Pastor's Desk

The nature of God’s judgment

Beloved: grace and peace to you from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord. Welcome to the last week of the month of July 2020. My prayer is that none of the good things that are meant for you in the month will elude you, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Now, as one considers the terrible situation of things in this country, especially in the light of the recent allegations of fraud and corruption against some of our leaders, there is every tendency that he will be moved to ask God to swiftly judge all those who are involved and several others who are making it difficult for the nation to progress. And it is clear from scriptures that God will certainly judge people for all such acts of wickedness, not just at the end of this age but also right here on earth (1Sam 3:13; 1Kings 14:7-11). But those of us who are believers and who are also probably wishing that God will be quick to set things right in the country must also not forget that God does not judge things the way people do.

For instance, as bible points out, even though God is a God of justice, He does not delight in the death or destruction of the sinner. This is why He demonstrates patience with everyone, so that they may come to repentance and not be destroyed in judgment by Him. (Cf. Ezek 18:23&32; 2Pet 3:9) Then, even though God is determined to judge someone for his wickedness, He has His own set time for doing so. We can, therefore, not hurry Him to judge people before the time He has set to do so. In fact, from what we see in Scriptures, there are times that God waits for people’s wickedness to reach a certain limit before He deals with them in judgment. So, the full judgment or punishment for some individuals’ sins may not come on them, when they are alive, but on their descendants after them. (Cf. Gen 15:12-15; Ex 34:7; 2Pet 3:8)

Another thing we need to note about God’s judgment is that it often starts with His people. When there is so much wickedness in the land and we want it jugded, it is always our desire that God will start with those who are obviously wicked, perhaps the cruelest among them. But the bible tells us something different about this. It tells us that God often starts His judgment among His people.

For instance, when God was giving instructions about the judgment of the people of Judah, as Ezekiel records in his book, He said to those He had appointed for the work, “Follow him through the city and kill, without showing pity or compassion. Slaughter old men, young men and maidens, women and children, but do not touch anyone who has the mark. Begin at my sanctuary.” (Ezek 9:5-6NIV) Also, Peter, in his first epistle, says, “For it is time for judgment to begin with the family of God; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?” (1Peter 4:17NIV)

Did you see that? If God wants to set things right in a place, He will start by first dealing with His own people, who ought to know better. Think about it yourself. If He does not first deal with His own people who know the right thing to do but won’t do it, will He have any moral right to deal with those who don’t believe in Him at all and are doing wickedness? No! So, in order to stand just, He must first set His own house right before dealing with those outside it.

Now since that is the case, those of us who are calling on God to judge wickedness in our land should start by first judging ourselves and setting our own lives right before God. Otherwise when the judgment we are calling for starts, it is certain that we will be the first to taste it. So, let us begin to take seriously Paul’s admonitions that say, “But if we judged ourselves in the right way, God would not judge us. But when the Lord judges us, he punishes us so that we will not be destroyed along with the world.” (1Cor 11:31-32NCV)

Do have a great month end.

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By: J.O. Lawal | Date: July 26, 2020 | Series: From Pastor’s Desk | Number: Vol. 9, No. 11

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