Beloved: grace, mercy and peace be yours from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord. It is with great joy that I welcome you to the second week of the month of December 2024. My prayer is that your heart will be strengthened all the time not to forsake the living God for any other god, regardless of the challenges that may come your way in life, so that you may daily witness awesome manifestations of His power for your good. Amen.
The bible says, “For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him…” (2Chron 16:9NIV) Did you see that? God is continually looking for those that He can manifest His power on their behalf. And what will make Him manifest His power for their salvation, protection or elevation? It is the full devotion of their hearts to Him.
See, if your heart is fully devoted to God, you will take His word, prayer and the fellowship of the brethren seriously. Also, if your heart is fully devoted to God, you will never turn away from Him to any other god for help or assistance. Unfortunately, there are many in the church today who have already turned to sorcery in order to become rich, in order to be healed of their illnesses or in order to be set free from barrenness.
Now such people cannot experience the power of God for their good as they ought to. On the contrary, if are slow to repent, God’s judgment may come upon them and destroy them and all that they have received from the devil or all that they are trying to protect. As we see in the bible, the main reason King Ahaziah died of the injury he had sustained from a fall in his palace was that he went to consult another god instead of the living God. Also, one main reason King Asa died before his time was that he refused to consult God for his healing – he consulted only his physicians. (Cf. 2Kings 1; 2Chro 16)
You can see, then, that those who will not fully devote their hearts to God for whatever they need will most likely lose in two ways. First, they will miss the manifestation of His power of their behalf. Second, they will lose whatever they are trying to keep or save without His help.
So, if there is any way in which your heart is not fully devoted to God, if there is any area of your life in which you are seeking help for yourself from sources apart from God, you had better repent right away. Otherwise, while other people of God are having great testimonies of His goodness to share, you may find yourself wallowing in pains and disgrace. And my prayer is that such will not be your portion, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Have a splendid week.
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One reply on “Let your heart be fully devoted to Him | By: J.O. Lawal | Date: December 08, 2024 | Series: From Pastor’s Desk | Number: Vol. 13, No. 32 lb”
Thanks so much for this article sir, I learnt that I should always make my heart to be devoted to God always, failure to do so, will result to two type of loss, sorting other God’s for help will make one not to receive the solution you need and also end up losing your life.
More knowledge sir.