Fire in my Bones Youth for Jesus

Pay attention | By: J.O. Lawal | Date: May 29, 2024 | Series: Youth for Jesus | Number: Vol. 7, No. 3

“In an attempt to escape from the ship, the sailors let the lifeboat down into the sea, pretending they were going to lower some anchors from the bow. Then Paul said to the centurion and the soldiers, “Unless these men stay with the ship, you cannot be saved.” So the soldiers cut the ropes that held the lifeboat and let it fall away.” (Acts 27:30-32NIV)

Why did the sailors mentioned in our open bible text want to abandon the people with them and run away? It was because they were selfish. Yes, as the account goes, their lives and the lives of all the people on board with them had been in danger for days. And that was because their ship had been caught by a terrible storm that was bent on destroying all of them. But the reason they found themselves in that mess in the first place was that they would not listen to Paul before they started the journey. (Cf. Acts 27:9-20)

As the account also shows us, Paul had warned these sailors not to embark on that journey at the time they did because he perceived that it was going to be dangerous for all of them. But they did not listen to him. Not only that, they assured others that they knew what they were doing. So, majority of the people travelling with them agreed that they should proceed. And that was what exposed the lives of all of them to danger.

Nevertheless, because they had Paul on board, a man of God who was praying for everyone’s safety, God showed them mercy, sent an angel to him to assure them that none of them would lose their life. And he did assure them that they would not lose their lives, for God was going to save them. Not only that, he comforted them and encouraged every one of them to eat. (Cf. Acts 27:21-23)

But then, instead for the sailors, who put them in trouble in the first place, to remain steadfast and focus on bringing everyone to a shore of safety, all they could think of was using trick to abandon the people out there in the open sea and escape. Wasn’t that wicked and irresponsible of them? It was! But that is something that is often seen among leaders, even in the home. They will be the ones that will cause trouble for everyone. Yet they will be the first to be looking for a way to run away and leave their people to sort themselves out.

See, any leader can make mistakes. Yes, the best of leaders can make mistakes. And that is because no human being is perfect in knowledge – only God is. But if you make a mistake that has exposed others to trouble, admit it, seek God’s face for help and also do whatever is in your power to do to save those that you have compromised their safety or progress. That way, you will always have their respect and appreciation.

But if, as a leader, you abandon your people to destruction, you may never again have their blessings or approval, even if you are not the one directly responsible for their ordeals. So, if you are not ready to stay with people from start to finish, regardless of what they may possibly face on the way to their destination, don’t offer to lead them or push yourself forward as their leader. You are not fit to lead. Just admit it and take your low position.

In any case, there is a very important lesson from our opening text that we must not miss. And it is that we must always pay attention to what those with us or around us doing. That way, we can tell if it is something that will compromise our safety or progress or not. If Paul had not been paying attention to what the sailors were whispering among themselves and to their body language, he would not have been able to tell that they were planning to abandon all of them out in the open sea. But because he was paying attention, he was able to expose them and foil their wicked plot.

Now why was Paul able to pay attention in that manner and save everybody on board? Even the soldiers on board were not paying attention the way he was. He was able to do so because he did not allow himself to be consumed by their current challenges. Yes, it was a dark time for all of them. But he did not allow the darkness of the moment to consume him. That was why he was able to pray. It was also why he was able to pay attention to what everyone was doing and expose the plot of the wicked.

In like manner, we too must learn to pay attention to what is happening around us, regardless of how dark or chaotic the moment may be. Yes, we must be praying for God’s protection all the time. But we must also be watchful. Paul did not just save everyone on that ship through his prayers but also through his attentiveness, his watchfulness. And we too may not be able to save ourselves and others in some situations through prayers alone, if we are not watchful or attentive.

So, regardless of what we are confronted with, we must never allow ourselves to be so consumed by what is happening that we won’t be able to think clearly and pray to God and also pay attention to what those with us or around us are doing. Otherwise, we may just end up needlessly becoming victims of people’s selfishness, jealousy, wickedness or foolishness.

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