“And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” (Heb 11:6NIV)
What does our opening bible text say about those who come to God? First, it says that anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists. That is where to start from. If you are coming to God, you must agree that He exists, that He is a real person and not a myth. Otherwise, you may never receive anything special from Him or experience His power in any tangible way.
This, unfortunately, is what sceptics don’t understand. They think that when they come into a church meeting or any meeting of God’s people, God should prove Himself or His existence to them in some spectacular way, so that they may believe in Him. But there are already enough things in nature to prove the existence and power of God to mankind. And if anyone chooses to ignore what these things are saying about Him, He is not under any obligation to show His power to them in any special way. (Cf. Rom 1:20)
Now I do not mean that God cannot reveal Himself in some special way to a sceptic, to one who doubts His existence. He can. And there are times that He does just that. But when He chooses not to do so, there is nothing the unbelieving one can do about it. The person will just have to accept whatever knowledge of God that is available to them or continue to suffer and perish in their unbelief.
The second thing we are told about those who come to God in our opening text is that they must believe that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him. So, it is not enough to believe in God’s existence; it is equally important to believe that He rewards those who are serious and intense in seeking Him.
This, then, shows me why many of us who claim to believe in God don’t receive much from Him. We do don’t show enough earnestness or seriousness in seeking His face for whatever we want. So, we don’t receive from Him as we should be receiving. As that bible text shows us, if we are earnest or serious in our desire to know God, He will not disappoint us but make Himself known to us. In like manner, if we are earnest, serious or intense in our desire to receive anything from God, He will not disappoint us but reward our seriousness.
For example, the bible shares with us the story of a woman who had suffered from bleeding for twelve years and how she received her healing from Jesus. As the account goes, it was not Jesus that looked for this woman; rather, she was the one that looked for Him. She had heard about Him and how He was healing every manner of sickness and disease and of how the power of God used to be present with Him everywhere He went. And that made her believe that she too could be healed by Him. (Cf. Mark 5:25-29)
But this woman did not sit down where she was, hoping that Jesus would one day find her and heal her. If she had done that, she may never have been healed by the Lord. Instead, she told herself that she would look for Jesus and do all that she could to touch His clothes. Why would she want to touch His clothes? Well, she believed that if she could just touch His clothes, she would be healed. And that was exactly what happened. She was healed the moment she touched the clothes of Jesus.
Now was it easy for her to locate Jesus? No! Jesus was constantly on the move at the time – He had no permanent residence. And there were no local news agencies at the time that were announcing His itineraries. So, she had to first put her ears to the ground in order to know where the Lord would be. Then, even though she was in serious and constant pains, she also had to travel to wherever Jesus was going to be and look for Him.
Also, having located where Jesus was, she had to be ready to force her way to touch His clothes, seeing that there was no guarantee that He would be alone there. And that was probably the hardest part of what she had to do. Why? The reason was that her bleeding had made her ceremonially unclean. So she was not supposed to be appearing in public places, not to talk of shaking hands with people or touching them. Otherwise, she would make anyone she touched unclean and that could earn her a death penalty among a crowd. (Cf. Lev 15:19-27)
Nevertheless, this woman did all these things in order to touch Jesus’ clothes. Why? She was serious about receiving healing from Him. And because she was serious about her healing, even though there were all kinds of people touching Jesus that day, it was only her touch that drew the power for healing and deliverance out of Him. So, she was instantly healed of her malady and also received a word of wholeness from the Lord to seal her healing.
What is the point of all this? It is that God rewards seriousness. He rewards those who are serious in praying to Him. He rewards those who are serious in seeking to know His will. And He rewards those who are serious in receiving His provisions for them.
So, if you and I want to be constantly receiving from Him and witnessing His power and glory in our lives, we must not be cold, sluggish or uncertain about what we want in relating to Him. Instead, we must always be serious and intense in all our dealings with Him. That way, there is nothing that He has made available for us to receive and enjoy that our faith will not be able to claim.
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One reply on “He rewards seriousness | By: J.O. Lawal | Date: April 10, 2024 | Series: Youth for Jesus | Number: Vol. 6, No. 48”
God rewards seriousness. He rewards those who are serious in praying to Him. He rewards those who are serious in seeking to know His will. And He rewards those who are serious in receiving His provisions for them.