“You will live by your sword, and you will serve your brother. But when you decide to break free, you will shake his yoke from your neck.”” (Gen 27:40NLT)
Those were Isaac’s words to Esau, when he was earnestly seeking to be blessed by him. As the story goes, it was actually Esau that Isaac had wanted to give the Abrahamic blessing to. And he wanted to give it to him because of he was his firstborn and also because he loved very much, more than his brother Jacob.
But Rebekah, the mother of both of these young men, wanted the blessing for Jacob and not Esau. And that was also because she loved him very much, more than his brother Esau. So, she stepped into the situation, taught Jacob what to do to steal that blessing and also gave him all the support he needed to succeed in doing so. (Cf. Gen 27:1-29)
Now did Jacob succeed in taking his brother’s blessing or not? He did. In fact, he was so successful in doing so that when Esau came back and began to plead with their father to give him a blessing too, even if it was a left-over blessing, his response was, “I have made Jacob your master and have declared that all his brothers will be his servants. I have guaranteed him an abundance of grain and wine—what is left for me to give you, my son?” (Gen 27:37NLT)
Did you see that? How did Isaac make Jacob Esau’s master? By words of mouth! So, words are powerful. Through words we can make slaves of men. Through words we can also make masters of men. Therefore, we, especially those of us in position of authority over others, must be careful how we use our words. Otherwise, even on the basis of deceit, we can elevate people to great positions in life or bring them down to the lowest of positions in life.
Through words, Isaac put the entire generation of Esau under Jacob. And even though he was deceived to do so, it did not change the fact regardless of how hard Esau and his descendants worked, how high they rose in life or how wealthy they became, they would always behind and under Jacob. What a sad story!
Unfortunately, there are many all around the world that are operating under circumstances similar to Esau’s today. They too have been perpetually placed under the control of some people or made inferior to some people in life, just because certain individuals that they may not even know at all spoke some words of power years or centuries ago. So, it does not matter how hard they labour or try to excel in life, they will never rise above those placed over them. Then, if those placed over them will not do well in life, for one reason or another, they too will not be able to do well in life under natural circumstances.
You can now see why the people in a certain place may never rise above certain individuals there, regardless of how hardworking, wealthy, influential or educated they may be. You can also see why the people in some households or families may never rise above certain family members under normal or natural circumstances, regardless of how hardworking, wealthy, influential or educated they may be. They have been placed under some limitations in the realm of the spirit. And unless those limitations are removed or destroyed, things will never change.
How, then, can such people be set free to be all that God wants them to be and do all that He wants them to do in life? The very first step towards their freedom is recognizing that they are operating under some powerful spiritual limitations. If they do not recognize this, they will not see any need to escape from such limitations. How, then, can anyone know if they are operating under a spiritual limitation, if nobody shares any story along that line with them? It is by divine revelation. So, if you want to know why you are being limited in life, if you sense that you are being limited, ask for divine revelations.
The second step towards breaking free from any spiritual limitation you may be operating under is deciding to break free. As we see in our opening text, even though Isaac had put Esau under Jacob by the word of his of mouth, he still told him that whenever he decided that he had had enough, he himself would break free from his brother’s control. And these words came to pass during the reign of King Jehoram of Judah. (Cf. 2Chro 21:8-10)
In like manner, whenever you decide to break free from whatever spiritual limitations you may be operating under, whenever you decide that enough is enough, you will begin to take steps towards breaking free. And will that automatically make you break free? No! That also depends on the kinds of steps you are taking.
If the steps you are taking are in the natural realm or in the realm of sorcery or divination, you will only make matters worse for yourself. It is only a matter of time. But if the steps you are taking are consistent with the will of God, then, you will indeed break yourself and perhaps others too free from all forms of family or communal limitations you may be operating under.
Now one of such steps that you should take is that of praying. You should begin to pray earnestly that God will destroy every limiting influence over your life, so that you can rise to be all He wants you to be. And He will answer you. Another step you should take is declaring the word of God concerning your life. His word says that you are no longer under the dominion of the devil but now in God’s kingdom (Col 1:13). His word always says that you were not redeemed by Him to be a slave of any man (1Cor 7:23). So, keep boldly saying that you refuse to operate under any satanic limitation, in the name of Jesus. And before you know it, your experiences of growth and advancement in life will begin to change and to conform with God’s purpose for your life.
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