Beloved: grace, mercy and peace be yours from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord. It is with great delight that I welcome you to the second week of the month of September 2024. My prayer is that your heart will be strengthened now and always to desire for yourself what God desires for you and to also discipline yourself to go for it. Amen.
One of the things we are consistently shown in Scriptures is that it is not enough for God to want us to have something; we too must also want to have whatever He wants us to have. Not only that, we must as well be ready to do whatever He wants us to do in order to have whatever He wants us to have. Otherwise, unless we are shown mercy, we will not have what He wants to have.
All this, of course, is why God say this to us through Isaiah: ““If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land…” (Isa 1:19NIV) From what God says here, what does He want us to have? It is the best of the place we are dwelling. And we must understand that He is not talking here about the best the place we are living in is currently dishing out to us. That is because the best the place we are living in is dishing out to us at the moment may not be good enough for us or for our families. But the best God has deposited in the place for us, which may not be visible to anybody yet, will always be more than good enough for us.
How, then, are we to access the best God has planted in our land for our good? First, as He shows us through Isaiah, we must be willing to have it. In other words, we must not be ready to settle down or be satisfied with anything that is less than His best for us. This, of course, is not to say that we are not to be thankful for what God has already given to us or done for us. We must always be thankful to God for everything He has done for us and is also doing in our lives. But as we are giving thanks to Him for what we are enjoying from His hands, we must also be moving forward to take hold of every other good thing He wants us to have. Otherwise, we will end up living lives that are inferior in quality to the kind He wants us to live.
Look at what is said in Scriptures about Joshua towards the end of his life: “When Joshua was old and well advanced in years, the LORD said to him, “You are very old, and there are still very large areas of land to be taken over.”” (Josh 13:1NIV) Did you see that? Even when Joshua had become very old, God still had very large areas of land for him to take over. That means he had not yet fully experienced the best God wanted to him have at the time. Sadly, his body had become too weak at the time to still take hold all of the things God wanted him to have. What a shame!
So, till our old age, God will always open our eyes to see His good provisions for us. And how beautiful will it be, if we are able to take and enjoy all of them? Well, one way for that to happen is for us to be willing and eager to have all of them. Otherwise, like Joshua, it is when we have become old and our bodies have become too weak to run around that we will be seeing all that we could have received and enjoyed from God’s hands. But it may have become too late by then. I pray that it will never become too late for you to realise God’s best for you and go for it. Amen.
The second thing God says we must do in order to enjoy the best He has for us in our land is to be obedient. In other words, we must give ourselves to following His instructions on how to take over and enjoy His best for us. Otherwise, even if we are willing to have His best, we will still not be able to access and enjoy it. And even if we access His best for us by following our own ways, whatever we receive in this manner can only introduce corruption into our lives. Therefore, we will end up not enjoying it the way we are supposed to enjoy it.
Now my prayer is that you will not only receive God’s best for you in this country, in spite of the situation of the country, but also enjoy it to the full. But you must be willing to receive and enjoy it and also obedient to all of God’s instructions to you.
Have a lovely week.
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