Fire in my Bones Youth for Jesus

He could not handle it | By: J.O. Lawal | Date: March 13, 2024 | Series: Youth for Jesus | Number: Vol. 6, No. 44

“Hazael went to meet Elisha, taking with him as a gift forty camel — loads of all the finest wares of Damascus. He went in and stood before him, and said, “Your son Ben-Hadad king of Aram has sent me to ask, ‘Will I recover from this illness?'” Elisha answered, “Go and say to him, ‘You will certainly recover’; but the LORD has revealed to me that he will in fact die.”” (2Kings 8:9-11NIV)

There are all kinds of Scriptures that point to the fact that God loves to reveal His will to humans and to confide in them about what He is doing or what will happen in the future. He, in fact, invites us to call to Him and that He will answer us and tell us great and unsearchable things we do not know (Jer 33:3).

Nevertheless, we also know from Scriptures and from experience that it is not everything happening in our lives or around us that God reveals to us in advance. For example, when the only son of the Shunamite woman died and she came to Elisha to protest about it, the man of God said this to Gehazi, who had wanted to drive her away: “…Leave her alone! She is in bitter distress, but the LORD has hidden it from me and has not told me why.” (2Kings 4:27NIV)

Did you see that? Even though Elisha was an acclaimed prophet of God, there was things that God would not reveal to him. The death of that woman’s son was one of them. And not only did God not reveal to him that the boy was going to die young, He also did not tell him why He would not reveal it to him.

Well, the simple reason God would not reveal these things to him was that he could not handle His revelations about them. See, the fact that someone is a prophet does not mean that he can handle every revelation God gives to him. A true prophet of God can misrepresent God’s revelation or misapply it. And that may not be because he wants to deliberately do so but because he is ignorant of God’s purpose in revealing to him whatever he has revealed to him.

Our Lord Jesus, just before He went to the cross, said this to His disciples: “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear.” (John 16:12NIV) Did you see that? Even though the Lord was addressing His mighty apostles here, apostles that had ministered with Him for some years and had been used by God for many great things, He still made it clear to them that it was not everything He had in mind to tell them that they could bear. They, then, would have to wait until they received the Holy Spirit, who would progressively guide them into all truth, before they could know all that He intended to tell them (John 16:13).

In like manner, even if God has it in mind to show us something, He may still choose not to show us, if He is certain that we cannot handle it. So, if we are praying to Him to reveal certain things to us about a matter and He is not showing us anything, it may just be that we cannot handle what He is going to show us.

For instance, as we see in our opening text, when King Ben-Hadad wanted to find out from God through Elisha whether he was going to recover for his illness, the prophet told Hazael, the army general he had sent to him, that he should tell him that he would recover. But he also went on to tell Hazael that God had revealed to him that he would not recover.

Why, then, did he tell him not to disclose the truth to his master? Was it God that told him to say that? We don’t have any express answer to that question in the account. But it is safe to assume that Elisha told him to say that so that Ben-Hadad would not rush to select his successor, who would most likely be one of his sons.

And was anything wrong with that? No! However, according to the revelation given to Elisha, God had not chosen any of Beh-Hadad’s sons to be king after him. Instead, He had chosen Hazael, his army commander, to be his successor. It is possible, then, that he may hurry to choose a different successor for himself, if he got to know that he was going to die and not live. (Cf. 2Kings 8:13)

The question, then, is this: Supposing Ben-Hadad chose someone else as his successor instead of Hazael, would that have stopped God’s word from being fulfilled? No! As we see in the bible, even though King Saul did all he could to put his son, Jonathan, on the throne instead of David, the man anointed by God as his successor, he still failed. And the word of God came to pass.

So, even if Ben-Hadad had chosen someone else as king in Hazael’s place, God would still have put Hazael on the throne at the right time. Unfortunately, even though it is hard to say whether Elisha said too much to Hazael about the matter or not, the man could not handle the revelation given to him, the revelation that his master would die and that he would be king after him. How do we know that? We know because the account further shows us that he would not wait for his master to die peacefully in his bed. Instead, he assassinated him and announced himself to be king after his death. (Cf. 2Kings 8:14-15)

Therefore, even though this man became king as God had said, he did not become king according to His plans. So, he will surely stand someday before God’s throne to answer for his crime. But what if he had not been given a revelation of what was going to happen, would he have foolishly interfered with God’s plans the way he had done? No!

So, anytime God chooses not to reveal certain things to us, it is for our good. It is so that we will not, like Hazael or Rebekah, unduly interfere with His plans and mess things up for ourselves and others. We will do well, then, to accept and respect His decision to reveal or not to reveal certain things to us, instead of trying to pressure Him to reveal to us what we cannot handle. The consequences of acting like that will surely not be palatable for us to deal with. So, let us watch ourselves.

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3 replies on “He could not handle it | By: J.O. Lawal | Date: March 13, 2024 | Series: Youth for Jesus | Number: Vol. 6, No. 44”

We are to accept and respect God’s decision to reveal or not to reveal some certain things to us. His doings are always for our good

It’s is not all prophet that can handle God’s revelations and that’s one of the reasons God will not reveal some things to them.

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