FROM PASTOR’S DESK 2025 Pastor's Desk

If you want better results | By: J.O. Lawal | Date: January 12, 2025 | Series: From Pastor’s Desk | Number: Vol. 12, No. 37

Beloved: grace, mercy and peace be yours from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord. It is with great delight that I welcome you into another week of the month of January 2025. I pray that God will lead you by His Spirit to take all the necessary steps for you to excel in all your ways in the year, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Now, at the beginning of a new year like this, it is common for people to begin to desire to live better lives and get better results in their endeavours. And nothing is wrong with that. However, desiring to live a better life is not enough to live a better life. Likewise, desiring to get better results in life is not enough get better results. If we are not doing enough of those things that will make us live better lives and get better results in our endeavours, we will not live better lives or get better results.

The bible says, “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” (Gal 6:7NIV) What does this mean? It means that God has already established a law that says that it is what a man sows in life that he will reap. So, first, you cannot reap what you have not sowed. Second, you cannot change the harvest of what you have planted – what you have planted is what you are going to reap.

If you, then, want to live a better life and also get better results in your endeavours this year, the first question you need to ask yourself is, “Am I planting anything at all that will make me live a better life and get better results?” If you are not planting anything into life, you should not expect anything in return. It is only those who are planting that can look forward to a harvest of what they are planting.

The second question you need to ask yourself is, “What kind of seeds am I planting?” As I told you before, you cannot change the harvest of any seed you have planted. What you plant is what you will reap. So, if you want a better life and better results this year, you may want to change the seeds you are planting. If, for example, what you have been planting are seeds corrupted with fear, laziness, selfishness, bitterness, grumbling or evil speaking, you must change them to seeds of faith, love, hard work, generosity, prayer and the word of God. Otherwise, it does not matter how hard you try this year, you will not live a better life or get better results. On the contrary, things may even get worse for you.

Then, even if what you have been planting are seeds of faith, love, hard work, generosity, prayer and the word of God, you need to plant more of them in order to reap more of them in form of a better life and better results. Remember again that it is what you plant that you will reap. Truly, God is able to multiply greatly the harvest of what you have planted. But He can only multiply what you have planted and not what you have not planted. So, if it is a hundred seed that you plant, it is that one hundred seed that He will multiply for you. And if it is a thousand seed that you plant, it is also that one thousand seed that He will multiply for you. There is no favouritism with Him.

Therefore, if you desire to experience greater success and enjoyment this year, be ready to plant more good seeds. And as you do so, I pray that God will multiply greatly the fruit of your labour and give you rest on every side, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Have a lovely week.

Copyright © 2025, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church –This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 08146472876)

Fire in my Bones Youth for Jesus

Your hard work or His generosity | By: J.O. Lawal | Date: January 08, 2025 | Series: Youth for Jesus | Number: Vol. 7, No. 35

“”But he answered one of them, ‘Friend, I am not being unfair to you. Didn’t you agree to work for a denarius? Take your pay and go. I want to give the man who was hired last the same as I gave you. Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?’” (Matt 20:13-16NIV)

Those were the words of a landowner that our Lord Jesus Christ speaks of in a parable of His. According to the parable, this landowner had gone out very early one morning to hire people to work in his vineyard. And when he got his first set of workers, he agreed to pay them a denarius at the end of the day’s work. So, they went into his vineyard and began to work. (Cf. Matt 20:1-2)

Then, some hours later, he went out again to get more people to work in this same vineyard and told them that he would pay them something fair at the end of the day’s work. So, they also went to work in his vineyard. (Cf. Matt 20:3-5)

However, as this man could clearly see, the people he had brought in to work for him were not enough to get the day’s job done. So, he kept on going out to bring in more people to work for him till the very last hour of the day. And at the end of the day’s job, when it was time to pay his workers, he instructed his foreman to pay everybody the same thing, including those who worked for only one hour. This, of course, infuriated those whom he had hired during the early hours of that day. They felt that it was unfair of him to pay them, who had worked hard all day in the hot sun, the same wages as those who only worked for one or three hours of the day. So, they began to grumble against the man. (Cf. Matt 20:5-12)

Now were they right to grumble and protest against this landowner? Judging from a human point of view, we might say that they were right to do so. But judging from God’s point of view, they were not right to protest or grumble at all. Why?

Well, as we see in our opening text, the man paid them exactly what they had agreed to collect from him when he was going to hire them. So, he did not cheat or defraud them at all. He only gave them what they had bargained for.

But in dealing with others who worked for him that day, especially those who worked only for one hour, he did not pay them according to their labour but according to his generosity. Why did he act like that? We are not told in clear terms in the account. But it could be that he was impressed by their perseverance in waiting until they got a job.

As the account goes, before he brought these men into his vineyard to work that evening, he had asked them why they were standing in the market place all day long doing nothing? And they had told him that it was because nobody gave them a job. So, it was not because they were lazy and unwilling to work that they stood for a whole day in the market place doing nothing. Rather, it was because nobody gave them a job to do.

Now these men could have gone back home in the afternoon of that day, since nobody was going to hire them. But they did not. Instead, they decided to wait until the very last hour of the day to see if anyone would still eventually hire them. And their perseverance paid off. Someone came and hired them, even though he knew that they would only be able to work for one hour. Not only that, that person decided to pay them a whole day’s wages when they done working for him. And that shows us that it pays to persevere in doing the right thing.

See, doing the right thing may not immediately yield us a good result. But if we don’t give up on doing it, God will surely make it pay off, even in what we might call the last hour. So, don’t turn away in anger, discouragement or disappointment from doing that right thing you are doing. Don’t give up on it because nobody is paying attention to it or showing any interest in it or in you. Just keep on doing it and trusting God. And when the time is ripe, He will do for you what will let you know that doing the right thing is never a waste of time.

In any case, why does the Lord share this parable with us? He shares it with us to show us how God rewards people in life and in His kingdom. And how does He reward them? First, He rewards them according to their labour. Second, He rewards them according to His kindness and generosity. And it is the one that they desire out of these two, then, that will determine how He rewards them.

In other words, if you want Him to reward you on the basis of your hard work and diligence, then, He will do so. The only thing is that you may not like what you will get. But if you want Him to look beyond your labour and reward you according to His kindness and generosity, then, you can be sure that what you will get will be beyond what your years, months, weeks or days of hard work can ever bring to you.

Which, then, is it going to be this year? Will you want God to reward you according to your hard work or according to His generosity? As for me, I will want Him to reward me according to His kindness and generosity.


Copyright © 2025, Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church –This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 08146472876)

General Post

He gives the increase | By: Johnson O. Lawal | Date: January 01, 2025 | Series: New Year Sermon

I want to welcome you once again for the new year and I pray that all God’s good intentions for the year for you will be fully accomplished, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Now if you have been in this assembly for a while, you will know that you shouldn’t expect me to say that this year will be a year of ‘so and so’ for you. That is because the year can be anything you desire it to be for you, as long as you put your trust in God. The bible says all things are possible for the one who believes (Mark 9:23). So, whatever you can believe God to make the year be for you, that is what He will make it be for you, as long as it is consistent with His will.

In any case, I want to share some things with you that I know will help you to increase tremendously in fruitfulness and usefulness in God’s hand this new year. And I am taking them from 1Corinthians, chapter 3. It says from verse 6:

“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God who makes things grow.” (1Corinthians 3:6-7NIV)

Here Paul is showing us certain conditions that must be met, if we, as God’s children, will increase in fruitfulness and usefulness in life. And from what he says, we can see that we have our own duties in experiencing fruitfulness and usefulness in life. God will not perform these duties for us, if we will not perform them. So, we need to know what these duties of ours are and give ourselves to performing them. Otherwise, we will not increase in fruitfulness or usefulness in life.

Then God also has His own duties, which He must perform for us to increase in fruitfulness and usefulness in life. We cannot perform these duties for Him. So, if He does not perform them, there is no amount of effort we make towards increase in fruitfulness and usefulness in life that will amount to anything.

Now what must we do, if we want to increase in fruitfulness and usefulness in life? According to what Paul tells us in that text, we, like farmers, must be involved in planting and watering, if we must increase in fruitfulness and usefulness in life. So, if you want to increase in fruitfulness and usefulness in every area of your life this year, you must be involved in planting and watering.

See, the one who does not plant ought not to expect to reap anything. Yes, we often quote the Scripture that says, “Whatever a man sows is what he will reap.” And that is a fact. But then, if a man plants nothing, he is also going to reap nothing. (Cf. Galatians 6:7)

Truly, there are times that God makes people partake in the fruit of other people’s labour. For instance, parents often partake in the fruit of the labour of their children, just as children too often partake in the fruit of the labour of their parents. A husband also may partake in the fruit of the labour of his wife, just as a wife may partake in the fruit of the labour of her husband. Friends too can partake in the fruit of the labour of one another. Then the weak ones and the poor ones in the land may partake in the fruit of the labour of the rich and strong ones around them.

But what I am talking about here is partaking in the fruit of the labour of others, not stealing the fruit of their labour. And wherever God allows this, it is because those who are involved have been labouring themselves or are too young or weak to take care of themselves. Where people are old and strong enough to take care of themselves, God expects them to be involved in one form of legitimate labour or the other. And if they won’t do this, then, they have no right to partake in the fruit of the labour of others. The word of God says that the one that will not work must not eat. Otherwise, he will be nothing but a thief of the fruit of the labour of others. (Cf. 2Thessalonians 3:10)

Jesus once said this to His disciples: “I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor.” (John 4:38NIV) Why did He do this? First, He did it out of His generosity. Second, He did it because these disciples had been labouring with Him. Harvesting itself is labour. But the one who has not been involved in any kind of legitimate labour ought not to partake in any form of harvest. Otherwise, he will be seen as nothing but a thief.

Well, the point I am making is that you have to be planting something, if you want to reap this year. If you want to reap success, then, you must be planting seeds of success. And if you want to increase in usefulness, you must plant seeds of usefulness. That is your duty. God will not do it for you.

Now what are the things you must plant this year, if you want to increase in fruitfulness and usefulness? First, you must be planting the seed of the word of God in every area of your life. This is important, if you want fruitfulness that will abide and stand the test of time and the test of challenges. And if you want to increase in usefulness continually, regardless of the circumstances of your life or of your world, you must plant the seed of the word of God in every area of your life.

Remember that our Lord Jesus likens the man who hears His word and acts on it to one who dug deep to build his house on the rock. When the rain and the storm came and beat against that house, it stood firm – it was not shaken at all. Then He likens the man who hears His word and does not act on it to one who built his house on the ground without foundation. When the rain and the storm came and beat against that house, it collapsed and its destruction was complete. (Cf. Matthew 7:24-27; Luke 6:47-49)

What is the point? It is that those who are building their lives on the word of God will be able to stand the test of time and the test of challenges. Their lives, homes and whatever it is they are building with the word of God will not collapse, irrespective of the times they find themselves or the challenges they are faced with. But those who are not building their lives on the word of God, either because they do not have His word at all or because they have it but won’t act on it, will not be able to keep what they are building from collapsing when they are confronted with certain seasons or challenges of life.

So, if you want your life, your promotion, your success or whatever it is you want to have or accomplish this year to be able to stand the test of time and of challenges, be sure you are planting the seed of the word of God into every area of your life and also doing whatever you are doing on the basis of His word. If you will give yourself to doing this, then, the results you are going to be getting in life are those that the word of God says. In other words, your success, promotion, advancement, peace of mind, health and anything else in your life that you are feeding with the word of God will be dictated by the word of God and not by the economy or political conditions of where you are.

Then you must also be planting the seed of prayer into your life this year, if you want to receive increased fruitfulness and usefulness from God’s hand. Jesus says, “Ask and you will receive.” If you, then, want to be receiving God’s provisions for you to be fruitful and useful in life this year, you must be asking God for whatever you need. Yes, you must take seriously the word of God that says that men ought to always pray and not to give up. (Cf. Matthew 7:7; Luke 18:1)

More so, if you want comfort and encouragement in your life this year, you must give yourself to planting the seed of Christian fellowship. If you don’t want to be all by yourself in handling whatever you are doing in life this year, then, take Christian fellowship seriously. God, of course, will be with you wherever you go to comfort and strengthen you. But there are measures of comfort that He cannot give to you, if you will not stay in fellowship with His children.

So, make effort to stay in fellowship with God’s righteous and good people this year. Otherwise, you should not expect the fruit or harvest of doing so in your life. What I am saying is that there are good things that will not happen in your life, if you won’t fellowship with God’s righteous and good people. If you, then, don’t want to miss any good thing God has ordained that you should enjoy this year, stay in fellowship with God’s people.

Furthermore, you must be willing to plant the seed of your skills, labour, money, diligence and faithfulness in profitable ventures this year. As I told you before, you cannot reap what you do not plant. So, if you want more money this year to take care of your bills and to be generous to others, you must be willing to plant the seed of money, hard work, skills, diligence and faithfulness into profitable activities, ventures or enterprises in the year. If you will not plant seeds of these things into life this year, you should not be expecting abundance, promotion or advancement in your life. So, it is important that you are willing to plant the right seeds this year, seeds that will result in your increased fruitfulness and usefulness in life.

Where, then, will you find the seeds that you need to plant into life this year? It is from God. Look at what Paul says in 2Corinthians, chapter 9, verse 10:

“Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.” (NIV)

Who is God speaking about here? He is speaking about God. And what is he telling us about Him? He is telling us that He is the one that gives seed to the sower and bread to eat. Now that is interesting and highly encouraging. That is because regardless of what is happening in this country and all around the world this year, you can expect God to give you food to eat all through the year.

You can see why I told you that you must be sowing seeds of prayer into life this year. There are things you will not receive from God, if you will not plant seeds of prayer. Yes, there are things God does for people without their asking. He does these things for them as their creator and in His mercy. So, we can refer to them as general blessings from Him to all men. But there are specific things that individuals need in their lives. And some of these things will not be received by them from God, if they will not pray to Him.

Well, Paul says God gives seed to the sower and bread for food. So, as I said, you can expect God to daily make available for you the bread you need to eat. All you need is to ask Him for it. Remember that Jesus says, “Give us this day our daily bread.” You too can daily ask God for today’s bread this year. And He will answer you. But remember that you need more than natural bread to survive – you also need the bread of God’s word. So, of first importance, learn to daily ask God for the bread of His word that you need. And He will answer you and feed you to satisfaction, so that you will not be hungry and begin to run after the errors and lies of men. Then you can expect the natural bread you need to follow.

More than that, you can ask God for the seeds you need to sow into life this year. You need the seed of the word of God, for instance. So, you should daily ask Him to give you the seed of His word to sow into your life and into your world. And He will answer you.

Also, ask Him for the seed of business ideas, wisdom, understanding, knowledge and money that you need to plant into life this year. Then you can ask Him for the seed of people, the right people in your life. God is able to give you the right people to plant into your life, business, marriage, ministry and so forth. So, ask Him for the seed of the right people that you need. In short, ask Him to give you every seed you need to sow into life this year in order to increase in fruitfulness and usefulness. And He will answer you, for He is the one that gives the farmer seed to sow.

Now there is another thing God must do in order for us to increase in fruitfulness and usefulness in life. And it is that He must give increase to whatever we plant. In the text I first read to you, Paul says it is God that gives the increase. And that is true. If God does not give increase to whatever we plant, our labour will be fruitless. My prayer is that your labour this year will not be fruitless or a waste of time.

Well, it is important that as we are planting and watering this year, as we are planting and watering the seeds of our skills, hard work, diligence, faithfulness, money, knowledge and so forth, we keep in mind the fact that the one that will give us increase for these things is God Himself. So, we must trust Him for increase in all that we do. As I said before, if He does not give increase to whatever we are doing, it will amount to nothing.

Thankfully, God is willing to give increase to the fruit of our labour, if we will acknowledge Him. In Genesis, chapter 26, we are told of Isaac and of how he wanted to leave for Egypt because of the famine where he was. But then, he received a word from God not to go to Egypt but to stay where he was. Why? God wanted to bless him where he was. So, he stayed in Gerah. I pray that you too will receive from God this year every word you need to stay in the right place. Amen.

At any rate, though Isaac stayed in Gerah, as God had instructed him, he did not stay idle there. He did not fold his arms, waiting for God to bring him the food and whatever else he needed to care for himself and his household. Instead, he gave himself to some legitimate labour – he gave himself to farming. Look at what is said about this:

“Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the Lord blessed him.” (Genesis 26:12NIV)

Did you see that? This man planted something where he was. Otherwise, he would not have reaped anything. But he planted some crops that same year that God had spoken to him. And that same year, as we see in the account, he reaped a hundredfold. Why? It was because the Lord blessed him.
In like manner, I want you too to expect increase on the fruit of your labour this year. That is because you have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus. So, give yourself to planting this year as you have never done. Plant the seed of the word of God, the seed of prayer and the seed of Christian fellowship as you have never done. And God will multiply the harvest for you. You will reap a hundredfold or even a thousandfold of what you plant.

In the same way, plant the seed of money, skills, education, diligence and faithfulness as you have never done before this year. And God, who gives increase to people’s labour, will give increase to the fruit of your labour. All you need is to acknowledge Him and entrust your labour into His hands. Don’t labour on anything without entrusting the results into His hands. Otherwise, everything may just go to waste. I pray that you will not labour in vain this year but will receive a great harvest of everything you plant this same year, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you both now and forevermore. Amen.

Happy new year.

Copyright © 2025 Reality Desk, a ministry of Alaythia Bible Church –This material is the sole property of Reality Desk. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice. Please direct any questions you may have to or call: 08037592851 (WhatsApp Number: 08146472876)