign and wonder for him to believe. Instead, He was told to go and that his son would live. And he took the Lord at his word and went home. Was there any sign that would let him know that his son would live? No! Mind you, there was no mobile phone at the time to let him confirm the condition of his boy. He just had to take Jesus at His word and go home, believing that his son would indeed live. Then, when he got home, he saw that his son was living indeed. In fact, the boy began to recover the very moment Jesus said, “Your son will live.”
So, if you will act on the word of God that says by His wounds you have been healed, regardless of how you feel or do not feel, you will experience healing in your body. Yes, your blind eyes will open. Your deaf ears will be unstopped. Your lame legs will be made whole and begin to walk. Whatever it is that you need healing for in your body will experience healing. All you need is to stand on the word of God and receive what He has made available to you.
Another way to receive the healing God has provided for you is by having people pray for you. Look at what James says about this:
“Is anyone among you ill? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” (James 5:14-16NIV)
Here James is showing us that we can receive healing by having prayers offered for us. According to him, if you are sick, you can call for the elders of your church to pray over you. Why will you do that? The only reason is that you believe that if they will pray for you, you will be healed. There is no point calling for any elder or anybody at all to pray for you, if you don’t believe that you will be healed through their prayer.
Now, of course, when James speaks of elders here, he does not mean all the elderly people in the church, even though he does not exclude them. Rather, he means the spiritually mature brethren in the church, those who understand the things of God and are in leadership position over God’s people. They are the ones anyone that is sick should call for. And he should call for them only because he believes that he will be healed, if they pray for him.
As I told you already, there is no use calling anyone to pray for you, if you don’t believe that you will be healed through their prayers. First, your faith is required. You must believe that if prayers are offered for you in the name of the Lord Jesus, you will get well. Second, those who are offering prayers for you must offer a prayer of faith for you. That is what James says. He says it is the prayer of faith offered in the name of the Lord Jesus that will make the sick person well.
So, by praying for people in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, they can be made well, if they are sick. But the prayer offered must be a prayer of faith. In other words, those who are praying for the sick person must believe that the prayer will work and make him well. So, just as the one being prayed for must have faith that the prayer being offered for him will make him well, those praying for him also must believe that their prayer will work. The faiths of both parties must meet or be in agreement. That is when healing is going to happen.
James, then, goes on to encourage us to pray for each other so that we may be healed. Why? It is because the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. And as he further shows us, even if the sick person has sinned, they will be forgiven and healed, if we will offer a prayer of faith for them. What, then, is important is that you believe that you will get well, if you are prayed for in this manner.
Now, of course, the physical manifestation of your healing may not happen immediately, if you are prayed for in this manner. But you must keep acting on the fact that healing has already been ministered to your body through prayers. So, you have to keep saying to yourself, “The word of God says that if I am prayed for, I will be well. I have been prayed for and so I am well. And even if I have sinned, my sins have been forgiven, for the word of God says that if I am prayed for, my sins will be forgiven and I will be made whole. So I am well and made whole, in Jesus’ name.” That is how to receive your healing through prayers. And once you receive your healing in that manner, it won’t be long before it will physically manifest in your body.
The third way to receive your healing is to have someone with healing gifts minster to you. In 1Corinthians 12 we are told that there are those endowed by God with healing gifts. That means the Spirit of God is working in them in such a way that they can make sick people well, when they come in contact with them. Yes, any child of God can lay hands on a sick person and make them well. But those with healing gifts are specially endowed by God to make sick people well. So, if you come in contact with anyone who has healing gifts, you can receive your healing.
There were many that were healed by the Lord Jesus in this manner. That was because He had healing gifts. So, He was able to heal every manner of sickness and every manner of disease. Also, we find these healing gifts in expression in the apostles of old. For instance, we are told this about Paul:
“God did extraordinary miracles through Paul, so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to those who were ill, and their illnesses were cured and the evil spirits left them.” (Acts 19:11-12NIV)
Why did these things happen? They happened because Paul had gifts of healing. So, even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him communicated the healing power of God to the sick people that they were taken to. In fact, those who were afflicted of evil spirits had those spirits leave them when those things touched them.
Therefore, if someone who possesses gifts of healing lays hands on you or ministers to you in any way, you can receive your healing. Then even if you who touch the person, you can also receive your healing, as long as you are touching them in faith. It works both ways. Remember the woman with the issue of blood. She did not wait for Jesus to minister healing to her at all. On the contrary, she went for her healing herself. And she received it by touching the cloth of Jesus.
But why did that woman touch Jesus’ cloth? It was because she knew that He was carrying the healing power of God. So, if you know that someone is carrying the healing power of God, you can receive healing by touching the person or anything the person is using or by having the person minister directly to you.
However, even where someone with healing gifts has ministered to you, you still need to maintain your faith in other to experience your healing. That is because it is not every time that someone with healing gifts ministers to the sick that they will instantly experience the physical manifestation of healing in their bodies. That does not mean that the healing power of God has not entered their bodies. It has entered. But it may take a while for it to manifest in an obvious way. And if those involved do not maintain their faith, they may just lose their healing.
Remember that Jesus says that those who believe will lay hands on the sick and they will recover. Now their recovery may be immediate or it may take a while, days, weeks or even months. But they will surely recover. So, your faith has to be steadfast, even if someone with healing gifts has ministered healing to you and you have not seen an obvious manifestation of that healing. Otherwise, you may just lose it. And there are many that have lost their healing because of that.
What I am saying is that if you are going to receive healing through one that has healing gifts, then, you must first believe that the person possesses the power of God to heal you, whether he is the one ministering directly to you or you are the one reaching out for healing through him. Then you must believe that you will receive your healing, if he should minister to you or if you should reach out to him for healing. If you do not believe these things, you may not just receive anything through him.
Jesus Christ, as we are told in Scriptures, went to His own hometown and could not do many mighty works there. Why? It was because of the unbelief of the people. So, if you do not have a faith that receives, you may not just receive your healing, even if someone who has healing gifts ministers to you.
Furthermore, if you are not going to act on the word of God, even if someone with healing gifts has ministered to you, you may still not receive your healing. Why? As I pointed out before, it is not every time that the physical manifestations of healing is immediate in people’s bodies. And if it is not immediate in your case, you must continually declare this: “The one who ministered to me ministered healing to me by the power of God. So, I am healed in the name of Jesus. The healing power of God that has been ministered to me is working in me and producing healing manifestations.” You have to keep doing that, if you don’t want to lose what you have received.
Kenneth Hagin shared the story of a man that had been healed in one of his healing meetings that illustrates this point perfectly. According to him, this man had never walked from birth. So, he was being carried around in a wheelchair. Well, he came for one of his healing meetings and he ministered to him during the meeting. And as he ministered to him, he could feel the power of God go into his body. But he wasn’t the only one that felt it – the man also felt it.
Nevertheless, the man did not get up from his wheelchair immediately. So, some men tried to help him walk by lifting him up. They did that twice. And he fell down twice. So, they let him be. And he was taken back home after the meeting, which held on a Monday evening. But according to the man himself, when he went back home that evening, he did not allow discouragement to set in. Instead, he kept on saying to himself, “The man of God ministered healing to my body in that meeting. So, the power of God is working in me and causing healing to be effected in it.”
Now the man said that to himself so repeatedly that he could not tell the number of times he said it. Yet nothing seemed to change. The following day, which was a Tuesday, he kept on saying the same thing all through the day. Yet nothing changed in his physical body. Then, on Wednesday afternoon, while he was still repeating these words to himself, he felt the power of God in his body. So, he stood up for the very first time from his wheel chair. But he was too weak to walk. Therefore, he sat down again.
But was he discouraged? No! Instead, he kept on declaring those words that the healing power of God that entered his body was working there and was producing healing manifestations. And few hours later, he felt the power of God again and got up from his wheel chair. But this time around, he had enough strength to work and so began to walk. Then he went to the meeting venue all by himself to share his testimony. In fact, even Kenneth Hagin himself, as he points out in the story, had a difficult time recognising him when he later saw him. That was because he met him for the first time in a wheelchair and to see him walking again was just mind-blowing. How did that man receive his healing? It was by steadfastly maintaining his faith.
What is my point? It is that even if you are going to receive your healing through someone with healing gifts, you must first believe that the healing power of God is being communicated to you through the person. Then, regardless of what you feel or do not feel, you must maintain your faith in the fact that the healing power of God has already entered your body and will effect healing manifestations in it. That way, you will not lose what you have received.
Well, I have already shared with you three ways to receiving your healing. And what is most important is that you receive it. I mean regardless of which of these ways you take, what is important is that you receive you healing. And you can receive it because God has already provided it for you free of charge in Christ Jesus.
Let us pray.
Copyright © 2024 Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church –This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07025105978)
Series: Recognizing the voice of God| Title: Anniversary admonitions By: | Johnson O. Lawal | Date: May 12, 2024
Prior to this time, I did not intend to share with us this morning. I just want to sit down and listen to all the testimonies we have to share. But the Spirit of God told me that it would be alright for me to do so, even if it is just for some minutes. So, I will be brief with this.
Now we are starting another year of fellowship as an assembly and we ought to give praise to God for that. God has really been good to us. How many of you know that? He has been good to us. And we return all praises to Him this morning.
Well, I want to read some things to us from 1Thessalonians, chapter 1, and say some things to us based on what is in the passage. And from verse 4, it says:
“For we know, brothers and sisters loved by God, that he has chosen you, because our gospel came to you not simply with words but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and deep conviction. You know how we lived among you for your sake. You became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you welcomed the message in the midst of severe suffering with the joy given by the Holy Spirit. And so you became a model to all the believers in Macedonia and Achaia. The Lord’s message rang out from you not only in Macedonia and Achaia – your faith in God has become known everywhere. Therefore we do not need to say anything about it, for they themselves report what kind of reception you gave us. They tell how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead – Jesus, who rescues us from the coming wrath.” (1Thessalonians 1:4-10NIV)
The first thing Paul says here is that God has chosen the Thessalonians. And just as He chose those first century Thessalonians, He has chosen us as well. He chose us to be His own people. At any rate, this apostle goes on to remind the Thessalonians of the kind of ministry he and his companions had among them, when they came to them. They had brought the word of God to them, that is, the gospel. And Paul says that word came to them with power, with the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction. Why does he say that? He says it because the word those Thessalonians received changed their lives. The gospel that was brought to them changed their lives.
In what ways, then, did the gospel that they had received change their lives? Well, first in verse 6, Paul says it made them imitators of the apostles and of the Lord Jesus. That should be the testimony about us. It should be the testimony about every church of God. People should be saying that the word of God is changing us. And how will they know that? It is when we imitate the Lord Jesus Christ; it is when we begin to deliberately imitate Him.
You know we can consciously or unconsciously imitate someone. Our love for someone may make us imitate them unconsciously. When you are fascinated about someone – a friend, a family member or a colleague a work – you may find yourself unconsciously imitating certain things in the person. It may be the way they talk, walk or dress that you will be imitating. And you are doing so because they fascinate you. Well, the word of God is also meant to make us so fall in love with the Lord that we begin to imitate Him.
But then, you cannot imitate someone that you don’t know. The reason the Thessalonians were able to imitate the Lord and the apostles was that they knew them well. They had gotten so caught up in their strong desire to know the Lord that they began to imitate Him, as they knew Him. And the more of Him they knew, the better it became for them to imitate Him.
That, of course, is what Christianity is all about – imitating the Lord. People can freely say that they are Christians, that they are new creations in Christ Jesus or that they are born again. But those may just be mere words of mouth. Until Christ is seen in the way they talk, act, live or do things, we may have difficulties agreeing that they belong to Him. Therefore, as an assembly, we must function in ways that will make people see us as imitators of the Lord.
Another thing Paul says about the Thessalonians that showed that the word of God really changed their lives was that they became a model to other believers in Macedonia and Achaia. My prayer for this assembly always is that we too will be a model to other churches of God all around the world in all good things. Nothing stops any of us from desiring that. Nothing stops any assembly of God from desiring it.
Well, that is my own desire for this church. It is my aim that this church will be a model in all good things for other assemblies of God. And this is not by saying to everyone that comes your way, “I am a model.” Rather, it is based on what people see in us. There are churches today that are referred to as model churches. But it is not the name that will make a church a model for other people of God. Instead, it is what people see in that church that will tell whether it is a model church or not.
When someone visits an assembly and then leaves, wishing that their own assembly would be like the one they have just fellowshipped with, then, we may say we have a model church there. When you come among a group of believers and are so blessed through your interaction with them that you start wishing that your own church would emulate what you have experienced, we may be looking at a model church there.
So, it is not about what we say; rather, it is about what people see. And people will see the right thing in us, if we will give ourselves to the word of God. Yesterday, one of the speakers told us of the need to allow the word of God to change us. That means we don’t receive the word of God in vain. Instead, we are to allow it to transform us. And His word will transform us, if we desire to see it change us.
If you desire to see the word of God change you, then, God will change you with His word. He will change the way you think; He will change the way you reason. He will transform your life and people will see it. Then, every day you will become a better person. And this should be the desire of every child of God. You should desire to be better every day. Why? The reason is that you can really be better.
See, the life we are called to is one of ever-increasing glory. It is a life in which the Spirit of God transforms us day after day with ever-increasing glory. And when we are speaking of the glory of the Christian, we are not talking about it the way people talk about glory today. We are not talking about some lost glory, missing glory or hidden glory that people are looking for from place to place. When we are talking about your glory, we are talking about the manifestation of all that you can be in God. In other words, we are talking about a full expression of everything God has deposited in your life. (Cf. 2Corinthians 3:18)
For instance, God’s wisdom is in you already. And when that wisdom begins to find expression in you, then, we can say that God’s glory is being revealed. Also, the love of God is already in you. Then when that love begins to find expression in you, we can say that His glory is being revealed. What about His righteousness? It is equally already in you. And as it finds expression in you, we can say that the glory of God is being revealed.
Therefore, the revelation of God’s glory in you has to do with your living to be what He wants you to be and to do what He wants you to do. But if you are not living as He wants you to live, doing the things He wants you to do, your life is not glorious. We talk all the time about the glory of the sun. But what is the glory of the sun? It is for it to shine. That’s what it has been made for.
Now what are you made for? Do you know what you are made for? It is when what you are made for is finding expression in you that we can say the glory of God is finding expression in your life. So, God’s glory is not something you are to look for – it is within you. It only needs to find expression in you.
Well, as the glory of God finds expression in you, people will begin to see you as a model – they will begin to desire to be like you or to pattern their lives after yours. And that is a beautiful thing. It is a glorious thing for people to secretly or openly declare their desire to pattern their lives after ours. It is a glorious thing for them to desire to see their lives become orderly and free of confusion, simply because that is what they can see in our lives. Yes, it is a glorious thing for them to want to see their homes become like ours, where there is no chaos, no fighting, no violence, no hypocrisy. Where that is the case, everyone can only be talking about our faith. Everyone was talking about the faith of the Thessalonians. And that was because they had become a model for all the Christians around them.
There is another thing Paul says about these Thessalonians and it is that the word of God rang out from them in other places. In other words, the word of God was going out from them to every part of the world. And I want that for us too? I want His word to be ringing out from us in every part of the world.
This, of course, goes beyond being eager to push the word of God out to the rest of the world. First, we have to be certain that His word is working in our lives and in our midst. We can be airing the word of God on the radio, on the television and through the social media. But if it is not working in our own lives, how can we convince others that it will work in their lives? Our own lives must testify that the word of God works. Those who see us must be able to see that His word is working in our lives.
If someone around us is considering what Christian assembly to join, they should consider joining us because of what they see in me and what they see in you. Were you ever in a situation in which you wanted to join a new assembly? If you were, what did you consider? If you did not go around sampling churches, you would most likely look at a Christian around you whose life made sense and want to find out the person’s assembly, so that you could join it. That is how it should be for us.
When we are talking about Christianity, it goes beyond what happens in our church meetings. It also involves how we function in our communities, among our family members, in our workplaces and in our schools. Those are the places in which the word of God will first begin to ring out from us.
Well, the word of God rang out from the Thessalonians and impacted their world because it first worked in their midst. We want to see the word of God work in our lives and in our midst too like never before. I want to see it work in my own life like never before in this new year of fellowship. I want to see it work in our assembly and produce in us the results God wants to see. And we all must want this and take up the challenge to be made better people by the word of God.
Personally, I want to be a better person, a better man, a better husband, a better father, a better servant of God. I want to give more. And I want His word to ring out from me everywhere I go. I want that sweet fragrance of the knowledge of Christ to fill everywhere I go. You know that the bible says that God spreads through us everywhere the sweet aroma of His knowledge (2Corinthians 2:14). Do you know what that means? When someone wears a sweet perfume, we want to take it in. But if what they wear is a choking one, we want to get away from it.
In the same vein, the presence of Christ in us ought to constantly release to the world a sweet aroma, which people will want to take in. That was the case with the Thessalonians. People could see the word of God at work in them. People could see and testify that the glory of God was radiating through them. And that will be our testimony too as an assembly. People will be saying that the glory of God is being revealed among us. They are going to be saying that the power of God is present in our midst. And wherever you go, you will fill there with the goodness of God.
Now these are the things I want to meditate on, as we begin this new year of fellowship and ministry as a church. Let us pray.
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Series: Recognizing The Voice of God Sermon | Title: Handling Scriptures| By: Johnson O. Lawal | Date: May 05, 2024
I want us to continue from where we left off on ‘Recognising God’s voice’. We are looking at how to use Scriptures to tell when God is using a particular means to talk to us and when He is not the one using it to talk to us. We have already seen in Scriptures that God speaks to people through signs, nature, visions, dreams, prophecies and angelic visitations. He also speaks to people directly and audibly. And there are times that He just speaks directly to people’s hearts, without using any of the means we have mentioned.
However, Scriptures also show us that it is not only God that uses these means in talking to people. Satan also uses them in talking to people. His demons also use them in talking to people. How, then, do we tell when it is God that is talking to us from when it is the devil that is talking to us? How do we tell when it is God that is talking to us from when we are bringing things up from our own imaginations? The word of God is clear about the fact that we can generate visions or dreams from our own imaginations. How, then, do we separate that which is of God from that which is of the devil or of human origin? It is by verifying what we are hearing with Scriptures.
At least, it is from the Scriptures that we find out that God uses these means we have mentioned to talk to people. And it is also through them that we will be able to tell when it is God that is using a particular means to talk to us and when He is not the one. But then, it is also important that we know how to handle the Scriptures to accomplish these things. As I pointed out before, the Scripture is only reliable to the degree that it is interpreted correctly. If we do not interpret it correctly, we can be misled by it. Many have been misled in the past by it. Many more are still being misled by it today.
Why was Jesus killed by the religious leaders of the Jews? It was because they could not interpret the Scriptures correctly. If they could interpret them correctly, then, they would have led them straight to Jesus. Look at what Jesus says to them along this line from John’s gospel, chapter 5:
“You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life.” (John 5:39NIV)
The Scriptures that these people were diligently studying talk about Jesus. Yet they would not come to Him. Why? They could not interpret what they were studying correctly. In fact, these people went into all kinds of errors because of their inability to interpret Scriptures correctly. For example, on one occasion, some of their Sadducees once came to Jesus with questions on the resurrection from the dead. And they brought a very funny story of a woman that ended up marrying seven brothers. Their aim, of course, was to find out which of those men would be her husband at the resurrection of the dead. Here, then, is how Jesus responded to their question:
“Jesus replied, “Are you not in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God? When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heavens. Now about the dead rising – have you not read in the Book of Moses, in the account of the burning bush, how God said to him, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God Isaac, and the God of Jacob? He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. You are badly mistaken!” (Mark 12:24-27NIV)
Why were these people badly mistaken? It was because they did not know the Scriptures or the power of God. But the Lord was talking to individuals who had given all their lives to studying Scriptures, reading Scriptures, meditating on Scriptures and teaching Scriptures to people. He said that they did not know the Scriptures. Why did He say that? He said that because they were misinterpreting Scriptures. So, when you misinterpret Scriptures, you are as good as one who does not know them. The Scriptures you interpret correctly are the ones you know. And it is those Scriptures that you know that you will act on or apply. Mind you, if you possess certain knowledge of the Scripture and you will not apply it, you are as good as one who does not possess it.
Well, in that text, the Lord shows those Sadducees the truth about the resurrection of the dead. He said God is the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. In other words, He is a present tense God. Yes, God is a God of now; He is the God of the living and not the dead. That was why when He was addressing Moses, He did not say, “I was the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.” Rather, He said, “I am…” That it is to show that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are still living. They are not living here on this plane. But they are living on another plane of life where God has placed them. And He remains their God.
Why am I drawing your attention to these things? It is so that you will know how to use Scriptures to tell what God is saying and what He is not saying. And how? It is by understanding the Scriptures and being able to interpret them correctly. It is unfortunate that many of God’s people will do all they can to run away from reading, studying and meditating on Scriptures.
But our instruction, as I told us before, is to meditate on Scriptures day and night (Joshua 1:8). We are not told to look forward to visions and dreams day and night. And we are not told to look forward to prophetic instructions or angelic revelations day and night. What about signs? Are we told anywhere in Scriptures to look forward to signs from God day and night? No! But we are told to give ourselves to Scriptures, day and night, reading them, studying them and meditating on them.
In the book of Revelation, John calls blessed those who read the book and also those who devote themselves to practising what they read in it (Revelation 1:3). So, God wants us to devote ourselves to Scriptures. And by devoting ourselves to them, He will be able to make His will known to us. But it is not enough to devote ourselves to Scriptures; it is also important that we are able to interpret them correctly. The religious leaders of the Jews devoted themselves to studying Scriptures. But because they could not interpret them correctly, when their Messiah came, they missed Him – they could not recognise Him. The Scriptures, the Laws, the Prophets and the Psalms, were supposed to lead them to Jesus Christ. But they could not do so because they could not interpret them correctly. So, instead, they ended up killing Jesus. They used the Scriptures as their basis for killing Him.
How, then, can we avoid making similar mistakes through a misinterpretation of Scriptures? First, we must devote ourselves to reading them, studying them and meditating on them. All of us must be doing this. When Jesus says that the religious leaders of the Jews diligently study Scriptures, He is not implying that it is wrong of them to do so. That is because it is not wrong to do so. If we are truly going to make anything tangible out of Scriptures, we must study them diligently.
However, it is one thing to diligently study Scriptures; it is another thing to study them with the right heart and intent. When you are searching the Scriptures and meditating on them, you must do so with a heart that is willing and ready to learn. But first you must give yourself to searching Scriptures. The Scriptures that you will not read or study will not jump into your head. So, you need to read, study and meditate on them.
Jesus always referred the people to the Scriptures. Why was He able to do that? It was because He had given Himself to reading, studying and meditating on them. Of course, He was not one of the Pharisees, Sadducees or teachers of the Law. Yet none of them could claim to know any better than He did, as far as the Scriptures and their applications were concerned. And why was that so? It was so because He did not see the Scriptures as belonging to the religious leaders of the land alone; rather, He saw them as belonging to Him as well. In fact, He lived on the basis of the Scripture that says, “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” (Deuteronomy 8:3)
In like manner, we must see the Scriptures as belonging to us and as our life. That way, we are going to give ourselves to them. More so, if we will be able to interpret them correctly, we must give ourselves to them and get acquainted with them. In John’s gospel, chapter 10, from verse 4, we are told this about the sheep of Jesus:
“When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognise a stranger’s voice.” (John 10:4-5NIV)
The Lord, here, says His sheep recognise His voice. And how do sheep come to recognise the voice of their shepherd? It is through acquaintance. The shepherd comes to them everyday, leads them out, feeds them, cares for them and protects them. And because he does these things to them every day, over time they get to recognise his voice.
In the same vein, we can get to recognise God’s voice through our acquittance with Him. And we can get acquainted with Him by daily meditating on Scriptures. That way, we will be to recognise His voice and tell when He is talking to us and when He is not the one talking to us. So, we really need to get acquainted with what the Scripture says. Yes, we need to know what is inside. We need to what is spoken by God inside and what is spoken by men or the angels. This, of course, is a lifetime thing. But it is after we know these things that we can begin to talk about interpreting them correctly.
Then, talking about interpreting Scriptures correctly, our devotion to practising what they are saying is one of the things that will aid us in interpreting them correctly. See, it is the one who has his heart set on practising the word of God that God will reveal Himself to through it. Those who are not after practising what is said in Scriptures will often miss things or mess things up.
So, if you want to be able to interpret Scriptures correctly and know God through them, your heart must be geared towards knowing the will of God through them and acting accordingly. The idea must not be for you to multiply your knowledge of the Scriptures and impress people with it. Rather, it must about learning the will of God through them and acting accordingly. And look at what Jesus says in John, chapter 7, from verse 16:
“Jesus answered, “My teaching is not my own. It comes from the one who sent me. Anyone who choose to do the will of God will find out whether my teaching comes from God or whether I speak on my own.”” (John 7:16-17NIV)
Can you see that? The one who wants to do the will of God will discover it from the Scriptures. But the one who is not interested in doing His will may not learn anything tangible from his devotion to reading and studying Scriptures. Yes, he may be multiplying his knowledge of Scriptures and also boast about how versed he is in handling Scriptures. But that is not going to accomplish the will of God in his life. He is going to only know the letters of the Scriptures; he will not know the Spirit of God that authors them. And the bible says the letter kills but the Spirit gives life (2Corinthians 3:6).
Well, this is also showing us that anyone who will understand Scriptures and interpret them correctly must rely on the Spirit of God. One of the reasons we are given the Holy Spirit is to make us understand those things God has freely given to us. Another reason we are given Him is that He may teach us all things. Then we have yet another reason we are given the Holy Spirit, which is that He may guide us into all truth. (Cf. John 15:26; John 16:13; 1Corinthians 2:12-13)
So, if our hearts are willing to do the will of God and we are relying on His Spirit to teach us, He will teach us all the things we need to know about God, about ourselves and about life. He is going to guide us, by and by, into all the truth we need to know through Scriptures.
At any rate, I have already mentioned three things that will aid us in interpreting Scriptures correctly and knowing the mind of God through them. The first is being devoted to reading, studying and meditating on them. The second is our devotion to learning the will of God through Scriptures and practising it. The third is relying on the Spirit of God to teach us and make the mind of God known to us through the Scriptures.
There is a fourth one, which is praying to God to make us understand the Scriptures, so that we can know Him and His will through them. Look at Paul’s prayer for the Colossians, from verse 9 of chapter 1:
“For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives…” NIV)
What is Paul’s prayer here? It is that these brethren will be filled the knowledge of the will of God. The word that is translated knowledge here is from the Greek word ‘Epignosis’. And it means ‘complete knowledge’, ‘perfect knowledge’, ‘adequate knowledge’ and ‘accurate knowledge’. So, we can have complete, adequate, perfect and accurate knowledge of the will of God for us in every situation. How? It is through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives.
If you, then, want this, you have to be offering the prayer Paul offers here for the Colossian brethren for yourself. And you have to be offering it as frequently as possible. Notice that Paul says in the text, “We continually ask God…” So, we too have to continually offer this prayer for ourselves, day after day, night after night. We have to keep telling God, as many times as we can remember, to fill our hearts with the perfect knowledge of His will for us. When we pray like this, we will just find ourselves seeing light as we study Scriptures. That is because we will find the Spirit of God explaining to us what we are reading or studying.
As we see in Scriptures, Jesus once opened the Scriptures to two of His disciples after His resurrection. These men, one of whom was Cleopas, were on their way to Emmaus and were talking about the death and resurrection of Jesus. Then the Lord came to join them and began to ask them questions about their discussions. In the long run, He decided to share some things from Scriptures with them about Himself. Look at how Luke reports this:
“He said to them, “How foolish you are, and how slow to believe all the prophets have spoken! Did not the Messiah have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?” And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself.” (Luke 24:25-27NIV)
Did you see that? He opened the Scriptures to these people so that they would see what they say about Him. And later, that same day, when they were reflecting of what the Lord had shared with them, they said, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?” (Luke 24:31-32NIV)
Can you see their testimony? They said that He opened the Scriptures to them. But He is no longer physically here in the world to do that again. However, He has given us His Holy Spirit to begin to do the same to us and among us. And ours now is to continually pray to God that He will cause His Spirit to fulfil this ministry in our lives moment by moment.
There is a fifth thing that will aid us in interpreting Scriptures correctly. And that is allowing Scriptures to interpret Scriptures and allowing Scriptures to complement Scriptures. Of course, as the Spirit of God is opening our minds to understand Scriptures, we will get to see for ourselves that we must allow Scriptures to interpret themselves and to also complement themselves, if we won’t misrepresent them. And we don’t have to attend a bible school to know that – we just need to be relying on the Spirit of God to teach us.
See, no Scriptures can be interpreted privately, without putting other Scriptures into consideration. Remember that Scriptures represent the entire body of the truth God wants us to know. So, the things we have in Scriptures are not contradictory. Sometimes, of course, the things we find in Scriptures may appear contradictory. But that may just because we do not know some other Scriptures that settle the so-called contradictions. Or it may be that we are not taking into consideration the culture of the time or the settings of the events we are dealing with. When we open our minds to take these things into consideration, it may just become clear to us that there is nothing contradictory or misleading in what we are examining.
This is how some people became great bible teachers. They gave themselves not just to what is said in Scriptures but also to understanding the culture of bible days and the prevailing conditions of the time that certain things that are recorded in the bible happened. So, they are not just studying the things said in Scriptures but are also looking at some of their parallels in history for clarity and better understanding of the traditions and culture of bible days.
Well, the point I am making is that we must allow Scriptures to interpret Scriptures. Otherwise, even Satan can use them to mislead us. Remember the recorded temptations of the Lord Jesus, which we have in Matthew 4 and Luke 4. Remember that one of them was that Satan took Him to the highest point of the temple and asked Him to throw Himself down, saying, “It is written that He will give command to His angels and they will bear you up in their arms, so that you will not dash your foot against a stone.” You can see that Satan, here, is trying to use Scriptures to make Jesus commit suicide.
Sadly, there have been many that Satan misled to do horrible things through Scriptures. Even today, people can use Scriptures as their foundation for doing just about anything. So, it is not only good things that people can use the Scriptures as their basis for doing; they can also use the Scriptures as their basis for doing very bad and terrible things. You can see why we have those who use Scriptures to support polygamy, flagellation, vanity and so forth. Actually, in the days of the Lord Jesus, we see through Scriptures that the religious leaders of the Jews often used the Scriptures to validate wrong things and concepts. For example, they used Scriptures to sometimes prevent people from helping their parents. And many times, they presented their traditions to the people as Scriptures. So, they were nullifying the word of God with their traditions. (Cf. Mark 7:9-13)
Well, all such things happen because Satan is able to use Scriptures to mislead people into errors. He wanted to do the same to Jesus. But he did not succeed. And he did not succeed because Jesus knew that Scriptures must balance Scriptures. So, He told him, “It is written, ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’” That is how to make Scriptures complement Scriptures and interpret them. And we must follow this rule, if we are not going to be misrepresenting Scriptures and opening ourselves to satanic affliction.
What is the point I have been making all along? It is that we must know how to use Scriptures to recognise the voice of God. And if you will pay attention to the things I have shared with you on this note, you will always be able to tell when God is talking and when He is not the one talking.
Let us pray.
Copyright © 2024 Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church –This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07025105978)
Series: Healing rivers | Title: God’s will for your health By: | Johnson O. Lawal | Date: April 14, 2024
I want to share with you briefly about God’s will for your health. And I will be reading to you from Saint Matthew’s gospel, chapter 8, from verse 1, which says:
“When Jesus came down from the mountainside, large crowds followed him. A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.” Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” Immediately he was cleansed of his leprosy.” (Matthew 8:1-3NIV)
Here we have a short account of how Jesus healed a man that was leprous. And as we see in the account, it was the man that came to Jesus; it was not Jesus that found him. We have cases recorded in Scriptures in which Jesus found certain individuals and healed them. But that was not the case with this man. He was the one that came to Jesus.
Well, it does not matter whether you are the one that comes to Jesus or it is Jesus that finds you where you are, what is important is knowing His will concerning your health. This man asked Jesus when he came to Him, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.” That means, at that time, the man was not sure Jesus was willing to heal him. Of course, he had no doubt about the ability of the Lord to heal him. If he doubted His ability to heal him, he would not come to Him. So, he came to Jesus because he believed that Jesus had to power to heal him.
Now it is important that in coming to God you believe that He has the power to deliver. In Hebrews 11, verse 6, we are told, “Without faith it is impossible to please God, for anyone who comes to God must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.” So, if you are coming to God, you come with faith in your heart – you come with a heart that God believes that He has the power to deliver to you whatever you need.
This, unfortunately, is what many who want to receive from God don’t understand. They come, expecting that God will do something to make them believe Him. Yes, there are times that God does things to convince people of His ability to save, lift or bless them. But it is not every time He does that. That is because there is enough proof in the world that God has the power to heal, save, deliver, set free and exalt. So, when you come to Him, you should come on the basis of the knowledge that He has the power to give to you what you want.
This leprous man came to Jesus, knowing that He had the power to heal him. What he was not sure of, however, was whether Jesus would be willing to heal him. And you know that it is not enough for someone to have the ability to do something for you; it is equally important that the person be willing to do it for you. There are people who do not have the ability to help or sustain you in any way. And it will be foolish of you to be reaching out to such people to help or sustain you, if they do not know someone that can be of help to you.
I am saying that if someone does not the ability to help you, it will be a waste of time to be begging or pressuring the person to give you what he does not have the ability to deliver to you. You can make people feel wicked or irresponsible that way. But it will not change the fact that you are looking for solutions where they do not exit. Yes, people who do not have the ability to help you may care about you or feel concerned for you. But as long as they do not have the ability to help you, they cannot help you.
Then we have those who may possess the ability to help you in one way or the other. But if they do not have the willingness or interest to help you, they may not use their ability to help you. You can beg them or plead with them or do whatever you like to encourage them to help you. If they are still unwilling to help you, they will not use their ability to help you.
But in dealing with God, things are different. Not only does God have the ability to help people, He also wants to help them. Not only does He have the ability to save people, He also wants to save them. And not only does He care about people, He also has the ability to take care of them. There are all kinds of Scriptures that point to the fact that God is not just caring and loving but also possesses the ability to take care of us. So, if there is anyone we need to turn to for all that we need in life, it is God.
Well, as we see in this man’s case, not only did the Lord Jesus possess the ability to heal him, He also wanted to heal him. But the man was not sure that Jesus was willing to heal him. And because he was not sure of this, he said to Him, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.” What, then, was Jesus’ response to that? The bible says, “He reached down and touched the man.” But this man was leprous. And leprosy is contagious. That is why back in those days and even today leprous people are usually isolated or quarantined.
Remember that during the outbreak of COVID-19 many who were tested and confirmed to have the disease were quarantined. Even those who were suspected to have contacted it were equally quarantined and placed under observation until medical examiners could certify that they could be released to live among others. And leprosy is like that. Once a man contacts it, he has to be isolated or sent away from people, so that he does not infect them with the disease. So, a leper is not someone you want to touch carelessly or embrace, if you don’t want to be infected with their leprosy.
But we find Jesus touching this man. Why? It was to show him that He cared about him. And Jesus, of course, was able to do that because He knew that He could not be infected by any disease. But He did not touch the man to prove that He could not be infected by his leprosy; rather, He touched him to show that He cared about him.
At any rate, He touched him and said, “I am willing. Be clean!” By doing that, the Lord was expressing the mind of God about people’s health. In other words, God’s will is for those who are sick to be healed. Perhaps you are sick in your body. Perhaps you are disabled in one way or the other. Whatever your illness or disability may be, God is willing to heal you. You may not know that until now. You may be doubtful of God’s stand about your healing. And there are many that are doubtful in that manner. Some have, in fact, died while hoping that God would heal them. They were not sure if He was going to heal them. So, they would not ask Him to heal them. And that made them die in their sickness.
But here, the Lord wants us to know that God wants us to be well. He said to that man, “I am willing. I want you to be well. So, be well!” And it is the same thing He is saying to every one of us today: “I am willing to make you well.”
Now why was Jesus willing to heal that man? He was willing to heal him because it was the will of God for the man to be well. It was the will of God for all the Jews, the people of God, to be well. He had told them this in the Law. He had told them that it was His will for all of them to live in health. For example, from verse 25 of Exodus, chapter 23, we are told this:
“Worship the Lord your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you, and none will miscarry or be barren in your land. I will give you a full life span.” (Exodus 53:25-26NIV)
What is the first thing the Lord says to His people here? He says, “Worship me.” Who is the one to be worshipped? God! When Satan came to Jesus and asked Him to bow to him, the Lord told him, “It is written, ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.’” So, the only one to be worshipped is God. No other being is to be worshipped. You don’t worship the sun, the moon or any of the stars. You don’t even worship any angel. The only one to be worshipped is God, the creator of everything. (Cf. Matthew 4:8-10)
As John tells us in the book of Revelation, twice he made the mistake of wanting to worship the angels that had been showing him the revelations of Jesus. Why? He was highly inspired and awed by what they had shown him. But those angels told him, “Don’t do that! Worship God!” (Cf. Revelation 19:9-10; 20:8-9)
Again, that is telling us that the only one we are to worship is God. And God is saying to His people, the Jews, “If you will worship me, then, I will put my blessing on your food and water.” Why do we need to have God’s blessings on our food and water? One main reason is that most of the illnesses people contact come from what they eat and drink. This, of course, is why nutritionists are coming up everyday with all kinds of rules for us on what to eat and not to eat and what to drink and not to drink.
Now while it is important that we do not eat and drink just about anything, what we see in Scriptures is that there no kind of food that God has not approved for us to eat, as long as it is not poisonous. That is because everything God made in beginning was good and nothing is to be rejected once we give thanks for it. God gave us all the herbs here on earth. Of course, we have to learn the proper way to use them. Also, He gave us all the animals for food. And gospel writers tell us that our Lord Jesus affirmed this in His teachings. (Cf. Mark 7:17-19; 1Timothy 4:4-5)
But today, we have people who will want to regulate for us what we eat and what we drink. Of course, as I said before, it is important that we eat what is good and well cooked. It is also important that we drink clean water and stay away from drunkenness. But what is even more important is the blessing of God on what we eat and drink. And He says that He will put His blessing on the food and water of His people, take away sickness from their midst, see to it that none among them miscarries or is barren and also give them a full life span. These are His promises to His people.
So, it is not the will of God for His people, the Jews, to be sick. That is because He has promised to take away sickness from among them. Satan, of course, would labour to put sickness on them. He would try to get to become sick through what they ate and drank. But God said that He would take it away, if he did so. So, sickness would not be among them. Why? It was not the will of God for them to live sick or weak lives. His will was for them to be well.
Then the Lord says that none of them would miscarry or be barren. Those things were not the will of God for them. Therefore, any of them could take Him to task on this matter. Yes, any of them could say to Him, “Lord, you have said that none of us would have miscarriages. So, miscarriages ought not to be identified with my life.” Also, any of them could say to Him, “Lord, you have said that none of us would be barren. It is not right, then, for me to be barren. So, put an end to it in my life.” And those who spoke to Him in that manner could expect Him to act on their behalf.
Now all these promises were made to those Jews that would worship God. And that is not to say that God cannot extend the enjoyment of these promises to those who were not worshipping Him. But He specifically made these promises to those who would worship Him. And among the promises also was the fact that He would give them a full life span. So, we see that it is not the will of God for His people to die young. Yes, God’s people may die young because of persecutions. Jesus died young because of persecution and because God wanted it that way, so that He could save humanity through His death. And we have accounts of other people of God that were killed because they would not renounce their faith in Him.
Apart from such situations, it is not the will of God for any of His people to die young. He said, “I am going to give you a full life span.” So, it is clear that God took responsibility for the health, welfare, safety and fruitfulness of the Jews. And He announced that to them through Moses. If that man who came to the Lord Jesus for the healing of his leprosy had been meditating on Scriptures, then, he would have known that it was the will of God for him to be well. Yes, He would have known that Jesus was willing to make him well, for it was the will of God for him to be well.
Now someone may say, “But that is for the Jews.” Even if you are not a Jew, as long as you have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and give yourself to worshipping Him, you can expect to enjoy the manifestation of these same promises in your life. The Jews, as long as they worshipped God, enjoyed these promises as a nation. But when they failed to worship Him, they experienced contrary things.
In any case, God was looking beyond the Jews when He was making those promises. His plan was beyond taking away sickness from among them; He was also looking at taking away sickness from among all men. And that was one of the things He accomplished by sending Jesus Christ. Why did He send Him to die for us? One might answer and say, “He was sent to die for our sins.” And that is correct.
However, He was not just sent to die for our sins; He was also sent to die for our sicknesses, weaknesses and infirmities. Don’t forget that every evil thing we see among men came in as a result of sin. Death came as a result of sin. Sin entered the world through one man, Adam. Then death came in through his sin. And everything that is associated with death came in as a result of sin.
If someone is sick and is not immediately cared for, what do you think will happen to the person? Death! Every sickness is death knocking. People may say, “Oh, it is just common cold or malaria.” But many have died because of the so-called common cold. And before medical practitioners found the cure for malaria, it perhaps took millions of lives. Malaria, in short, was once a very deadly disease. And it has not become less deadly now. But because all kinds of cure have been found for it, people could just buy some drugs over the counter, use them and be rid of malaria.
Well, my point is that every illness is death knocking. That is because of the sin of humanity. But when Jesus came, He began to heal all kinds of sicknesses and diseases. And He was doing this to show men that the will of God for them is to live in health. So, it does not matter what is responsible for your illness – and there are kinds of things that could be responsible for people’s illnesses – God’s will is that you become well.
Look at this from Saint Matthew’s gospel, chapter 8:
“When Jesus came into Peter’s house, he saw Peter’s mother-in-law lying in bed with a fever. He touched her hand and the fever left her, and she got up and began to wait on him. When evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick. This was to fulfil what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah: “He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases.”” (Matthew 8:14-17NIV)
Did you see that? Jesus, beginning with Peter’s mother-in-law, healed all the sick people that came to Him. And Matthew says He did that to fulfil what was said by prophet Isaiah that He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases. Is that to say that it was on every occasion that He healed all the sick people He came across? No! When He went to His hometown for instance, as Mark tells us in chapter 6 of his gospel, He could not do many mighty works there. Why? The people were unbelieving. It was not that He did not want to do mighty works among them. Rather, it was that they were not receiving.
But on the occasion being reported by Matthew in that text, those people came to Jesus themselves to receive healing from Him. And He did not turn them back. Instead, He healed every one of them. Why did He do that? It was because God had said that He was going to take away sickness from among the people. So, when Jesus came, He began to fulfil that – He began to take away sickness from among the people. That is why Matthew quotes that Scripture that says, “He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases.”
The point I am making, then, is that as Jesus went around healing the sick, cleansing lepers, driving out demons and even raising the dead, He was fulfilling the will of God for the people to be well. And now let us look at a more detailed prophecy of Isaiah along these lines:
“He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem. Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:3-6NIV)
Now someone may ask, “How do you know that this is referring to Jesus?” Well, we know because we have other passages of the Scriptures that say so. For instance, in Acts 8, God sent Philip to an important official of the queen of Ethiopia of the time. And he met the man reading this exact passage. Then the man asked him, “Who is the prophet referring to? Is he referring to himself or to someone else?” And Philip answered by letting him know that Isaiah is not referring to himself but to someone else. That person is Jesus Christ. So, beginning from that passage, he took the man through other passages of the Scriptures, preaching Jesus to him.
Well, we are told in the passage that Jesus took up our pain and bore our suffering. It also says that He was pierced and crushed for our transgressions. So, everything Jesus suffered was for our sins. No wonder Paul says that He became sin for us, even though He knew no sin (2Corinthians 5:21). That means the sin that came into our lives through the disobedience of Adam was taking care of by the Lord Jesus through His sufferings and death.
But it was not only our sins that Jesus took care of. He also took care of every other thing that came to us as a result of the sin of Adam. Among those things that came as a result of his sin were sicknesses, diseases, deformities, pain and death. In short, all the terrible things we have been experiencing in the world came to us because of the sin of Adam. But Jesus took care of them all when He suffered and died for us.
So, Isaiah says, “But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.” That means Jesus purchased healing for us, just as He purchased redemption for us. Just as He paid the price for our sins, He also paid the price for our sicknesses, diseases and infirmities. And as we accept His offer of salvation and redemption from our sins, we should also accept His offer of healing of our sicknesses, diseases and deformities.
It is unfortunate, however, that many who have accepted Jesus’ offer of redemption from their sins will not accept His offer of healing for their sicknesses or infirmities. But just as He died for our sins, He also died for our illnesses. He took them away. He carried them away. So, you should not have them again.
Peter also talks about this in his first letter, the second chapter. He says, “He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree in order that we, being dead to sin, might live unto righteousness. By His stripes we were healed.” We have been healed. Jesus already paid the price for us to live in health. All we need is to receive our healing now. You don’t need to doubt if He wants you well. If He did not want you well, He would not die for your sins and illnesses. But He already paid the price for your sins and illnesses. What is important, then, is for you to take your health, just as you took your salvation from sin and the devil.
So, tsake your salvation from that sickness, deformity, blindness, deafness, dumbness or paralysis. Yes, take your salvation from barrenness, miscarriages and mental problems. Jesus did not die for you to continue to live a sick and weak life. Rather, He died for you to have your health back. And He did not do what He did for the Jews alone; rather, He did it for everyone that will come to Him in faith.
The bible says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son…” So, Jesus was not given for the Jews alone but for all men as well. The salvation He purchased is for all men. The healing He purchased is for all men. And ours is to accept what He has gotten for us and experience His healing in our bodies and minds. Those who accept His salvation from sin are the ones that experience it. In the same vein, it is those who accept His healing for their bodies that will experience healing in their bodies.
So, accept His healing right now by saying, “I receive my healing, in the name of Jesus. I receive my sight. I receive my hearing. I receive strength to walk and to use my arms.” And if you have been barren, receive fruitfulness, in the name of Jesus. Or you have been sterile – receive fruitfulness in the name of Jesus. Whatever you need right now to be whole, receive it in the name of Jesus. And it will be yours. Hallelujah!
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Series: Recognizing His Voice | Title: Verify with Scriptures By: | Johnson O. Lawal | Date: April 07, 2024
I want us to continue from where we left off on ‘Recognising God’s voice’. We have looked at the various ways through which God speaks to people. Now we want to look how to tell when God is the one using these means to talk to us and when He is not speaking to us through them. This is important because the word of God shows us that it is not only God that uses these means in talking to men. As we already saw from Scriptures, God talks to people directly and audibly. He talks to people through nature. He also talks to people through visions, dreams and prophecy. He equally speaks to men through angels and through signs. The He speaks directly to people’s hearts without using any medium. And we want to be able to tell when He is the one talking from when He is not the one talking through any of these means.
Now we are using Scriptures as our reference in doing this. That is because they represent the entire body of truth God wants us to know. Yes, they represent the entire body of the will of God that He wants us to have as humans. And as long as they are interpreted correctly, they are reliable and serve as our reference book in differentiating when God is talking to us from when it is some other voices that we are hearing.
Well then, let us look at some of the things said in Scriptures along these lines. To start with, we know from Scriptures that God speaks through prophecy. But they also tell us that it is not every prophecy that is of God. And they go on to tell us how to tell whether a prophecy is of God or not. The bottom line is that any prophecy that is not in line with Scriptures must not be taken seriously. It is not of God. For example, we are told this in Deuteronomy, chapter 13, from verse 1:
“If a prophet, or one who foretells by dreams, appears among you and announces to you a sign or wonder, and if the sign or wonder spoken of takes place, and the prophet says, “Let us follow other gods” (gods you have not known) “and let us worship them,” you must not listen to the words of that prophet or dreamer. The Lord your God is testing you to find out whether you love him with all your heart and with all your soul. It is the Lord your God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him. That prophet or dreamer must be put to death for inciting rebellion against the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt and redeemed you from the land of slavery. That prophet or dreamer tried to turn you from the way the Lord your God commanded you to follow. Your must purge the evil from among you.” (Deuteronomy 13:1-5NIV)
These are clear instructions to us on how to relate to prophecies. And they are showing us that even if the person prophesying to us is one who has prophesied in the past and whose prophecies have come to past, we must not listen to him, if he tells us anything that is contrary to the commands of God. What commands is Moses referring to here? The commands of God in the Scriptures. God, through Moses, had given the Israelites the Book of the Law. And this book contains all His commands and instructions for them to live lives pleasing to Him.
Now He is telling them that if a prophet should arise among them and should tell them to do anything that is contrary to what is in the Book of the Law that He has given them, they must not listen to him. Instead, it is God they must listen to. In fact, He says that they must see to it that they kill that prophet. Why? He is inciting rebellion against the Lord. How is he inciting rebellion against God? It is by asking the people to act contrary to the Scriptures.
So, it does not matter who the prophet is, how influential he is the church, what title he carries and what reputation he has as a prophet, as long as his prophecy is geared towards making you do what is contrary to what is in Scriptures, you must not listen to him. That is our instruction from God through the Scriptures.
Also, here is what God says through Jeremiah:
“This is what the Lord Almighty says: “Do not listen to what the prophets are prophesying to you; they fill you with false hopes. They speak visions from their own minds, not from the mouth of the Lord.”” (Jeremiah 23:16NIV)
God is saying do not listen to what the prophets are prophesying to you. Evidently, God is not saying that all prophets are false and should not be listened to. If that is what He is saying, then, even Jeremiah should not be listened to at all. What He is saying is that certain prophets that are prophesying to the people of Judah and misleading them should not be listened to. Why? Their visions are from their own imaginations and not from the mouth of the Lord. Therefore, God says do not listen to them.
In 2Chronicles, chapter 20, verse 20, King Jehoshaphat tells the people of Judah to have faith in God in order to be established and to have faith in His prophets in order to prosper. So, it is in line with the will of God to trust His prophets. However, we are to follow a prophet only to the degree that he is consistent with the will of God. That means we are not to follow just any prophet that comes our way. Our Lord Jesus also warns us against false prophets. He says that they come to us as wolves in sheep’s clothing. And He tells us to be on our guard against them. (Cf. Matthew 7:15)
Well, God further says this to us from verse 21 of Jeremiah 23:
“I did not send these prophets, yet they have run with their message; I did not speak to them, yet they have prophesied. But if they had stood in my council, they would have proclaimed my words to my people and would have turned them from their evil ways and from their evil deeds.” (Jeremiah 23:21-22NIV)
Can you now see that it is not every prophet that is sent by God? It is not every one of them that is sent by Him. That being the case, it is not every prophecy that is of God. And how do you know that a prophecy is not of God? Inasmuch as it is not consistent with what we have in Scriptures, it is not of God. That is what Scriptures themselves say to us in Deuteronomy 13.
Furthermore, God says this from verse 28:
“Let the prophet who has a dream recount the dream, but let the one who has my word speak it faithfully. For what has straw to do with grain? Declares the Lord. “Is not my like fire,” declares the Lord, “and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?” (Jeremiah 23:28-29NIV)
Here God is speaking about the supremacy of the Scriptures. He is saying if a prophet wants to prophesy, he should go ahead and do so. Or if it is a dream or vision that he has to share, let him go ahead and narrate it. But the one who has God’s word, the one who has the Scriptures, should declare what they say faithfully. Why? The word of God is the real deal. He likens His word here, first, to grain. And He likens any prophecy that is contrary to Scriptures to straw. Which, then, is the real thing, grain or straw? Evidently, grain is the real thing.
Then God likens His word to fire that consumes and purifies. So, if what you have is worthless, God’s word will consume it. But if what you have is like gold or silver or diamond, God’s word will purify it. Also, God likens His word to a hammer that breaks rocks into pieces. In other words, His word is effective in handling the hardest of problems. And He is saying these just to let us see the supremacy of the Scriptures to visions, dreams and prophecy. That being the case, our focus should be on what He says to us in Scriptures, even where we have prophets prophesying to us.
You can actually find yourself in a place where all kinds of people are prophesying and you cannot even tell who is who. What you need to do in that kind of situation is to give yourself to the word of God. This, however, does not mean that we should despise prophecy or see every prophet as false. The word of God does not tell us to do that. Instead, it tells us to test everything and hold on to what is true. (Cf. 1Thessalonians 5:20-22)
How, then, do we test prophecy? It is by checking out its consistency with what we have in Scriptures. Paul tells us in 1Corinthians 14 that if anyone prophesies in the church, his prophecy should be weighed carefully. What do we use in weighing it? It is the Scriptures. There is nowhere we are told in Scriptures to accept any prophecy as of God. We are not told in them to accept people’s prophecies on the basis of their reputation. Sadly, many in the church think that once someone has a reputation for being a prophet, they must listen to everything he says. But they don’t have to. If what the person says is not consistent with the body of truth we have in Scriptures, then, it is to be rejected. It is as simple as that.
The same thing is applicable to visions and dreams. It is not every vision that is of God. It is not every dream that is of God. As long as a dream or vision is not consistent with Scriptures, it should be rejected. Interestingly, we see that even the apostles of old would not force their dreams, visions or revelations on God’s people. Instead, they admonished them to recognise the supremacy of Scriptures over whatever dream, vision or revelation they shared with them.
For instance, Peter shares this with us about his experience with Jesus on the mountain of transfiguration:
“For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. He received honour and glory from God the Father when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory, saying, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” We ourselves heard this voice that came from heaven when we were with him on the sacred mountain. We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things. For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” (2Peter 2:16-21NIV)
The first thing Peter tells us here is that the gospel is made up of cleverly invented stories. He and some of his companions were eyewitnesses of the Lord’s glory and power on the mountain of transfiguration. They all saw Him transfigured before them. And the Lord warned them not to share what they had witnessed with other disciples until He had risen from the dead (Mark 9:9). Nevertheless, even though Peter witnessed this and it was real, he still goes on to tell us that there is something else that is superior to any revelation they may have been privileged to witness. And what is that? The Scripture!
His words are: “We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.” What prophetic message is Peter talking about here? The one we have in the Scripture! He is referring to the things spoken by the prophet of old about our Lord Jesus Christ and that they were also inspired by God to write down. And he says that these things are completely reliable. Scriptures are completely reliable, as long as they are not twisted. They are completely reliable, as long as they are not misinterpreted. And we are to pay attention to them, as to a light shining in a dark place.
So, again, Peter is showing us the supremacy and reliability of Scriptures here. That is why we use them as our reference in telling when the one talking to us is God and when the one talking to us is not Him. Peter, in fact, goes on to show us that what we have in Scriptures are not of human origin or will. Those who wrote what we have in them down did not write out of their own understanding or view of things. Instead, they wrote them down as they were inspired or carried along by the Spirit of God. So, we can completely rely on what they have written down for us. All of this, then, means that anything that is contrary to Scriptures must be rejected, be it a dream, a vision or a prophetic revelation.
Mind you, Peter further tells us this from verse 1 of chapter 2 of his second letter:
“But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them – bringing swift destruction on themselves.” (2Peter 2:1-2NIV)
What he is telling us is that we can expect to encounter false prophets and prophecies and can also expect to encounter false teachers and false teachings. And all these people are going to be claiming that they and what they are saying are of God. But they are liars. And we must be able to tell genuine prophets and teachers of the word of God from fake ones. How? It is by relying on Scriptures. We check out what they are saying in Scriptures, to see if it is consistent with them or not.
When Paul went to minister in Berea, the Jews he met there took out time to verify what he was teaching them in Scriptures to see if it was true. They did not just accept him as a true man of God, just because he said that he was one. Instead, they settled down with Scriptures to see the consistency of what he was saying with what was in them. And what other way did they have of verifying what the man was sharing with them, to see if it was true? None but the Scripture! They could not wait until God showed them a vision or a dream in order to know if Paul was right. Even if God showed them something, how would they know that it was actually from God? So, all they had to rely on were Scriptures. And it was only after they had seen that he was in line with Scriptures that they embraced his message. (Cf. Acts 17:10-12)
Mind you, Paul himself did not prevent them from examining the Scripture to see if what he had shared with them was true and to be embraced. So, if a prophet or anybody is telling you that it is an insult for you to verify what they are teaching you or proclaiming to you as the word of God, then, know that they are most likely a deceitful worker. And you should not listen to them. There are all kinds of things that preachers ask God’s people to do today, things that are totally foreign to what we have in Scriptures. Such things must be rejected, regardless of who they are coming from.
The same thing is applicable to angelic visitations. They must be in accordance with what we have in Scriptures. Yes, Scriptures tell us that God still speaks to people through His angels. So, we should not reject or despise the ministry of angels. They are continually ministering to us whether we see them or not. But through Scriptures we also know that there are times that God may want these angels to show themselves to us and minister His will to us.
Nevertheless, the same Scripture tells us that it is not every angel that is of God. It tells us that there are demons posing as angels and that we must be on our guard against them. For example, Paul says this in 2Corinthians 11:
For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.” (2Corinthians 11:13-15NIV)
Here this man of God is showing us that there are false apostles. In other words, it is not everyone that calls himself an apostle of the Lord that is one. There are false apostles. And as he further tells us, we should not be surprised that there are false apostles. Why? It is because Satan, who is the master of these false apostles, also masquerades as an angel of light.
Satan is an angel of darkness. He is an angel that God has already judged and that will be sent to spend his eternity in the lake of fire when the time is ripe. But sometimes he poses as an angel of light. Unfortunately, many do not know this. They think of Satan all the time as this ugly being that always appears frightening. It is true that Satan’s sin corrupted his beauty. And whether that turned him into an ugly being or not is not mentioned in Scriptures. But we do see from Scriptures that he does not always appear as an ugly and frightening beast. Instead, he sometimes appears as a lovely being, one to love and embrace. That is what Paul means when he says that he masquerades as an angel of light.
Now why will Satan masquerade as an angel of light? It is to have a clear opportunity to devour us. So, we are warned ahead in Scriptures of this. And we will do well to keep in mind the fact that there are demons posing as angels of light. How, then, do we know them? One way to know is that such demons may demand that we worship them. There is no angel of God that will demand or accept human worship. They are servants of God sent to minister to us. They are not God. So, they do not deserve human worship and will not request for it.
Remember that Satan once asked Jesus to worship Him. And how did the Lord respond to that? He told him that it is written, “Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.” So, to worship any other thing apart from God is to be involved in idolatry. No angel of God, then, will put himself in a condition where people will worship him. Only demons will do that. (Cf. Luke 4:5-8)
Well, we are warned to be careful of demons who pose as angels of light and who may want us to worship them. Paul says this to the Colossians along the same line:
“Do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you for the prize. Such a person goes into great detail about what he has seen, and his unspiritual mind puffs him up with idle notions. He has lost connection with the Head, from whom the whole body, supported and held together by its ligaments and sinews, grows as God causes it to grow.” (Col 2:18-19NIV)
Did you see that? People can go into great details about their experiences with angels and so forth. But as long as what they are saying is promoting the worship of angels, you must not listen to them. Otherwise, they will disqualify you for your prize in Christ Jesus.
Well, the point I am making is that no true angel of God will accept human worship – no true angel of God will tell you something that is contrary to the body of truth we have in Scriptures. For example, John the apostle tells us in the book of Revelation that twice he was tempted to worship angels, the angels that were showing him revelations of the future. Look at what he says about this:
“The angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb”” And he added, “These are the true words of God.” At this I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, “Don’t do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers and sisters who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For it is the Spirit of prophecy who bears testimony to Jesus.” (Revelation 19:9-10NIV)
“I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I had heard and seen them, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who had been showing them to me. But he said to me, “Don’t do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your fellow prophets and with all who keep the words of this scroll. Worship God!” (Revelation 22:8-9NIV)
Did you see that? Those angels would not allow John to worship them. Instead, they told him very sternly, “Don’t do that!” So, as I said before, no true angel of God will accept or encourage human worship. Instead, he will direct you to the worship of God. If you, then, find an angel that is asking you to worship him or to do anything that is contrary to the will of God, you should know that you have found a demon. That angel is, of course, accursed. Paul says that if any angel preaches a gospel that is contrary to the true gospel that he preaches, that angel is under a curse. And we should keep that in mind. (Cf. Galatians 1:8)
But how do we know these things? It is by examining Scriptures. So, if you keep in mind what is said in Scriptures about how to relate to the different mediums through which God speaks to people, you will see that no one will succeed in misleading you.
For instance, do you know that there are lying spirits? And these spirits often speak to people, giving them the impression that it is God that is talking to them. Yes, as we see in Scriptures, God speaks to people clearly and audibly. But He is not the only one that can do that. Satan also can do that. How, then, do you tell when God is talking to you from when Satan or any of his lying spirits is talking to you?
It took Eli to help Samuel recognise the voice of God (1Samuel 3). Why? God’s voice did not sound special to Samuel. On the contrary, it sounded on that occasion like Eli’s voice, like the voice of a human. So, it is not every time that God speaks to people that it thunders (John 12:28). There are times that He speaks quietly to people, just as He did to Elijah on Mount Horeb (1Kings 19). So, how do you tell He is the one talking to you and not some lying spirit? It is by verifying what is said to you with what we have in Scriptures.
In 1Timothy 4 we are told that the Spirit of God says expressly to us that in the last days some believers will abandon the faith and follow lying spirits and teachings of demons. So, there are lying spirits and they talk to people all the time. How, then, can you recognise them? It is by checking out what you have heard with what is in Scriptures. Do they agree? If they don’t, then, know that a lying spirit is at work.
Satan once spoke to Peter, telling him to rebuke Jesus for saying that He was going to die (Matthew 16). Why did he succeed in getting Peter to rebuke Jesus on that occasion? It was because Peter did not know what is written in Scriptures about why Jesus came into the world. He came to die for our sins. And He was ready to do so. But Peter did not know this. So, Satan got him to oppose Jesus on that occasion. And Jesus had to rebuke him for this error.
Well, what we are saying is that we can tell if it is God that is using a medium to talk to us or not by verifying what we hear in Scriptures. And if it is not in agreement with what is in them, we should reject it. It is not of God.
Let us pray.
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Series: Recognising the voice of God| Title: The supremacy of Scriptures By: | Johnson O. Lawal | Date: March 31, 2024
I want us to continue from where we left off on ‘Recognising God’s voice’. In our last lesson, we looked at how God talked to people in the past through Scriptures and how Scriptures represent a document of the will of God for us. What we are saying is that the Scriptures represent the entire body of truth that God wants us to have. And interestingly, they are the only medium through which God speaks to people that He Himself has told us to meditate on day and night.
In Joshua, chapter 1, verse 8, for instance, God, speaking to Joshua after the death of Moses, said, “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” (NIV) You can see here that God specifically told Joshua what to do with Scriptures. He told him to meditate on them day and night. How often was he to do that? He was to do so day and night. Why? It was because God intended to talk to him everyday through the Scriptures.
Also, we are told this about the blessed man in Psalm 1:
“Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.” (Psalm 1:1-2NIV)
The blessed man is said to be one who gives himself to meditating on the word of God day and night. If you tie this with what we have in Joshua 1, you can see that God wants us to give ourselves to meditating on His Scriptures day and night. This is showing us that the Scriptures are the only medium through which God communicates to people that He tells us to meditate on day and night. And that is because He wants to be talking to us through them every day and every night.
As I told you before, the Scriptures represent the complete body of truth that God wants us to have. So, we can expect Him to talk to us through them day and night. We can expect Him to talk to us through them any time. If you, then, want Him to be talking to you everyday, you should give yourself to reading, studying and meditating on Scriptures everyday.
Now God has not told us to look forward to having visions or dreams everyday. And He has not told us to look forward to prophetic revelations or angelic visitations every day. Then He has not told us that He will be speaking to us audibly and directly from heaven everyday. Instead, He has told us to meditate on Scriptures day and night, for He intends to talk to us through them always. That being the case, we must give ourselves to the Scriptures everyday.
Furthermore, since the Scriptures represent the entire body of truth that God wants us to know, they are reliable. The Scriptures themselves tell us that they are reliable. Look at what Paul says to Timothy about that:
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2Timothy 3:16-17NIV)
Here we are told that all Scripture is God-breathed. What does that mean? It means that all Scripture is God-inspired. Everything we have in Scriptures is inspired by God. That does not mean that everything said in the Scripture is said by God. No, it is not everything in it that was said by God. We have statements made by the devil in Scriptures. We also have statements made by angels and demons in the Scripture. And we do equally have statements made by men and animals in Scriptures. So, it is not everything said in them that was said by God.
But everything we have in Scriptures is there because God wants it to be there. Remember I told you that the Scriptures were put together by the command of God (Romans 16:25-17). So, they are reliable to the degree that they are interpreted correctly. And I want to keep that in mind. The Scriptures are only reliable to the degree that they are interpreted correctly. When they are misinterpreted or interpreted wrongly, they will be misapplied. That, of course, will affect their reliability.
Well, because the Scriptures are reliable to the degree that they are interpreted correctly, they serve as a point of reference for us. A point of reference in what sense? A point of reference in confirming the means through which God speaks to us and the reliability of those means. In other words, we can learn from Scriptures whether God is the one speaking to us through a particular means or some other being.
For instance, we know through Scriptures that speaks to people and still speaks to them through nature. Look at what is said in Psalm 19, from verse 1:
“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world…” (Psalm 19:1-4NIV)
David is telling us here that God still speaks to people day by day through nature, through the things He has created. When you step out of your house and look at the things God has created, you can hear Him talk to you. Of course, the things God says to us through nature are limited. But He truly talks to us through it. He speaks to us about His eternal power and divine nature through it. He shows us through it that He is alive and well and that the things we see did not appear by accident. (Cf. Romans 1:20)
In any case, by listening to God through nature, we are able to understand the various times and seasons there are and how to make the most of them. Yes, by listening to Him through nature, we are able to plan our lives. And we know this is the case through Scriptures.
Also, through Scriptures we are able to tell that God still speaks to people through dreams, visions and prophecies. Remember that we listed these mediums among the ones that God used in speaking to people in the past. And how do we know that He spoke to people in the past through them? It is through the Scriptures, for that is plainly stated in them. For example, speaking about the outpouring of the Spirit on the day of Pentecost, Luke says this from verse 14 of Acts 2:
“The Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice and addressed the crowd: “Fellow Jews and all of you who live in Jerusalem, let me explain this to you; listen carefully to what I say. These people are not drunk, as you suppose. It’s only nine in the morning! No, this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: ‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.’”” (Acts 2:17-18NIV)
Peter, here, tells us three things that God will be doing to people and through them after pouring out His Sprit on them. First, He will cause them to prophesy. Second, He will cause them to see visions. Third, He will cause them have dreams. And remember that in the past, as we see in Scriptures, God spoke to people through these means. Now we can see again that He is not through speaking to people through them. In other words, He still speaks to people through visions, dreams and prophecies.
That being the case, we should desire to see visions, have dreams and prophesy. That, of course, does not mean that God will definitely show us visions or dreams or bring us a prophetic word. He may not do that, for He does these things according to His divine purpose. But we must understand that the days of divinely given dreams are not over. No, the days of visions are not over. And the days of prophecies are not over.
Unfortunately, there are people that believe that the days of prophecies, for example, are over. They believe that Scriptures have replaced prophetic instructions or revelations. But Scriptures themselves tell us that God wants us to prophesy and that He wants us to see visions and have dreams. Scriptures tell us that God intends to speak to us through these means. Why, then, should anyone say that Scriptures have replaced them? That is contradictory!
In 1Corinthians 12 we are enlightened about the various gifts of the Spirit that God wants to manifest in the church. And in the last verse of the chapter, we are told, “Now eagerly desire the greater gifts…” (1Corinthians 12:30NIV) What are the greater gifts? They are those gifts that edify the body of Christ. These gifts do not just edify the ones that possess them but also edify the body of Christ. And one of those gifts is prophecy.
So then, in verse 1 of chapter 14 of 1Corinthians, Paul says, “Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy.” (NIV) Can you see that? We are to follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit. Then we are told a particular gift that we all, as assemblies of God, should eagerly desire. That is the gift of prophecy.
Now let me quickly say this: one of the reasons we are not seeing much manifestations of the gifts of the Spirit in the church today is that the hunger for them is no longer there. Yes, there are some assemblies in which people show some measure of hunger for the gift of prophecy. But what about the other gifts of the Spirit? Are they not needed in the church? They are. But those groups of believers, as I pointed out, focus mainly of the gift of prophecy. And because of this, they have opened the door for all kinds of errors to flow into their midst.
Should we because of that discourage prophesying in the church? No! We are told not to discourage the use of spiritual gifts in the church. Yes, there are false spiritual gifts. But where there is falsehood, there is surely the truth somewhere around the corner. So, we should not because of falsehood reject the truth.
In any case, we are told to eagerly desire the gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy. Why must we desire the gift of prophecy? Paul tells us in verse 3 of the chapter, saying, “But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort.” (1Corinthians 14:3NIV) Through prophecy God encourages, strengthens and comforts people. That means God speaks to people through prophecy. So, those who are saying that the days of prophecy are over or that Scriptures have replaced prophecy are missing it.
It is true that Scriptures are supreme. It is true that we can have God talk to us without the employment of the gift of prophecy. That, however, does not mean that God intends to displace prophecy with Scriptures. Yes, Scriptures can effectively replace prophecy. So, even if God does not speak to us through prophecy, we can still hear Him talk to us through Scriptures. Remember that He tells us to meditate on Scriptures day and night. And that is because He wants to talk to us through them. If we will, then, sit down with Scriptures, we will hear God talk to us.
As we all know, it is not every time that God speaks to people through prophecy. And it is even only those who have the gift of prophecy that we can expect to regularly prophesy. Some who do not have this gift can, of course, prophesy accidentally. But it is those who possess the gift that will often manifest it. Yet it is not everyday and concerning every matter of life that God will be talking through them through prophecy.
God has not told us that He will be talking to us everyday through prophecy. He has not told us to watch out for prophetic instructions every day. Rather, He has told us to watch out for Him to talk to us every day and every night through Scriptures. Nonetheless, we know through Scriptures that God still intends to talk to us through prophecy. We also know through them that He still intends to talk to us through visions and dreams. And He, in fact, tells us that it is not only men that are going to experience these things, when He pours out His Spirit on all mankind, but also the women. Therefore, we should desire these things.
More so, we know through Scriptures that God still talks to people through angels. Again, whether we are visited by angels or not, we can hear God talk to us through Scriptures. As I told you before, one of the reasons God has documented His will for us in Scriptures is that none of us may have any excuse for not knowing His will. In other words, we cannot say that the reason we do not know His will about a matter of our lives is that He did not send a prophet or an angel to us or that He did not show us a vision or a dream. That is because we can know His will by settling down with Scriptures.
But then, even though Scriptures can effectively replace angelic visitations, God has not chosen to displace angelic visitations with Scriptures. And we know these through Scriptures. Again, God has not told us to daily watch out for angelic visitations. But He tells us that we can expect them to visit us.
Now angels are all around us. And we know this through Scriptures. We know through them that we are surrounded by angels and that they are sent by God to serve us, even though we cannot see them. But sometimes, God wants us to see them. That may be because He wants to talk to us through them or do certain things for us through them. So, we are told this in Hebrews 13, verse 2: “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.” (Hebrews 13:2)
We are instructed here not to forget or neglect showing hospitality to strangers. This is not about the people that we know but about those that we do not know. We have to be wise, of course, in the way we show hospitality to strangers. We should be kind to them and helpful to them in whatever way we can. But we must do this with an understanding of the prevailing conditions of where we live. Otherwise, we may foolishly fall into the traps of wicked and unreasonable people that are posing as strangers.
In Genesis 18 we are told of how God once visited Abraham with two of His angels. And as we further see in the account, even though Abraham saw these strangers as no ordinary people and was determined to entertain them, he did not bring them into his tent. He entertained them outside his tent, where he had found them. That is wisdom in dealing with strangers. Therefore, don’t just bring anyone that you do not know into your house. It might be dangerous.
However, we are told not to neglect entertaining strangers and treating them well, according to the measure of grace given to us by God. And that is because we may just be relating to angels. Some believers, as the writer of the book of Hebrews shares with us, in the past entertained strangers and later found out that they were angels. And he shares this with us to tell us that God still speaks to people through angels.
Well, we are able to understand these things through Scriptures. And that is why we should take them seriously, if we will be able to recognise God’s voice. As I told you before, if we are going to be able to recognise His voice, we must first be able to ascertain those ways through which He speaks to people. Then we must be able to tell when it is God that is using a particular medium to talk to us and it is not Him. And we can do these things by giving ourselves to Scriptures.
In addition to all that, remember that we also said that God spoke through an animal before. And is He still doing that? Well, the only recorded instance in which God spoke to someone through an animal was in the case of Balaam and his donkey (Numbers 22). We don’t have any other record in Scriptures of God doing this to someone else. Yes, we have another case of a talking animal in Genesis 3. But it was Satan that was talking through it to Eve, not God. And we do not have any other record of another serpent talking in the same manner to anybody. So, we can safely say that God is no longer talking to people through animals.
Mind you, even if someone claims to have God talking to them through a snake, a donkey or any other animal, we simply need to look at the consistency of whatever is said with the body of truth we have in Scriptures. And if it is not consistent with it, we don’t need to bother ourselves about it.
Then does God still speak to people through signs. Yes, He still does. And Scriptures confirm that. For instance, He spoke to John the Baptist through a sign, that is, for him to recognise the Messiah of the Jews and also introduce Him to them. Also, He spoke to Jesus through a sign, to let Him know when His earthly ministry ended. How? When the Greeks came seeking an audience with Him, He said that the hour had come for Him to be glorified. So, the coming of the Gentiles to Him was a God-given sign that the end of His earthly ministry had come. (Cf. John 1 & 12)
Furthermore, till today, the Rainbow still appears in the sky. I mean that God has not stopped talking to us through the Rainbow and reminding us of His covenant with us not to destroy all life again with floods of water. And we have also heard a number of preachers share their experiences with us of how God spoke to them or speaks to them through certain signs.
However, as I pointed out before, we also see from Scriptures that even if God is going to speak to us through a sign, He will have told us in advance what that sign is and what it will mean. Otherwise, we can be sure that He is not the one using signs to talk to us.
Then does God speak to people again through direct revelations to their hearts and without any medium. Yes! As we are shown in Scriptures, we are to always pray that God will fill our hearts with wisdom and revelation so that we may know Him better (Ephesians 1:17). This is about what God does to our hearts, what He does to us on the inside. It is not about seeing visions or having dreams or seeing angels or receiving prophecies. Rather, it is about having God deal directly with our hearts. Then we will just know the truth that He wants us to know. That, of course, is how we understand the Scriptures – we understand them through divine revelations given directly to our hearts without any medium.
Remember that Jesus speaks along this line to His disciples. He says that when they are brought before rulers of people to be interrogated, they should not bother about what they will say. Why? According to Him, the Spirit of their Father in them will give them the right words to say at that time. That means God will be speaking directly to their hearts in such situations. And whatever He says to them will surely be consistent with what we have in Scriptures. Otherwise, it is not God that is talking to them.
Now I shared all these things with you so that you will recognise the supremacy of Scriptures to all the other means through which God speaks to people. And this is where we will end it today. Let us pray.
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Series: Recognizing The Voice of God Sermon | Title: How God speaks (E)| By: Johnson O. Lawal | Date: March 17, 2024
I want us to continue from where we left off on ‘Recognising the voice of God’. We have been looking at the various ways God spoke to people in the past. We are doing this so that we can tell whether He is still using those ways to speak to people or not. And if He is still using them to speak to people, how do we tell when He is the one using them to talk to us and when He is not the one using them to talk to us.
Now we have come to ‘Scriptures’. Scriptures are also part of the means God used to talk to people in the past. What are Scriptures? Scriptures are a document of the revealed will of God to humanity. In other words, the things we have in Scriptures represent the total body of the will of God for us as humans. And I want you to know that God Himself was the one that orchestrated the writing of the Scriptures. Look at what Paul says in his letter to the Romans about this:
“Now to him who is able to establish you in accordance with my gospel, the message I proclaim about Jesus Christ, in keeping with the revelation of the mystery hidden for long ages past, but now revealed and made known through the prophetic writings by the command of the eternal God, so that all the Gentiles might come to the obedience that comes from faith – to the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen.” (Romans 16:25-27NIV)
Paul is telling us something here about the prophetic writings, that is, the books of the prophets of old. And these books are part of the Scriptures given to us by God. How is that so? It is so because the books were all written by the command of God. God wanted to reveal to us His mystery. He wanted to show us what He had been doing all along in creation. So, He revealed this to His prophets in order that they may pen it down. That way, we are able to know His mind.
The point we are making is that Paul wants us to know that the prophetic writings that we have as part of the Scriptures were not written accidentally, neither were they written according to the will or desire of the prophets that had written them. Rather, they were written because God commanded those prophets to do so.
For example, Jeremiah says this from verse 1 of chapter 36 of his book:
“In the fourth year of Jehoiakim son of Josiah king of Judah, this word came to Jeremiah from the Lord: “Take a scroll and write on it all the words I have spoken to you concerning Israel, Judah and all the other nations from the time I began speaking to you in the reign of Josiah till now. Perhaps when the people of Judah hear about every disaster I plan to inflict on them, they will each turn from their wicked ways; then I will forgive their wickedness and their sin.” So Jeremiah called Baruch son of Neriah, and while Jeremiah dictated all the words the Lord had spoken to him, Baruch wrote them on the scroll.” (Jeremiah 36:1-4NIV)
You can see here that it was God Himself that commanded Jeremiah to write down all the things He had been saying to Him. Something similar is revealed in verse 1 of chapter 30 of this same book, which reads:
“This is the word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord: “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘Write in a book all the words I have spoken to you.’” (Jeremiah 30:1-2NIV)
Can you again see that it was God that instructed this man to write down all the revelations He had given to him? Now, of course, there were writers of the Scriptures that did not receive any direct instruction from God to write the revelations He had given to them. For example, we do not see any of the gospel writers saying that God instructed him to write down the things he had written in his own gospel. Yet each of them wrote down the things they wrote down about the life and ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ because they were inspired by God to do so. The same way they were inspired by Him to say the things they said and preached was the way they were inspired by Him to write down what He had revealed to them and also what they had witnessed.
Also, in Habakkuk, chapter 2, from verse 1, we are told this:
“I will stand at my watch and station myself on the ramparts; I will look to see what he will say to me, and whatever answer I am to give to this complaint. Then the Lord replied: “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.”” (Habakkuk 2:1-3NIV)
You can see that Habakkuk was specifically instructed here to write down the revelation God was giving to him. Why did God want him to write it down? As he points out in the text, it was so that others would have access to it and also be able to run or work with it. So, you can see that God really does not want His will to be monopolised by the prophets. Instead, He wants as many as will want to know it to get to know it. And by instructing or inspiring His prophets to write down the revelations of His will that He has given to them, He is showing us that He wants all of us to have access to them.
Furthermore, we see in the bible that God also gave Moses instructions about writing down the revelations He had given to him for the children of Israel. He, in fact, began by first giving him two tablets of stone carrying His Ten Commandments. And after Moses had broken these tablets of stones, God told him to chisel out two fresh tablets of stone, so that He could again write His commandments on them for the people. (Cf. Exodus 31:18; Exodus 32:15-16; Exodus 34:1-4)
Apart from the Ten Commandments that were written on tablets of stone for the people, Moses also wrote down all the other laws, precepts and statutes given to him by God for the people. For example, from verse 3 of Exodus 24, we are told this:
“When Moses went and told the people all the Lord’s words and laws, they responded with one voice, “Everything the Lord has said we will do.” Moses then wrote down everything the Lord had said. He got up early the next morning and built an altar at the foot of the mountain and set up twelve stone pillars representing the twelve tribes of Israel. Then he sent young Israelite men, and they offered burnt offerings and sacrificed young bulls as fellowship offerings to the Lord. Moses took half of the blood and put in bowls, and the other half he splashed against the altar. Then he took the Book of the Covenant and read it to the people. They responded, “We will do everything the Lord has said; we will obey.”” (Exodus 24:3-7NIV)
Did you see that? Mosses wrote down for the Israelites everything God had said to him about how they were to live to please Him. And that book is what is referred to as the Book of the Covenant of God with them. It is also what is referred to as the Book of the Law. We see a reference to this when God was speaking to Joshua after Moses’ death. He said to this to him:
“Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” (Joshua 1:8NIV)
You can see, then, that God was the one behind the documentation of the things revealed to Moses. And why did He instruct him to write these things down? First, as I pointed out, it was so that the people would know that there was nothing like a monopoly of the word of God. If you want to know His will, then, you could know it by getting a copy of the Law for yourself so that you could read it.
Second, God did not want any of the people making any excuse for not knowing His will. And one sure way to prevent that was to give them a document of His will. Look at what is said to us in Deuteronomy, chapter 31, from verse 24, about this:
“After Moses finished writing in a book the words of this law from the beginning to end, he gave this command to the Levites who carried the ark of the covenant of the Lord: “Take this Book of the Law and place it beside the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God. There it will remain as a witness against you.” (Deuteronomy 31:24-26NIV)
Did you see that? The Book of the Law, the Book containing the revelation God had given to Moses about the people were to live their lives to please Him was given to the Levites to keep beside the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord. Why? It was so that it would continue to serve as a witness against the people that God had revealed His will to them. Nobody, then, could use a lack of God’s revelation of His will as an excuse for misbehaving. No one could say that it was because God did not show them a vision or a dream or because He did not send them a prophet or an angel that they did not know or do His will.
As we further see in the bible, God even instructed them to make sure that anyone who later becomes a king among them gets for himself a copy of the Book of the law. Why? It was so that he would live and reign according to what is written in it. (Cf. Deuteronomy 17:18-20)
Now was it only the king that was to have this book? No! The priests and the Levites also were to have their own copies, especially since they were the ones that would be leading the people in spiritual matters. In fact, the king was to make his own copy from theirs. Then we see that even their soldiers were to have their own copies of this book. For instance, Joshua was a soldier. And God told him to have a copy of the book and to continually read it and also meditate on it, if he was going to live in His will and be prosperous in leading the people.
I am showing you all these to let you know that God was the one that orchestrated the documentation of His will for us. He did this so that all would have access to His will and be able to live accordingly. He, in fact, so monitored the documentation of His will that He would not allow His prophets to write down anything that He does not want us to know. John, for instance, in the book of Revelation tells us that he was instructed by an angel of God not to write down certain things that he was permitted to hear. Why? They must be things we do not need to know or things that we cannot handle. (Cf. Revelation 10:1-4)
Paul equally speaks of receiving certain revelations that no man is permitted to speak of. And Daniel speaks in his book of certain truths that are sealed up till the end. I mentioned these things so that you will know that God was fully in charge of the documentation of His will for us by His prophets of old. (Cf. Daniel 12; 2Corinthians 12:1-4)
Well, I want you to keep in mind that the Scriptures represent a document of the will of God. All of the things He has revealed and all of the things He wants us to know have been documented for us. Why? I already gave you two reasons. The first is so that no one will monopolise the will of God. The second is that no one may have any excuse for not knowing the will of God. And there is a third point, which is that we may see the progress of the revelation of God’s will.
God’s revelation to us is actually progressive. He reveals to us the things He wants us to know according to His eternal purpose and schedule or timing. So, through Scriptures, we can see that He did not reveal everything about His nature and His mind to us all at once. He revealed them progressively, according to His purpose, according to His timing and according to our readiness to handle them.
Now when Jesus came, all that God wants us to know here on this plane was revealed to us by Him. And those who witnessed His life, ministry, death, burial, resurrection and ascension were inspired by God to write down what they had heard from Him and seen in Him. So, we now have the addition to the Scriptures of the gospels and the epistles. That being the case, we now have access to the entire body of God’s revelation to humanity.
Has God, then, revealed to us everything there is to know about Him and about life? No! He has only revealed to us all that we need to know and that we can know about Him and about life. When the time comes, as Paul tells us in 1Corinthians 13, we will know everything there is to know about Him.
But for now, Jesus has come and has lived and spoken to us about God. So, all that we need to know about God and the life He wants us to live has now been revealed. He says, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” He equally says that anyone that has seen Him has seen the Father. So, all that needs to be known about the Father is embodied in Him. As the Scripture says, it pleases God to have His fullness dwell in Him bodily. (Cf. John 14:6&9; Colossians 1:19)
So, indeed, all that we need to know about the Father has been revealed in Christ Jesus, for He is the exact representation of His being. He says, “No one knows the Son except the Father. And no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him.” That means the Father reveals the Son to us so that the Son may, in turn, reveal the Father to us. And these things are well documented for us in the Scriptures. (Cf. Matthew 11:27; Hebrews 1:3)
Then there is a fourth reason God has had His will documented for us. And this is that we may see the consistency of His character and will. Those who documented the will God for us in what we now know as Scriptures did so at different times and in different places. Some of them were centuries apart. Yet their words agree. Their words agree in the revelation of the nature of God. Their words agree in the revelation of the will of God.
All this, of course, takes us to the fifth reason God had His will documented for us, which is that we may have a point of reference. In other words, it is so that we can easily locate what is not the will of God and reject it. What I am saying is that since God has already revealed to us all that He wants us to know about His nature and His will and has also had these things documented for us, we can tell if someone is trying to mislead us by simply checking out what they are saying with what is said in the document of His will that we now have. So, if you claim to have a revelation from God now, fresh as it may seem to you, it must be consistent with what God has already revealed to us in the Scriptures. Otherwise, we have to reject it.
Having said all these things, I need to make it very clear also that God has documented His will for us so that we may live accordingly. In other words, He expects us to use the Scriptures. He did not ask those who documented His will for us to do so for the fun of it. He asked them to do so in order for us to know His will and live accordingly. Otherwise, our possession of His word is going to be a waste.
In the days of King Josiah, the Book of the Law was found by one of the priests in the temple. Now that is interesting to know. It is interesting to find out that it was a priest that found the Book of the law. That means the Book had been lost or missing for some years. And that being the case, it could be assumed that nobody, not even the priests, was living according to what was written in it. But when the content was read to Josiah, he tore his robe and began to cry. Why? He saw that they, as a people, had been living contrary to the will of God for them. (Cf. 2Chronicles 34:14-22)
Now God expects us to treat the Scriptures with the same kind of seriousness. God told Joshua, as I pointed out to you before, “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” (Joshua 1:8NIV) Why? The Scriptures have not been given to us to play with; rather, they have been given to us so that we may use them in learning the will of God and in acting on it.
See, God has not given us the Scriptures so that we may hide them in our room or so that we may use them as pillows when sleeping. Rather, He has given them to us so that we may use them to locate His will for us. The Scriptures represent the entire body of truth God wants us to have and know. And because they represent the entire body of truth He wants us to know, they are the only ones that can perfect us in His will.
So, in a true sense of things, the Scriptures can perfectly replace dreams, visions, angelic visitations and any other means through which God may want to speak to us. But God has not given them to us to displace these things. That is because He still intends to talk to us through them. But even if we have no visions, dreams or angelic visitations and though God is not speaking to us directly and audibly, we can only rely on Scriptures to know the will of God for us.
Look at what Paul says to Timothy along these lines:
“But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2Timothy 3:14-17NIV)
Did you see that? The Scriptures are able to make one wise for salvation. No wonder the religious leaders of Jesus days were continually searching the Scriptures — they wanted to find life and salvation through them. Unfortunately, they could not find these things through their careful studying of the Scriptures. That was because they were not studying them through the aid of the Spirit of God. (Cf. John 5:39-40)
In any case, Jesus told them that the Scriptures are talking about Him. So, by paying attention to the Scriptures, we can have Him fully revealed to us. And we see that after His resurrection, discussing with some of His disciples on their way to Emmaus, He shared with them things about Himself from the Scriptures. They, of course, did not know at the time that He was the one talking to them. But everything He said to them about Himself was taken from the Scriptures, beginning with Moses. In fact, when Jesus was here in the world, He often drew people’s attention to what is said in Scriptures about Him. (Cf. Luke 24:13-27)
So, if you want to know the Lord, you can know Him through Scriptures, even without seeing any dream or vision and without any angelic visitation or prophetic ministration. That, as I said before, does not mean that God cannot choose to reveal things to us about Him and about the Lord Jesus through visions, dreams, prophets and angels. He can. He still does. But He can make whatever He wants us to know about Him and about the Lord known to us through Scriptures and without using any of these mediums that I just mentioned.
Well, Paul tells Timothy to give himself to the Scriptures. Why? They are trustworthy. He says they are all God-breathed. In other words, they are all inspired of Him. That, of course, does not mean that every statement in the Scriptures was made by God. No, every statement made in them was not made by God. But He orchestrated the writing of everything in them. And it is now up to us to use the things we have in them to teach, rebuke, correct and train ourselves in righteousness. That way, we will become perfect and thoroughly equipped for every good work.
So, if you want to be thoroughly equipped for every good work, if you want to be well equipped to live the life God wants you to live, give yourself to Scriptures. That is because God is speaking to us through Scriptures. Many of us are not taking advantage of what is written for us in Scriptures. That is because we do not know that God wants to talk to us through them.
People, many times, will pray and expect God to answer them through visions, dreams or prophetic revelations. And it is not bad to expect God to talk to us through these mediums. But it is not every time that He uses them. Scriptures, however, are always available for us to consult and learn the will of God from. Daniel, for instance, once learnt the will of God through Scriptures. Look at what he says from verse 1 of chapter 9 of his book:
“In the first year of Darius son of Xerxes (a Mede by descent), who was made ruler over the Babylonian kingdom – in the first year of his reign, I, Daniel, understood from the Scriptures, according to the word of the Lord given to Jeremiah the prophet, that the desolation of Jerusalem would last seventy years. So I turned to the Lod God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes.” (Daniel 9:1-3NIV)
How did He learn the will of God about how long the desolation of Jerusalem would last? It was through the Scriptures. Also, when Paul came to the Bereans to share the word of God with them, the people went to check the Scriptures to see if what he was saying to them was correct. (Cf. Acts 17:10-12)
Well, the point I am making all along is that the Scriptures represent the entire body of God’s will for us. They present to us everything God wants us as humans to know about His will for us. And if you want to know His will for you, then, give yourself to the Scriptures. Yes, if you want God to be talking to you everyday, give yourself to Scriptures. And remember that God does not talk to people everyday through dreams, visions, prophets or angels. There are many who will never see a dream, a vision or an angel from God till they leave this world. But we all can hear Him talk to us everyday through the Scriptures. So, let us give ourselves wholeheartedly to Scriptures and we will always hear God talk to us.
Copyright © 2024 Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church –This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07025105978)
Series: Recognizing His Voice | Title: How God Speaks (D) By: | Johnson O. Lawal | Date: March 10, 2024
I want to further share with you on recognising God’s voice. You know that we have been looking at the various ways God spoke to people in the past and if He is still talking through them to people today. Then if He is still talking through those ways, how do we know when He is using them to talk to us?
Well, in the last lesson, we looked at how God speaks to people through prophecies, through angels and by speaking directly to their hearts, that is, without any medium. Now we want to look at how God spoke to people in the past through signs. There are actually a number of Scriptures that we can consider in dealing with this. But we will only look at some of them, beginning with Genesis 8. As the account goes, after Noah and the people with him had come out of the ark, Noah offered some offerings to God. And God was so pleased with His offerings that He began to make some pronouncements of blessing on Him. Look at some of the things recorded for us about this:
“Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him: “I now establish my covenant with you and with your descendants after you and with every living creature that was with you – the birds, the livestock and all the wild animals, all those that came out of the ark with you – every living creature on earth. I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth.” And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.” So God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the earth.”” (Genesis 9:8-17NIV)
Here God is telling Noah that He is making a covenant with him not to destroy all life again with the waters of a flood. That, of course, is not to say that there wouldn’t be floods again. To think there wouldn’t be floods again is to misrepresent what God is saying to Noah. What He is saying is that there will never again be a flood that will destroy all life from the face of the earth. There may be floods. And there have been all kinds of floods since that time. But there has never been again a flood that destroyed all life from the face of the earth.
Well, to assure Noah and the rest of mankind, God decided to make a covenant with him. This, by the way, is the first mention in the bible of God making a covenant with humans. It is an unconditional covenant. So it has nothing to do with what man does or does not do. That means it does not matter how wicked people become on the face of the earth, God is going to keep this covenant. And this sign of the covenant is a rainbow.
Therefore, each time the rainbow appears in the sky, God is speaking to us. Of course, He is speaking to Himself as well. He is reminding Himself of the covenant He has made with us not to destroy all life again with the waters of a flood. But essentially, when the rainbow appears in the sky, we are being reminded by God again that there was once a flood that destroyed all life from the face of the earth, except the lives of Noah and members of his household. Then we are equally reminded of the fact that God is never going to do that to us again.
Now, of course, some questions may arise in our hearts each time the rainbow appears. For instance, we may ask, “Is this telling us that God sometimes thinks again of destroying all humanity with a flood of water? Or are there times that the sins of humans become so overwhelming that God again thinks of destroying them with a flood of water?” We really don’t have answers to such questions in the bible and we don’t even need to bother answering them. That is because God already has plans in place on how He will permanently deal with sinners and this world of corruption. And when the time comes, these plans will be unfolded and then the end will come.
Moreso, even when the end comes, God is not going to use water again in destroying humanity and the world. Rather, He is going to be using fire. He did that with Sodom and Gomorrah, showing us an example of how He would eventually deal with the ungodly.
Well, the point I am making is that there are times that God uses signs to talk to people. At such times, He does not say anything to us directly, He just uses certain happenings around us to talk to us. And we will know what He is saying and what He means by what He is saying. But then, in order for us to know that God is speaking to us through a sign, He would first have informed us of the sign He will be using to talk to us and what that sign means. Otherwise, we may mislead ourselves by taking things that are not signs to us from God as signs.
For example, in Acts of the Apostles, chapter 27, Luke tells us how Paul and his travelling companions were involved in a shipwreck. The ship and several of their cargoes were lost. But the people’s live were preserved. And when they eventually came on shore, something happened that was really strange. Look at how Luke reports it from verse 1 of Acts 28:
“Once safely on shore, we found out that the island was called Malta. The islanders showed us unusual kindness. They built a fire and welcomed us all because it was raining and cold. Paul gathered a pile of brushwood and, as he put it on the fire, a viper, driven out by the heat, fastened itself on his hand. When the Islanders saw the snake hanging from his hand, they said to each other, “This man must be a murderer; for though he escaped from the seas, the goddess Justice has not allowed him to live.” But Paul shook the snake off into the fire and suffered no ill effects. The people expected him to swell up or suddenly fall dead; but after waiting a long time and seeing nothing unusual happen to him, they changed their minds and said he was a god.” (Acts 28:1-6NIV)
Now remember that Jesus says that those who believe in Him will take up snakes in their hands and will not be hurt at all by them. That is the realm in which He wants us to function. And Paul proved that to us through the incident that Luke reports for us here. Of course, he did not deliberately go around looking for snakes to bite him. On the contrary, it was an accident. He did not know that a snake was in the pile of wood he was gathering. But one was there. And it fastened itself on his hand. But he shook it off his hand into the fire and suffered no ill effects afterwards.
In any case, the point I want to draw your attention to is how the islanders they met at that place responded to what had happened to this man of God. When they saw the viper fastening itself on his hand, they immediately saw it as a bad sign, a sign that Paul was an evil person, a murderer. So, for them, it was the goddess Justice that would not allow him to live, even though he had escaped from the sea. But Paul was not an evil person. He was a man of God. What happened to him was an accident. And do you know that if he had died like that, those people would have carried on with the notion that he died in that manner because he was a wicked person? But they would have been completely wrong.
I said all that to let you know that it is not every strange event or occurrence that we can take as a sign from God or as meaning that God is surely saying something to us. There are people that take every strange thing that happens around them as a sign that God is speaking to them or warning them. And there are those who observe seasons, special days and months, considering them to be spiritual and significant in their walk in life. Paul speaks about this to the Galatians, warning them that it is a symptom of a departure from faith in Christ Jesus. Look at the way he puts it: “You are observing special days and months and seasons and years! I fear for you, that somehow I have wasted my efforts on you.” (Galatians 4:10-11NIV)
These Galatians are paying undue attention to certain days, months and seasons, believing that God is speaking to them through them. Yes, God speaks to us through nature, through every change in season, telling us to prepare for whatever the season we come into has for us. But that is not to say that we are to spiritualise every change in season and take it as a sign from God for us to act in certain ways. If God is going to use anything as a sign to us, as I pointed out before, He is going to tell us ahead of time. Then He will also tell us what that sign will mean, as we see in the case of Noah and the rainbow.
Let us look at more examples from Scriptures on this. From verse 20 of John’s gospel, chapter 12, we are told this:
“Now there were some Greeks among those who went up to worship at the festival. They came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, with a request. “Sir,” they said, “we would like to see Jesus.” Philip went to tell Andrew; Andrew and Philip in turn told Jesus. Jesus replied, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.”” (John 12:20-23NIV)
How did Jesus know that the hour has come for Him to be glorified? It was through the coming of the gentiles to Him. When those Greeks came to His apostles, requesting to see Him, He knew that the time was ripe for Him to die for the sins of the world. How did He know that? He must have been informed by God ahead of time. I mean that God must have told Him that whenever the gentiles came around seeking an audience with Him, He should know that His hour had come.
So, don’t just pick anything that happens as a sign from God to you, if He has not said anything to you about it before. Otherwise, you may take Him as saying to you what He is not saying to you. For instance, if some people want to travel and something bad happens to someone around them or they experience an unusual delay or interference, they may just conclude that what has happened is a sign that God does not want them to travel. And while common sense may indeed tell such people not to travel again, perhaps because of the time they have already lost, it does not mean that God is the one using the situation to speak to them. Most of the delays or accidents that we experience in life are often as a result of human flaws rather than God’s providence. And while God may use them to accomplish His good purpose in our lives, it does not mean that He cannot accomplish His good purpose in our lives without them.
Then are people that misrepresent superstitions as signs from God. For instance, growing up, we were told that if you should stumble on a stone with your left foot, something bad is going to happen to you or to someone close to you before that day ends. And many of us believed that nonsense. So, Satan was able to use it to afflict us and to make bad things happen to us each time we stumbled on a stone with our left foot. In fact, we would so anticipate the bad thing that was supposed to happen that we may want to make something bad happen ourselves. It was as bad as that.
But supposing God actually tells you that something bad is going to happen on a particular day, how are you supposed to respond as a child of God? With prayer! With a fervent declaration of the word of God against it! That God has said that something bad is going to happen does not mean we are to fold our arms and wait for it to happen. We have the privilege of praying to Him to change any situation, however ugly it may be. And that is what we should be doing.
At any rate, the point I am making is that you must stop accepting superstitions as signs from God. God actually warns the children of God against observing superstitions and omens (Deuteronomy 18:10-13). Why? These things are some forms of witchcraft. So, we need to stay away from them. As I pointed out before, I am saying it again that if God is going to use anything as a sign for us, He is going to tell us in advance.
Look also at John the Baptist. When He was talking to the Jews about who Jesus was, he made it clear that God had already shown him before that time how he would recognise Him as the Messiah, the Son of the living God. Consider how John the beloved reports the situation:
“The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! This is the one I meant when I said, ‘A man who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.’ I myself did not know him, but the reason I came baptising with water was that he might be revealed to Israel.” Then John gave this testimony: “I saw the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove and remain on him And I myself did not know him, but the one who sent me to baptise with water told me, ‘The man on whom you see the Spirit come down and remain is the one who will baptise with the Holy Spirit.’ I have seen and I testify that this is God’s Chosen One.” (John 1:29-34NIV)
Did you see that? From what John tells us here, God had told him ahead of time how he would know whom the Messiah was. He had known Jesus as his cousin but not as God’s Chosen One. But when Jesus came to him to be baptised, he was able to tell that He was the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the whole world. How did he know that? He knew because God had told him before then how he would recognise him. God had told him that the one whom he saw the Spirit come down and remain is the one who will baptise people with the Holy Spirit.
In fact, according to John the Baptist, the reason he had come baptising people with water was to recognise Jesus and introduce Him to the Jews as their Messiah. So, when he saw the Spirit of God come from heaven like a dove and remain on Jesus, he knew immediately that He was the one God had spoken to him about. Mind you, he did not say that the Spirit of God is a dove. The Spirit of God is not a dove. It is just that on that occasion He alighted on Jesus the way a dove would alight on a tree. And that was the sign that John needed to see in order to know that Jesus was the Messiah.
Now that incident, of course, brought the ministry of this man to a close. He was appointed by God to be the fore-runner of our Lord Jesus Christ. He was to introduce the Lord to the people. His commitment to baptising the people, then, was not the main thing. The main thing was the revelation of Jesus to the people as the Chosen One of God and as the one who baptises people with the Holy Spirit. That is indicating that water baptism is not really what God is after but the baptism of the Spirit, our immersion in the Spirit of God.
Furthermore, this is not to say that that was when Jesus received the Holy Spirit. He has always had the Spirit of God in Him and with Him. He was conceived by the Spirit of God and so was filled with the Spirit from conception. Even John the Baptist was filled with the Spirit of God right from His mother’s womb. That was what the angel that appeared to his father said would happen. And if John was filled with the Spirit of God right from his mother’s womb, and he was, how much more readily would Jesus be filled with the Spirit of God right from His mother’s womb? (Cf. Luke 1:15)
How can we even conceive the idea that Jesus lived for almost 30 years without the Spirit of God in Him? How could He have lived to please the Father without His Spirit in Him? He said the Son can do nothing except what He sees His father do. And that is not a reference to preaching and to the doing of miracles alone; that is also a reference to living. This is something that we too must come to terms with. There is nothing we can do apart from God. Everything we are able to do is possible because of Him. Well, my point is that Jesus had always had the Spirit of God in Him before He was baptised by John. And the sign of the of Spirit of God that came on Him was given for John to recognise Him as the Chosen One of God.
Now let me give you another passage of the bible that shows us that God sometimes talks to people through signs. This is in Saint Matthew’s gospel, chapter 24, where Jesus speaks about the things that will characterise the end of times. And look at some of the things He is reported by Matthew to have said:
“Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. for many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumours of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.” (Matthew 24:4-6NIV)
When things are hard in the world, when there are famines, earthquakes, volcanoes and other calamities, people may think this is the end. When there was a worldwide outbreak of Coronavirus people asked me if that was the end of the world. But I told them that though the flood of Noah’s day took almost every life that was on the face of the earth, it was not the end of the world.
So, however horrible certain things that are happening in the world may be, they may not suggest that the end has come. And that is what our Lord Jesus Christ is saying to us in that passage. Then He goes on to say, “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.” (Matthew 24:7-8NIV) Did you see that? Famines, earthquakes and wars are things that are bound to happen in this world. And even then, they are just the beginning of birth pains; they do not mean that the end has come.
But then, from verse 29, He says this:
“Immediately after the distress of those days, the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken. Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other. Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door. Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” (Matthew 24:29-33NIV)
Here the Lord is telling us what signs to look out for in order to know that the end has eventually come. He says the sun will be darkened, the moon will not give its light and stars will be falling from sky. The occurrence of these things will tell us that end is right at the door. And you can see that the Lord has already spoken in advance about these things. So, when we see them happening, we will know that the end is right at the door.
We are also told all kinds of things in Scriptures about the end times and the things that will characterise them. And what is the point of all this? It is that there are times that God speaks to people through signs. But for us to know that certain things are signs that God is using to speak to us, God will have spoken to us about them in advance.
That will be all for now. Let us pray.
Copyright © 2024 Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church –This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 07025105978)
Series: Recognizing His Voice | Title: How God speaks (C) By: | Johnson O. Lawal | Date: March 03, 2024
We have been looking at recognising God’s voice. And that led us to looking at the various ways through which God speaks to people. Actually, we have looked at a number of ways through which He spoke to men in the past. For instance, He spoke to some directly and audibly. He also spoke to people through nature, dreams, visions and the Urim and Thummim. He even spoke to someone through an animal. Now, of course, it is not every one of these ways that I just mentioned that God still uses in talking to people today. But it is important that we know the various ways through which God spoke to people in the past, so that we can tell how He speaks to people now and how we can recognise whether He is the one talking to us now or not.
Then God speaks to people through prophets. Who are prophets? Prophets are people that are given the word of God to give to others. They are people that God reveals Himself to in order that they may reveal His will to others. In Numbers, chapter 24, from verse 2, we are told this about Balaam, that greedy prophet:
“When Balaam looked out and saw Israel encamped tribe by tribe, the Spirit of God came on him and he spoke his message: “The prophecy of Balaam son of Beor, the prophecy of one whose eye sees clearly, the prophecy of one who hears the words of God, who sees a vision from the Almighty, who falls prostrate, and whose eyes are opened…” (Numbers 24:2-3NIV)
Here, this man, even though he was not an Israelite, declares himself to be a prophet. And he was, of course, a prophet, a seer. Well, from what he says here, we can see that a prophet is one that hears the words of God. A prophet is one that is given a word by God to others. That word may be about the future, about now or about the past. But it is a word from God.
So, a prophet is a man like us. The only difference between him and others is that God speaks to him in order that he too may speak to others for him. And how does God speak to him? It may be directly and audibly. Or it may be through a vision, a dream or an angelic visitation, something we will look at later (Numbers 12:6-8). But the fact remains that God speaks to him to declare His will or mind to others.
Now, speaking of a prophet, we are not talking about someone who hears the mind of God for others today and then does not hear Him again for others for the rest of his life. And I want you to pay attention to this again: when we are talking about a prophet, we are talking someone who hears God for others, not someone who hears God for himself. Hearing God for yourself does not make you a prophet. Everyone of us is supposed to hear God for ourselves. But when you consistently hear God for others, so that they are able to benefit from what He says or so that they experience His judgment, then, we are going to take you as a prophet. (Cf. 1Corinthians 14:3)
So, the key points here are hearing God for others and being consistent in hearing Him in that manner. It, then, goes beyond what happens once in a while or what happens accidentally. Is it possible for one to prophesy accidentally? Yes, it is possible. For instance, once, when the leaders of the Jews gathered to discuss what to do with Jesus, one of them said something interesting, which I want to show you. It is in John’s gospel, chapter 11, from verse 49, which reads:
“Then one of them, named Caiaphas, who was high priest that year, spoke up, “You know nothing at all! You do not realise that it is better for you that one man die for the people than that the whole nation perish.” He did not say this on his own, but as high priest that year he prophesied that Jesus would die for the Jewish nation, not only for that nation but also for the scattered children of God, to bring them together and make them one. So from that day on they plotted to take his life.” (John 11:49-53NIV)
Caiaphas, as John points out to us here, once prophesied that Jesus would die for the Jewish nation and also for the rest of the world. But his prophecy was accidental. In other words, he himself did not even know that he was prophesying. Yet he was. And on the basis of what he had said, the religious leaders of the Jews began to plot to take Jesus’ life. But did that make Caiaphas a prophet? No! He only prophesied accidentally.
In like manner, anyone can prophesy accidentally. Even an unbeliever can prophesy to others accidentally. Caiaphas was indeed the high priest at that time. But he was an unbeliever, as far as faith in Christ Jesus is concerned. Yet he prophesied. So, an unbeliever can prophesy to us, declaring the mind of God to us. That, however, will not make them a prophet. A prophet is one who consistently hears the word of God for others, so that he may proclaim His will to them.
Again, from Numbers, chapter 23, we are told this about Balaam: “The Lord put a word in Balaam’s mouth and said, “Go back to Balak and give him this word.” (Number 23:5NIV) That is the job of a prophet. God will put a word in his mouth and he will declare it to the one that it is meant for.
Furthermore, in verse 16 of the same chapter, we are told this: “The Lord met with Balaam and put a word in his mouth and said, “Go back to Balak and give him this word.” (Numbers 23:16NIV) Can you again see God giving this man His word for another man? That is a prophet. He hears from God for others. There is actually a lot to say about the ministry of a prophet. I just mentioned these few things to let you know who a prophet is.
Now, as I pointed out before, the prophecy of a prophet may be about the future, about now or about the past. It is unfortunate that many only see prophecy as foretelling, that is, speaking about future events by divine revelations. That is only an aspect of prophecy but not all of it. A prophecy is a divine statement communicated to us by God through others. And that divine statement may be about now, the future or the past.
For instance, when Gehazi went after Naaman to collect gifts from him, Elisha saw him. How exactly did he see him? The account does not tell us. But his eyes were opened to see what Gehazi was up to. And when the man came back, he revealed to him what he had been up to and the consequences of his actions. He did this as a prophet. He prophesied to him. He gave him a divine statement about what he had done and the consequences of it. And from that moment, Gehazi became leprous. That was not something set in the future; rather, it was something immediate. His prophecy against Gehazi came into effect immediately. (Cf. 2Kings 5:21-27)
Also, Ezekiel, speaking about one of his visions, shares with us in his book how God told him to prophesy against certain leaders of the people of Judah who had been involved in idolatry. According to him, as he prophesied, one of them fell down and died on the spot. And he had to start pleading with God not to destroy the remnant of Israel. But all this happened in a vision. He was not physically present with those leaders at the time he was prophesying. He only saw them in a vision. And it was in that vision that he prophesied against them. Yet his prophesy came to pass right away. (Cf. Ezekiel 11:1-13)
So, on this occasion, Ezekiel’s prophecy was not set in the future; it happened right away. And that is to let you know that prophecies are not always about the future. They can also be about the past or the present. And let me just give you an example from Scriptures of prophecies that are set in the future. This is from Acts, chapter 11, from verse 27, which reads:
“During this time [the time that Paul and Barnabas were ministering in Antioch] some prophets came down from Jerusalem to Antioch. One of them, named Agabus, stood up and through the Spirit predicted that a severe famine would spread over the entire Roman world. (This happened during the reign of Claudius.) The disciples, as each one was able, decided to provide help for the brothers and sisters living in Judea. This they did, sending their gift to the elders by Barnabas and Saul.” (Acts 11:27-30NIV – emphasis added)
As this account goes, Agabus was an acclaimed prophet in the early days of the church. He was known by the brethren as a true prophet of God. But he was not the only prophet at the time, for the account reads, “Some prophets came down from Jerusalem to Antioch…” So, there were other prophets at the time. But this man, Agabus, prophesied on one occasion that there was going to be a severe famine that would spread over the entire Roman world. And it happened the way he had predicted it during the reign of Claudius. His prophecy, then, was about the future.
Now, of course, how we respond to prophecy also has a role to play in whether it will come to pass or not. Remember that Jonah was sent to prophesy against Nineveh. And he did prophesy against that city, speaking of the destruction that would come from the Lord upon it. But did his prophecy come to pass? No! Why did it not come to pass? The response of the people! They responded with repentance. So, God changed His mind and did not destroy them anymore, as He had predicted through Jonah. (Cf. Jonah 3)
Well, the point I am making all along is that God speaks through prophets to people. And there are all kinds of examples of this in Scriptures. So, don’t see all prophets as evil. And don’t treat prophecies with contempt. Instead, first judge them to see whether they are of God or not, so that you will know the proper way to respond to them.
Moreover, God speaks to people through angels. Who are angels? We have an answer to this in Hebrews, chapter 1, verse 7, which says, “In speaking of the angels he says, “He makes his angels spirits, and his servants flames of fire.”” (NIV) In the passage where we have this, the writer is trying to draw a comparison between our Lord Jesus and angels. Why? The reason is that, as it is today, there were also back in those days people who exalted certain angels above the Lord Jesus and those who saw them as equals. And he wants such people to know that our Lord Jesus is superior to all angels. He is not in their class. Rather, He is their master.
But then, he is careful to let us know who angels are? He calls them spirits. They are not beings that we can see with our natural eyes unless they show themselves to us. And speaking of angels, we are talking about the good ones and the bad ones as well. Satan, for example, is an angel too. And unless he too shows himself to us, we cannot see him. We can see and feel the impact of his wicked activities. But we cannot see him.
In like manner, there are all around us God’s holy and good angels. We cannot see them. But we can see the results of their activities. And what activities are we talking about? What are the functions of these angels? We have our answer again in the last verse of the same chapter, which reads: “Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” (Hebrews 1:14NIV)
Did you see that? All angels, however powerful they may be, are ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation. That means even the devil was originally sent to serve us, that is, before he fell. In any case, the point is that all angels are ministering spirits to us. They are to serve us. But they are not under our command.
I said that because there are Christians who think it is possible or alright for us to give commands to angels. Some even have testimonies to share along these lines. And I am not ready to fault their testimonies. But I am going to stand by God’s word, regardless of people’s testimonies. That is because people’s testimonies may not arise from doing their devotion to doing the will of God.
For instance, Moses once did something that was contrary to the will of God. He was asked by God to speak to the rock before the Israelites, so that it would pour out its water for the people to drink. But he did not do that. Instead, he smote the rock twice with the rod in his hand. And did water come out for the people to drink or not? It did. Moses acted against the will of God and yet got the expected result. (Cf. Numbers 20:1-13)
Now the people may have gone on to share testimonies of that, speaking of how great a man of God he was. Moses himself may have gone ahead to share testimonies about that, if God had not punished him for his disobedience. In like manner, where people are not punished for acting contrary to the will of God in accessing His provisions for them, they may continue to share testimonies to give validity to their disobedience to the word of God or to their ignorance of it.
Well, my point is that angels are not under our command but under God’s command. So, they take their instructions from Him. Of course, as we also see in Scriptures, we are told that we will judge angels (1Corinthians 6:1-3). That suggests that we are higher than the angels in God’s scheme of things. But at the moment, we are not operating in that realm. The time will come when we will. But it is sufficient to know that they are not under our command at the moment but under God’s command.
Read the Scriptures. And you will not find any place where anyone gave any command to any angel. Even our Lord did not do that. Instead, on one occasion, He said that He could ask the Father to give some legions of angels to deal with His enemies. Yet He did not even do so. And when Satan once came to tempt it, he quoted a Scripture that says, “God will give command to His angels concerning you…” (Cf. Matthew 4:5-6 & 26:52-54)
It is on God, then, to command His angels and not on any of us. And whatever command He gives to them is for them to serve us. And they are serving us in various ways. We are, in fact, surrounded by multitudes of these angels, sent by God to serve us. We may not know this. But it is the reality. And there are times that they are permitted or instructed by God to show themselves to us in order to bring us words from Him. (Cf. Hebrews 12:22)
Now we have all kinds of examples in the bible along these lines. For instance, in Luke 1, we are told of how angel Gabriel was sent to Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist, to announce the birth of the prophet to him. Also, in the same chapter, we are told that the same angel, Gabriel, visited Mary six months after to tell her about the birth of our Lord Jesus. And Daniel also tells us of how this same Gabriel appeared to him to bring him words from the Lord (Daniel 9:20-23).
Is that to say that Gabriel is the only angel there is? No! I am just using him to illustrate the point I am making that angels are spirits who don’t die and are sometimes used by God to communicate His divine will or purpose to men. There are other angels too. And from time to time, God sends them to reveal His mind to humanity. So, if you ever see an angel, don’t think of it as something strange or something inconsistent with the will of God.
Furthermore, God speaks to people directly in their hearts. I am not talking about hearing God speak to us clearly and audibly here; rather, I am speaking of situations in which God speaks to our hearts without any medium. So, we just know the truth or His will about a matter and are utterly convinced of it. All we can say, then, is that God has revealed it to us. But we cannot explain how.
This, of course, is something marvellous. And Paul shows us in his letters that we can pray all the time for it. We can pray all the time that God will fill our hearts with adequate and perfect revelations of Himself and of His will for us, so that we will live lives worthy of Him all the time and please Him in every way. And as He does this, we will just know His will or the truth about every matter in our hearts. As He does this, when we study His word, the truth it is communicating will just be known to our hearts. (Cf. Ephesians 1:15-19; Colossians 1:9-12)
Paul says something close to this in his letter to the Romans. Look at how he puts it: “The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.” (Romans 8:16NIV) What is he telling us here? It is that the Spirit of God speaks to our spirits. He confirms the truth of God in our spirits. That is how we know that we are God’s children, even though we do not feel it. Yes, we are told in the word of God that we are His children. But the reason we accept this as the reality is that His Spirit in us speaks to our hearts about it. In fact, Paul tells us that it is by Him that we cry out that God is our Father.
Earlier, I read to you about Caiaphas and his prophecy about the death of Jesus for the salvation of the world. How did he know these things? It was by revelation. It was given to him in his heart by the Spirit of God, even though he was not a believer. And he did not even know that it was God that had spoken to him when he was saying what he said. So, God can speak to people directly in their hearts without any medium. And that is because He is our creator and maker.
There is another example from Matthew’s gospel, chapter 16. Here is it:
“When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do