FROM PASTOR'S DESK 2022 Pastor's Desk

Do not put your trust in them | From Pastor’s Desk | Vol. 11, No. 10 | Pst. J.O. Lawal

In recent times, there have been much talks on who should be the next president of this country or who people should vote for. And while it is appropriate for everyone to follow their conscience in this matter, it is equally important that we do not ignore what the word of God tells us about putting our trust in humans. Otherwise, we will not stop being victims of our own choices.

Date: July 10, 2022

Beloved: grace, mercy and peace be yours from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord. I am delighted to welcome you to another week of the month of July 2022. My prayer is that God will keep your heart strengthened and encouraged always to maintain your trust in Him. Amen.

In recent times, there have been much talks on who should be the next president of this country or who people should vote for. And while it is appropriate for everyone to follow their conscience in this matter, it is equally important that we do not ignore what the word of God tells us about putting our trust in humans. Otherwise, we will not stop being victims of our own choices.

Now what does the word of God say about this matter? It says, “Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save.” (Ps 146:3NIV) What is our instruction here? It is not to put our trust in human beings, however influential, righteous or powerful they may appear in our eyes. But why? As the Psalmist puts it, it is because they do not have the power to save us or lift us up.

Yes, they may desire to do us good, save us or lift us up. But desiring to do something is not the same thing as possessing the power to do it, even in the face of opposition. Only God possesses the power to do whatever He purposes to do, against all odds. And if He does not empower man to do what he purposes in his heart, however good it may be, his desires, purposes and efforts can only amount to nothing (Ps 127:1-2; Prov 19:21). So, we must not rest our hope for a better life or a better nation in any human being but in God. That is because if God does not aid them, all their promises and good intentions towards making life better for us can only fail.

Another reason we must not put our trust in men is that they are dynamic. In other words, they can change. And this change can either be for good or for evil, for better or for worse. So, even if God has chosen someone to do certain good things for us, they may still end up not doing them. They may, at some point, temporarily or permanently turn away from the will of God to do their own thing.

For example, the bible makes it clear that Jeroboam, the first king of the northern nation of Israel, was God’s choice. He was anointed by God to rule over His people, comfort them and lead them in true devotion to Him. But this man, having settled down as king, did not pursue the will of God for himself or for the people at all. Instead, he permanently turned away from serving Him to worshipping some other gods, gods of his own making. And he also led the people to do the same thing. (Cf. 1Kings 11-14)

Now did that surprise God? No! Such things don’t surprise Him. That is because He knows that we are dynamic. He knows that He created us to be able to change. And whether our change is for something positive or negative, He is up to the task of dealing with it. We, however, are often not prepared to deal with such changes in men. So, when they change and fail us, we become clueless and lose ourselves to whatever ugly circumstances their change brings upon us. And that is one of the reasons our country is where it is today.

In any case, God is speaking to us again and telling us not to put our trust in men but in Him, as we approach another election season. That is because He does not change in faithfulness (2Tim 2:13). So, we can always rely on Him to do good to us, even if men fail to do so. Not only that, He also possesses the power to heal our land and lift us out of our mud of shame and plant us on a solid rock.

And look at what this Psalmist further tells us about Him:

“Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD his God, the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them — the LORD, who remains faithful forever. He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry. The LORD sets prisoners free, the LORD gives sight to the blind, the LORD lifts up those who are bowed down, the LORD loves the righteous. The LORD watches over the alien and sustains the fatherless and the widow, but he frustrates the ways of the wicked.” (Ps 146:5-9NIV)

My prayer is that these things and even much more will be our experience all across the nation in the coming months and years, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Have a glorious week.

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