Date: August 09, 2023|Series: Youth for Jesus|Number: Vol. 6, No. 13
“So Ahab summoned Obadiah, who was in charge of the palace. (Obadiah was a devoted follower of the LORD. Once when Jezebel had tried to kill all the LORD’s prophets, Obadiah had hidden 100 of them in two caves. He put fifty prophets in each cave and supplied them with food and water.)” (1Kings 18:3-5NIV)
The bible is full of shocking or hard-to-believe revelations and reports. And one of them is that of a man called Obadiah. Now this Obadiah was not the popular Prophet Obadiah, whose book we have in the bible. On the contrary, as we see in our opening bible verses, he was the palace administrator of King Ahab.
Who, then, was Ahab? Ahab was a well-known figure to bible readers. And that is because he was one of the most wicked kings that the nation of Israel had before they were exiled. Not only was he wicked, he also married a very wicked woman, a witch, if you would agree, called Jezebel. And this Jezebel was so wicked, ruthless and godless that even the great Prophet Elijah trembled at her threats. (Cf. 1Kings 19:1-3)
Now here is what the bible says about the two of them: “There was never a man like Ahab, who sold himself to do evil in the eyes of the LORD, urged on by Jezebel his wife. He behaved in the vilest manner by going after idols, like the Amorites the LORD drove out before Israel.” (1Kings 21:25-26NIV)
Did you see that? Ahab and his woman, Jezebel, were monsters, as far as God was concerned. You can, then, imagine how hazardous living with them or working for them would look like.Yet, as we see in our opening bible text, Obadiah, who happened to be their palace administrator, was a devout worshipper of God. That sounds quite implausible, or what do you think? How could a man who worked every day and so close to these evil people be a godly man? Was that even a possibility? Yet the bible says that he was not just a godly man but also a devout worshipper of God.
That means he was radically committed to worshipping God. Then, to make us understand how devoted to God this man was, we are told of how he saved and protected 100 true prophets of God from his wicked mistress, Jezebel. Not only that, he provided them with food and water throughout the period that they were hidden away from the reach of the witch. That, evidently, was something that could have cost him his head. Yet he did it. His devotion to God, then, could not have been a joke at all.
But how did he survive among these godless people? How did he not lose his faith or life among them? We are not given any clue in the account. But we do know from Scriptures that anyone who will survive like that among cruel, wicked and godless people must take God and His word seriously. In other words, such a person will first give himself to studying and meditating on God’s word. Second, he will be determined to act on what he knows to be the will of God. Third, he will, through prayers and thanksgiving, be dependent on God for the wisdom, favour, strength, boldness and protection needed to do His will. Otherwise, he would be crushed or polluted by the wickedness where he is.Now since Obadiah was neither crushed nor polluted by the wickedness in Ahab’s palace, it must mean that he was highly blessed by God with wisdom, favour, strength, courage and protection to survive there.
So, in case your excuse for turning away from God or from doing his will is that you are living with Ahab and Jezebel, remember that you will not be the first or the last person to live with them. Obadiah lived with them and survived. And that was because he trusted God and was determined to live to please Him.
If you too will begin to trust Him and be determined to do His will, He will make you survive around them.Then you must also never forget this: that someone is living and working with Satan does not mean that he is another Satan.
Often, we assume that those who work under or with cruel and godless people must be cruel and godless themselves. But it is not always so. Life’s circumstances that we may never understand may place someone right under the leadership of a wicked soul or in their house. That, however, does not mean them they are not different. They may just be different. And if we allow sentiments to make us assume the worst of them, we may miss whatever good thing God may have done for us through them or the opportunity to be used by God to encourage them or lift them out of trouble.
So, next time who want to judge someone on the basis of the evil character of the people around them or in their lives, remember that they may just be an exception, another Obadiah. You will do well, then, to first study to know who they really are. That way, you will not jump into hasty conclusions about them and condemn the innocent.