Beloved: grace, mercy and peace be yours abundantly from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Saviour. I am delighted to welcome you to this new week, which is the transition week between the months of June and July of this year. And I pray that your heart will continually be strengthened to remain strong in doing the will of God, regardless of the circumstances in which you may find yourself in this life. Amen.
Evidently, these are difficult times for many all around the world. Yes, these are difficult times for many to take care of themselves, their families, or their affairs in righteousness and with the integrity of heart. And that is because of the increase in wickedness, deception, and apathy towards God among men. But should we be surprised or alarmed because of these things? No! And that is because the word of God already makes it very clear to us that the last days of men here on earth will be difficult days. His word already shows us that these days will be days in which all forms of evil will be on the increase, and all the laws and programmes that we have put in place to protect us or make life easy for us will not be able to keep things from falling apart. (Cf. Matt 24:12; 2Tim 3:1-5)
Consider for yourself the rate at which sexual immorality, rape, murder, kidnapping, terrorism, looting of public funds, homosexuality, transvestism, rebellion against authority, religious deception and all other forms of evil are increasing these days. Is it not terribly alarming? Also, consider the rate at which all kinds of incurable sicknesses and diseases are breaking out among men everywhere and the rate at which people, both young and old, are running mad or taking their lives. Isn’t it disturbing? I read recently from one of the dailies of how a young man murdered his wife in cold blood because he felt she was involved in some extra-marital affairs. And after stabbing the woman severally to the point of death, he too took some insecticide and killed himself with it.
Now that was really bad, right? But the truth is that there are worse things happening everyday all around the world, our world. And for the most past, even the best of our governments, constitutions and programmes have been unable to tame them. That is beside the fact that there are governments that encourage and feed some of these horrible things to grow through their laws and policies. Therefore, many righteous and upright people are being tormented and pressured everyday to give up on righteous living, just as Lot was tortured to give up on righteous living in Sodom because of the things he saw and heard (2Pet 2:7-8).
To say the fact, only God can really speak of the number of those who have already given up. Some of us may be able point to certain individuals who used to stand for righteousness but who have now surrendered to adultery, prostitution, sorcery, homosexuality, greed or some of these corrupt and wicked practices. Perhaps you too are on the verge of giving up to certain evil desires that are warring seriously against your soul and tormenting you everyday. Well, I want you to know that you don’t have to do so. If you did so, it would not be because you couldn’t have walked in victory over those evil desires; rather, it would be because you would not take advantage of God’s strength and boldness to do the right thing.
The bible says, “If you fail under pressure, your strength is too small.” (Prov 24:10) Did you see that? It is inadequate strength of heart that makes people yield to destructive practices. But those of us who have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ can always receive whatever degree of inner strength we need to say ‘No’ to evil and ‘Yes’ to righteousness, anyday and anytime. Look again at what the bible says: “Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” (Isa 40:30-31NIV)
Did you see that? Strength of heart or of character has nothing to do with youthfulness. In other words, there are situations in life in which your muscles won’t be able to keep you from growing tired and weary or from stumbling and falling. But if your trust is in the Lord, if the Lord is the one you are counting on for strength, then, regardless of what circumstances you are faced with or how much pressure is on you to go the wrong way, He will supply you with the strength you need to stand firm. And as long as you are trusting Him, He will see to it that your strength is renewed everyday to face life and whatever it brings with it. That means you will go from strength to strength every new day, soaring over all trials of life like eagles and never becoming tired or weary.
So, my friend, don’t trow in the towel at all or yield yourself to those evil forces that are pulling you on all sides and trying to make a mess of your life and your faith. Instead, learn to draw from the Lord whatever measure of strength or boldness you need to walk in victory over these things everyday and every moment (Heb 4:16). And you will never be disappointed or disgraced but will receive a rich welcome into God’s eternal kingdom, when all has been said and done.
Do have a very pleasant week.
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By: J.O. Lawal | Date: June 28, 2020 | Series: From Pastor’s Desk | Number: Vol. 9, No. 8